doctormomwriter · 6 months
It’s crazy how long a depressive episode can last. You wake up and it’s been 8 months since you’ve last done anything with your writing. You changed your job to see if that would help, but somehow it only made things worse. You’re making risky decisions and distancing yourself from everyone you love. You feel like you woke up to your child looking so much older than he did before you fell asleep.
I’m trying to put myself on a routine. To repair myself. Repair the damage I’ve done unintentionally.
Mental Health has taken a nose dive, if it reflects in my writing… I am sorry
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doctormomwriter · 1 year
Mental Health has taken a nose dive, if it reflects in my writing… I am sorry
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doctormomwriter · 1 year
Warnings: Implied smut
Shigaraki x OC Ivy
"Truth or Dare?" Toga asked the League as they sat around in the living room quarters of their hideout. Bored out of their minds.
"Dare." Dabi blurts out undetested.
"I dare you to kiss...Jean on the cheek!" Toga all but burst into tears laughing.
"Like hell, Actually, I'm not a little bitch, muah!" Dabi plants an unwanted kiss on Twice's cheek.
"That was repulsive...I love you too!" Twice bickers with himself.
"Truth or Dare, Ivy." Dabi wiped his lips and pointed at you.
"Truth." You say dryly.
"Is it true that you and Shiggy have been knocking boots while you think the rest of us are out?" Dabi smirked and Shigaraki's face turned beet red.
You turn and wait for a small sign of approval and Shigaraki nods and rolls his eyes.
"Yep! Truth or Dare, Spinner?" You shout out as quickly as possible.
"Wait I want to know how long???" Dabi interupted.
Spinner laughed and agreed for a Dare. You immediately dare him to kiss Dabi on the lips and watch as he chases him, dodging small bursts of flames.
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doctormomwriter · 1 year
New Look
Aizawa x OC Smut (filth)
Small plot because for some reason I am unable to write smut without a little background. Biggest lie I told myself...
Warning: Sexual Content, Rough, Sweet, Dirty Talking Sex
Ivy and Aizawa must come to terms with secrets, feelings, and how to go on teaching like nothing ever happened.
Part 1: Glitter Boy and The Ugly Witch
It all started with a small prank. Teaching a bunch of future pro heroes science was difficult. They never seemed to be interested in my lessons, only about the hell that would be reigned down upon them by Aizawa during his class periods with them. I learned the keep their attention by arranging small pranks on my favorite, sleepy coworker. For the last few weeks, I had hid glitter bombs in Aizawa's desk. Three of them that would go off at the perfect moment. I told the class if they all passed their midterm assignments, then I would shower Mr. Aizawa with glitter in the middle of his lecture. Their grades were all above passing. I had never been so proud and so nervous in my life. I was really hoping for one failing grade so that I could back out before I was in too deep. I am a woman of my word though.
I peeked in Aizawa's window and flipped a small switch and without failure, all of the glitter bombs popped in unison. He did not say anything. The class burst into laughter and his eyes flashed at the doorway where he caught me red handed. I bolted to my office and immediately began planning my apology.
The day dragged on as I taught the next two classes. One of my students asked why I looked sickly, like I had seen a ghost. I nonchalantly admitted that if Mr. Aizawa catches me today, I would be a ghost! Thankfully the purple haired kid did not seem to have the energy to probe me for more information. Five o'clock came sooner today than any other day. It was time to face the music. Aizawa and I always had a unique way of speaking to each other. Small jokes at one anothers expence, followed by "I am only kidding" and visiously looking away from each other.
I walked outside and put on my lab coat that I always wore over my dress clothes. I was always afraid that my clothes were too tight or not professional enough so I bypassed the dresscode by wearing a lab coat nearly all the time. I am not sure really anyone knew what I looked like underneath except Nemuri. Midnight was my best friend and had seen me in everyway, unfortunately. She always laughed when we would go out in our group of friends and I would still be in this damn coat. Rain or shine. Hot or cold. I was covered neck, to wrist, to ankle.
"You fucking bitch! I need them to focus! They are literally training for their lives!" Aizawa pushed passed Mic and made a bee-line for me. I hid between Nemuri and the tree they were surrounding.
"I am sorry! It was to motivate them to pass my exam!" I winced and giggled. "They passed." I shrugged.
"I don't know if your quirk has something to do with childish bullshit or maybe you're just one of those quirkless assholes with a hobby, but it does not mean you have to look and act like a big, ugly, witch!" Aizawa looked like he immediately regretted his words, but I did not care. That hurt.
"I..I'm sorry." I felt like I was going to puke.
"Wait... do you not have a quirk?" Mic chimed in. Everyone ignored him.
Part 2: Who Let the Girls Out?
I snuck off to my apartment quickly. An hour or so later, Midnight knocked on my door. My face had been burried in my pillow, soaked with tears. I felt like a teenager. Did he really see me as big and ugly? I could not lie to myself about it, I had the biggest crush on Aizawa since we met. Every social gathering left the two of us together as wall flowers and we joked around and talked about our lives and it became a beautiful friendship. Until I ruined it..
"Ivy girl, you have to get up.. he did not mean it like that!" Midnight put a loving hand on my shoulder.
"I am not sure why it hurt.." I tried not to look at her. I was still red from tears.
"Because you like him." She said in a sing songy way.
"I do not! We are just friends." I almost shouted at her, but my voice cracked at the lie.
"You have to get up, we are having All Might's birthday party at Siripico's Bar and you know what that meansssss!" She held a finger under my chin that forced me to look up at her.
"It means I have to go and face Aizawa like the fat, ugly, witch I am?" I smirked and wiped my face from the tears. "I am going to sit this out, take Toshinori my gift please." I flopped back into the bed.
"No, do not make me knock you out and dress you up the hard way." Midnight tugged at her sleeve with a devilish grin.
My brown eyes flashed a matte gold color and my hair fell down from my messy bun. I smirked as I summoned my closet doors open so hard the room shook.
"God, I love it when you use magic!" She giggled and rummaged through my closet. Flinging dresses out left and right.
"Oh honey, none of this will work. You have to have on a dress that goes with heels!" She pulled out my old hero costume and flung it on the bed. "What about this?" She gave me an evil smile.
"You know good and well, I am never going to wear that again. My pro days are over, that is why I teach science." I held the weathered fabric in my hand. My touch made it flow back to a dark black again.
No one knew but Midnight and Nezu. No one was allowed to know about "Hecate: The Witch Hero." She disappeared about the same time Ivy moved to Osaka City to teach young heroes science...harmless science. I remembered how I looked though. Much like Midnight. Tall and curvy, my dark wine colored hair, long and wild with curles and narcisus flowers accentuated my black dress that resembled an Greecian robe. Long slits up from the ankle to my hips on each side. 'Cleavage and legs for days' is what Nemuri called it when I showed her pictures.
"No one will know if you keep your normal face on." She waved her hand in front of my face. I took a breath and changed my eye color back to brown and my hair seemed to not be so wild anymore. "Plus, you are not wearing your moon horn head piece and eye makeup. No one will know... come on!! This is sexy as hell."
I began to ponder the idea and grabbed my lab coat like a security blanket. She snatched it from me.
"If you even think about wearing this thing, I will knock you out and tape you to the flag pole...naked..." She licked her lips.
"You pervert. I love you, you silly goose. Fine.." I admitted defeat.
We got dressed together at her apartment. She had to approve my makeup and lend me a pair of heels. We took goofy pictures like always. One of them was a little riske'. Midnight jokingly put her hand around my throat while we were in our bras and panties. Our tongues were sticking out as our faces nearly touched.
"You better delete that one!" I grabbed for the phone. Too late.
"Nemuri!! Tell me you did not send that to Hizashi... please.. tell me you did not!" I was so embarrassed but the damage was already done. We finished getting ready and ordered a ride to take us to the bar.
Part 3: Look at This Photograph
"Holy shit!" Mic blushed at the photo and immediately texted back. "Yes Ma'ams!" to Midnight's picture. They had a friends with benefits thing going on that know one is supposed to know about, but everyone knows about it.
"What?" Aizawa spat in the sink and whiped the toothpaste foam from his lips.
"Don't mind me, looking to score twice tonight." Mic slid the phone to Aizawa and his face turned red. Mostly from anger.
"Like Ivy would even dream of you touching her." He coughed and rolled his eyes. Closing the bathroom door to breath and prevent his semi from becoming more than that.
Aizawa and Mic had a long conversation while they waited for time to get ready for the party. Mic explained that calling a woman "fat and ugly" even as a joke or retaliation is bad. Aizawa scoffed and while he knew Mic was right about that, he did not want to admit fault. Eventually they dropped the conversation when Mic mentioned to Aizawa that while no one had really seen my body not covered by work clothes and a lab coat, I had a pretty face and a great personality and that is all the mattered. Aizawa added in how intelligent I was and then began talking about training with his class.
"I just find it funny that you think Ivy would not jump on this dick if I gave her the option." Mic prodded as they were walking out the door. Aizawa clenched the keys in his hand to avoid feeling the rage that boiled in his bloodstream. "Could you imagine what her face looks like when she is going down... do you think she keeps her glasses on? Do you think her tits are that big out side of the pic.." Aizawa pushed Mic into the hallway wall.
"Shut up. Gentleman's agreement like old times? Keep your hands and eyes off of Ivy. No questions asked." Aizawa was so harsh with those words.
"See.. I knew you liked her." Mic fixed his jacket and they got in the car without another word.
Mic sent a text to Nemuri. "Finally he admits it." She responded with a thumbs up emoji.
Party 4: Lights Out, Drinks Up
I stepped out of the Uber and Nemuri pulled me in for a picture outside the bar's neon signage. We both looked hot. I felt naked without my coat, but it was time to feel confident after being knocked down to nothing this afternoon. We ordered a drink and mingled. All Might was huge and muscular like normal, his yellow suit traded out for a crisp plum color one with a black tie and belt. His shoes were so shiny they looked like wet paint. He hugged us so tight. He was so wholesome. Fawning over how beautiful I looked, he even whispered in my ear that confidence looked so beautiful on me. He also whispered something about beating the boys off of me with a stick if I needed. He was so kind. I adored that man for more than his hero work.
