downtownriley · 2 years
The Baby Sitters Club: Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls book review
Recommended Audience: I recommend that people that are 9+ should read this book.
Claudia and the club find out theres a phantom caller who steals jewellery from other peoples houses! The baby sitters are very concerned there would be a robbery at a clients home while they are sitting for the kids.
I rate the book a 8/10.
summary under the cut !! spoiler warning
Claudia and the rest of the bsc see in the news that there is a phantom caller who will call you, hang up and then rob your home (the caller would usually take the rare jewellery they find in the home)
The baby sitters are excited because they find out the halloween hop is coming up and they all hope that they would get dates. But the baby sitters are also worried about their clients homes getting robbed while they are sitting for the kids there. Throughout the story, the girls get scared because they recieve calls from and unknown caller that would never speak while they were on their baby sitting jobs,they all thought it was the phantom caller. The whole club all get so worried about a clients home getting robbed while they are sitting, that they decide to make a code so that when the caller who doesn’t speak calls them, they would wait till they hang up (or hang up themselves), call one of the other club members and say something for when they suspect the robbers coming, if the robbers inside the home, etc. The person sitting at the home would then also call 911 ( unless they aren’t sure the robbers coming ) and the club member they called would come over.
Kristy knows a boy named Alan Gray who she actually sort of despises (because he’s extremely immature and always purposely bothers Kristy) even though she sort of thinks he’s cute. While, Claudia likes this boy named Trevor Sandbourne. A few times, she would see him walking in the hallways at school and she would try to get him to notice her, but Claudia knew that he was actually quiet and mysterious, and rarely looked up at people, so trying to get Trevor to notice Claudia was hard for her. One day at the school cafeteria, Claudia and her friends decided it would be a good idea to try make Claudia impress Trevor by her walking past Trevor with her tray, acting like she just bought lunch and is finding a table to sit at, and of course Claudia tried to be a confident as possible as she walked by him. When Claudia was ready to walk past him, she got up, grabbed her tray, and made her move, but, it didn’t go how her and her friends wanted it to. Claudia accidentally lost her balance, causing her to drop her jelly all over Trevor’s lap! Claudia is mortified and Trevor is flushed. Trevor , Claudia and some other people helped clean up the mess. After that, Claudia sat back down with her friends supporting her. Claudia knew she would never have a chance with Trevor after that.
One time Kristy was baby sitting, she got one of those peculiar phone calls. The same as usual happens, The caller doesn’t say anything, and then they hung up.
But then someone was making noise at the front door, Kristy went to check, making sure the kids stayed where they were.
She saw a blurry figure out the window, who ran to a different spot in the front yard that could not be seen through the front window. Kristy called 911 straight away, the police then came and they found the person who was outside the home and brought them to Kristy…except it wasn’t the phantom caller. It was Alan Gray. Kristy and Alan apologised to the police and Alan explained that he had took the clubs record book to see Kristys baby sitting schedule, he has been calling Kristy while she was working but he never had the courage to actually go to the house. He also explained that he had done all this because he wanted to go to the Halloween hop with Kristy. The police and Kristy understand and Kristy agrees to go to the Halloween hop with him, Alan does not get punished.
After Claudia heard about this, she thought the person that was calling her on her jobs, could have been a secret admirer as well . Claudia decides that next time she gets one of the calls, she would actually do something rather than just say nothing or “Hello” .
Claudia gets a job and she was waiting for the phone to ring while she was looking after the kids. Eventually, it did. Claudia sat the kids down and made sure they stayed.
Claudia realised the caller wasn’t saying anything,so she said something like : “Hello? who is there? Please respond “
Claudia actually heard a familiar voice ! It was Trevor! Trevor explained that he wanted to go to the Halloween Hop with her, and of course, she accepted. She was confused on why he knew she was baby sitting, and as it turned out, he had asked Alan for help and Alan got Claudias schedule as well as Kristys, and told Trevor it.
The Halloween Hope goes well, and the Phantom caller gos behind bars.
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