"Oh, you haven't read the classics..." I'VE READ THE CLASSICS
✨Dramione edition✨
Manacled by senlinyu
Rights and Wrongs by LovesBitca8
Isolation by bexchan
The Fallout by everythursday
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting
Meet Your Match by morriganmercy
Measure of a Man by inadaze22
Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites
Secrets and Masks by EmeraldSlytherin
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19
Bring Him To His Knees by musyc
The Eagle's Nest by HeartOfAspen
Dragon's Heartstrings by pinkinku
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Top 10 Most “Kudos-ed” (Completed) Fics on AO3 of 2023:
Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_dark - E, 50 chapters, Words: 150,499 - Hermione, now in her mid-20s, is back at Hogwarts to pursue higher education. Trying to forget the trauma carved into her by the war, she spends one lust-filled night with a certain pureblood. But that night will have consequences. While her personal life unravels, a string of mysterious murders forces her to work together with Draco Malfoy, who himself seems to carry many secrets. "He scared her. Not because he wielded killing curses like they were nothing, but because he seemed to understand her in a way that even she didn’t. The more she let him in, the more power he had to destroy her." Come for the smut, stay for the plot. Read if you like: - Murder mystery - Dark Arts - Hurt/ Comfort - Hermione and Draco both deal with PTSD - Angst, so much angst
In These Silent Days by HeyJude19 - E, 14 chapters, Words: 67,209 -Hermione is familiar with fighting: for respect, for attention, for justice. She’s even made a career of it; working on behalf of creatures and beings. But her battle against the Ministry’s marriage law is one she loses. Badly. And now, she has to contend with not only public derision and patriarchal politics, but her growing feelings for her government-mandated spouse.
The Silver Envelope by sinflower81 - E, 70 chapters, Words: 192,647 - “Tell me again to release you, Granger. Tell me again that you just want to be friends.” It’s been five years since Draco last spoke to Granger. Things are different now, and though earning her trust will be a challenge, he can’t seem to keep himself away. Hermione has been busy advocating for elves around the world, but when her breakup with Ron turns her life upside-down, she knows there’s only one person who can help her. Alternating POVs between Hermione and Draco. Slow burn, eventual smut, light dom/sub. Diverges from canon after Voldemort's defeat.
In Silence & Submission by gillianeliza - E, 29 chapters, Words: 69,694 - 10 years after the war everything has changed. Enemies turned into friends and lovers. Fear turned into hope. Pain into joy. Everyone has moved on except for Hermione Granger. Nestled within her friend group, now made up of not just Harry and Ginny, but also Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and of course Draco Malfoy, she was content to allow the trauma of her past to haunt her. More than just content - it was what she felt she deserved - until one evening Draco Malfoy decided enough was enough. This is a low stakes, split POV fic that deals heavily with life AFTER the Battle of Hogwarts. You will find the POV of either Hermione or Draco stated in bold italics, in the middle whenever it shifts. Please read all tags as this work deals with BDSM, kink, trauma recovery, & suicidal ideation.
A Game of High Stakes by In_Dreams - E, 51 chapters, Words: 263,110 - In theory, the task is simple: kill Draco Malfoy. In practice, putting a curse through the Dark Lord's favoured lieutenant will take everything Hermione has―especially since he's trying to kill her, too. Even more so when the lines between them start to blur. Sometimes, the only way out is through.
Hogwarts: A History (Hermione's Version) by Lizzie_carlile - M, 38 chapters, Words: 141,828 - Lord Voldemort has been defeated, and the children of the Wizarding War are thriving. When the heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black is adopted and takes her place in the family with her loving fathers, a new trio is formed. With her best friend and her brother by her side, Hermione Black is thrust into a world that she never knew existed. Will whispers from the past threaten to destroy the world she knows? Or will love once again conquer all? Another take of the Nice Things AU. What would happen if Draco asked Hermione to the Yule Ball before Ron Weasley had a chance to?
Teach Me How to Forget by scullymurphy - E, 20 chapters, Words: 109,646 - Hermione Granger is 27 years old when her life falls apart. Cheated-on, flatless, fed up with her job, she decides to change one thing she can--take a class and try for some career advancement. But change is never easy, especially when an old enemy is the catalyst. And the class instructor. "Just as the minute hand clicked over to the hour, the doorknob twisted and a figure slipped into the room. He was tall, a bit windblown. Hermione had a general impression of crisp cuffs and polished leather, and then a more specific one of the most beautiful grey coat—highlighting his shoulders and eyes, skimming to just the right place on his knife creased trousers. His movements were precise and confident. He was wearing the softest-looking gloves. He was not Professor Belinda Rowle. He was Draco bloody Malfoy."
The Order of Serpents by bl_crtz - E, 44 chapters, Words: 193,506 - During the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter walked into the forbidden forest, died, and walked out with crimson eyes as the new vessel of the Dark Lord. Since then, Hermione Granger served as an elite member of the True Order, isolating herself from other Order members and going on missions alone, not only haunted by the loss of her best friend, Harry, but Ron who had run away after the battle. Three and a half years later, Draco Malfoy shows up with his two year old son on the Order’s doorstep seeking to switch sides. Together, Draco and Hermione are forced to deal with not only each other, but their own past and confront who they’ve become because of the war.