"This drink is strong, but I need another." I shouted to Midnight over the music but she was too busy making googoo eyes at Mic.
I flagged the bartender down, but he had already handed me a drink. A flaming orange concoction. He pointed to man at he end of the bar and winked. I blew out the fire and took the shot before turning around. My eyes grew wide like saucers when I saw the brooding Endeavor sitting down on a stool that looked way to small to hold him. His suit was black and his shirt a crisp white. His tie was one of those fancy paisley patterns with a sterling silver clip. I smiled and decided I should probably say thank you for the drink. I walked over and reheared a small talk starter in my head.
"Thank you, Endeavor." I was going to leave it at that.
He placed his hand on the counter and bartender ran 4 more flaming shots in front of us.
"You're not going to make me drink alone, huh? It's Enji outside of work by the way." He pushed a shot to me.
"I guess one more won't hurt... Enji.." I smiled.
I took the shot down. I didnt even blow out the flame that time.
"So... I have a question. Is there any particular reason you decided to dress like a fucking beauty queen tonight?" He took two shots back to back and passed me the last one.
Oh my god, was he hitting on me? Ew.. I teach one of his kids. My brain was not really thinking clearly anymore. The alcohol bubbling in my veins, my cheeks felt pink. I had to be careful or else I may forget to keep my quirk in check. I nonchalantly summoned the shot glass to my hand only a few inches so he would not notice.
"A shy girl, huh? No reason to be shy when you look like that. Although, I never really thought I would see that outfit out in the wild again. Hecate." He grabbed my hand firmly.
"What did you call me?" I giggled. He was bluffing. He did not really know.
"Do not play dumb with me.. You do not need to hide all that power from someone like me. I know all too well what it is like to have so much power and rarely get to use my full potential." He had pulled me close. Tucked my long curly hair behind my ear.
I was starting to panic now. I needed another drink. My mouth was dry. I pulled away but he pulled me back harder. My face smushed into his chest. He swayed to the music and kept his voice down low so I could hear him without anyone eavsdropping.
"I am just saying, imagine the legacy you and I could leave behind if you came out into the hero world. Not to mention, having this sweet ass and legs to look at on those lonely stake outs at night might ease the long hours... You could ease this long.." He stepped back a moment to see what had caught his attention. His foot suddenly slipped up into the air and he came crashing down to his ass.
I made my get away. I could not see what happened until the strobe lights flased on a silver grey cloth slinking away behind the bar and into Aizawa's suit pocket. My eyes trailed up to the man who was behind the prank.
When I made eye contact with him, he gave me a half smile. I had almost forgotten how badly he had hurt my feelings earlier. I turned around in embarrassment and unfortunately ran into a frustrated looking Endeavor.
"So you are just going to knock me off my feet and run away? Lucky for you, I like a challenge." He pulled me close to his chest again.
My eyes flashed back to Aizawa who was looking out of the corner of his eyes at us while he chatted with Vlad King. He looked angry. Did I really make him that angry? Maybe I should enjoy myself. Get a little flirty. Even if its with someone as disgusting as Endeavor.
"So, I do not want to disappoint you, but I am not who you think I am. I am just a science teacher." I shrugged.
"I am not dumb, Hecate. I have known since the moment I saw your face. Now that you're wearing your old dress, I confirmed it. What I cannot figure out is... why you are hiding? Who are you hiding from?" His face was so close to mine.
"I am not saying you are dumb, I am saying that..." A strong hand grabbed my shoulder. A forceful but careful pull, pulled me away from the firey man.
"We need to talk." Aizawa did not even bother to look at the angered Endeavor.
Part 5: Time to Get Shit Faced.
Endeavor pulled me back to him and at that moment I ducked and side stepped to give space between us. Mic walked by with a tray of cosmo shooters and I grabbed two off and downed them. Hoping this would all go away when I opened my eyes. I was wrong, of course.
"Eraserhead, I did not peg you for the rude type. Ivy and I were just talking about how much we have in common." He winked at me.
"We don't have anything in common." I chimed in and it seemed like no one listened.
"Oh really, since when did she become a pretentious, fireball, asshole?" Aizawa flashed his eyes at Endeavor, watching the flames die down.
"To be fair you called me an asshole this morning." At this point, I swayed off without them noticing. I made my way to the bathroom as the alcohol started to really fuck with my senses. I have not drank this much in front of anyone but Midnight.
I texted Nemuri to come save me and decided to try to sober up some in the comfort of the bathroom stall. This felt gross.
Aizawa and Endeavor spent the next five minutes arguing before Aizawa noticed I was gone. They both blamed each other for my disappearance and Aizawa made a beeline for the hallway that led to the bathrooms and back door patio. I decided to stop hiding in the bathroom when I heard moaning in the stall beside me. That was my cue to leave. I needed fresh air. I opened the patio door and no one was there in my line of sight. I shut the door and sat in the chairs by the wall.
"Fuck.." I sighed.
"You wanna tell me what that was about?" Aizawa flicked a half smoked cigarette across the lot.
"Fuck!" I jumped up and immediately felt lightheaded. I sat down.
"I honestly have not a fucking clue." I covered my face and he down beside me.
"You're hanging out with Endeavor, that is...interesting." He lit another cigarette.
"Give me that...please" I pulled it from his fingers but it felt like they lingered on my hand for more than a normal amount of time.
I took a puff, I had not had a cigarette in forever. The last time was when Nemuri talked me into trying one of these special rainbow cigarettes that tasted like peppermint. I felt a rush as the nicotine flooded my system.
"I am not hanging out with him, he bought me a few drinks, made a pass at me which I declined, several times. He knows my secret..." I passed the cigarette back to Aizawa.
"Oh, okay. So you're not into...you're not interested in him?" He choked out. Pretending it was the cigarette making him choke.
"Of course not, he is gross. Not my type." I took the cigarette and took a long drag.
"Ha...and what is your type?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow.
We made eye contact for a moment and I could not make myself speak. I could not come clean. One part of me wanted to tell him that he was my type and the other part of me wanted to give a generic answer. Before I could open my mouth, the door crashed open and Endeavor and a waitress were entangled, making out loudly. He stopped when he saw me.
"Yeah, that is right. This could have been you. I could have fucked you stupid, Hecate." Endeavor turned back to the waitress who was stil gasping for air from the lip locking.
It's amazing how fast you sober up when you get hit with a blow of anxiety the size of a mountain. I bolted around the corner. Making it to the corner and trying to catch a taxi. I finally caught one and as I was about to shut the door, Aizawa slid in beside me. He handed a 50 to the driver and muttered an address.
"We need to talk." He looked at me harshly. I saw his eyes flash red and I pinched his thigh. He blinked before he had the chance to use his quirk on me.
"Not here." Thankfully he did not push.
We arrived at a small loft near UA. This was not my apartment... I guess it was his. He tipped the driver and we walked to the door. He grasped my hand and nearly dragged me inside.
"You do like him, why would you lie about that? You have a pet name? Why him? Why a fucking asshole like him? You are so smart and he's.." He looked at me so angry. His eyes flashed at me. His hair stood on end..
I let it happen. He watched as my skin tone grew paler and slightly glowing. My eyes turned from brown to gold and copper colored. My curls seemed to look bolder and less tamed. Large ringlets of wine colored locks. My lips turned from soft pink to the color of sugar plums in winter.
"What.." He relaxed his gaze. I kept my form.
"This is me.. the fat, ugly witch." A tear fell down my cheek. "When I was 20, a fairly young pro. I was Hecate. My quirk is witchcraft." I sighed again. "Endeavor figured it out and was trying to court me for breeding purposes. I dislike him. I promise."
Aizawa still did not say a work. He just looked at me. In a way he never really had before. There was so much awkward silence in the room, you could hear the neighbors across the street snoring.
"You're.." He took a long pause again.
"I am me, this is just an old part of me that I wanted to keep away from everyone. I am done being a pro.." I was teary eyed. Worried that he would ask why I hid this. Why I left a career I worked so hard to get..
"I just don't understand. How could I have been so blind not to see that..you're Hecate?" He walked towards me. Leaving little space between me and him. I backed up towards the door. My back nearly touching it.
"I am so...sorry." He whispered.
"For what?"
"For hurting your feelings... for calling you are quirkless normie.. for being awful tonight while you were just trying to have a good time." His hand rested on my shoulder. "Why would you hide this from us? No one would have cared." He chuckled.
"You never heard the story of how Hecate disappeared? My shame? You would not have cared about my failure as a hero? How I was tricked into killing someone...I am a witch by birth and by nature of my quirk. I swore to never do harm and I let a man....gain control of my body and use it for evil. I saw everything he did to my body and made my body do..I should have been put down like a rabid dog, Shouta." I was crying the type of way that makes you gasp for air. Tears streaming down my cheeks and down my neck.
"Ivy... I didn't..I had no idea. I promise. Even if I did, I would have never judged you for something that you did not do of your own volition." He wiped the tears from my eyes and held my face in his palms. "Then Endeavor kept talking about how our spawn would be powerful beings and it made me want to vomit, but I spent time with him to make you jealous and then.." His lips slowly pressed to mine.
He pulled away from me and tooks a few steps back.
"I am so sorry...I should have asked, but why did you want to make me jealous? You know what, it doesn't matter. Thank you for being honest with me. Want to go back to the party?" He was shaking his head in disbelief.
I felt my heart burst in my chest. How could he just kiss me and ask if I want to go to a party?! I wanted to be here. I needed some kind of explanation to his actions! I was hurt all over again. Maybe he just wanted to shut me up. Did it not matter at all that I wanted to make him jealous. Fuck this night.
"I...well, should we talk about what just happened?" I needed answers.
