divinelyharry Β· 2 years
Ahhh this means so much coming from you, thank you!!!! I can definitely do something about their backstory! Thank you for taking the time to give it a read πŸ’—
Flower (H.S, 18+, MINORS DNI)
Summary: Twenty-one year old Flora struggles with her revelation that she's in love with thirty-two year old Harry Styles, who she happens to have a very close friendship with. To make matters worse, he's married to a beautiful leggy blonde woman called Lindsay.
Warnings: Cheating, age-gap, sexual content
Sexual content will include; daddy kink, squirting, mild pain play, slapping, fingering, nipple play, slight degradation but nothing extreme.
This is my first piece of writing so I've kept it quite short and sweet. If people like it I may write some more or expand on this story. I hope you enjoy :)
Word count: 4,372
"I hate seeing you this upset. It's even worse when you won't tell me what's wrong." His hand is placed on the back of my head, stroking my hair and pressing me further into his neck, the action only making me cry harder. "Please tell me, sweetheart. Then I can fix it for you."
I nearly laugh at the fact he thinks it's something he can fix. He probably thinks someone was mean to me at college or that I messed up on an essay, or some other petty problem that normal young people spend their time crying about. Something that is easily fixable. He has no idea it has nothing to do with any of those things and absolutely everything to do with him.
"I-I can't tell you. I can't speak about it p-please don't make me." I know he would never actually force me to tell him anything. But I also know I'll give in and tell him if he asks me enough. I find it incredibly difficult to lie to him about anything, it just feels wrong to be deceitful towards him even if it is for his own good. So this is me asking him to drop it and hoping that he listens.
"You can, flower. You can always tell me anything." I feel him sponge a kiss onto the side of my head and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, trying to push away the overwhelming urge to return the favour and press my lips softly against the skin between his neck and shoulder where my face is currently burrowed. "But, I won't force you if you really don't want to tell me."
I feel the vibration through his skin as I let out a frustrated groan into his neck. I feel like screaming. It isn't that I don't want to tell him. That implies that I don't trust him and that could not be further than the truth. He's one of the only people on this earth I trust at this point and I wan't more than anything to tell him exactly how I feel about him, even knowing that he's literally married and the chance of him feeling the same way about me is very slim. But I can't. I care too much about him and I know he would beat himself up about this. He would blame himself for being too caring and affectionate towards me. And as a result I would lose him. I know I would.
"Hey hey. None of that." He moves both hands up to my head, cupping it and pulling it out of his shoulder so I'm forced to look at him. He tucks the irritating strand of hair that's been pestering me all day behind my ear and I want to cry all over again when it stays in place right where he left it. Of course he's able to fix that so effortlessly just like every other thing that feels wrong in my life. "My sweet girl, you're so frustrated today." I feel my stomach flip, the ache that's always present between my legs when in his presence intensifying at his words. How am I meant to not feel things when he speaks that way? I'm completely powerless against him. "What's eating you, hm?" I consider muttering 'not you, unfortunately' but think better of it, realising it would sound somewhat immature to him. Instead I ignore him and shove my head back into his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck, earning a chuckle from him and I revel in the sound of it. I think his laugh might be my favourite thing in this world.
We stay like that for a while and I find myself having to talk myself out of climbing into his lap to get even closer to him several times. After some time he moves his arm from beneath me, pausing the soothing feeling of his fingers rubbing slowly against my side. I've been so comfortable led here with him that I would have fallen asleep had it not been for the intense heat that has been building inside my body from being so close to him.
"I have to go sweetheart, I have a dinner to get to." He tries to get up but I only tighten my arms around him. Even as I'm doing it I know that it's childish but I don't want him to go, and knowing that he's leaving to have dinner with his dumb wife Lindsay infuriates me. It's completely irrational and very unlike me, but I suddenly feel sick of being mature and understanding all of the time, I honestly think having him this close to me is doing weird things to my brain.