The Contender by rubykrishna - E, 9 chapters, Words: 58,875 - Hermione stopped walking. Her eyes scanned back up the roster until they found the name that she initially mistook for a typo. Draco Malfoy….Beater. She could comprehend the words, the name and the meaning. She understood that his name being on the roster meant he was the starting Beater for England’s national team, but for whatever reason, when her eyes ran over the black ink, her brain could not articulate any emotions or reaction. 
Sincerely Yours by LovesBitca8 - E, 10 chapters, Words: 40,759 - A smile tickled the corners of Hermione’s mouth as she clicked Send. She listened to the whoosh of the message and then turned off her computer. When the ping! had come in, she’d had one foot half-out the door of her flat. She’d dropped her coat and darted for her computer desk, a wide grin blossoming at her inbox. You’ve Got Mail.
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Just got back this GORGEOUS commission from @cocotamarindo ❤️Check out the wonderful artist, Caro, and her other lovely work!
Hermione Granger should have known her first holiday in over five years would be more 'shite hits the fan' than 'sex on the beach.' A promise of a two-week bon voyage on a wizarding island was surely slipping away right before her eyes. She bloody should have known.
>> When Ginny finally convinces Hermione to join her on a two-week island holiday, hilarity ensues as it turns out they're not the only ones vacationing on the magical island, Serena Aquae. And when their own lodging doesn't work out, who just so happens to have extra room in his suite...?
Classic, vacation-vibe Dramione story with several classic tropes: same hotel suite, forced proximity, mild jealousy etc. Lots of humor, angst, but overall a lighthearted read.
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pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
synopsis : they are rivals but once they are assigned roommates for a school trip they actually forget to argue about that, surprisingly accepting they have to share a bed.
warnings: rivals w sexual tension, eventual sexual content, (wanrning : plot before p0rn), piv, bj, f!ngering, one bed trope, everyone is above 18 obviously, possessiveness
smut, enemies to lovers, and some fluff if you squint
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The Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade Station, and students excitedly disembarked, ready for their annual school trip. Among the bustling crowd, Draco Malfoy and Y/N Y/L/N found themselves eyeing each other warily. For years, they had been rivals, their rivalry filled with tension and sparks flying whenever they were in close proximity. This trip was no exception.
Fate had a funny way of working sometimes, and in this instance, it meant that Draco and Y/N found themselves assigned to share a room at the quaint inn where they would be staying. The room was cozy, with a single bed taking up most of the space. When they exchanged glances, they both felt a mixture of anticipation and unease at the thought of spending the trip in such close quarters.
After settling in, Draco decided to freshen up. He disappeared into the bathroom, the sound of running water echoing through the room. Y/N took this opportunity to unpack their belongings, trying to focus on the task at hand and ignore the butterflies fluttering in their stomach.
Minutes later, Draco emerged from the bathroom, his wet hair tousled and a towel wrapped securely around his waist. His silver eyes met Y/N's gaze, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still. There was an undeniable hunger in his eyes, a longing that neither of them could deny. Y/N felt their heart racing, their body trembling with anticipation.
But just as quickly as the moment had arrived, it vanished, replaced with the familiar tension and bickering that had defined their relationship for so long.
"You're taking up all the space," Draco snapped, eyeing the scattered belongings on the bed.
"Well, maybe if you weren't hogging the bathroom for so long, I wouldn't have had to unpack here," Y/N countered, their voice laced with a mix of annoyance and amusement.
Draco rolled his eyes, his trademark smirk playing on his lips. "Always finding something to complain about, aren't you?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a smirk of their own forming. "Well, someone has to keep you in check, Malfoy."
As the trip continued, their bickering continued. Every interaction between them was laced with snarky comments and subtle jabs. But beneath the surface, there was an undeniable chemistry that neither of them could ignore. Every look or touch was charged with unspoken emotion, a tension between them that neither could deny. Even when they fought, there was a deep understanding of each other's feelings that kept them connected throughout the trip.
During a visit to a picturesque village, Draco and Y/N found themselves exploring together. The narrow streets were filled with the hustle and bustle of market vendors, but their focus was solely on each other. They wandered aimlessly, their banter providing a soundtrack to their journey. The tension between them seemed to grow with each passing moment, filling the air with an almost tangible electricity.
As they strolled along, they came across a small park, secluded and peaceful. Unable to resist the lure of the empty benches and serene atmosphere, they sat down, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them.
"You know," Y/N began, their voice softer than before, "I've always wondered why we seem to clash so much, other than the fact you are a spoiled little prick."
Draco's expression softened, curiosity evident in his eyes. "And what conclusion have you come to, Y/L/N?"
A small smile played on Y/N's lips. "I think it's because we bring out the best in each other, even if we don't always realize it.
Draco's gaze softened, his walls crumbling in the presence of Y/N's vulnerability. "Perhaps you're right. We've always pushed each other to be better, even if we've gone about it in the most antagonistic way possible."
