Best Friends
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A/N: I’m just a drabble writer! Something small and quick to get off my mind and something to share with the fellow fans of the fandom :) I hope you do enjoy! I do not take any requests! Since I drabble on my current obsessions :)
Ignore any grammar mistakes, I got lazy.
Super cliche but you can’t stop me 8D
Best Friends
Kihyun/Reader Word Count: 2700+
Breakups are hard. Especially if since it was a one sided breakup. That's why you're glad to have a best friend to comfort you when you're down in the dumps over some guy who decided to break your heart.
"Thanks Kihyun. I definitely needed someone today. I just don't understand why he decided to do that. Am I not enough?" You groaned and curled into Kihyun's embrace on the loveseat in your apartment. “He just doesn’t see what I see, okay. He’s losing a great woman. His loss.” Kihyun said as he holds you closer.
You and Kihyun are both curled up on the couch binging a show on Netflix together. The one thing you normally do when you’re heartbroken. Also one of the rare times he has to see you when he’s not traveling around the world for his tour and promotions. This was weeks before he had to start Monsta X’s world tour. You loved the days that you both can do nothing but binge a show and relax. He’s an idol. And you’re busy with your work life. 
“Screw him. All I need is you, Kihyun. Plus you’re leaving me for like three months, how could you. I need to have all my Kiki time I can get before I won’t see your face for so long. How am I going to even last.” You whined and hold him tighter. You felt him laughing. “You should come to one of the shows then. You already went to the first show, why not the last US show? Cause I’ll miss your face too.” He said while playing with the ends of your hair. “If I got the time, I will. But otherwise you need to keep messaging me every day and send what you’re eating cause no matter what I’m going to get jealous for going overseas.” You were jealous of Kihyun being able to go everywhere and eat everything.
“Wow, you’re getting jealous of me cause of the food? Woooow.” He threw out an exasperated sigh. “I’m jealous of the food. You’re not going to even miss me.” He pouted. “Nah. Of course I’m going to miss you. But real talk. I’m jealous that you get to eat food. Speaking of food, we should eat something. We’ve potato’d long enough.” You got up from Kihyun’s arms and pulled out your phone.
“Should we order food? Chicken?” 
Kihyun left for his World Tour. You were definitely lonely without your best friend. It’s like a giant void. He does try and keep you updated on where he’s at. You would talk at odd times of the day when you can. He tells you that when they got to Europe, Hyungwon fell sick. He told you everything and sent photos in mass loads when he can. The thing he never forgets is to say, “Good Morning” and “Good Night”. 
What did you deserve to have a Kihyun in your life?
Within the month he was gone, you tried to fill the void he left. Such as going out on dates again. You were still sad about the last break up but life moves on, so do you. 
The new dates never prevailed though. You kept comparing your date to Kihyun. This was one of the longest times he had to leave without coming back. 
After a month of him leaving this time around, you realized. You were in love with your best friend. You fell for the most typical thing. Falling in love with your best friend.
And magically you decided to just book a ticket to Los Angeles, after begging your boss for a week off. You wanted to surprise him by showing up at the concert. You kept in contact with the one person who can hold a secret, Changkyun. He helped you get the concert ticket being as sly as he can be to get a backstage pass for you. 
Changkyun helped you fully realize what your feelings were towards Kihyun. And he fully supported it. Changkyun also kept you updated on Kihyun as well. How he does become sad when he misses you. He talks a lot about you when you both are apart from each other.
The concert day arrived. You arrived at the venue early to meet up with Changkyun before soundcheck. They did rehearsals the day before. After meeting up with Changkyun, he sat you down for a little bit.
“I’m not sure if hyung said anything to you last night. But he fell in rehearsals and fractured his ribs. He probably didn’t say anything to you because he didn’t want to worry you.” Changkyun told you quietly. You stared at him like he had three heads. “.... That idiot. No, he didn’t say anything like that at all to me yesterday.” You sighed. Your heart feeling really heavy with worry.