"Flora please, I have to go." His voice has a sudden edge to it, he sounds irritated and I immediately release my arms from around his neck, detaching myself from his body and rolling over so that I'm facing the window again. I feel embarrassed at how I'm acting and I have to force myself not to cry again now that I appear to have irritated him. I seem to be crying about every little thing lately, I guess this is what happens when you bottle up every negative emotion that you've ever had for years. Part of me is furious at harry for coming along and bringing them all out of me again, but most of me just adores every fucking part of him and how he makes me feel.
I feel him sigh from behind me and he leans over me, pressing another kiss into the side of my head. "I'm sorry, angel. I don't want to leave you like this but I really have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay." I whisper, earning another sigh from him but this time he gets up and leaves, shutting the door behind him. I don't feel angry with him. He hasn't done anything wrong but I just feel so frustrated with myself and the situation I've gotten myself into with him. He literally has a wife. A beautiful wife, who looks like she belongs on a runway, who I know he loves.
All I need to do is take one look at the leggy, skinny, blonde to know he wouldn't want anything to do with a five foot two, curvy brunette like myself. So why do I allow myself to get like this? Why do I spend every moment consumed by thoughts of someone who will never reciprocate my feelings?
I know that I need to put some distance between me and Harry. But I also know that I can't. As much as I tell myself that I will, as soon as a text comes through from him asking to see me I'm agreeing with no hesitation. Even when I tell myself that I'll maintain a distance from him when we meet, I find myself in his arms as soon as he walks through the door of my apartment. I've tried, but no matter what I tell myself or what I do to try and put distance between us, nothing works.
I lie there in my bed for hours, my pillow soaking up my tears until I eventually fall asleep.
My room is still dark when I'm awoken from my slumber, I hadn't had the energy to get out of bed and close my blinds before falling asleep so I know that it must still be night time if it's dark outside. I feel groggy and disoriented, confused as to why I've woken up, but then I feel the bed dip behind me. I turn my head slightly, tensing as I watch a figure climb into the bed beside me. I move to sit up, but am stopped abruptly when I hear Harry's familiar British accent.
"Shh, it's just me angel." He says pushing me back down and climbing into the bed beside me, putting the covers back over us and wrapping his arm firmly around my waist. I relax immediately, all the tension leaving my body as I feel his warm breath exhaling against my neck. "I had to come see you. Felt so fuckin' awful leaving you like that earlier." My heart clenches painfully in my chest as my mind goes back to that place only a few hours earlier. "I'm so fucking sorry, forgive me?"
I feel my lip trembling and I squeeze my eyes shut tight to try and keep the tears at bay, nodding once and hoping it's enough for him because I'm not sure I could get the words out without sobbing at this point. This day has been too much for me and I know I'm looking extremely unstable right now, being awoken in the middle of the night when I'm so exhausted probably isn't helping either.
I hear a sigh come from Harry, then shuffling as he moves around, turning on the lamp beside the bed before moving himself closer to me again. I can't help the way my thighs squeeze together slightly trying to relieve the ache between my legs, a common symptom of having him this close to me. This only frustrates me further, feeling betrayed by my body for the way it reacts to him.
"Please look at me, flower." I feel a tear escape my eye, powerless to stop it as he uses the name he reserves for me and only me. I turn to look at him, unable to deny him in this moment.
His face is now illuminated by the lamp and I notice his brows furrowed in concern as his striking green eyes meet the brown of my own.
"I'm the one who should be apologising, H." My voice cracks, his brows furrowing even more at my words.
"What do you mean? You have nothing to apologise for darling." His hand traces up and down my back, an attempt to soothe me, that on any other day would work wonderfully. But in this moment all I can think about is what I'm about to say and how he'll probably never speak to me again because of it.
"I-I want you Harry." I finally push the words through my lips. They massively undermine my feelings for him, but I can't bring myself to admit how deep my feelings for him really are.
His hand stills on my back, his eyes suddenly much wider than they were previously. He doesn't speak for several seconds, and at one point I wonder whether he's going to say anything at all.
"W-what?" He finally comes out with. My heart is beating erratically in my chest now and part of me wants to tell him to forget I even said anything, but I know that I may never have the courage to do this again, and that thought gives me the strength to repeat it to him.