Silence settled between them for a moment, the weight of their unspoken feelings hanging in the air. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, they reverted back to their familiar bickering.
"You're still as insufferable as ever, Malfoy," Y/N teased, their voice filled with fondness.
"And you're still as infuriating, Y/L/N," Draco shot back, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
But this time, the bickering was laced with something different. It held a hint of affection, a deeper connection that both Draco and Y/N were beginning to acknowledge.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the village, they made their way back to the inn. The room awaited them, the single bed serving as a constant reminder of the tension that had simmered between them all day.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, their gaze flickering between Draco and the bed. They took a deep breath, their usual shyness and insecurity being replaced by a newfound confidence. "I suppose we'll have to make do with the sleeping arrangements, won't we, Malfoy?"
Draco's eyes gleamed with a mixture of surprise and desire. "I suppose we will, Y/L/N. Still despise your face though, don’t be spreading around that i allowed you to share my bed."
Y/N smirked, rolling their eyes. "Of course, Malfoy. Wouldn't have it any other way."
And so, with a mix of tension, desire, and undeniable chemistry, Draco and Y/N climbed into the single bed, their rivalry and bickering fading into the background. In that moment, they found solace in each other's presence, their hunger finally acknowledged and their connection strengthening.
When only pure silence was heard right before they fell asleep Y/N heard a whisper yell from Malfoy’s side "You think you're so much better than me? You think you're so much smarter? You're just a nosy, stuck-up, know-it-all-Bimbo!"
"At least I'm actually smart enough to understand the concept of 'personal space!' You're just a spoiled, entitled brat who's never had to work for anything in your life!” she replied firmly yet half asleep
Draco's body tensed at Y/N's comment, their bickering reaching a boiling point. His hands wrapped around Y/N's wrists, roughly manhandling them and pulling them close.
"You're so stubborn!" Draco hissed, his breath hot against Y/N's ear. "Do you seriously think I won't do anything if you refuse to listen to me?"
Y/N glared back, struggling against Draco's grip, but unable to break free.
Draco's grip tightened around Y/N's wrists, a possessive glint in his eyes. He leaned inhis lips brushing against Y/N's neck as he whispered "You're mine, Y/N you belong to me" He trailed kisses down her neck, nipping at her skin as she moaned in pleasure
Draco's eyes narrowed as he watched Y/N struggle against him a cruel smile playing at the corners of his lips. He leaned in, his lips brushing against Y/N's ear as he whispered "You know you want this. You want me to take control, to make you mine" With a sudden movement Draco spun Y/N around, pressing her against the wall. His hands roamed over her bodypinning her wrists above her head as he claimed her lips in a rough, possessive kiss.
Y/N moaned into the kiss, her body responding to Draco's touch despite her angerHe pulled awaya wicked grin on his face as he leaned in to whisper in her ear once more.
"You're mine, Y/N. And I'll do whatever it takes to make you realize it" With thatDraco claimed Y/N's lips once more, their bodies moving together in a frenzy of desire as he asserted his dominance over her once more
Y/N's struggles ceased as Draco's touch sent shivers down her spine. She arched her backpressing herself closer to him, craving more of his touch. Draco's hands roamed over her body tracing every curve and dip, igniting a fire within her.
Their bickering forgotten, they gave into their desires their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. Draco's lips met Y/N's, his tongue exploring her mouth as she moaned in pleasure. He pushed her onto the bed, his hands roaming over her body as he stripped her of her clothes
Draco pushed Y/N against the wall, his lips crashing against hers in a fierce, possessive kiss. He gripped her hips tightly, grinding his hard cock against her thigh.
Y/N moaned into his mouth, her body responding to his touch despite her anger. Draco's hands roamed over her body, his fingers digging into her flesh as he claimed her as his own.
He broke the kiss, his lips trailing down her neck as he bit and sucked at her skin, leaving marks of his ownership all over her body. Y/N's body trembled with desire as Draco's hands roamed over her, his fingers finding their way between her legs.
He teased her, rubbing her clit with a fierce hunger before plunging his fingers deep inside her. As he fingered her, his other hand found its way to her breast, pinching and twisting her nipple until she cried out in pleasure.
He continued to finger her, his pace increasing as he took her closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. Finally, he pulled his fingers out of her, turning her around and pushing her down onto her knees.
He unzipped his pants, pulling out his hard cock and thrusting it into her mouth. Y/N took him eagerly her mouth enveloping him as she worked him with her tongue Draco's hands tangled in her hair, pulling her head back as he fucked her mouth with a fierce hunger.
He pulled out of her mouth pushing her back against the wall and lifting her legs up to wrap around his waist. He thrust into her with a fierce hunger, his body slamming against hers with each movement
Y/N cried out in pleasure, her body writhing against his as he took her closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. Draco's thrusts became more urgent and intense, his body trembling with desire as he neared his own peak.
As he continued to pound into her, his grip on her throat tightened leaving marks of his ownership all over her body. Y/N's nails dug into his back as he continued to thrust into her with a fierce hunger
Their bickering reached a boiling point, with Draco manhandling Y/N and claiming her as his own, he took control making her his in a rough, possessive kiss and teasing her with a fierce hunger before plunging his fingers deep inside her.
