dlansing53 · 9 hours
This is amazing(ly funny)!
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dlansing53 · 20 hours
Love his nose…💕
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dlansing53 · 21 hours
So true!!
I think you’re my new favourite #outlander blog!
Thanks, but I am not here really for myself or for likes or follows. Just came for some fun and updates on one of my favorite shows and some of my favorite actors. It's appalling to me how much hate is thrown at two actors. I wonder how many of those who write such hateful things would say that to someone's face? I wonder how many " acting critics" out there have actually ever tried acting themselves? People discuss it as if they know so much, but it's interesting that they don't really talk in the lingo of someone who trains, directs, or works with actual actors and the different techniques one can employ in that training. I see mostly their own opinions. They are free to like or dislike Sam and/or Caitriona. What I don't get is the hate for people you don't know and who probably won't ever be a part of your life.
People forget that those on the receiving end of these comments are human beings too. With people in their lives who love and adore them. Sam and Caitriona are someone's children. Think about that. And think about how much that this kind of behavior can seriously affect people mentally, emotionally, and personally. I hope that Caitriona and Sam have built a thick skin and don't let this negativity affect them. I hope they surround themselves with people they can truly trust to have their backs.
Personally, there are some famous actors out there that I don't like their work or sometimes even their personal life choices. There's a few I choose to never watch or spend $ on. BUT, I also don't follow them on SM or pay attention to their personal lives or write about them here. I ignore them and focus on actors I do like.
What is striking to me here on this site is the overwhelming amount of confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, and just plain lack of logic that I see EVERY DAMNED DAY. You could use this site- especially OL blogs- to teach others about what those things really are. People decide what they want or prefer to believe and then look for every little thing they can find to say, "See, it's right there in front of our eyes. Can't you SEE it?" No, I can't. Not if I have my own bias. And especially not if I really know how logic and logical fallacies work. And then if you don't agree or don't SEE what they see, you get attacked, called names, humiliated because you might not know something. And then you get assigned your "place" in this fandom.
If nothing else, Tumblr is definitely a reflection of what's wrong in a lot of our communication in the world today. For example, if someone sends me an ask about something they don't understand or they have a very different opinion than I do about it-I can CHOOSE how to respond. I can try to educate or inform them without insulting their intelligence OR I can call them names, tell them how stupid they are, or even attack their grammar and writing styles/word choices. I've seen blogs where people were treated horribly because they spelled a word wrong. It's insane.
And seriously, what's the real point behind the negativity? Do people feel more powerful if they know more than others? Do they get some kind of personal high from attacking those they deem as "less than" in some way? Do they have some serious insecurities of their own and attacking others somehow helps them feel better about themselves? In my book, it's bullying. We don't have to agree on anything, ever. But that does not give me the right to demean you, to humiliate you, to dehumanize you because you don't SEE what I obviously see with my " superior abilities."
SM can be a beautiful thing that allows us to connect to people all around the world. To learn from one another, to grow and see that while we live in different countries and cultures- deep down we are really more alike than different. But it can be a horrible thing too. A way to hide my face and my true identity and then I can choose to be as mean, cruel, condescending, and hateful as I like with no real consequences.
People can like or hate Sam and Caitriona. That's their choice. Hell, they can believe whatever they want to about their personal lives and their romantic relationships. Dream and fantasize all you want. But we need to remember that they are real human beings who can get hurt because of all of this- and so can those we interact with out here in Tumblr land. I think we all need to breathe and be more proactive and thoughtful rather than so reactive and accusational.
I love Sam and Caitriona. I even enjoy the gossip about what might be going on in their personal lives. I have my own ideas, for example, about who I think Sam has dated more seriously and who he may have dated a few times and they realized they just weren't that into each other. But there is a line I just won't cross. I don't like the assumptions about and attacks on anyone he is associated with or in any kind of relationship with. I don't have any right to tell a grown ass man who he can spend his time and energy on. The only thing he really owes me as a fan is the best work that he can do at any given moment. Everything else is more on me than him.
#samheughan # caitrionabalfe
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dlansing53 · 2 days
Easy & yummy!
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Chocolate Poke Cake
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dlansing53 · 2 days
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“Because I wanted you.” He turned from the window to face me. “More than I ever wanted anything in my life,” he added softly.
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dlansing53 · 2 days
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dlansing53 · 3 days
Sounds delicious 💕💕💕
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Easy Chocolate Dessert
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dlansing53 · 3 days
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dlansing53 · 3 days
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“Where did you learn to kiss like that?” I said, a little breathless. He grinned and pulled me close again.
“I said I was a virgin, not a monk,” he said, kissing me again. “If I find I need guidance, I’ll ask.”
