dpismybae · 4 years
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More of an Arcana style guide to go with my colouring guide.
I tried to cover key aspects that make the style distinct so I hope this can be useful :D
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dpismybae · 4 years
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A guide on my process for colouring like in the Arcana which I developed through studying the style.
Now, this is just for sprites or for neutral lighting. In the case of most memories/CGs, you have more interesting colours to use, but the process is identical. There are just extra steps.
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Using my favourite memories for each character as examples (hopefully, you can tell which ones) you can see this process. All of this happens on layers above the base drawing.
Usually, you set a colour-filled layer to the setting “multiply” over the entire drawing, then using a “screen”, “add”, or “hard light” layer, you add the lighting. Depending on the intensity of the lighting, the outline will be coloured to be lighter.
The shading colour rarely changes, aside from slight hue changes.
Misc advice/tips/tricks below. I may update it depending on if I get further questions.
Keep reading
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dpismybae · 5 years
Fresh start:
Ok, so you know you haven’t been taking great care of your skin, mind and body lately and this is how you can start to change that. Taking care of your body makes you feel more confident and accomplished, so just get up and do it.
Firstly, i’d suggest putting your phone elsewhere. Take the day to be away from social media. It’ll feel 100000X more relaxing.
First with skincare, you need to wash off that makeup that’s on your face. if you’re not wearing makeup, you still need to wash the day’s sweats and oils. I use an oil cleanser. If you want to stay home all day and lay in bed, haul those sheets into the wash so that they’ll be ready when you’re done.
Pat your face dry and then go straight into applying a face mask. Your mask choice will depend on your goal and skin type. If you want to relax, i’d suggest a soothing, moisturizing mask.
Wash that mask off and now give yourself a little lip scrub. I use the lush peppermint one, but I also sometimes just make them myself. To make it mix 1tbs coconut oil, brown sugar and honey together.
Now generally, this would be where you moisturize and go, but no, we’re hopping into the shower. Don’t put hot water on your face. Instead, wash your body down, shave and then apply a body scrub. If you don’t have one, make one out of ½ cup olive or coconut oil, ½ cup brown sugar and ½ cup of coffee grounds. Voila! Your legs will be feeling so smooth!
Now, out of the shower and we’re moisturizing. I like to use a good cocoa butter for my body and then a face moisturizer with spf. Don’t forget your lips!
Time to wear something soft! Put those jammies on! You’re ready to be lazy. Make your bed. 
Kitchen time! Pour yourself water and drink it while you make breakfast. Good refreshing ideas are a fruit salad and yogurt with oats on top, a smoothie, granola with fruit, a regular salad with eggs inside for protein, whole wheat toast and scrambled eggs or avocado etc. Drink green tea or coffee.
TV or book/music time(Or whatever it is you love to do)! Whether you want to relax with a book or tv, make sure you’re in a comfortable spot. I can’t relax if i’m not in a neat area, so i’ll make sure that my room is neat and my bed is made before I lie down.
Whether you’re being healthy or not, I personally find that there’s something great about having snacks when watching something great, so i’d suggest taking a snack with you. Treat yourself.
Be mindful! Try to enjoy the peace that the day fills you with.
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dpismybae · 5 years
Tips for students
On daily routine:
- As soon as your alarm goes off, sit up in your bed and turn it off. Don’t press snooze, it will only become harder to get up. -Always have a glass of water next to your bed, so when you wake up, you can drink as soon as you are up. If you like, you can put cucumber in it, it will be even more refreshing.  -Put on your socks and a pullover or sweater or nightrobe or whatever you like, and go to the bathroom. -Wash your face, then use your face creme if you like. -Have breakfast if you have time and appetite for that. -Then wash your teeth, and use some lipbalm if you like. -Dress up in an outfit THAT YOU FEEL GOOD IN. (Also don’t forget about the weather… take care of yourself.) -Pack your lunch, check if you have everything important (keys, phone, money, ID, etc.) -On the road, do something that puts you in a good mood, or prepares you for the day. For example, you could catch up on your reading, revise the things you’ll do that day, run through your notes if you have a test that day, listen to music, etc. -DON’T TAKE LOOOOONG NAPS IN THE AFTERNOON. It may feel as the most refleshing thing, but you will regret it: you lose a lot of time, and the worst is, that you won’t sleep thight that night. MY TIP is to rest for 1- 1 and a half hours when you get home. You could eat something, or rest your head for a good half hour. Then start studying. If you really can’t focus on studying after a long day, that’s totally fine. Go to bed a bit earlier, and wake up earlier as well! You’ll see that in the morning, you will be more efficient, which will keep you moving all day long. -DON’T DRINK CAFFEINE IN THE AFTERNOON- it’s the same as naps, but (for me) it’s totally worse!!!!