Finally, they reached their climax, their bodies writhing in ecstasy as they cried out each other's names. Draco asserted his dominance once more, reminding Y/N that she belonged to him.
Draco's grip on Y/N's body loosened as he pulled out of her, his chest heaving as he looked down at her. Y/N's eyes were closed, her body still trembling with pleasure.
Draco leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead as he whispered, "You're mine, Y/N. Always" Y/N opened her eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
"I know," she murmured, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. "I wouldn't want it any other way"
Draco helped Y/N to her feet, holding her close as they stood there, their bodies still intertwined. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, his hands trailing down her body as he whispered, "You're so beautiful, Y/N. I could never get enough of you"
Y/N blushed, leaning into him as she whispered back, "I feel the same way about you Draco. I love you"
Draco's eyes softened, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I love you too, Y/N. Always and forever”
They stood there for a few moments longer, their bodies entwined as they basked in the afterglow of their passion. Finally they pulled apart, their eyes meeting as they smiled at each other
Draco took Y/N's hand, leading her towards the bed. "Come on" he said, his voice low and husky. "Let's get some rest, we have a lot more exploring to do tomorrow"
Y/N smiled, following him to the bed as they settled in for the night, their bodies entwined as they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms
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I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas and Winter Solstice! I, personally, am exhausted, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing 🫶🏻
This morning I am so excited to share a collab between @wantsgmarie and myself! Back in October, Mare shared a beautiful drawing that inspired You’re My Home, and I am so pleased to share a full fledge continuation of their story!
Mare, you captured Draco and Hermione’s elegance flawlessly! Thank you for being such a gem to this community! ✨
Happy New Year’s loves 🫶🏻
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Creep by @cr0ftisprocrastinating | M, 138.9k
Five years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger is running out of time to restore her parents' memories. Hoping a Master's in Medical Anthropology at Oxford will help her unlock exactly how memories can be recreated, she ends up bumping into the last person she expects to see at a muggle university. After finally completing his house arrest, Draco Malfoy wants to understand how he was conditioned to believe in Pure Blood ideals. A Master's in Social Anthropology seems the best way to free himself from his past. Until he runs into the very person who haunts him.
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On April I read Dramione. Here are the fics I’ve finished. Personal favorites are marked with  ✿
Long Ones: 
Alternate History by Furare | 155k words | it’s dramione but i feel the ‘slytherin harry’, ‘snape and sirius happy’ and ‘draco’s found family’ elements are more prominent
Capstone by bek_48 | 112k words | read this from collection titled: underrated dramione | Sixth year canon divergence but like.. really diverging. well-written friendships and probably my favorite lucius writing ever <even if he just appeared for like.. 2 seconds lol>
Ghost of You by happy_valley | 105k | in which draco malfoy died and turned into a ghost which only hermione can see. or is he?
The Phoenix Potion by FedonCiadale | 237k| post-war dramione tragedy with happy ending. it has two story arc: (1) dramione secret relationship and how it led to draco losing his magic after war + hermione falling out with ron and harry. (2) the granger-malfoy children wreck havock on wizarding (+house elves) community.
Remember Us As War (but call us forgiveness) by Anyaparadox  | 168k | dramione and marriage law 
✿ The Fixer-Upper Club by CharliPetidei | 160k words | 8th year AU, dramione coping with PTSD through fixing hogwarts
Medium length ones: 
Behind the Mask by EmilieJane | 46k | Beauty and The Beast with a twist. TW: Domestic violence, mention of rape, etc. Ron-bashing. 
✿ Instruments of Time by i_know_what_you_wrote_last_summer | 71k words | 3rd year AU because draco accidentally time traveling
✿ Curses, Banter, and Babies, Oh My! by LiloLilyAnn | 79k words | dramione having a child together first, work out their feelings second
Signed and Sealed by niffizzle | 26k | book shop keeper hermione, widowed single father draco
 ✿ The Watergaw by ectoheart, smokybaltic | 39k | dramione stuck together after a failed apparition, a detour on the deathly hallows mansion scene. 
Escapism by sodamnrad | 15k |  Reunited in the Muggle world, Draco and Hermione wreak havoc on each other’s loneliness.
Rebonded by niffizzle | 11k | dramione and ritual to fix draco’s wand <literally>
Kissed by Fire by niffizzle | 14k | Azkaban was a freezing fortress in the middle of the North Sea that devoid all prisoners of warmth. Or so Draco was told. The howling winds never bothered him. Nor the supposed chill emitting from the stone walls.He hadn’t felt cold since a lick of Fiendfyre scarred his flesh.
Short Ones: 
✿ Only you – Or the only time Hermione believed in divination by FedonCiadale | 5k words | CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE 
Surprise Soulmates by FedonCiadale | 6,2k | post hogwarts, In which Draco and Hermione discover they are soulmates OR Draco is a drama queen and looks guilty as fuck and Hermione tries to be rational about it all
Common Spaces, Empty Places by elithien, senlinyu | 3,4k words | eighth year dramione, confessions. 