“Wouldn’t this affect the concert? He shouldn’t be able to perform. He went to the hospital right? Ugh I hope he’s okay. He didn’t even tell me this. What is wrong with him?” You threw one too many questions at Changkyun. He looked a little solemn at the situation. “Well, he insisted to perform sitting down. He is very persistent on this stage. Because it’s the Staples Center. The stage we all wanted to stand on together.” You bit your lip. He wasn’t wrong. If Kihyun didn’t perform on this dream stage, he would regret it for the rest of his life. 
“There will be a doctor on site for the concert, and he’ll be on some strong painkillers at least. But he will have to rest and sit out on the rest of the L.A. schedule.” Changkyun told you. He looked at his phone and stood up. “I need to get going before it too suspicious on me leaving for a long amount of time. The other hyungs besides Kihyun-hyung knows that you’re here. I told them last night. If you have any problems getting in, call me.” Changkyun waved you off and ran off into the venue. 
You debated if you wanted to go in the venue early and scold Kihyun for not telling you that he got hurt. You ended up just sitting there contemplating on what you’re going to do when you see Kihyun in person after 2 and a half months. 
Get mad at him for not telling you that he got hurt?
Confess your feelings for him before the show?
Not see him at all until the concert starts, so he stays focused and not hurt himself even more?
You groaned and laid your head down on the table. You want to see him but you realized you should really wait until after the show to see him. He might see you in the crowd anyways. He knows how to always find you.
With that thought in mind, you decided to go see him anyways. You’re worried that he will over exert himself on his injury. A little scolding doesn’t hurt.
Strolling through security and into the backstage area, you manage to not get too lost on maneuvering around to the backstage area. You’ve seen a few familiar faces but not alot. Eventually you bumped into Jooheon who was playing with his niece Oli. Jooheon’s face lit up and directed you where Kihyun is without disrupting his play time with his niece. 
Your heart felt heavy at the same time fluttering being able to see the best friend you fell in love with. You knocked on the door lightly and waited before hearing a confirmation on the other side.
You peeked your head in, and see that Kihyun was laying down, not in his full stage outfit resting on the couch that was provided. He had his eyes closed but you can see him breathing slowly to reduce the pain from his chest.
“Hey.” You said. And immediately Kihyun whipped his head over towards you with a giant shock. Struggling to get up safely to greet you better, but the pain got the better of him and he groans out, plopping back down on the couch. “Yah. Stay down you idiot. I don’t want you worse before your show. Why didn’t you tell me you hurt yourself?” You said as you pulled up a chair to sit next to him by the couch.
“You didn’t tell me that you were coming.” He pouted. You rolled your eyes at him. “Because it was a surprise. My surprise was getting news of you hurting yourself.” He pouted and looked away. “I just didn’t want you to worry. Granted you would’ve gotten really mad if you learned it from the official post the company is going to post soon.” He said as he looked elsewhere besides your face. Sighing away, you grabbed Kihyun’s hand that rested on his chest and rubbed it softly. A little dry due to the weather, but it’s Kihyun in front of you, still alive.
“Just let me know next time.. You make me worried. I miss you, ya know.” Mindlessly rubbing your fingers on his hand, like your hands are trying to memorize his hands like it’s the last thing on Earth. You didn’t notice that he was staring at you as you started talking again. “I begged my boss for a week off to see you. Be happy about that. I’m happy I’m here to see you but I can’t even hug you after not seeing you for so long cause you’re hurt. All I can do right now is to hold your hand but it’s not enough for me.” You ranted. 
You were definitely in love with Kihyun. 
Never feeling like this before, where you want to cry after seeing someone you love, in pain.
“Don’t just lay there, say something Kihyun…” You pouted and looked up at him and locked eyes with him. His face was definitely pink. You can see a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead. You bit your lip in resistance because of your heart about to burst out of your chest. 