"I want you. I've wanted you for so long. I-I've tried not to but it's-"
"You're confused." He cuts me off shaking his head, his voice firm but not harsh.
"I'm not H. I'm not confused."
"Y-you are you-"
"I'm not fucking confused, Harry!" I cut him off this time, suddenly feeling frustrated by his denial of my feelings towards him especially when I know how real and deep they really are. "You want to know why I was so upset earlier?"
"You don't know what you're talking about." He whispers, sounding a lot more unsure of his own words this time.
"I was upset because I wanted you so fucking badly. I spent the entire morning today led in my bed, fucking myself to the thought of you. Cumming over and over again, calling out your name, while you were probably in bed with your fucking wife." I literally hear the moment that his breath gets caught in his throat, but I'm powerless to stop the words escaping my lips now, fuelled on by my complete and utter adoration for the man lying in front of me. "Then you arrived at my apartment. I took one look at you and was consumed by want for you all over again. I felt disgusted with myself, because I knew that I didn't care about your wife, or the fact you're so much older than me or the fact my feelings for you will never be reciprocated. I knew that nothing would stop me from wanting you the way that I do. Do you know how fucking pathetic that is? To pine after someone you know you can never have, someone you know will never want you? So don't-"
"You're fucking crazy if you think I don't want you." His voice is raspier than I've ever heard it as he cuts me off once again, his jaw clenched tightly.
His words shock me into silence, all of the words I had wanted to say suddenly leaving my brain all at once.
"Y-you want me?" Is the only thing I can think to say, the words coming out in a whisper.
"Of course I fucking want you. I ache from how much I want you." His eyes are darker, as if a veil has slipped over the green of them and his hand, that had stilled on my lower back earlier, slips under the long t-shirt adorning my body. Goosebumps break out against my skin at the contact and I let out a harsh breath, unable to keep my body from responding to his touch. "But this is wrong, Flora. W-we can't act on this." I'm no longer taking in his words, my mind hazy, heat pooling between my legs as I'm overcome with need for him knowing that he wants me too.
I reach my hand behind me and under my shirt, finding his own, still resting on the smooth skin of my back, threading my fingers through his and dragging it down to my ass, allowing him to feel the bare skin there.
"Fuck, baby." He swears under his breath as he notices that there's no fabric separating his hand from my ass, realisation dawning on him that I'm not wearing any panties under my t-shirt.
"Please, daddy. I need you so fucking much." I whimper out, holding nothing back now, my mind too foggy with want for him. As soon as the word slips from my lips I see his resolve snap. I knew then that he was going to give into what we both want. He groans, his hand moving away from my ass and towards the front of my body, tracing shapes against the skin of my hip, then my stomach.
"Say it again." He grits out, his hand finally reaching for the place I need him the most.
"Daddy, please please please." I moan as he slips a finger into my slit, his breath hitching as he feels the wetness there.
"Fuckin' hell. You're so wet baby, drippin' down your thighs. This all for me, flower?" I whine, lifting my hips slightly, urging him to touch me properly, but instead he removes his touch completely. "Take your shirt off." I waste no time, tugging it off, revealing my body, now completely bare in front of him. His eyes glance between my boobs and my pussy, seemingly not knowing where to look first.
"Fuck. You're so beautiful, Flora." I cant hold back the gasp as he leans forward, his lips finally connecting with my own. I whine into his mouth as he wastes no time deepening the kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth eagerly. His hand is gripping the back of my head, pulling me in closer as I kiss him just as fiercely. He tastes like Merlot, cigars and a hint of mint and I'm already hooked on the combination.
I move a hand into his hair, tugging on it and scraping my nails against his scalp, revelling at the deep moan he exhales into my mouth at the slight pain. His hand moves to my left breast, squeezing it firmly eliciting a sharp gasp from my lips. He pulls back from the kiss, panting as his gaze moves towards my chest, seemingly entranced as he tugs on my nipple. My stomach clenches in response to the attention he's giving to them and I can't help the whimper that escapes my lips. Most guys seem to think because my boobs aren't the biggest they don't need any attention but they're actually one of the most sensitive parts of my body, Harry clearly does not feel that way considering the attention he's giving them right now. My pussy is impossibly wet to the point I can feel the stickiness between my thighs.