Can’t Get Any Better Than This by augustr | 1,4k words | 8th year, dramione being soft
Between Pages by DarkoftheMoon | 5,6k words| penpal dramione throughout their times at hogwarts
The Best Christmas Present Ever By: Proxima Shining | 9,8k l grandparents lucius & narcissa + family reconciliation 
10 Things I Learnt About You by nyle_bd | 4k words |   It’s Parent’s Day at Hogwarts and Professor Granger can’t keep her eyes off a particular parent. Sparks fly and burn into something brighter.
Worse Things by niffizzle | 2k |  In the midst of Ginny and Blaise’s engagement party, Hermione is busy dealing with a bitter Ron. That is until they’re interrupted by the soon-to-be Best Man.
✿ The Hour After by niffizzle | 2k | post battle meet up 
With Teeth by provocative_envy |  5k | humor, dramione hunting horcrux(es) 
a bunch of dramione in secret relationship
✿ If/Then by Santhe | 5k words
I Know, I Know by nevertoosweets | 2k words
the one time they stayed by quitethesardonic | 6,9k words
Forgot to Mention by wetpretzel | 5,7k words
Tied in Lies by niffizzle | 3k
✿ Forgotten by niffizzle | 2k 
not a dramione but I think everyone would love this Draco:  
✿  the dogfather by hollimichele | 47k | What if the Dursleys rejected Harry after he was left on their doorstep? canon divergence in which the adults in HP are much more responsible than the one in canon | sirius x lupin but mostly sirius as harry’s godfather. 
part of the dogfather au, there’s one focused on draco and it’s so lovely (and heartbreaking but hopeful)
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september - october reads : dramione
Tromp as Writ by a_rum_of_ones_own | 7k words
all the things flashing by by lentezon | 52k words | War doesn’t simply begin at one specific moment. It simmers under the surface, bubbling up like hot lava in different places at a time until it bursts and covers everything, the way a volcano erupts and covers all the earth around it with devastating substance. His war began a long time ago.
for the best by HawthorneWhisperer | E, 49k words | hermione agrees to marry draco to secure funding, draco agrees to secure his inheritance. dramione reconciling differences.
unexpected by ambpersand | E, 66k words, accidentally-pregnant to lovers dramione | Hand drifting down to her abdomen, she knew. When she was younger, she’d known that there was something different about her. About her abilities. Her certainty had been palpable, and was only confirmed when Professor McGonagall had shown up on her doorstep with that fateful letter in hand. And now, just over ten years later, she felt that same sense of certainty again. She was pregnant. And it all because she’d gone and had a one night stand with the worst person in the world… Draco Malfoy.
a better fate by glitterwitch1 (jolie_unfiltrd)  | 12k words, T | Draco is a veela. His mate is Hermione Granger. This changes everything.
And She Was Golden by another_lonely_writer | E, WIP, 106k words | Their eyes meet just for a fraction of a moment and that's all it takes. All his boxes and walls come crashing down. He’s always been weak in the face of her reality- no matter how furiously he would deny it.
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My Favorite Novelette Length (7.5k - 20k Words) Dramione FanFics | Part 1
Movements, Contrived and Improvised by @heyjude19-writing | E, 14k
Draco and his mother had behaved like upstanding citizens for years, donated thousands of Galleons, yet apparently it only took a bit of romantic fluff with Granger and he could consider himself fully redeemed. A bar so low he’d barely need to raise his feet to clear it.
Commonalities of the Coldest Kind by ChaosAndCrumpets | M, 12k
When Draco Malfoy is infected with a terrible Muggle plague*, the only person brave enough to risk death to care for him is his colleague Hermione Granger. *DISCLAIMER: Draco has a cold.
A Meditation on Love by JessicaLovejoyAO3 | E, 18k
A short, soft story about how post-war Draco and Hermione fall in love and build a life together. Low angst, adult love story. A warm, horny hug that goes backward and forward in time.
Broken Mirrors by bek_48 | E, 10k
She looks as though she is made of glass, and some monstrous part of him finds that he would dearly love to be the one to shatter her.
By The Book by DarkoftheMoon | E, 12k
After six months in Azkaban, six months living without magic, and six months probation, Draco Malfoy reveled in the quiet. For five years working in a small bookshop in the Scottish isles gave him purpose and the silence he craved. Until the bell above the door chimed, and Hermione Granger started to make noise. And maybe he liked the sounds she made.
the laws of celestial objects by peanutbrittles123 | E, 11k
The first time she sees him again after the trials, he is in a glass cage. [Inspired by "Untouchable", from Taylor Swift's album "Fearless". For Fic Fest (Taylor's Version) 2022.]
Height by @senlinyu | E, 8k
“Tall? That’s what you think I should notice about Malfoy? His height?” Ginny quirked an eyebrow and licked the tip of her quill suggestively. ”Well, isn’t that your thing? Lockhart. Krum. McLaggen. Ron. The only thing they have in common is being tall enough to give me a neck ache.” Hermione felt her ears grow hot, and she gripped her book tighter. “I don’t have a thing for tall men. Their height is—completely coincidental.”
