dragalialore · 1 year
if all goes well I WILL be working on the notion lore database again
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dragalialore · 2 years
Hello, I had a question about the Draglia Lost archive project. Would it be better to send in each story as a separate email or sending several stories in one?
Whichever works for you! So far I've received the following:
Chapters in single recordings
episodes recorded separately, but in one email
Different chunks of chapters in different emails
For simplicity's sake, it'd probably be easiest to send one email with as many files as you need, but genuinely whatever is easiest--so long as all the data gets to me in the end.
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dragalialore · 2 years
it hasn't even been 12 hours and I'm getting videos already
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dragalialore · 2 years
put together a twitter thread with information about the archival project! feel free to dm me if you have any questions
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dragalialore · 2 years
I'm going to include a mechanic for you to have graphic, pelvis-breaking sex with all of your favorite dragons. it will be imperative to use this mechanic to progress the plot
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dragalialore · 2 years
PLEASE pipple race? spare pipple race for anon?
off the top of my head:
gonna call them vegetants unless I can do a better name
HIGH magical power and reflexes, negative stats for almost everything else
they get a special move where, if they succeed on a roll, they do basically osmosis
they cannot be treated by normal healing magic, but if you bury some of their remains in the soil a new one will pop out after a few days good as new
eating them grants a temporary +1 bonus to all stats
that's right I'm going to motivate you to eat your veggies
it just so happens that the veggies are sentient
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dragalialore · 2 years
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dragalialore · 2 years
here’s a link to my archival document. it’s very much still a work in progress but I’ve marked stories I don’t have access to bc I don’t have the characters so if you’ve got em and you wanna help out leave a comment!
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dragalialore · 2 years
here’s the link: https://www.tiktok.com/@dragalia.archive
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I started a tiktok account to archive as much of the game as possible–link will be in the reblog!
I’ll probably be reaching out shortly for help on recording stories for characters/dragons I don’t have.
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dragalialore · 2 years
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I started a tiktok account to archive as much of the game as possible--link will be in the reblog!
I’ll probably be reaching out shortly for help on recording stories for characters/dragons I don’t have.
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dragalialore · 2 years
my friend helped me figure out the dragon mechanic somewhat! shoutout to @geckoparty for listening to me blabber abt potential mechanics
over the course of any given “misson”/event, dragon points (name pending) are rewarded to the players for narratively interesting/important actions. these points are in a pool for the entire party.
dragon points can be spent in one of two ways: either burn a few to get an advantage on a roll OR burn the max amount (10) to shapeshift into a dragon that is specific to the character doing the shapeshifting.
shapeshifting grants unique stats and moves (depending on the dragon) and does HUGE amounts of damage but lasts for a short amount of time; maybe a maximum of three rounds.
once a character has shapeshifted, they cannot do so again for the rest of the event, though they can help collect dragon points and use them to get advantages on rolls
other mechanics in development:
feats/backgrounds a la dnd that give narrative advantages rather than stat advantages
abyssians as playable characters
playable humanoid dragons with powerful stats but are much more element-dependent than other races
pre-built characters from the game using my stats system
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dragalialore · 2 years
ok, here’s what I got so far
it takes place after a (slightly modified) chapter one; the general idea is alberia has just fallen and become neo dyrenell, and PCs catch wind of a freedom-fighting prince in the mistholt. that’s it. individual decisions of why to join up, whether it’s because the rent is cheap or the convenient location or to fight for the cause is up to players
character creation has base stat blocks dependent on race. each race has something they’re good at. humans are the boring jack-of-all-master-of-none, sylvans have low intimidation bc they have fluffy ears, rokkans have HIGH intimidation bc theyre Bulky but low magic, etc etc. androids are temporarily locked until they are encountered in-story. dragons are also locked until I figure out how to keep them from being super broken
weapon and type classes modify stats. axes lower reflexes for example, and attack roles get a boost in strength while support/healer get boosts in magic
don’t ask me how shapeshifting and dragons work. still figuring that out
a couple types of server events: one is main campaign stuff, which furthers the main “plot” of the prince fighting the dyrenell empire. the other type of event is side story stuff; usually low-stakes missions or adventures focusing on a particular bit of worldbuilding or sideplots, potentially featuring new or old pcs
if an event features old PCs that a couple players are playing those players get to run that particular mission
out of necessity I think alberian royals need to be npcs, at least at first. same with other antagonists (harle, basileus, nedrick, etc). they could be transitioned into PCs later, like they did in-game, but we’ll see
on the more rp-heavy side, plenty of space for people to interact with each other and run scenes, whether it’s in the halidom or elsewhere. it’s not all missions and shit, you can also just kinda kick back and mess around with other peoples characters
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dragalialore · 2 years
if I make a dragalia rp I pledge to make the squishums plot relevant
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dragalialore · 2 years
dragalia rp sounds fun but my only muse is a half baked real redemption arc emile bc i hate how the writers handled some of it 😭
the way I was thinking of setting it up, it'd start post a slightly modified chapter 1 with the attack on rovetelle 🤔 I think considering they're literally ALL antagonists at some point, the alberian royal family would need to be npcs out of necessity but it would be pretty open world from there? like I feel like it'd be best to give people the option to either write for an existing character or create their own w/in the world to give people familiar and unfamiliar with the world a shot
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dragalialore · 2 years
well this fucking sucks : (
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dragalialore · 2 years
i am going to LOSE my MIND (again)
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dragalialore · 2 years
did beren just........... die
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