"Look at those tits, so fuckin' perfect, baby. Fit so perfectly in my hands." He tugs on my nipple again, eliciting another groan from me, my hips grinding against the bed, desperate for some attention. "You're a sensitive little thing aren't you, flower? Practically creaming from a little nipple play." My cheeks flush, embarrassed by the accuracy of his statement, he's barely touched me and I'm ready to cum all over my sheets.
"P-please, H. I need more."
"My greedy girl. So desperate for me." He cups my cheek in his hand, my eyes falling shut, face leaning into his touch before it's removed completely. He leans away from me, sitting up to take his own shirt off, throwing it somewhere on the floor before moving to unbuckle his belt. My eyes hone in on his tanned skin, covered in tattoos, a sight I've seen many times before but in this moment it seems all the more encapsulating now that it's paired with the dark, lust filled look in his eyes. I reach my hand out, tracing my fingers over the intricate butterfly, a personal favourite of mine, but I'm soon distracted when I realise he's completely undressed now, my eyes focusing on the part of him that I haven't seen before.
My eyes widen when I take in the length and thickness of him. It takes everything in me not to moan at the sight of his hard cock, desperate to reach out and trace the veins from the base all the way to the pink, swollen, leaking tip.
He comes to lean over me slightly, still leaving space between us as his hands come either side of my head, his gaze going down towards my pussy.
"Fuckin hell." He practically growls out, his eyes seeming to glaze over slightly. "You have the prettiest cunt I've ever seen, baby. So fuckin' pink and wet. Spread it f'me angel." His words only add to the ache between my legs, not used to having anybody speak to me this way. I've fantasied about moments like this a pathetic amount, but never did I think I would actually have him like this.
I waste no time in doing exactly as he asks of me, wanting to be good for him. My hand moves towards my pussy, spreading my lips apart, giving him a full view of my completely bare pussy. He groans out, moving his hand toward me, his thumb immediately finding my swollen clit, rubbing it firmly.
"Fuckin hell, flower. I'm so obsessed with you." A whine falls from my lips, my head falling back against the pillow. "Think you can take a finger in that tight little hole baby?" I nod frantically, desperate to feel something inside of me at this point.
"P-please daddy. Need it please." I feel delirious as he continues to toy with my swollen clit, his other hand palming his own cock as he watches me writhing for him.
"Look at the state of you, begging for my fingers like a cheap whore." His fingers grip my chin firmly, pulling my head up slightly as he leans down, spitting directly into my mouth. I groan, immediately swallowing it down and bringing my hands up to my tits, tugging my own nipples as I revel in the taste of his spit, wishing I could have it in my mouth all the time. "Fuckin' hell. You're so filthy, my dirty girl." He leans down, attaching his lips to mine again. His tongue immediately slipping into my mouth forcing a whimper from my lips, obsessed with the taste of him. I gasp as I feel one of his fingers slipping inside me, the cool metal of his ring brushing against my opening.
"F-fuck." I pant out at the sting of pain caused by the thick ring adorning his finger. Harry must realise straight away the issue because his eyes widen slightly and he attempts to pull his finger out, the clench of my pussy halting his attempt.
"Shit baby I'm sorry, I forgot I had my rings on still. Let me get them off, sweetheart."
"N-no please. Please keep them on, I like it, please." His eyes widen even further at my words.
"Yeah? You like the pain of it baby?" His finger starts moving inside of me again, a second finger slipping inside to join the first, the stretch causing a delicious burn to lick at my insides. I can feel my eyes roll back slightly at the fullness I'm feeling in this moment. "Hm? You a little pain slut, flower?"
"Y-yes daddy, fuck." My hips writhe on their own accord, attempting to fuck his fingers harder, desperate to reach my release at the hands of the man I've been dreaming of for months.
Harry seems to take the hint that I need more, his fingers curling slightly inside me, dragging forward and hitting the spongy part inside of me. His other hand moving up to my face, gripping it firmly and squeezing harshly.
"Hit me." It slips out of my mouth before I can overthink it.