Kihyun opens and closes his mouth a few times and swallowed. His heart felt so full. He can’t form the words to say to Y/N. “I…--” 
Suddenly interrupted by Minhyuk who opened the door abruptly. “Ah! Y/N you’re here! Thank god. Kihyun would not shut up how much he missed you. I kept telling him to tell--” Minhyuk rambled on and Kihyun panicked. “MINHYUK. What is that you need?” Kihyun interrupted his monologue. But also took his hand away from Y/N because he shouldn’t have yelled like that cause the pain just shot up quick. The interruption from Minhyuk quelled down his feelings.
You were a little shocked from the outburst from Kihyun because it was a lot louder than he should have shouted. You glared at him and he gave a small ‘oops’ grin. “Oh what was I here for again? RIGHT. We need to get ready. Show starts in 45 minutes! Gotta finish putting costumes on and we gotta take some pictures and get ready!” Minhyuk said helped Kihyun up from the couch. You helped out as well. 
“I’ll go see the other guys. Go get ready first. I’ll talk to you later.” You waved him off as he gets kidnapped by Minhyuk off to the coordi. 
You got to see Monsta X as a full group and completely dressed. You gave them your luck and told them that you’ll go out with the crowd to watch the stage from the frontal view from the General Standing with the rest of the Monbebes.
As the concert progressed you do see the chair dedicated for Kihyun. And everytime he stood up, you wished you could go on the stage and tell him to sit his injured butt back down. You were pretty sure almost everyone else who saw the message also was like that man needs to sit down. 
You were proud of him though. Withstanding the pain from his chest to show his compassion for the LA show to the Monbebes at the venue and those who were watching on VLive around the world. You definitely could not keep your eyes off of him though. His unit stage, where he literally looked like a boss. His body rolls, that he shouldn’t be doing at all, during Oh My. His high notes during any song. The love in his eyes for Monbebes.
That’s your best friend. On stage being the best he can be for his fans. The one and only Yoo Kihyun. 
Right before the show ended, you went backstage to greet them and congratulate them on a wonderful show before greeting the Monbebes for their event. 
When they all came back, they all had a sad smile because it was their last show for the US tour. They see the end of their concert tour. Of course they were greeted immediately by their makeup crew and coordi. Kihyun was seen by the doctors immediately after the stage, making sure everything is ok with him because he has definitely overexerted himself for sure. After he was attended to. He was to sit down before the hi-touch event. 
Kihyun had waved you over and grabbed your hands as soon as you came within vicinity. Everyone else was prepping for the hi-touch. He looked up at you, since you were standing in front of him. There was a certain look in his eyes that you couldn’t pin down. You looked a little confused, but at the same time, your heart couldn’t stop beating so fast.
“I wanted to tell you something before Minhyuk interrupted before the show.” Kihyun said, then started to mimic the way you were playing with his hands before the show. 
“We’re best friends right?” He asked. You simply nodded. “What happens if I… If I want to be more than that?” He looked straight into your eyes like he was trying to find the answer that question. “I love you, Y/N. Like more than a best friend. These past almost 3 months have been painfully hard for me. I knew in my heart I loved you, I was just in a lot of denial. I missed you too much and nagged the guys to the point they figured out that I like you. ALOT. Soooo… will you do the honors and be my girlfriend?” He whispered to a point no one else around us can hear him but just you. 
You wanted to jump on him and say yes. You had to soak all of that in. Yoo Kihyun confessed first. He asked first. You opened your mouth but your words couldn’t come out. He looked slightly worried since you haven’t moved or said anything in a disturbing amount of time. “Are you breathing, Y/N?” He questioned your state. “Yes.” That’s all you can manage out of your mouth at that moment. “On both.”
“I like like you too, Kihyun. I love you more than a best friend.. It took me those months as well to figure out that I liked you a lot as well.” You whispered to him as well. You can feel your face burn up quickly into a blush. You looked away from his face but he just moves with you to see your reaction. And all you can see is Kihyun’s big grin and pink ears from his sudden confession. His hands gripped a little harder.
“Wow can’t believe we both fell for the best friend trope.” Kihyun remarked. “I’d kiss you right now but that’s not a good idea.” He grinned. “Of course it isn’t a good idea. We’re surrounded by too many people.” You told him while swinging his arms gently back and forth. 