Ghosts in a Wishing Well by namelessamelie | E, 9k
“Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” – The Iliad The dreams always end the same way. He pulls, and she pushes. And then she slips away from him, whispering her excuses; and he wakes with her name a ghost on his lips.
Les Pèlerins by @pacific-rimbaud | M, 10k
Les pèlerins: pilgrims; travelers on a journey to a holy place. Hermione Granger refused to believe in fate. She’d had enough of destiny and prophecies to last a lifetime. But try as she may, she felt, sometimes, that an invisible golden thread stretched out and away from her. All she could do was follow it.
Morning by smithandbarrowman | E, 8k
What happens when you break your own rules and the morning brings with it new light?
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dramione pls <3
hi anon! I’ve actually just started reading dramione so i only have a few bookmarked but i’ll give u some i have in my marked for later too :)
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting
M | 94.9K | 12/12 | Memory Loss, Slowburn
“Harry,” Hermione began, voice very controlled, but she could feel the blade of panic slicing at her vocal cords. “Why was Draco Malfoy just screaming bloody murder about his,” and the word almost strangled her as she said it, “wife?”
Harry's green eyes blew wide. Healer Lucas pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly displeased with the recent series of events.
“He was referring to you, my dear,” she said. “That was the other question you got wrong. Your name is Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy.”
Hermione had to be sedated again.
[In which Hermione loses the last six year's worth of her memories, including the entirety of her relationship and marriage to Draco.]
unexpected by ambpersand
E | 66.8K | 13/13 | Unplanned pregnancy, unexpectedly soft draco malfoy, fluff and angst, sexual content
Hand drifting down to her abdomen, she knew. When she was younger, she’d known that there was something different about her. About her abilities. Her certainty had been palpable, and was only confirmed when Professor McGonagall had shown up on her doorstep with that fateful letter in hand. And now, just over ten years later, she felt that same sense of certainty again.
She was pregnant.
And it all because she’d gone and had a one night stand with the worst person in the world… Draco Malfoy.
Tremble & Depart by DarkoftheMoon
E | 139.6K | 30/30 | Slowburn, Ministry of Magic Employee Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, cursebreaker hermione, Investigations, hurt/comfort, sexual content
Draco Lucius Malfoy. Death Eater. Disposable.
Life on probation at the Ministry meant keeping his head down and his mouth shut. On his first field assignment he’s tasked with investigating an abandoned Death Eater manor hiding more than a few secrets in its walls.
Stuck with the only witch who agreed to work with him.
False Pretenses by tasteoftheforbidden
M | 273.5K | 31/31 | PTSD, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Post-War, character development
(TW references self harm, child abuse)
The solicitor was convinced that the only way to salvage the Malfoy family name was marriage to a certain muggle-born witch.
"Granger is one of the people who has witnessed every single negative aspect of my personality. The moment she sees me act decent, her defenses will shoot up. She'll know from her gut that something is wrong." Draco paused, twirling the glass of firewhiskey in his hand.
"So… you're going to offer it to her? Like a deal?" Blaise was positively sure that the Malfoy heir had gone mental. What could he possibly present to his longtime mortal enemy to get her to agree?
*A story that uses the most common tropes in Dramione fanfiction... Then changes how it's done.
Bending Light by scullymurphy
M | 146.8K | 29/29 | Redeemed Draco Malfoy, slowburn, eventual smut, Post- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Teen Angst
Draco Malfoy was in exile, though they called it protection. It was the summer after sixth year and he'd taken Dumbledore's offer, defected to the other side and been sent away to a small town in Italy for his troubles.
No magic, few rules, and not a lot to do -- until Hermione Granger arrived.
What do you do when you're thrown into exile with the last person you wanted? You live like there's no tomorrow...
Dragon in the Dark by GracefulLioness
E | 164.7K | 31/31 | Voldemort is dead, eventual smut, espionage, murder, Assassin Draco, Healer Hermione
The battle is won, Voldemort is dead, but the war is far from over. In the new Death Eater regime, Draco Malfoy does what he must to survive and keep his mother safe. Now a highly trained assassin, Draco has learned to think of his targets as inhuman beings, but when he is tasked with killing someone from his past, he can no longer hide from the horrors of the world around him.
Apple Pies and Other Amends by ToEatAPeach
M | 76.7K | 29/29 | PTSD, Stress Baking, BAMF Hermione Granger, Redeemed Draco Malfoy, post-hogwarts
(TW alcohol abuse)
It’s not until she’s brought a basil and strawberry sponge cake to Neville Longbottom and his new girlfriend, Hannah Abbott, a dozen rhubarb hand-pies to Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood, and another basket of ganache-covered muffins to Dean and Seamus, that Hermione admits to herself what she’s actually doing: she’s making a thing of this. It’s a veritable PTSD tour. With pastries. And hand-skimmed clotted cream. And she has no idea why she’s doing it, but it’s becoming very apparent that she is.
Sometimes you're sad. Sometimes you need dessert. And sometimes, it's a little of both.