"Oh this?" Aizawa stepped forward as my back touched the door. He tilted my chin up and kissed me again. His fingers lightly moving my hair behind my ear and his palm cupping my jaw to hold me in place. He released after about a minute.
"Yes.. that." I felt so dizzy. Was I still drunk? Maybe a litte.
He locked the door and took my hand, pulling me on top of him on the couch. His hands moved around my waist as our lips connected again. Deeper this time. His tongue grazing my bottom lip after a soft bite. I whimpered into the kiss which triggered a low moan from him. I could feel his cock hard under his pants. If I could see myself, I am sure I was tomato red with anxiety.
Chapter 6: Drunk In Love
"We should really go back to the party...don't you think?" Aizawa had his hand in my hair, a hard grip. Pulling me only an inch back from his lips.
I pouted.. he was right though. He pulled his phone from his pocket and showed me 37 missed texts from Hizashi. I slowly climbed off of his lap and my legs felt like they weighed 500 pounds. I was shivering at the loss of warmth between us.
"I have questions.." I whispered as he smirked and wiped my lipstick from his mouth. I blushed thinking I should probably touch myself up before we head back.
"I have answers." His voice fell lower in tone.
"I still have no idea what is going on in your head...was this just a one time.. tipsy..thing?" I walked closer to the door.
Aizawa stopped and narrowed his eyes at me. I could not tell if he was annoyed, amused, frustrated, or confused. I was confused. One minute his tongue is down my throat and the next he is rushing us back to a party. He walked towards me and rubbed my small lipstick smear from my chin. Pressing me back to the door. He kissed me softly. Trailing them down my neck.
"Oh fuck!" I cried out as his teeth bit into my tender skin. Right above my color bone. He lingered and pulled off of me.
"We go back, be polite friends, give our gifts, have a drink or two. I want to dance with you in the dim light. Let me feel like I have given you a proper date and I promise you, when we get back to my apartment, I will leave no room for doubt in your beautiful brain. I will kiss you.." he learned in to my ear to whisper "I will have you screaming to whatever gods you believe in all night." He stood back up and smiled at me. It was an innocent and loving smile.
The uber drive back to the bar was short, thank god. He held my hand to guide me out of the car and we went back inside through the patio. Hizashi was still drunk. He grabbed me and told me how pretty I was. Aizawa sighed in annoyance. Then Hizashi screamed for Nemuri, she cam running from the back, drinks in hand.
"Nemuri!! Look! They did it!!" He pointed to my neck.
My face was on fire. I did not realize the bite had left a mark. Aizawa snaked a hand around my waist and pulled me to him, hard enough to make me place a hand on his chest for balance.
"Would you shut up and let the kids have their fun, we have been waiting for this to happen for months." Nemuri handed me a glass and asked me to dance with her.
I looked at Aizawa who just nodded for me to go off and enjoy myself.
Unknown to me, Hizashi begged him for details and Aizawa did not oblidge. He left is very vague. Only telling him that he could not fight his feelings anymore and that we kissed and came back to the party. Hizashi whined at the last of graphic detail, but eventually let the topic go.
Meanwhile, Nemuri and I were dancing and grinding on each other. Laughing and taking shots. I tried to pace myself, I did not want to be too drunk to miss out on the end of the "date." A broad hand cut in between us and pulled me close to him, I halfheartedly expected it to be Aizawa, but it was Enji. I pulled back quickly in disgust. He laughed and reached for my wrist again only to fall to his ass. My eyes flashed the gold and copper color that he had only hoped to see. I bound him to the floor with my magic. The music stopped and everyone back up as the giant man struggled to get up. I snapped my fingers and released him. There were gasps from all over the crowd. People mumbled, wondering what happeded, while the people closest to me could see that it was my own power that caused the scene.
"Hecate, I have to give it to you. I almost believed you for a minute. But, now your whole secret is out. Was it worth it? Doing this show all for me?" Enji was enraged and cocky.
"That was not for you... that was for him." I pointed to Aizawa, who had made his way to my side when he saw Endeavor fall to the ground.
"How cute...enjoy mediocrate.." Enji made his way back to the bar. Thankfully everyone had the attention span of a goldfish and went back to drinking and dancing.
"I think this was the best date I have ever been on." Aizawa giggled and pulled me close to him as a slower song played.
Chapter 7: Oh My God
It was over, we made it back to his apartment. Suddenly, I felt nervous again. Like a virgin being lured to into a sacrifice. I felt danger and excitement, passion and longing, but more importantly... I felt safe with him. I felt like he was testing me to see if I would try to initiate. I was far too nervous for that. I sat on the couch and waited for him to come back from the restroom. My blood ran cold when I heard the faucet turn off from him washing his hands. I do not even know how to act sexy.
"So, you have a pretty impressive music collection here.." I could have punched myself for trying to break the ice.
"So, can I see? Show me something magical?" He brough two glasses of red wine to the living room area.
As he passed a glass to me, I sipped the sweet and bitter liquid. Trying to fight off the hangover and keep a small buzz for confidence. I blushed at the question, I had no idea what I could impress him with. At this point in our lives, I feel that we have seen it all.
"Tell me what you would like and I will try to make it happen?" It was more of a question for him that a command.
"I want to see...what you desire." He sat back on the couch. His legs were spread and his rested his wine glass on knee. His other hand resting behind his head comfortably.
It took me about a minute of thinking. I put on one of his records and swayed slowly to the music. Sipping my glass of wine in between thoughts of what to do. Suddenly, I had the best idea. I shot down the rest of the wine and told him to close his eyes and count to three.
"One...Two...Three..." When he opened his eyes, I stood before him in a matching bra and panty set, black wiring, flesh toned transulent fabric that had emerald green stitching in the patters of webs and tentacles like something out of a Vintinour magazine. It was sexy, it was sinful, it made him audibly moan a low "Oh my god.."
"Now...what is that you desire?" I bit my lip and smirked like a brat.
"I would love for you to come sit in my lap....but I desire for you get on your knees right here..." He pointed to the floor between his legs. "Obviously, only if we are sharing that desire."
Aizawa, king of consent. It make me feel like I would soak through my magic-made lingerie. I took a few steps to him before dropping to my hands and knees and crawling up to his knees. He stood up and unbuttoned and I eagerly pulled them down with his underwear and gently pushed him back on the couch before taking his length into my mouth. The good thing about a little foreplay is that by the time you get to this part, there is no need for warming him up. He was stiff and hard, twitching at the cool air, pre-cum dripping from it's head. I was enjoying myself so much I did not realize I had been sucking for nearly 10 minutes, changing things around, fast and slow, circling my tongue around it and making sure to lick his balls while I stroked him with my hand. His moans made me want to beg him to fuck me, but I needed to make him feel like he was the only man in the world. I wanted to please him, erase the doubts from the Endeavor situation.
"I would not be a good man if I let you do all of the work, now would I? He gripped my hair in his fist and pulled me away from his cock. I was whining like a brat. He laughed as he through me on my back, I hit the carpet with a thud and a pout.
Now this was knew to me... I did not come down to the floor and spread my legs, he hooked his strong arms around my thighs and curled me my pussy up to his face. I was basically upside down. My shoulder blades on the floor as the man's tongue violated my pussy in the best way imaginable. I was crying, swearing, shouting out to the gods. I was so close I could not breath. He stopped and slid a hand up my back, putting me in his lap and my face to his.
His kisses tasted salty and sweet. I desperately grinded on his cock. Soaking it with my arousal, but never pushing it inside without permission. His kisses went down my throat as his hands shredded the lingerie way too easily. My whole body was exposed to him and I got a little nervous. No time to stay nervous when the man of your dreams has his mouth on your breasts and two fingers sunk inside your tight little whole. He even knew to curls him up while he pumped them in and out.
"Fuck... I am going to cum, please don't stop! Please don't! Please... FUCK!" I shouted as the juices flowed from me right onto his palm.
He stroked himself using my own lust as lube. He lowered me down onto my back. The couch was soft and comfy. Agressively, he threw one of my legs up and rested my ankle on his shoulder, while he lined himself up to my entrance. Asking permission once more. I barely finished the word "Please" when he pushed inside.
"Oh god, you feel...." He fucked me a few more times before finishing that sentence.
I think he knew he would not last very long on our first time, but he made every thrust feel like heaven. His moans set my body on fire, I wanted to praise him for treating me like a goddess, but I also wanted to serve him like he was my deity to worship for eternity.
"Tell me this is mine? Forever!" He shouted.
"This is yours, Shouta! Please.."
He came so hard, when he pulled out, his cum painted from my lower stomach to my chest. I was messy and sweaty and tired. He walked away and brough a warm towel to clean off with before inviting me to the shower.
This was how I would spend many nights after.
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doctormomwriter · 1 year
Minors Do Not Interact
Imagine 💙❤️ Smut
Shigaraki x Reader
Tomura Shigaraki has always had a small crush on you, but always controlled it well. You are his ally, his team mate, but most importantly his player 2 for any and all video games. Toga talks you into going to a club and makes you wear some of her clothes which are way too small and way too tight compared to your normal oversized sweaters and jeans. She even cons you into sacrificing your Toms for a pair of heels. Shigaraki sees a few guys flirting with you and goes absolutely feral.
“You going to pick your jaw up off the floor or…” Dabi tapped Shigaraki in the chin as you and Toga walked out of the small apartment flat.
“What are you on about, now?” Shigaraki rolled his eyes and grabbed his shoes. Aggressively slipping them on.
“I’m just saying, I have never seen her look that good before either and uh, I know you have never seen her without a hoodie on so… you gonna make your move?” The boys strolled out the door.
You and wiggled around uncomfortably in Toga’s clothes. One of her black crop tops that stretched around your breasts to the point where Toga even agreed she would never get to wear it again. It matched together with a purple plaid mini skirt. Although for you it felt like a micro shirt.
“You know I didn’t realize that you had so many tattoos.” Toga laughed and linked her arms in yours.