On self-care:
-drink water -eat when you are hungry -go to bed in time -every Sunday, make your night a self-care night (long bath, hairwashing, face hydratating, manicure, pedicure, anything you like…) -use face scrub twice a week -wash your face twice a day -don’t sleep with your make up on -wash you hair 3 times a week
On studying:
-stay motivated: always set your goals, make your notes nice looking, so you want to study from them, WATCH GILMORE GIRLS (idk if it’s just me, but it inspires me a lot) -know what type you are (visual, auditive, kinesthetic) -if you are feeling tired, but want to study something, watch documentaries -always be prepared -throw away old pens and pencils -TURN OFF YOUR PHONE -teach kids or your classmates on materials you don’t want to forget, or is hard for you to study (for ex.: I teach children English, because currently it’s not among my subjects at school; and I became good at maths thanks to my friend, who never understood a word, and I had to teach her the material. Thanks to that, now we both know maths.)
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dpismybae · 5 years
What a sticky situation he got himself in huhu ✨🖤
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dpismybae · 5 years
koogi probably didn’t think this enough but i have two ‘’plot holes’’ in mind
first of all, bum stated this 
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but we all know this didn’t happen, right?
the thing is.. seungbae saw him getting into the house??? 
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This shows that :
seungbae saw him entering the house on his own 
they knew it was sangwoo’s house
he suspected bum cause he didn’t get the pin right at first
So, how is it possible that Seungbae didn’t even think that what Bum was saying is fake? Considering how Saeungbae works I would have expected him to remember this, especially because this is how everything started for him. 
Also, lets remember that Saeungbae soon after met Sangwoo and the Police officer told him about his ‘’cousin’’’ visiting him. 
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Sangwoo’s reaction was this : 
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You can clearly tell he didn’t expect that/knew nothing about it. IF Bum was already ‘kidnapped’ by then, Sanwgoo would have had a different reaction, right? 
I’m aware you can have plot holes, its super normal especially if you work on a manga/webtoon for too long, but its such a important one. Cause Seungbae believed Bum when damn, he was there, he saw how it didn’t make sense? 
Also I want to talk two seconds about the latest chapter’s bit that made me ??? 
How is it possible for someone to actually get the room number of a serial killer?????? 
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and can we talk about the fucking old lady?? oh my god i hope she dies so hard?? 
CAN YOU BELIEVE, sangwoo died the way his mother has been trying to kill him for years… 
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i don’t know how i feel about the ending. i really loved Sangwoo, all i wanted was for him to find happines. He loved his father : he turned toxic because of his mother
He cared for his mother : she was the cause of all of his traumas and problems 
He ‘’cared’’ for Bum : he believed Bum wanted him dead
when actually, he just wanted to gift him those rings… 
I feel so bad for Sangwoo, he never got to know the truth, he never felt love or at peace. He had that life, he started as a very loved and kind kid and the world fucked him over
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dpismybae · 5 years
gotta say how much I love that Muriel, certified BRICK 🎶 HOUSE 🎶 with the most chapters so far and therefore opportunities to do so, has not picked MC up once in his route
but Portia “I Got All The Brains But Ilya Got The Height” Devorak and Lucio “Retired Twink” Morgasson have both picked us up and not in ways that are, like, easy
Portia catches your full weight falling off a brick wall, and Lucio throws you over his shoulder with one fucking arm
Muriel could bench press a horse but it’s the other two outer senshi that do all the heavy lifting, and I think that’s beautiful ☕️
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dpismybae · 5 years
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Will yall believe me if I tell you that I’ve had this scenario in my mind for over three months
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dpismybae · 5 years
History wants so badly for Cleopatra to be beautiful. Like they can’t conceive of Rome being intimidated by anything less
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dpismybae · 5 years
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Another one done. Honestly really proud of this one, especially the lollipop. Last photo is the original photo.
Do not repost, steal, or do anything with it.
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dpismybae · 5 years
reblog if your blog is actually safe for bi people.
reblog if you believe bi people deserve to have a space and voice.
reblog if you recognize the specific struggles that bi people go through.
reblog if you know bi people are more than “half gay, half straight”.
reblog if you believe bi rights and representation aren’t just “catering to straight people.”
reblog if you see us.
reblog if you know we are safe on your blog.