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19
E | 312.2K | 51/51 | Post-Hogwarts, Slowburn, friends to lovers, PTSD, sexual content
(TW past drug addiction, suicidal thoughts)
How did it feel? It felt like he was barely holding it together. She, of all people, should shun him. Or yell at him. Curse him. Spit at him. Take out her wand and blast him off the face of the earth. It was crushing guilt and relief and confusion all at once when he looked at Hermione Granger.
The monotony of Draco’s daily routine had become both a lifeline and a noose. But this new habit of grabbing coffee with Hermione Granger is quickly becoming a reason to get out of bed and is unfortunately forcing him to re-evaluate his inconsequential existence.
Hermione is living her life in fragments, separate pieces scattered about, and she can’t find a way to step back and let the full picture form. Why are morning meetings with Draco Malfoy the only thing that make sense anymore?
sorry if you’ve read all of these! i have more so just let me know<3
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On April I read Dramione. Here are the fics I’ve finished. Personal favorites are marked with  ✿
Long Ones: 
Alternate History by Furare | 155k words | it’s dramione but i feel the ‘slytherin harry’, ‘snape and sirius happy’ and ‘draco’s found family’ elements are more prominent
Capstone by bek_48 | 112k words | read this from collection titled: underrated dramione | Sixth year canon divergence but like.. really diverging. well-written friendships and probably my favorite lucius writing ever <even if he just appeared for like.. 2 seconds lol>
Ghost of You by happy_valley | 105k | in which draco malfoy died and turned into a ghost which only hermione can see. or is he?
The Phoenix Potion by FedonCiadale | 237k| post-war dramione tragedy with happy ending. it has two story arc: (1) dramione secret relationship and how it led to draco losing his magic after war + hermione falling out with ron and harry. (2) the granger-malfoy children wreck havock on wizarding (+house elves) community.
Remember Us As War (but call us forgiveness) by Anyaparadox  | 168k | dramione and marriage law 
✿ The Fixer-Upper Club by CharliPetidei | 160k words | 8th year AU, dramione coping with PTSD through fixing hogwarts
Medium length ones: 
Behind the Mask by EmilieJane | 46k | Beauty and The Beast with a twist. TW: Domestic violence, mention of rape, etc. Ron-bashing. 
✿ Instruments of Time by i_know_what_you_wrote_last_summer | 71k words | 3rd year AU because draco accidentally time traveling
✿ Curses, Banter, and Babies, Oh My! by LiloLilyAnn | 79k words | dramione having a child together first, work out their feelings second
Signed and Sealed by niffizzle | 26k | book shop keeper hermione, widowed single father draco
 ✿ The Watergaw by ectoheart, smokybaltic | 39k | dramione stuck together after a failed apparition, a detour on the deathly hallows mansion scene. 
Escapism by sodamnrad | 15k |  Reunited in the Muggle world, Draco and Hermione wreak havoc on each other’s loneliness.
Rebonded by niffizzle | 11k | dramione and ritual to fix draco’s wand <literally>
Kissed by Fire by niffizzle | 14k | Azkaban was a freezing fortress in the middle of the North Sea that devoid all prisoners of warmth. Or so Draco was told. The howling winds never bothered him. Nor the supposed chill emitting from the stone walls.He hadn’t felt cold since a lick of Fiendfyre scarred his flesh.
Short Ones: 
✿ Only you – Or the only time Hermione believed in divination by FedonCiadale | 5k words | CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE 
Surprise Soulmates by FedonCiadale | 6,2k | post hogwarts, In which Draco and Hermione discover they are soulmates OR Draco is a drama queen and looks guilty as fuck and Hermione tries to be rational about it all
Common Spaces, Empty Places by elithien, senlinyu | 3,4k words | eighth year dramione, confessions. 
Can’t Get Any Better Than This by augustr | 1,4k words | 8th year, dramione being soft
Between Pages by DarkoftheMoon | 5,6k words| penpal dramione throughout their times at hogwarts
The Best Christmas Present Ever By: Proxima Shining | 9,8k l grandparents lucius & narcissa + family reconciliation 
10 Things I Learnt About You by nyle_bd | 4k words |   It’s Parent’s Day at Hogwarts and Professor Granger can’t keep her eyes off a particular parent. Sparks fly and burn into something brighter.
Worse Things by niffizzle | 2k |  In the midst of Ginny and Blaise’s engagement party, Hermione is busy dealing with a bitter Ron. That is until they’re interrupted by the soon-to-be Best Man.
✿ The Hour After by niffizzle | 2k | post battle meet up 
With Teeth by provocative_envy |  5k | humor, dramione hunting horcrux(es) 
a bunch of dramione in secret relationship
✿ If/Then by Santhe | 5k words
I Know, I Know by nevertoosweets | 2k words
the one time they stayed by quitethesardonic | 6,9k words
Forgot to Mention by wetpretzel | 5,7k words
Tied in Lies by niffizzle | 3k
✿ Forgotten by niffizzle | 2k 
not a dramione but I think everyone would love this Draco:  
✿  the dogfather by hollimichele | 47k | What if the Dursleys rejected Harry after he was left on their doorstep? canon divergence in which the adults in HP are much more responsible than the one in canon | sirius x lupin but mostly sirius as harry’s godfather. 
part of the dogfather au, there’s one focused on draco and it’s so lovely (and heartbreaking but hopeful)
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Amazing art I commissioned from @elivrayn for my Dramione WIP, Mother: Unknown.