“I don’t normally show my body off, it feels uncomfortable. I think I should go change.” Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
“You know… you know who hasn’t stopped drooling over you since we left the house.” Toga shrugged her shoulders and leg you into the club.
The music is too shitty to be this loud. You’d rather be at home lounging on the beanbag chair with Shig, playing games and talking shit about everything. Now you’re turning red thinking about him checking you out.
Toga tan off the dance with strangers. Probably eyeing her next victim. This is her way to nonchalantly take a few peoples blood for disguising herself. It was genius though, no one noticed the small needle pricks while liquored up.
You glance at the door as you finally get your first drink. Dabi and Shigaraki walked in, still in their normal garb. Looking slightly threatening, but in a way you’re used to. They we’re going to meet with the Doctor in the back office. Something about an experiment for Shigaraki to get stronger. He never really talked about that to you though. You watched as the crowd of people dispersed from them. Before you could see where they were headed your vision was blocked by a rather large man in a suit. It was pinstriped and he stank of cigar smoke and musk. He had a polite smile, but you were not interested in the least bit. As he handed you a free shot, you smiled and thanked him. Trying to be pleasant, but not overly flirtatious.
Still no sign of the guys. You were on your 5th shot with Mr. Suit Guy and he was probing you for information. Your name, where you’re from, if you’re a natural (your hair color) head. You have fake answers for everything and started to enjoy pretending to be someone else. You turned away when your peripheral vision cause the white of Shigaraki’s hair in the light. As you turned back the guy offered you another shot. Studying the glass for a half second, there sat a fraction of a white pill dissolving into the green liquor. You played dumb. Wanting to see how this played out.
“Can we please go now…what a fucking minute who is that guy with (your villain name)?” Shigaraki cracked his knuckles.
“Some guy who is about to get his ass kicked… eyes are glowing gold. That means trouble..” Dabi was impressed with himself that he had learned the quirks about your quirk.
You took the shot, knowing that that drug would never work in you while you were using your quirk. You had odd abilities compared to your friends in the League. They had outwardly dangerous quirks. Fire, blood, decay… but you were immune to the effects of other quirks. Toga couldn’t use your blood. (She tried, but it made her throw up for a week), Dabi’s fire grazed your skin without even burning your hair. Although, Shigaraki refuses to test his quirk on you, you knew he couldn’t dust you. However, you were basically a voodoo doll. You could inflict unspeakable things on yourself with no long term damage and have it effect another person.
Shigaraki and Dabi watched as he draped his arm around you. You looked (from their perspective) very lucid. He led you to a dark closet area and began to tear at your clothes. It wasn’t until you started laughing that he got aggressive.
“What’s so funny whore?” He growled.
“Oh, just thinking about how I’m going to kill you.” You instantly sobered up as his vision began to blur. “Oh, what’s the matter baby.. are you a light weight?”
The door flung open just as you were cutting into your arm with a knife. You watched as the warm red drained down your arm only to seal up
The man gurgled out a ragged breath as his arm started to flood with blood. Squirting on your torso up to your neck a little He couldn’t even scream from the pain. Lucky guy. Painless death.
“See, I told you she was fine.” Dabi shoved Shigaraki who was still staring a hole through you.
“Oh that note.. I’m gonna go home and shower and uh.. leave the dead guy here.” You all but ran out the door skipping until you remembered the heels on your feet and nearly face planted in the bushes. A strong arm stopping you.
Shigaraki pulled you back up on the side walk. You felt a little nervous when his face looked a little angry. You looked at your feet as you walked to the corner. Pressing the walk signal button. You try to joke about the dead guy but he was visibly ignoring you. It made the whole walk home much longer and your feet were killing you. The door swung open hard, Shigaraki didn’t bother turning on the lights, he kicked his shoes off and walked to the kitchen, grabbed a beer and popped the top off on the counter.
“Want one?” He popped another and handed it to me.
“And he speaks! Wanna tell me why you cared that I killed that guy?” I took a sip.
“I don’t care who you kill, (your name).” He was near finished with his beer.
“You seem upset.” You start pulling on your zip up hoodie when he snatches it off your arm.
“No reason to cover up that perfect body, you had no problem showing it off tonight.” His words cut deep.
“I never go out like this it was Toga’s idea…” he cuts you off.
“I didn’t even know you had a belly button ring or tattoos on your chest and all over” he moved his hands in the air motioning curves. “I didn’t know your skin was so (your skin tone), I didn’t know how soft and how strong you look..” he chugs another beer.
“Shig… I don’t want you to think poorly of me, it was stupid to go out dressed like a party clown, I only agreed because Toga..” he continues his rant once more.
“And everyone just looked at you, all those fucking men, looking at you. The way I look at you when you’re dressed in pajamas for five days straight. When you haven’t brushed your hair. When you haven’t slept. Fuck.. even when you’re covered in blood and ash. They don’t deserve to see you like that.” He was already mid 3rd beer. Still berating you in the most loving way you’ve ever been scolded.
“Shig, let me fucking finish. Toga wanted to give me a makeover so that I could impress YOU, you idiot.” You stormed off to your room with him in hot pursuit.
“You wanted to impress me, huh?” He stuck his foot in the door to stop it from closing. “Then impress me.”
You paused and thought about it for a minute. You whispered okay and shrugged your shoulders before snatching his hand up and placing it on your arm. All five of his fingers down on your skin.
“Impressed?” You smiled so hard your dimple showed.
After the look of shock and terror faded he pulled your into his embrace. Lifting your chin up with a single finger and meeting his lips to yours. The kiss lingered for a few seconds.
“I.. am still covered in that guys blood and my own blood..” you giggled as he kissed your forehead. He slammed the door with his foot and locked it with a echoing small click noise.
“Did I ever tell you about how when I found you a couple years ago… beating the absolute shit out of that b list hero?”
“You mean the so called hero who tried to take advantage of a woman in an alley?”
“Yep. And how I walked up right when he finished punching his face in. And then watched you slit your own throat and laugh as blood poured out of his neck as yours magically closed back up.” The way he bit his lip before pulling you back to his body made you feel intoxicated. “I didn’t think anyone could look as beautiful as you did in that moment…. Until looking at you now.” He completely dusted your clothes and ran his hands down your curves.
You didn’t know he had dreamed of this moment. Touching you, feeling your skin, taking in your scent. The only difference is that in his dreams he couldn’t touch you with every finger, but now you were completely his. The sound he made me when got the devilish grin and dropped to your knees, yanking down his pants and boxes and taking his length into your mouth made your cheeks turn red. You looked up at him with your big (eye color) eyes and sucked like your life depended on it.
“Get on the bed, on your fucking back” he threw you up on the small bed, kissing from your pussy up your stomach to your throat. He grabbed your neck and squeezed just a little, testing your reaction. They way you bit your lip, grinning and rolling your eyes back as your hips grinder against his hard cock drove him crazy. He stroked his cock before pushing inside you. Both of you gasping at the feeling. He moved his hips slowly and you whined when he pulled out for a moment, but he slammed himself back in making you let out a string of curse words.
“Fuck, this is…. Mine now… god you feel so good” his hands moved to your breasts and up to your throat. Your face felt hot as your air flow was cut off. Your lips felt swollen and tingly. It felt like you were choking out a scream of ecstasy when felt the gush of your own climax hit like lightening. “Oh fuck… all that for me..” you gasped when he let your throat go. “Your lips turned a pretty shade of blue..” he pulled you on top of him.
You couldn’t speak yet. Your brain was so fucked out all you could think about was how you to keep this going forever. But you bounced on his cock, with your hands braced on his chest. Moaning his name sweetly.
“Fuck… I’m going to cum”
“Please! I want it, please” You whined. Still keeping your pace. Not changing a damn thing.
“Where you want it, baby… fuck! Tell me now.” He was holding back as long as he could.
“Inside… please fill me..” he cut you off and held your hips down hard. Shoving every inch inside your body and his cock twitched.
You went to move but he begged you to stay on him and you could feel him pulsing inside of you still. Still in a little shock that you’re covered in blood and filled with your best friend’s cum, but it never felt more right.
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doctormomwriter · 1 year
I’m in a manic state and I have too many things in my drafts. I’ll be up all night drinking Irish coffee and writing in my bed.
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doctormomwriter · 1 year
Tomura Shigaraki Imagine
*You Already Know…
Minors Do Not Interact**
Shigaraki figures out you have a crush on him after Dabi points it out and questions if he has the balls to do anything about it.
“What do you mean she has a crush on me? A crush? What are we.. teenagers?” Shigaraki took a sip of his mystery alcohol concoction made by Kurogiri.
“You’re saying you wouldn’t tear that pussy up if given the chance?” Dabi lit another cigarette.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate to question me about my personal preferences, you charred piece of jerky.” Standing up from the bar and finishing the drink. Nearly spitting it out when you walk in.
You’re wearing fishnets under a skin tight black dress and your Doc Martins. Your purple hair in ringlet, long and wild. You carried a paper bag full of groceries. Smiling as you surprised your friends with plans to make them the first hot meal they’ve had in weeks.
“What’s at you guys looking at?” You furrow your brows at Dabi who is choking back laughter.
Shigaraki looked a little red in the face. Twice greeted you and then looked away like he was ashamed. Spinner rolled his eyes and eagerly asked what was for dinner.
“Okay… well I’m going to go make dinner and yeah..” you scurried away still in total confusion as to why Shigaraki had that look on his face.
Dinner didn’t take long. You made vegetable soup, grilled chicken, and brownies. Everyone looked so happy. No one even questioned how you obtained the groceries when cash was so tight. You did a good job of not getting any blood from the cashier under your nails.
“So boss… have you decided that I’m right and uh.. you don’t have the balls to get what you want?” Dabi put his bowl in the sink and thanked you for the dinner.
“I will literally turn you to dust.” Shigaraki’s fist hit the table and everyone dispersed from the room except for the two of you.