He pressed me firmly to him, and I could feel that he was more than ready to get on with the business at hand. With some surprise, I realized that I was ready too. In fact, whether it was the result of the late hour, the wine, his own attractiveness, or simple deprivation, I wanted him quite badly.
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dlansing53 · 3 days
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“Ye werena the first lass I kissed. But I swear you’ll be the last.”
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dlansing53 · 3 days
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“Because I wanted you.” He turned from the window to face me. “More than I ever wanted anything in my life,” he added softly.
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dlansing53 · 4 days
So happy to read something positive & in defense of Sam and Cait; it is a rare occurrence on Tumbler. I too, am very tired of all the “hate” & criticism directed at them; 2 people NONE of us know personally. And the way they are mocked.. especially Sam. It’s totally inappropriate, rude and nasty. It crosses a line. I believe it reflects the opinion(s) of ignorant, shallow ppl. Why they bother to follow Sam or Cait is beyond me if that’s the way they feel.
I just simply cannot understand the hate that is thrown at Sam and Caitriona.
First of all, none of you know them personally. You only know what they post and let you see. Just like all of us , they choose what they want to share. If you find images or information about them that they DID NOT choose to share, then you are responsible for your own narratives about that information- not them. Just because they don't act in a way that fulfills your personal fantasies doesn't mean they are bad people.
Second, if you don't like them or their work, think they have been lying to you for YEARS, think they don't have much talent ( or arrogantly think you know SOO much more about acting, theatre, and film than they do), and/or believe every rumor you read or hear about them-- THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE?
Think about your own SM behavior. How many of us here have names on SM that are not our true names? How many of you post EVERYTHING about your life-good, bad, and ugly truthfully? Or do you use filters and only post the best images of yourself? We only know the Sam and Caitriona that they have chosen to share. We don't know who they really are. We don't know their true intentions. We don't know what either of them might do anonymously with their money. We don't know the things about their personal lives that they guard very carefully.
Caitriona gets bashed for not sharing more. Please, people, she has a small child. In her position, I would do exactly the same. Her work may be for you-watch her again and again if you choose- but her husband and child are not in this business and they are for her. Period.
Don't get me started on Sam. Geez. Either he's accused of being a closeted gay man, a married man with multiple kids who LIES about them every day, or he's some trashy f$&@ boy who just uses women and moves on to the next one. And he only uses his fans to make money. If you believe any of this shit, then why watch or follow him?? He cannot possibly win with this fandom. If he posts, it's to get $$ or attention for his ego. If he doesn't post, he's ignoring his fans. And then the bullshit about his female fans. Look, if a grown ass woman with her own money and her own mind wants to spend it on Sam, what business is that of yours? Are you just assuming that these women are not intelligent enough to choose how they spend their own $$ or time?
And it's very insulting when people attack EVERY person that Sam trusts and is close friends with. You say they use him- like he's just too stupid to see through them. You do NOT know them or their relationship with Sam. He trusts them for a reason and doesn't need our approval.
There's way too many people in this so- called fandom who are just pissed at Sam because he isn't as perfect as they imagined him to be. He dares to have clay feet, to make mistakes, to enjoy a good joke, to spend time with the people HE chooses to spend time with. Sam the man just isn't JAMMF, the fantasy.
Personally, I think I like Sam better. Sure, I love the fantasy of JAMMF and wish romance could be like it is in the fiction books. But Sam, the ordinary guy, the one who makes mistakes like all of us, the one people who do know him and have worked with him say only good things about him - I like that guy. The guy who admits he has faults and fears. The one who has to know by now that whatever he shares with us will be dissected, over analyzed, judged, made fun of. His motives always questioned. But he still posts and shares. And honestly is one of the only cast members who tries to share with us and keep us in the loop.
Personally, I like Sam and Caitriona. Even after all the years of bullshit and fandom craziness I still see the amazing story they created. I still see way more good in these two than bad. I still cheer for their success and get excited when something good happens for them. I don't know them and never will. I will probably never meet either of them. I also realize that they have a unique bond, a strong trust that has been built over time. One that no one other than the two of them can ever really understand. An ability to be truthful, honest, and vulnerable with each other in a way many people will never experience. And wherever their lives and careers take them after OL ends, they will forever have that bond. That gift.
Thank you #CaitrionaBalfe and #SamHeughan for sharing that gift with us. I wish you both only happiness and success, love and peace in your future.
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dlansing53 · 4 days
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dlansing53 · 4 days
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dlansing53 · 4 days
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dlansing53 · 4 days
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Good morning y'all. I hope each and everyone of you have a blessed day today. Sometime today I ask each and everyone of you to say a prayer for our country. We definitely need that.
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dlansing53 · 5 days
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Easy Espresso Chocolate Mousse
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