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dpismybae · 5 years
Things I live by
Hygiene 🌿Brush teeth 2x day  🌿Deodorant every day - you don’t wanna smell nasty during the day 🌿Shower every other day - you can shower every day but for me showering is a struggle due to my mental illness so I only do every other day (if I can) 🌿Sundays are self care days - face masks, nail care, chill music, watching movies and stuff to relax before the new week comes 🌿Shave every other week - esp. now that summer is coming
Exercise 🌿Monday - leg day 🌿Wednesday - back, stomach and chest day 🌿Friday - biceps and triceps 🌿Cardio - 15-20 min 3x a week 🌿Small 10 min weekend workout
Face 🌿Evening skincare - cleanser, micellar water and night cream 🌿Morning skincare - micellar water and day cream 🌿Eyebrow tweeze every other week 🌿Exfoliate once a week - during sunday pamper 🌿Lipbalm - every day as much as needed
Academia 🌿Homework - actually do it, lol. do it as soon as you get home so you free up your evening 🌿Start assignments early - diamonds are made under pressure, but good grades aren’t 🌿Participate in class - the teacher won’t know how smart you are unless you say something 🌿Take notes - you ain’t gonna remember shit, girl, just take the damn notes 🌿Keep up with your languages pls - if you have learnt/are learning another language(s) please review them or you’re gonna forget
Inner beauty 🌿Be kind - i’m not saying change your whole demeanour to become the kindest person ever, but be kind where you can, life is tough for all of us 🌿Help - if you can, then help. if not, refer to someone who can 🌿Walk with your head high - this is gonna boost your confidence 🌿Eye contact - it makes you look more sincere and into the conversation 🌿Smile - to strangers, to friends, to the cashier, to the dog, just smile 🌿Be true to yourself - speak your honest opinions, don’t be fake and don’t lie, just be you 🌿Love yourself - this will be hard, but when you love yourself, life will automatically become 100x better 🌿Trust in God 🌿Be humble - but still rejoice in your victories 🌿Don’t care about other people - don’t let them stop you from doing things you want to do, it’s your life, not theirs 🌿Face your problems - have courage, ignoring it till it goes away does not always work 🌿Redefine success - success doesn’t have to be “got all A’s on my exam”, it can also be things like “got outside today”, “didn’t skip school even though my anxiety wanted me to” or something else 🌿Don’t apologize too much - it’s a nasty habit to say sorry for everything, things that aren’t even your fault. also don’t apologize for saying no, your priorities, loving someone and telling the truth.
Sleeping pattern 🌿Sleep at same time every night - for me this is 23.00, this is the time i need to fall asleep so i’ll actually be in bed by 22.30 🌿Wake at the same time every morning - 6.00 for me 🌿No electronics 30 min before bed - use this time for skin care and getting things ready for the next day 🌿Change your alarm tones once a month - it’s so easy to sleep through them when you get used to their sound 🌿Don’t snooze! - if this is a real struggle for you, like it is for me, try an app where there is no snooze function 🌿Listen to subliminals - i listen to subliminals but you don’t need to obvs. 🌿Make your bed 
Misc 🌿Take care of how you dress - a bomb/comfortable outfit that you love can make or break your day 🌿Clean your room - it’ll make the rest of your day much better, trust me 🌿Change your bedsheets regularly - even if you can only muster up the energy to do it once every three months 🌿Work towards your goals - whether it be getting A on that exam, or getting that dream job. break it down into smaller parts and work towards it. 🌿It’s okay to fall apart sometimes - life is a bitch, and sometimes it overwhelms us so much we want to fall apart. that’s okay. take a small break from life, breathe and then reboot. you can do this. 🌿Mental illness is a bitch - and recovery and getting help is scary. but, even if you don’t get professional help, because not everyone is ready for that, at least have someone you can talk to when things gets so rough. please.  🌿That special occasion is now - don’t save things for special occasions, because a special thing can make any occasion special (quote tumblr) 🌿Not everything needs an explanation - you want that tattoo? get it, it doesn’t need a significant meaning. you want to shave your head? do it, who cares if there’s a why. 🌿Spontaneity is great! - do things just because you can 🌿Don’t wait for summer to have that great life - summer is great, and many times we glamorize it “summer is going to be the best this year, i can’t wait”. make your daily life the best, and every week will feel like summer. 🌿Winter is a bummer - seasonal affective disorder is a legit thing. winter can be so depressing in the dark and the cold. try to find the beauty in it anyways.  🌿Don’t judge someone because they sin differently than you
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dpismybae · 5 years
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Did a repaint of Billie. Painted over, and added the original and added my own little twists and quirks to it. Third photo is original.
Do not repost, steal, or do anything with it.
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dpismybae · 5 years
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😍Woke up to THIS good news today!!!! You’re all incredible! Thank you so so SO much for supporting my work, reblogging my art, commissioning me— all of it!!!😍
So Let’s Get This Bread:
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💖💖💖 To celebrate hitting 1k, instead of giving away One(1) Full Color Commission, I’ve decided to give away THREE(3) Lineart Commissions!!! The winners will receive the finished .PNG file AS WELL AS the .PSD/.SAI file to color as they see fit!!! 💖💖💖
How to Enter:
1. Participants MUST be following @canistheapprentice
2. REBLOG this post in order to enter! 💖LIKE this post for a bonus entry!
3. Please do not repost!!! And Please no Giveaway accounts!!!
🌠🌠The Three Winners will be announced at MIDNIGHT (Central U.S. Standard) on May 5th!!!🌠🌠GOOD LUCK!!!
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dpismybae · 5 years
This was a while ago, but here. I love me some angst. The red represents your apprentice that has died of the plague. Yes, I used a base. :>
Do not steal please.
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dpismybae · 6 years
Vesuvia: help we’re dying. we need a cure for this terrible plague.
Meanwhile, at the Palace:
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~~gif doesn’t belong to me~~
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dpismybae · 6 years
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Yet another one. I love my slippery boi, so of course I had to draw him. I'm going too Nadia soon, but I'm waiting on her color palette from @nanasworkshop
I used their color palettes for Julian and Asra.
Do not steal please.
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