“So uhm…hope you liked it. Twice said he’d do the clean up so I’m gonna go to my room. See ya later, puddin.” You were always so casual with him.
It made your stomach knot with butterflies when he stood up and abruptly blocked you from exiting to the stairs.
“Need some company?” He asked quietly.
“Only if it’s you.” You ducked under his arm that blocked you and walked up the stairs. Giving him a good view under your dress.
The next moments were a blur. Your door clicking behind you both. The way his lips pressed to your body, hungry for every inch of you. You were already moaning and whining for him. Slightly worried of the dangerous possibilities. The worries of him accidentally dusting you turned to adrenaline as your fishnets ripped from your legs. Two of his fingers pumping inside your tight little hole, already sloppy wet from his kisses.
“Please..” You begged him as he back you towards the bed.
Pulling off his clothes and you threw your dress across the room. Not wearing anything underneath but your fishnets. Shigaraki wanted to tell you how breathtaking this sight was but he couldn’t speak with the aching erection in his palm. He stroked himself while you spread your legs for him.
“Shit..Fuck..” Only curses left his mouth while he pushed inside you. He wanted to take his time but he couldn’t. He felt like an animal.
Shigaraki kissed you while keeping a solid pace. Growling in between strokes. You tried to muffle your moans but he hit the sweetest spot over and over. You cried out his name as the sounds became more wet and sinful with every thrust.
“So good for me…” he bit into your neck. “Such a good girl… fuck… I’m going to..” He went to pull out but your legs locked around his waist.
“Inside me.. please..” you begged him. “On the pill” you panted.
A few more strokes and you could fill his cock twitching inside you. He stayed sheathed inside you while his body pressed to yours. You could feel his heart pounding. Both of you covered in his sweat.
“I should probably tell you that I have been dreaming of this moment for a long time..” you whispered.
“I should have done this the night we met.”
A loud knock in the door ruined the sweet moment.
“You kids better be using protection!”
“Shut up, Dabi!” You both said in unison.
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin Pt 12
Joes POV
I put my hands around her waist. Guiding her as she moved so delicately on my lap. If she only knew the amount of strength it was taking not to man handle her right now. It was time to make the first move. I moved a hand under her pussy.. feeling between the wet folds for the first time while she was kissing my neck. Her sounds, god damn her sweet sounds. I always prided myself on my stamina, but that alone made me want to bust in my boxers.
"sit on my fingers.. ride them.." I kept my voice low and gruff.
She did not hesitate. The struggling for her to take just two of my fingers had me losing every bit of hold I had on myself. I grabbed her by the back of the head and kissed her deeply. Shoving my tongue in her mouth. Tasting her lips. The subtle bit of alcohol still lingering. She whined as my fingers went deeper.
I threw her off of me. Her back on my matress. I started undressing. She kept her legs wide open. He glistening pussy was so ready and as bad as I wanted to shove myself inside her, I was aching to make her cum. I left my boxers on and slide between her legs. My tongue meeting her sweet lips. The sweetest taste. I moaned as I felt her juices trickling down my tongue. I put my fingers back inside her tight little hole.
"There it is!" I shouted. "That's my girl, that's my good girl." She was screaming. Begging. Her body was arched so tense that her toes curled. The flood started. A salty sweet gush, on my hand and my tongue.
"Are you okay, baby?" I asked even though I knew she was still gasping for air.
"Yes...sir...please..more" She said like a greedy little slut.
"Oh you want this?" I pulled out my cock, letting it drop on her pussy hard. Her eyes widened.
Rebekah's POV
"Please, I want you.. please.." I knew I was a mess.
My eyes were probably smeared with mascara from the tears brought on by the orgasm. I was still spinning in my mind. The room felt smaller. The air was thicker. The I let out a loud whine. A scream, muffled by his hand. His cock was sheathed inside me. He held himself in so deep, I could feel his leg shaking from the amount of pressure. He pulled out all the way and did it again. Forcing himself completely inside. Every inch was burried. His hand released from my mouth.
"That first scream was for my ears only." He growled.
He sat up, pulling my thighs to his chest. My legs were shaking so much I felt embarrassed, but he relished in it. I had cum twice within the next 20 minutes of him pounding into me. I thought I was done, I could not possibly feel anymore pleasure than that. I was overstimulated. My body was sore and felt bruised in the best way, but he was still going. His hand clutched my throat and we locked eyes. I felt my face turning red, my lips swelling, dark tunnels caving in my vision.
"Tell me, I can cum inside you?" he said it like a question, but still very stern.
"Tell me.. now!" He growled, like an animal.
"Yes, please!" I choked out. A meer whisper inbetween the sound of our bodies colliding.
Just as I was about to black out, he let go. I held my arms around his shoulders as his weight fell onto me. His cock twitching inside me.
"Shit..." I thought to myself.
"Fuck..." He moaned, his head resting in the bend of my neck.
This was the start of a beautiful relationship.
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Can someone help me with some writing tasks?
I just want to keep myself distracted and busy.
What’s something you want to read?
0 notes
doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin' pt 11
Rebekah's POV
There was a silence that lasted the whole way to the car. We had been driving for nearly 10 minutes when I let out a sigh.
"You okay?" He asked calmly.
"Yeah, just nervous. I was worried the outfit might have been too much." I was honest. I felt like he liked the transparency.
"You look so amazing, I have been trying to find the words to tell you. Nothing seemed to do it justice." He smirked.
That was a smooth line. I smiled and loosened up as we pulled into a small dive bar. I was very over dressed from the looks of this place.
"So, I thought you'd like a choose your own adventure date. We have arrived at adventure number one. We can stay here or...we can go to option number two." He put his hand on my thigh.
"Lets go in." I smiled. Goosebumps running up my skin as his hand lingered on my leg.
"Good choice." Before I could even unbuckle my seatbelt, he had ran to my side and opened the door. Holding his hand out for me to stand.
The bar was small. It smelled like cigars and bourban. It was full of older men, business looking suits and silver foxes. He handed a note to the bouncer checking our IDs and he muttered the words 'one, seven, five' to Joe. We walked to a back door that looked like an emergency exit. Joe knocked on the door, once and paused. Then seven times, then five times. The door opened to reveal an even more eclectic scene. He held my hand and walked us to an empty booth. The waiter came buy and brought us two drinks. One a whiskey neat, the other an orange concoction of some sort. It smelled flowery and sour.
"So, this is one of my favorite secret spots. I wanted to show you, but I was willing to let you back out and choose the safer option." He sipped his drink.
"What was the safer option?" I giggled.
"Maggiano's Italian." He shrugged.
"This is so exciting! How did you even figure out this little hole exsisted?" I was in wonder. Taking a big gulp of the drink which I now figured out was a screwdriver.
"I am good at finding the secret spots. Its a gift." He has so much confidence, it was hard to not be drawn to him.
I was feeling less tense thanks to the alcohol. I wanted to ask so many questions, do so many things... my leg was shaking uncontrollably from my nerves. I did not notice until he pointed it out and we shared a laugh. We finished our drinks and he brought me to the dance floor where a few other couples were swaying to the soft music, in their own little paradise. He held me close, both of his hands around my waist and mine on his shoulders. Okay, time to be ballsy.. I have to make a move. I learned close to his neck.
"We never finished the twenty questions." I whispered.
"No, we did not." His hands gripped my waist tighter, pulling me even closer.
"You want to ask more questions?" I bit my lip.
"Why don't you ask one and I will ask one next." I could tell he was enjoying playing with me. Building my confidence and then making me nervous right after.
"Okay, why were Jericho and Excaliber in your room?" I was curious if he had told them about our date.
"They were begging me to explain why I was a bit distracted tonight on commentary. I told them I had a hot date after. They did not believe me until you showed up." He seemed so candid. "My turn. Are you really going to throw out those tights? I think they looked hot."
"If you liked them then I will reconsider throwing them out." I smiled. "What are you most turn on by in a woman." I was shocked by my boldness now.
"The willingness to be yourself, tenacity, fiestiness. Oh and a fat ass that I can squeeze whenever I want." He kissed me softly. "We can finish in the car. Adventure number two awaits."
We left and started driving on the interstate up to the next town. The lights of the city were so beautiful. He pulled up to a small park. It had a dock looking out to the lake and a small trail.
"Want to go out there or sit in here? Your choice." Joe unbuckled his seatbelt and it hit the door with a thud.
"I want to...stay in here. I will fall in these shoes." I was a little embarassed because it looked beautiful out. I just did not want to stick $200 heels in the mud.
"Oh thank god.." he pulled me into a kiss.
It was warm and soft. I could taste the bourbon on his tongue. I felt like a beast in heat. My legs instinctively parting, begging for him to touch me, but too afraid to ask. He stopped kissing me and adjusted his pants around his erection.
"I have been wanting to do that since you knocked on my door." He tucked my hair behind my ear.
"These next questions... may be a little embarassing or personal. You can choose to decline answering. Nothing you can say at this point would make me dislike this date. You are literally perfect." He looked like he was about to blush, but the same old smirk crept onto his face as he began to ask another question. "Have you ever touched yourself, thinking of me..?"
"So many times, especially when I heard you had signed with the company." I was hoping he would appreciate the bluntness, but he moved on to the next question without lingering.
"When you are thinking of me... what am I doing to you the moment you cum?" Those words caused me to turn so red. I was worried this would be the moment he would think I was too weird.
"I uhm...well.." I choked out.
"You do not have to answer, baby. If it is too much right now, tell me." He caressed my cheek.
"You really want to know?" I was shakey, but mustering up all my courage now.
"Of course."
"You have me pinned down by my throat.. you're balls deep inside of me and I am on the verge of passing out." I covered my face. Feeling the hot skin seer against my cool fingers.
"Okay." He cranked the car again. Pulling out and driving back to town. His hand on my thigh. I could see his erection stone hard through his pants. His hand squeezed my thigh every time he accelerated the car. "Adventure number three.. my room or yours?"
"Yours." I was as brief as he was. Nervous, but oh so excited.