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This is a scene done for Chapter 23: Lyra's Birthday.
“I’m exhausted,” Draco said as he sat on the kitchen counter and ate a spoonful of ice cream straight from the carton, all evidence of makeup and nail polish finally removed. “Remind me next time she wants a sleepover that she can only have two or three friends. Six little girls is just too many.”
Hermione chuckled as she grabbed a spoon from the cutlery drawer and joined him on the counter, taking a spoonful of ice cream for herself.
“They’ll pass out soon enough,” she reassured him. She rested her head on his shoulder as they sat there and quietly finished off the last of the creamy dessert. “It was a really great party, though. I know Lyra had the time of her life.”
You can read the fic on AO3 and FFN.
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D.I.L.F. Fest 2023:
Doctor's Orders by Wanderingfair - E, one-shot - “You ignored me,” he whispered, dropping his mouth to her ear. “I noticed it.” She was incensed by his ability to slow them down. “It wasn’t because I never thought of you,” she sighed, dropping her head back as he continued to kiss around her ear. “It was because I thought about you so much, Draco.” “I can’t take this,” He lifted her up until she was mounted on the kitchen island. OR The story of how gray sweatpants tortured Hermione Granger for over a decade.]
Begin again by Goldenbucky - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger attends her twentieth anniversary reunion at Hogwarts. In the presence of her ex-husband and his new wife, she can’t wait to leave. But then, Draco Malfoy shows up. And boy, has he grown.
Double the Trouble by nissasxnotes - G, WIP - Lyra Malfoy was raised in England by her single father, Draco Malfoy. Aurora Granger was raised in New York City by her single mother, Hermione Granger. Unbeknownst to the girls, they are twins who were separated when their parents divorced. Draco and Hermione are hoping the girls don't find out the truth when they both board the Hogwarts Express on September 1, 2014. However, when the Sorting Ceremony does not go as anyone anticipates, the secrets may be harder to keep than either of them thought possible.
All Bark, No Bite by aplacetostart - E, one-shot - “You know exactly how I feel about the Auror Office, Malfoy.” “That’s Captain Malfoy to you.” “I’d rather call you daddy.”
"To the Parents of..." by SiriuslyDemented - E, one-shot - Scorpius Malfoy is failing Professor Granger's class, which means she has to send a letter home informing his parents. The meeting with his very hot, very single father, goes anything but as planned. "Is this for me, Professor?" He purred. "Yes." Hermione sighed. "Thank Salazar."
Good Girls Get Rewarded by spicyxpisces - E, one-shot - After a long day, Draco takes care of Hermione in more ways then one.
Welcome to Diagon Alley by TeslaMalfoy - E, one-shot - Hermione knew that Draco had bought the Leaky Cauldron. It had been announced on the front page of the Prophet when Tom sold it to retire—she had assumed that he bought it as an investment. Never did she think he would be working the bar, let alone, wiping down the bar at a quarter till midnight with his sleeves rolled to his elbows, showing off his tattoo-covered arms.
Parent/Teacher Tryst by What_The_Fawkes - not rated, one-shot - After a rough period, post-divorce, Hermione is called to Hogwarts to discuss her daughter's behavior. She gets far more than she expects when a familiar face greets her...
The Baby is Crying - ruminations (tannacious) - M, one-shot - In response to a prompt by Anonymous in the DILF_Fest collection. Prompt: “She/he won’t stop crying. I hate it when he/she’s crying”
This fest is onging.
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Lana + Dramione just makes sense
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Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Cho Chang, Ernie Macmillan, Blaise Zabini Additional Tags: Cheating, Post-Break Up, Angst, Depression, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Eating Disorders, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, When I say Angst I Was Not Joking, Smut, Found Family, Self-Discovery, Self-Hatred, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Doggy Style, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Sandwiches, Office, Post-Hogwarts, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Pining Draco Malfoy, Oblivious Hermione Granger, Cause she’s too depressed, No beta reader, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, Ministry of Magic Employee Draco Malfoy, Magical Artifacts, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, explicit cheating scene, Ron Weasley Bashing Summary:
In a moment that shatters Hermione Granger’s world, she stumbles upon her partner Ron’s painful betrayal. Heartbroken and raw, she finds an unexpected source of comfort in the last person she’d ever imagine – Draco Malfoy. As their paths cross amidst vulnerability, their connection deepens into an unexpected intimacy that defies judgment and expectation.
Hermione desperately navigates the treacherous waters of her own heartache, and she finds herself spiraling into a tumultuous journey of self-destruction and healing. Can she rise from the ashes with the unwavering support of her friends, and will the bond she forms with Malfoy be enough to mend her fractured spirit?
*Updates every Friday!
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Slytherin Hermione — Fan-Fiction 💚❤️
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