“Also Kiki. Do Monbebes, me, and a doctor a favor. And sit your ass down more often. You know many times I’ve heard, ‘Kihyun, sit your ass back down’ at the concert. Too many. But otherwise, you did wonderful. I love the show. It was amazing, even if you messed up a little bit.” You told him and stuck your tongue out at the end of your little rant. He gave you a little face. "Don't remind me. Everyone else has laughed at me for it." Kihyun whined. "But what are best friends for?" You remarked and winked back.
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Needy (semi-nsfw)
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A/N: I’m just a drabble writer! Something small and quick to get off my mind and something to share with the fellow fans of the fandom :) I hope you do enjoy! I do not take any requests! Since I drabble on my current obsessions :)
Ignore any grammar mistakes, I got lazy.
Shownu x reader
You are in the ‘I'm going to spend countless hours on youtube’ mode. That normally means sprawled out on the bed hugging your body pillow as you sink into the countless hours of video watching.
Currently watching random videos of your boyfriend, Shownu, that fans have captured during these events. Youtube autoplays to the video, Side to Side, with Shownu, Jooheon, and Youjong. This video has always gotten you good. The constant replays of this specific video of you just focused on Shownu's dancing. The way his hips move for every beat of the song. The way his arms glistened in sweat under the city's heat. It doesn't help when he is also wearing a tank top that accentuates the curves of his biceps.
Jooheon and Youjong look great as well but your focus only went straight to Shownu when he went on screen.
The way Shownu stared into the camera while doing his moves that synced from frame to frame, really got you hot and bothered. Doesn't help that youtube autoplays to videos of fancams and and photos with Shownu and Jooheon doing Versace on the Floor. A whole new problem for you and your thirst for your handsome teddy bear.
The way his leather pants tightened around his thighs nicely. The choreography was definitely no help on this situation. You rubbed your thighs together trying to quell down your excitement to see your boyfriend when he gets home.
Minutes or even hours, you've lost track at this point of the night, has passed by and you finally hear the click of your apartment door opening in the background, you were still entranced by the many countless fancams of Versace on the Floor. Watching every movement Shownu made and mouthing the lyrics that he and Jooheon sung together.
“Jagi~ya. What are you doing?” Shownu asked as he sees you from the bedroom door, with your legs wrapped around the body pillow and hugging the pillow itself. You left the video on play as you heard him ask you the question. “Being all hot and bothered because of you.” As you say that rolling with the pillow to see your boyfriend getting undressed to settle in for the night. You crawl out of your position and waited till Shownu sat down on the bed. Pouting as you watch him flit across the room preparing for some type of cuddle session with you.
He sits down at the edge of the edge of the bed and you immediately just cling on to his back.  “Someone's needy today.” He mutters as he takes his hands and pulls you closer by pulling your arms. You start kissing down his neck, hoping he'll get the message. “I missed you. Have you been taking care of yourself?” You ask him as you still smother his neck with kisses. You hear him groan when you decided to mark his neck a little bit more. “Yah, but have you? Seems like someone needs a lot of attention today.” He says as he starts to turn his body towards you. You immediately took this opportunity to climb onto his legs and straddle one of his thighs. “I need some help. Do you think you can help me?” You said with a small little pout and started to grind your needy parts against his thigh. Moaning quietly as you gripped against his shirt tightly, you looked up and the sudden realization in his eyes of what you really needed. Feeling his hands caress down your sides to the curve of your butt and squeezes it tightly.
“Let me help you today."
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Monsta X drabbles
A/N: I’m just a drabble writer! Something small and quick to get off my mind and something to share with the fellow fans of the fandom :) I hope you do enjoy! I do not take any requests! Since I drabble on my current obsessions :)
Ignore on any spelling/sentence structure, I don’t feel like proofreading on my drabbles 😅
Minhyuk (Monsta X)/reader
Waiting in the cold with your cold fingers trying to find warmth in the pockets of your large coat but failing even if you're clutching your hands together into fists. Your date with Minhyuk is now currently making you wait outside of the train station and he's running a little bit late.