"Why mine?" he raised an eyebrow. "You know who is right next to me on the hall. You really want them to hear all this?"
My eyes widened as I pondered the question.
"I guess you will have to keep my quiet." I shrugged.
We were already on the elevator up. My whole body was trembling now. He could see the panic on my face.
"There is never a wrong time to stop. You know?" He took a step away from me to give me some space.
"No no, I just... what if I am not good at...it?" I sounded so juvenile.
He laughed, a deep chuckle.
"You havent even touched me yet, and I have been hard all night. Trust me... You will be fine. But we do not have to do anything. I am perfectly happy watching a movie or calling it a night." He was so patient.
He unlocked his room and opened the door for me first. The lights were dim. The bed made up beautifully by the staff. It smelled like his cologne. The door shut behind me and the sound of the lock latching made my heart race. Fuck it, it was now or never.
"Have you ever touched yourself thinking of me?" I blurted out.
"In the shower...after our lunch date. Also, when I woke up in your bed this morning." He said as he held my waist again, pulling me close.
"Can I give you a choose your own adventure right now.. would you play?" I bit my lip as I swayed closer to his chest.
"Absolutely. What are my options..?"
"Option one... fuck me how you imagined while you were in my bed... or fuck me like I told you I imagined." I reached my hand down to palm his hard cock in my hand for the first time.
"That is not really two different options then.." He smirked before ripping the back of my dress wide open. Pulling it completely apart like it was made of paper. "I'll buy you another." He added, while the shreds fell to the floor.
I was now in my lacy purple lingerie, feeling so exposed.
"God damn.." His voice was so low. He sat on the edge of the bed. "I want you to strip for me... show me all of you. Tell me how bad you want it." I liked his commanding tone.
I unbuttoned my bra first.. letting it fall down my arms to the floor. He audibly gasped and cursed again. He was licking his lips and rolling up his sleeves.
Joe's POV
Fuck. It was all I could verbalize as he body revealed itself to me. The way her breasts were round and soft. Her nipples hard and dark pink like her lips. I wanted her, to fuck her into the bed. To put her to sleep. To have her begging me for a break. I wanted everyone to hear how good she was getting fucked. She turned away from me. Bending over as she pulled her thong down. God that ass, those hips, the softness of her thighs and stomach, I was intoxicated. I had never been so patient with a partner. Normally I did not care about the foreplay, I just wanted to get off and go home. This was different. I wanted to linger on these first moments. She is bold, confident. Before I could even think of my next command, she was straddling my lap. Kissing my neck. Grinding on my pants. Her moans were soft in my ear.
More to come!
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin' Pt 10
Time for the match. I was in the zone. Music hits and the crowd was yelling and cheering. Men in the front were whistling and shouting about my "new" gear. I paused before fully stepping on the ramp to the ring. Basking in the sounds of the crowd. Colt's music hits and he soon accompanies me to the ring. Mixed tag matches were such a hit this year and I was happy to have something to do while I waited for my next story line to come up. Me and Colt worked so well together and our opponents tonight were Statlander and Orange. The match lasted about 8 minutes with Colt and I taking the win. Colt grabbed the pin last minute after rolling up Orange.
I could not hear the commentary going on, but I could feel Joe's gaze on my body. I immediately retreated to get back to the hotel to shower.
Joe's POV
Rebekah's music hitting made my heart jump. Half heartedly, I was jealous about her working so closely with Colt. I saw the way he looked at her. She may only see him as a brotherly type, but I knew better than to believe he felt that way too.
"Rebekah is looking confident tonight. I wonder if it will help her against Kris Statlander in this match." Excaliber started the dialogue.
"Rebekah is a tough broad though. She may be newer to the wrestling world, but she has a background in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and that makes her such a dangerous competitor." Jericho chimed in, eyeing her body a bit too much.
I kept silent, not wanting to speak about her. Worrying I might say something inappropriate. I focused my attention on Colt and Orange Cassidy.
"I think Colt's power is the thing to beat at this point. With them tagging in first, it could be all over before the ladies tag in." I stopped as Orange jumped off the rope onto Colt's back. "However, you can never discount the prowess and skill of Orange Cassidy. The technique and control he has is ridiculous!" I was getting excited watching the match. Trying to focus away from her... but I could not break away for long. You could tell something was off with me tonight.
Finally the end of the night came. Jericho caught up to me as I was bolting to get my bag and keys.
"So, wanna tell me what is going on with you tonight?" Chris put his hand on my shoulder.
"Nothing, just in a rush. Hot date tonight." I smiled. I did not care to have this out in the open. I just worried people would think less of her because of me.
"I knew it, you were distracted tonight!" He laughed. "Who is the victim tonight, you dog?"
"No victims. Unlike you, I am a complete gentleman." I straighted my suit jacket with a smirk.
We chatted more. He and Excaliber came into my room while I was rushing around to get ready. Constantly trying to get me to tell them who I was going out with. While I was putting on the finishing touches, cuff links, cologne, and gum, they started to give up and leave. I heard your knock on the door and my heart sank.
"damnit.." I whispered.
"That's her isnt it!!" Excaliber darted to the door. Opening it to reveal the most breath-taking sight I have ever seen.
Rebekah was in a short black dress. her long hair was wavy and pulled to both sides of her shoulders evenly. Red lipstick. Red high heels. The split of the dress all the way up to her hip, showing off the softest skin that I wanted to grab onto. She was nervous, I could tell. But her smile was electric and it took me a moment to gather my thoughts.
"Oh, I am sorry, I got ready about 5 minutes too early. I can come back if you are busy." She looked at Chris and waved.
"Nope, they were just leaving after harassing me for the last hour." I waved them out. "Ready to go my dear?"
"Yes please." She took my arm and we walked to the elevator together. I wanted her so badly, but I wanted to make her feel like a princess tonight.
More to come..
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin' pt 9
Still Rebekah's POV
I accepted my fate. Colt stuck the now clammy bagel to my cheek as he found mine and Silver's hiding spot. We all laughed and discussed plans after the show tonight. I blushed a little as I remembered I had a date with Joe afterwards, but I did not want to tell them that. Last thing I needed was those two getting in my head or giving me brotherly advise. We went to pick up our ring gear from the sewing room. We all needed small alterations for the show. I wore the thighs out in my favorite pair of tights and they needed patched badly. The tailor's name is Sandy. An older lady with a very thick Boston accent. She was overly excited to see us come in so early.
"Alright loves, I got ya stuff ready ta-go." She held up my leggings. "I know ya may be shocked, but this was the only way to save em"
My leggings were now the equivalent of chaps. Except they did have the ass in tact which is the only reason I did not panic. I did not think I was capable of showing this much skin. Especially since my top was pretty revealing. I operate on the system of if the top is revealing, the bottom is conservative and visa versa. It would work for tonight though. Just a one time thing. I did not want her to think I was ungrateful for her work.
"Oh my goodness, y'all are about to see a lot of me tonight." I giggled and thanked her.
"Let it hang out while your still young and firm, love." She waved us out of her sewing room.
The boys had their trunks and singlets patched perfectly.
"So uh... I am going to need to see those before we go out tonight for our tag match." Colt said.
"I need to see those on to make sure we dont need to give a PG-13 rating to tonights show." Silver laughed and snatched them from me.
"Well, those do not look like your style at all." Joe walked around the corner chuckling.
Silver threw the pants to me and bolted, making pretend cry sounds. Colt stayed behind as Silver circled back around laughing.
"These were my favorite tights, but thunder and lightning ruined them finally. This is all that is left behind." I squished my thighs and smiled. "It will be okay, I can wear them tonight and buy new ones before we fly out."
"So Joe, I noticed you were not in your room this morning." Colt looked at Joe like a concerned Father would.
"And?" Joe did not look amused.
"And, I was hoping you would have atleast used the parting gift I left on the dresser." Colt was referring to the glow in the dark condoms.
"Well after I put you two kids to bed and cleaned up your mess, I went to sleep as well." Joe got close to Colt's ear so I could not hear. "And those would not be big enough for me. You want them back?"
"Oh you!" they fist bumped and dispersed from Joe and I. I was blushing.
“Can we talk..” Joe asked me. He looked guilty and nervous and it made me uneasy.
He pulled me to the empty hallway. We were away from everyone and the quiet was cut only by the buzz of the ac unit vent. His lips connected with mine. A soft moan left my mouth as his lips trailed down my neck. He softly bit my flesh and I choked back more wanton noises. Blushing red as the heat from core caused a pooling in my panties that I would be stuck in until tonight’s show. His mouth came back to my lips before breaking away.
“Is that what you wanted to talk about?” I blushed. Still pressed against the wall from his body.
“Actually I wanted to tell you that I had so much fun with you and that I’d like for you to go find a nice outfit to wear for our date after the show.” He started to walk off. Hands in his pocket, full of swagger. “Oh and check your pocket.”
I pulled a note out of my pocket. How the hell did he sneak this in there?? The note read ‘take this card to Marina’s across the street. Get whatever you want to wear. It’s on me. Dress, shoes, accessories. Whatever you want. Meet me at my room after you’re dressed. -Joe’
I blushed uncontrollably. That place was expensive as hell. I made good money, not as much as Joe, but he had over twice as many years doing this than I did so I expected he was well off, but this was too extravagant. I didn’t want him to think I was impressed by money. I really liked him. I ran down the hall and found him. I tried to look stern. His face showed confusion.
“I need to talk to you. In private.” He left his conversation with Mox. Mox waved at me and I waved back as he walked away.
“What’s up?” He smirked.
“I can’t accept this gift.” I blurted out.
“Why not?” He crossed his arms.
“I don’t want you think I’m impressed by your money. That place is way expensive. I like you for you. If I accept this, I’m worried you’ll think I need this kind of treatment all the time. I’m a simple girl.. I just.” He pulled me into a soft kiss. Not caring who watched.
“Please enjoy this, I won’t be so extravagant all the time, but it means a lot to me that you care so much. It’s sweet.” He kissed me again. “See you tonight.”
I felt like I was on cloud nine. No one seemed to have noticed the kiss. I looked at my phone and saw that I had enough time to shop and take a nap before the show. My match was the 2nd opener. Joe was only scheduled for commentary tonight so he should be out by 10pm. I was strategically planning my timeline for getting ready when Colt popped up beside me.
“Why do you look like Rain Man counting card right now?” Colt was eating a sour straw loudly.
“I have to go find something to wear for my date tonight. Wanna come?” I figured I could use a man’s opinion.
“On the date?” He joked
“No silly, help me find something to make me pretty!”
We left for Marina’s shortly after. After almost two hours of trying on clothes for him to shoot down he finally hyped me up. I was in a black cocktail dress with red heels. The dress was so tight I felt like I was wearing a corset. I did a 360 turn to show him the back and he whistled. The dress came to my mid thigh and the side slit ran to my hip.
“My only concern is the fact your undies are showing. You’ll have to get different ones.” He shrugged. I blushed at his comment.
“I can shop for that alone.” I giggled.
“Fine fine but if you need an opinion, I will help.” He went to the mens side of the store to look at shirts.
I found a purple thong that would rest on my upper hip and not be shown from the dress. I grabbed the matching bra and headed to check out.
More to come.
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin' pt 8
The way he pulled me into him, so close make my heart beat loudly in my own ears. It wasnt until he pressed his lips against mine did I really feel like I was having a dream. Was this my life? Was this real? He broke away from me.
"See, this is why it is important to build a connection." Joe brushed his thumb over my lip. "Your brain is all over the place and I can tell."
"Oh...was it.. bad?" I was in a little bit of shock. Mortified.
"No no, baby girl." He kissed me again. "I'm saying that if you decide after a couple dates that his is what you want, you're not going to be thinking about anything other than how good it feels."
He was so confident it was hard to get my composure back. Before I knew it I was acting like a cat in heat. We made out more, our bodies close together. I could feel his erection pressed against my stomach but I was too afraid to touch it. I did not want him to feel pressured. Eventually we fell asleep together. When my alarm went off at 9am I groaned to life and slapped my phone off the night stand by accident. Joe did not budge an inch. I did not want to wake him, just because I was an early bird, didnt mean that he was. The shower water took a bit to warm to my liking. I stripped down and got in, humming to my spotify playlist and rinsing my skin back to life. I spent about 40 minutes, blow drying and straightening my hair. I put on a fresh face of make up and my favorite jeans. I was feeling confident today. I put on a purple lace-crocheted crop top that showed a healthy amount of cleavage and when I walked out of the bathroom, Joe was still asleep. At this point it was nearly 10:30am.
"Hey.. Joe?" I climbed next to him and softly put my hand on his shoulder. He didnt budge.
I decided that he would just wake up own so I started to write a note to tell him where I was going if he needed me. I also left my phone number to text me.
I took an uber to the arena and went to catering for breakfast. Just as I was about to take a huge bite of my bagel I saw Colt waving me over like a lunatic.
"Hey buddy!! How was your night?" It was a childish tone. He poked me in the arm a few times.
"It was fine... why are you talking like that?" I took a bite of the bagel and chewed while he prepared an answer. He looked deeply confused.
"Hmm, you don't look like you have the after glow of a woman who banged her crush." He studied me for a moment.
"Oh you ass! We did not hook up!!" I was trying not to laugh. "How would you even have known, you and Silver were so drunk you passed out before the movie even got good and Joe basically had to carry you out." I crossed my arms.
"Well explain to me why Joe was not in his room this morning?! Hmm!" He poked my chest lightly but jokingly. I wondered why he was even aware of that.
"Because he slept over, but we did not hook up and even if we did that is not your business! Lord, you are such a teenager." I stuck my bagel to his forehead with the cream cheese spread and ran before retaliation occured.
I looked behind me and he was in hot pursuit. I ran face first into Silver who caught me in his arms like Scooby Doo.
"Run, Silver! Go!" I appreciated that he did not hesitate and carried me in full sprint. I was a pretty good sized woman and taller than him, but he made me feel like a 10 pound potato sack.
Now it was a full on game of hide and seek. Silver and I found a set of racks to hide behind and Colt ran right passed us.
"So, how was your night?" He whispered.
"Why do you guys think something happened?" I rolled my eyes.
"Because he likes you, He told me last night before you left together." He whispered back.
to be continued...
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin' pt 7
Rebekah's POV
This was it. I think we were about to do something, I was confident before, but the nervousness set in hard. Like I was wearing a wool sweater in summer time.
"Okay, deal. But, we go back and forth. I answer, you answer?" It was a question more than a command.
"Fine. Do you actually like me or do you just want to explore the fantasy of being with a crush?" He was very raw in that he knew what he wanted and he also cared for his emotional health.
"Well, the thing is that... I would have stopped crushing on you had you just immediately wanted to fuck me. So I will say that, I actually like you, we have a lot more in common than I anticipated, but it helps that I have thought you were hot for over a decade." I giggled nervously. "Would you have even given me a second glance had you not known about my crush?"
"At first, no. I thought you were too young and while I think you are an amazing performer, your personality won me over at the end of the day. Then it had me thinking about you in my free time, then I saw you in that dress and decided...what the hell." He answered brutally. I respected it.
"If we did decided to pursue this... are you going to be okay with it being out in the open?" He paused for a moment. "I'm not about hiding my relationships."
"Well, I was hoping you would not be embarassed to have me on your arm so, I agree with you." I smiled and it made him appear softer.
"fuck this game, I don't even know what you like in bed.." He crawled up next to me in the middle facing me in the middle of the bed.
"I uhm.... I don't have too many limits I guess." I wasn't sure what the right answer was.
"I'm not going to have sex with you tonight." He pulled my face close to him. I pouted internally.
"Okay.. that's fine. I respect that.." I said as his lips came close to mine. Dangerously close. I was shaking.
"I want to test out what I think you'll like... and then after the show, come out to dinner with me for a real date? Let me treat you like a lady. Let me show you what I am about and then you decide if you want this.. deal?" His voice echoed in my ear. I felt red hot under his touch.
to be continueddddd
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin' pt 6
"They gave me two by mistake, best movie night ever!" Colt gleamed.
"Did someone say movie night?" Silver popped up in the doorway. "I'm in!"
Jon jumped on my bed, Colt sat on the couch and they both stared at me and Joe for a minute. I was in such a shock. I needed a moment to myself.
"I am going to grab some waters and cokes from the vending machine... I will be right back.." I slipped out the door. Leaving Joe and the boys to their own devices.
"She looked real good tonight, happy. Bekk deserves happy." Colt said through a mouthful of pizza.
I felt like I was steaming with anxiety and annoyance. I guess this was a good way to prevent anthing from happening, not that I was hoping to do anything... or that she was even prepared to do anything. Then again...those shorts...and she clearly wasn't wearing a bra because its cold in here and it showed. No... she was just in her pajamas... this was a movie night. Now it is a movie party..with Colt and Silver. God damnit..
"Joe, you okay over there?" Silver sprinkled his pizza with popcorn.
"Yep." I gave the glare of death.
"Oh no bro... did we.. did we crash your party?" Colt was intrigued now.
"Be careful, that is how rumors start." I was seething.
"We can... we can go.. we can leave right now?" Colt was backing slowly off the couch.
"No, stay, really we were just watching the Sopranos movie. If you're alright with that, then by all means, stay." I remained calm. I reall worried about messing up Rebekah's reputation. I did not want it to seem like I only liked her because she had a crush on me.
"Woo! Party!" Silver was obviously still drunk too.
"I have the drinks. You two need to hydrate before you have a hangover." Rebekah closed her door and tossed two bottles of water at their heads.
"You get comfortable and I will turn on the movie." She bent down to turn on the laptop on the floor and connect it to the tv. I watched both Colt and Silver take a longing look at her. It made me angry.
"Jon you go sit on the couch with Colt, Rebekah should get the bed since its... you know.. hers." I tried to be a gentleman.
"Where are you gonna sit, big boy?" Colt chimed in. "In between us?"
"It's really okay, you can sit up here with me or I can throw some pillows on the floor. We just got to get moving or its going to be passed my bed time." Rebekah giggled and made light of the awkward situation. She was like a ray of sunshine despite her dark and mysterious appearance.
"Yeah, I will take the floor." I grabbed a pillow from her and we started the movie.
Halfway through, Colt and Silver were both out cold. Pizza crust still in hand. They were snoring so loud we could barely hear.
"You still awake?" I asked her.
"Yeah.." She whispered. Maybe she did not want to wake up the guys.
"Can I sit on the bed? My ass is numb from the floor." I felt her shift on the mattress without saying a word.
"Yeah of course." She looked sleepy too.
We finished the movie and both were in a little bit of shock to the ending. I really did not want to leave her in the company of those two. They were really good guys and she would not be in any danger or risk, but still. I shook them awake and they frantically stood up. It was nearly 1230am. They both thanked her for the movie and walked to their rooms. I turned over to see her, eyes closed and comfy on the pillow, her limbs spread out on the bed like a starfish. I decided to clean up the boxes and popcorn and put them in the trash. Tip-toeing around so she did not have to clean up any of their mess. I turned off the TV and she stirred.
"Hey, Bekah, I am going to leave. Goodnight." I whispered. I patted her shoulder.
"No..." she grumbled half asleep.
"No what?" I figured she was sleep talking.
"No go." Her words muffled into her pillow.
"I cannot stay, love. I sent them home so you don't have to worry. I cleaned up." I backed up. I did not want to leave, but I could not stay.
"Sorry movie night turned into movie party." She finally rolled to a position where she could sit up. Rubbing her eyes.
"It's fine. Probably for the best." I shrugged.
"What do you mean?" Now she was fully awake and I felt like I was in trouble.