You breathe out and you can see the small cloud puff out in front of you. You casually snuggle closer into the scarf Minhyuk bought you on your third date that was in the winter time as well, sometime last year. “Where is he? I'm so cold. My fingers are freezing.” You whined and started moving your legs a little bit more to try and warm yourself up.
A few minutes later you see a poof ball of hair bouncing up and down through the crowds on the sidewalk. He waves at you from afar and you just stare at him, but also really happy he finally arrived.
“Sorry I'm late! I thought you would be really cold. I'm sorry for making you stand out here.” He pouts and frowns at you. He grabs your hands that were stuffed into the jacket. Still clenching for warmth.
“I saw this on the way here and I thought it would be pretty useful today! Cause your hands do get cold easily.” He lets go of your hands and digs into his jacket and pulling out mittens in a blue color. The smaller mittens were for sure for your hands but you only received one of the pair. You watch Minhyuk put his hand in the other pair and guides your hand without a glove on shoves it in his coat pocket, lacing his fingers with yours. “Sometimes gloves alone won't do the trick for you. So thought this is better so our hands are both covered and I still get to hold your hand to keep you warm.” He says and grips onto your cold hand in his pocket. “This is embarrassing…” you shift your eyes and also move your head sideways to hide the oncoming blush of embarrassment but you enjoy his cheesy advancements.
He brings his joined hand together with yours to his face and rubs the side with your hand. “Can I say how beautiful you look with that blush on your face? Can you say I'm s’mitten’ because of you?” His super cheesy jokes as he stares into your eyes with all seriousness in his posture. 
“YAH. Don't say that! That's so embarrassing, aaah. Why did I fall in love with you?” You questioned but continues to tighten your grip on his. “But your hands are warm.” You mutter under your breath and started the date with hands clasped together.
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Happy (drabble)
Monsta X drabbles
A/N: I'm just a drabble writer! Something small and quick to get off my mind and something to share with the fellow fans of the fandom :) I hope you do enjoy! I do not take any requests! Since I drabble on my current obsessions :)
Ignore on any spelling/sentence structure, I don't feel like proofreading on my drabbles 😅
Shownu x reader
(I use both names; Shownu + Hyunwoo)
You get home from your shift at the local cafe, completely exhausted and all you want to do is just plop down on the couch and binge watch your favorite show. You also tend to skip dinners if you come home from a closing shift, which isn't good but it's been a bad habit you picked up.
You walk into the apartment you currently reside in and you see that someone is already occupying the couch. Puts you into a grouchy mood but you drag your feet straight to your room to get into comfortable clean clothes.
After your normal routine of getting cleaned up and ready to get comfy, you walk out of the room into the living room still seeing the man that you are in love with sprawled out on the couch, taking the entire space.
You pout in front of him and he just gives the cute smile and opens his arms to you. “Hyunwoo~” You whine as you slowly climb on top of him and finding the comfortable position for a nice cuddle. Shownu just chuckles and casually helps you find the comfy snuggle position.
Eventually you find it and you just watch whatever he has on at the moment. Being able to relax on your giant bear is already soothing out and wiping the stress of the day.  The rhythm of his breathing helps a lot on the whole relaxing part of the night.
As you got more and more comfortable, your hand slides into the shirt that is the barrier to Shownu’s chest. You weren't in the mood to get down and heated but you enjoy just admiring your boyfriend's chest. When Shownu has his shirt off, or even a peek of his abdomen, always riles you up into a happy ball. You enjoy Shownu's happy trail. ALOT. It's something he takes care of when it comes to his performances and the outfits he wears but if there's no need to get it cleaned and shaven, he doesn't mind the extra feature on his body. Especially if it makes you happy.
“Hyunwoo~ I love you so much.” You sleepily mutter to him as you stroke his chest and abdomen area. He shifts himself and holds you even tighter around the waist and back, and puts his face at the crown of your head and kisses the top of it. “I love you too.”
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