"Well, you know... if I stayed in here alone, it might look bad is all." I was stuttering now.
"Oh, yeah. God forbid an adult have another adult in her room past midnight... then people will know I'm not a virgin. Ohhhh." She made a joke out of it.
"You are a rotten little girl." I sat down on the bed next to her. She smirked at my comment.
"I just don't want someone to think that I took advantage of you because you admitted to crushing on me when you were younger. I respect you too much and I like you too much for that to be on the table in someone's mind." On that note I stood back up and I attempt to walk away.
Suddenly a pillow hit me in the back of the head. Ouch. I turned around and she was sitting on her knees in the middle of the bed. Aiming another pillow at me.
"What did I do!?"
"How are you going to drop that sweet ass line on me and then leave!" She sounded mad but she wasnt.
"I just want to protect you!!" I threw the pillow back. She threw it again.
"I don't want protecting! Just be honest with me!!" She whisper yelled.
Rebekah's POV
Of all the things to happen in my lifetime, I would have never guessed I would be pillow fighting my crush because he is more concerned with protecting my modesty than actually attending to my feelings. He was so focused on what other people might think off me that he refused to consider what I might be feeling.
"I am being honest with you!" he was trying not to laugh, tossing the pillow back.
"No, you are trying to save face for no reason." Again the pillow assaulted him.
He jumped on the bed and pinned me down with the pillow against my chest.
"Throw it one more time and I will put you to sleep." He looked at me sternly.
Here it is. This is my moment to shoot my shot. It is now or never. I nodded innocently and when he started to sit up I said, "Is that a threat or a promise?" and I hit him again.
"You are a bad girl.." He stood at the edge of the bed and I could see he was hard. Those sweatpants left me no room to imagine.
Now for some reason I was feeling both nervous and excited. Now what am I going to do? I did not prepare to cash the check my mouth wrote.
God damnit, this girl. She surprised me every moment we spent together. I worried it was too soon.. I worried that it would be a one nighter. I did not want this to be a one night moment. I saw myself actually trying to make something from this random out of nowhere union. She was perfect, every moment I was around her she got better and better. She was even more beautiful in her pajamas than in that smokin' hot dress.
"Two things before I proceed. Do you understand?" I asked her sternly.
"Yep." Now she was looking shy and mousey, now of all times!
"First, I can't just do this as a one time thing. I just need to know that tomorrow you won't avoid me and make it weird. If you feel like you want to wait and maybe try again another night, then I am fine with that. I respect any choice you make." I was still using an aggressive tone. I just did not want any confusion.
"I would like to... have this not be a one time thing either. I thought maybe I would stop crushing after we got to know each other, but... it got worse." She was nervous but her voice did not shake.
"Second. I respect if you want to use protection, but I did not bring any with me so...also your choice. I would be prepared to buy you plan B if you needed or wanted, but again, if you want to wait..." She cut me off suddenly.
"I'm on the pill, I am clean, I have not had a sexual partner in two years and was tested 6 months ago as part of my sports physical. Also... there are 3 condoms on the nightstand and I did NOT leave them there." She said as we both shot glances towards the condoms. They were glow in the dark Trojans.. Weird.
"God damnit, Colt." We both said in unison.
"So.. now what?" She looked like a deer in headlight.
I still had a raging erection that I'm surprised never went down during this conversation.
"How about we play 20 questions.." I smirked at her again.
To be continued
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin' pt 5
Rebekah's POV again
I shut my door and frantically went to take a shower. I pulled my hair up in a bun so it would not get wet and quickly scrubbed, shaved, moisturized, took off my make up and found a pair of shorts and a tshirt to wear. I did not even bother to put on a bra or panties under, I had no time to think. Dinner was fun, even though I was the butt of a lot of jokes. Joe paid for my dinner again and not to mention the whole uber right home I was trying not to make an ass of myself or say anything weird. Oh god, I probably said so many weird things and I don't even remember. I would have even tried the damn raw steak if it meant having him feed me. Gross, why am I being weird. He just wants to be friends. He basically said that already. Plus, he knows that I find him attractive and he has avoided that conversaion completely since before dinner. I made the bed and added my favorite king sized green blanket, a put the popcorn in the kitchenette microwave. I had everything almost set as he knocked on the door.
I walked to open it, trying to ease my tachycardia. Joe had on fitted grey sweats, a tight fitted white tee, and slip on shoes, He was holding an armfull of candy. The boxes like you would get at a movies theatre. I felt like we were about to have a slumber party and I should have put that out of my mind as Colt walked by and immediately came in behind Joe.
"What are you two up to?" He was being nosey.
"Movie night." Joe answered. He was so cut and dry.
"Oh sweet! I'm in, I ordered a pizza to soak up the beer, I am about to go down and grab it. I will share!" Before either of us could answer he ran down the hall. He must have had A LOT to drink.
"I don't even know how to respond to that, but he is NOT changing the movie selection. I just finished rewatching The Sopranos for the 4th time and I want to see this movie." Joe turned to me and I helped take the boxes over to the bed. The way the room laid out the bed and couch were really close to each other and framed around the TV.
"Should I get a bunch of pillows and we can all lay in the floor or on the couch. Colt is not getting in my bed." I gave him the side eye.
"but am I allowed in the bed? Yours looks more comfy than mine.." Joe was smooth talking with that line.
"Oh well, I uhm, yes, thats fine. I just bring my blankets and pillows from home because I don't trust hotel sheets.." I was stuttering horribly.
Colt came in, bursting through the door with two huge pizzas.
The plot thickens...
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doctormomwriter · 2 years
Smokin' pt 4
still in Joe's POV
"Want to ride with me?" I borderline coughed the question.
"Actually I ordered an Uber already, you could ride with me if you want? That way if you wanted to drink or something.." She trailed off. She looks nervous.
"Yeah, thank you, that would be nice." I stood awkwardly in silence until the last ding of the elevator.
We both got in the Uber, a small sedan that was not made for two tall adults to ride in the back. As my body squished against hers the smell of her perfume mixed in the air. It was like peaches and honey. The uber driver recognized us and tried desperately not to be chatty, Rebekah did not care though, she was really happy to meet a fan. I think her personality is infectious, even I was talking a lot by the middle of the drive. We signed autographs for him and tipped him well. Rebekah gave him one of her fan passes for tomorrow's show and he looked like he was going to cry.
"You are exceedingly nice." I tried to joke.
"Sometimes. He was a nice kid. I hope he gets to go tomorrow." She smiled at me as we walked down to the entrance.
"Hopefully it doesn't get sold on craigslist along with the autographs." I was always a little cynical.
"Eh, worst case scenario another fan that may not have had the money for the show gets to go." She shrugged her shoulders. "I am hungry again already... I may not stay very long, but you can always ride back with me if you want." At this point she separated from me as Anna and Britt pulled her into a group hug.
She looked a little uncomfortable being hugged, but she was the last to break away from it. Colt came up and hugged her around her waist. I'd be lying if I said I was not feeling a little jealous as his hands were basically resting on her ass. We got seating and ordered our steaks and drinks. She sat across from me. Nervously picking at her napkin.
"You know thats a sign you need to get laid." Anna blurted out.
Colt died laughing and I shot him a glance. He threw his hands up and looked at me with a silly face. I looked across at her, her cheeks rosey and embarassed. It was kinda cute to be honest. Food came and we all talked in between bites. Everyone eating steaks accept Rebekah, who ordered chicken tenders and mac and cheese. Maybe I could open up more conversation.
"So, you come all the way to the best steak house in the state to get chicken tenders?" I took a bite of my rare ribeye.
"I just can't eat it when its not well done and well done steak is apparently a sin." She took a bite of her chicken dipped in Ranch and Honey Mustard.
"Want to try mine? If you close your eyes, you get over the pink look of it." I was trying to be endearing.
"Thats what he said." Colt burst into laughter again.
At first I wanted to be angry he may have embarassed her again, but when she started laughing so hard she snorted, the whole table was in ribbons. She finished her beer and pulled out her phone. I wonder who she was talking to.
I walked to the bar to order another drink when I saw the waiter bringing the checks. I stopped him and paid for hers and mine and went back to the table instead. The waiter passed out the checks and when she asked for hers he told her it had been taken care of. She did not make a scene of it, instead she mouthed a sweet thank you to me. No one seemed to notice.
"Well my uber is here, thank you guys!" She stood up to leave.
"Mind if I come?" I stood up.
Colt then chimed in "That's what she said!" and everyone laughed until tears were whelling up.
"Of course." She said quietly.
As we walked out and got into the uber I held the door for her and her hand as she had to step up into the SUV. Her dress rode up her thigh a bit. I wanted to look away to protect her modesty, but I could not.
We had made it almost back to the hotel when she thanked me again for dinner. She told me I did not have to do that, especially since I bought her lunch, but I explained it was nice to treat a new friend. I really should not be trying to pursue this, she was young and beautiful and full of life and I feel old and a little grumpy all the time.
"It's that time of night where you just want to lay in bed and watch a movie or TV and eat popcorn in your bathrobe." She giggled. I think she was trying to make conversation appear out of thin air.
"Yep.." God why was that the only thing I could come up with to say.
"Well..goodnight, thanks again." I think she forgot we were on the same floor and as the elevator closed us in she said "Pre-mature goodbyes are always awkward." and smiled.
" Well, you could watch a movie with me if you wanted...to" There we go Joe, use your words.
"That sounds fun, I hooked up my laptop to the TV and have HBO max if you want to watch The Many Saints of Newark with me, it just came out and I used to love the Sopranos." I thought my heart was going to stop. Now she is officially the perfect woman.
"Yeah." You need more words than that Joe. "Yeah, I mean, want me to give you a minute to get comfortable and I'll come over?"
"Yeah, like 20 minutes. I just need to take a quick shower and take my make up off." I would miss the purple lipstick she had on, but she was beautiful without it.
"Deal. Be right back." I walked to my room as she went in hers. My heart was throbbing in my chest.
more to come...
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