"W-what?" He pants out, but he doesn't stop the relentless pace of his fingers fucking into my sopping wet pussy.
"Hit me, daddy. Please. I need it so much." His jaw clenches slightly as he takes in my begging, his cock leaking profusely onto my thigh at my words.
He doesn't waste anymore time, his hand coming up to slap my cheek. Hard.
I let out a loud moan at the sting of his rough palm against my soft cheek. I don't have to ask him again, his hand coming down again on my cheek, his cock rutting against my thigh as he gets off to the pain he's inflicting onto me.
I sob out at the overwhelming feeling taking over my body, the pleasure and pain of Harry's actions, mixed with my feelings forΒ  him and his willingness to do what I ask of him to get me off, pushing me over the edge. My legs begin to shake as my release hits me so suddenly I don't even have time to warn Harry.
He doesn't seem to need a warning, his fingers slamming against my spot more aggressively as he watches me fall apart. My hips attempting to lift off the bed as the euphoric sensation takes over my body. I can feel the difference in this orgasm compared to every other one I've ever had, but I'm still surprised as I feel the liquid squirting from me, soaking Harry's fingers and dripping down my thighs.
I also don't expect Harry to start panting erratically, his forehead dropping to mine as groans leave his plump lips. I feel as his cum hits my tummy, just as I'm coming down from my own release. I'm enamoured with him as I watch the look on his face as he hits his own release, my hands squeezing his shoulders as tears build in my eyes at how much he means to me and how lucky I feel to see him so vulnerable like this. It only adds to the mess between my legs when it hits me that Harry has just cum solely from fingering me.
"Fuck, m' so obsessed with you. Can't believe you just squirted for me, made me cum untouched like a teenager. Can't believe how fuckin' perfect you are." I pull him down further into me at his words, burying my face in my favourite spot between his collarbone and neck as my emotions overwhelm me. I can't believe I just got to see him like that.
He relaxes his body, allowing his weight to press onto me. I slip my fingers into his hair, scratching my nails against his scalp once more, knowing how much he loves it. I'm rewarded with a soft moan slipping past his lips and a ghost of a kiss that he presses against my shoulder.
We lay like that for a while. Not really discussing what happened, just revelling in the aftershocks of our release. Enjoying the blissed out state for a little longer.
After some time has passed Harry gets up, walking into my bathroom and coming back a couple of minutes later with a towel that he uses to clean up between my legs. I whimper slightly as the fabric brushes against my still swollen clit and a smirk takes over Harry's lips as he realises it was a sound of pleasure.
"You need to get some sleep, baby. It's late." I pout but don't argue, my eyes already drooping shut from the exhaustion of this day. "I'll call you tomorrow." I sit up slightly as he starts to make his way to the door, confused why he isn't getting back into bed with me. I didn't even notice him get dressed.
"W-where are you going?" He turns to me, a look of confusion on his face as if it's crazy that I've asked him that.
"Home. I can't be gone the whole night, I have to get back to Lindsay."
I gulp down the lump that's beginning to form in my throat as I'm reminded of the fact that he will always go back to her, because she's his wife.
"Right, yeah of course." I whisper, hoping he'll put the hoarseness in my voice down to tiredness and not emotion.
"I'll speak to you tomorrow. Goodnight, flower."
"Night, H."
So there we have it, my first piece on here. I hope it was okay, please let me know what you thought about it :)
- G
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divinelyharry Β· 2 years
Flower (H.S, 18+, MINORS DNI)
Summary: Twenty-one year old Flora struggles with her revelation that she's in love with thirty-two year old Harry Styles, who she happens to have a very close friendship with. To make matters worse, he's married to a beautiful leggy blonde woman called Lindsay.
Warnings: Cheating, age-gap, sexual content
Sexual content will include; daddy kink, squirting, mild pain play, slapping, fingering, nipple play, slight degradation but nothing extreme.
This is my first piece of writing so I've kept it quite short and sweet. If people like it I may write some more or expand on this story. I hope you enjoy :)
Word count: 4,372
"I hate seeing you this upset. It's even worse when you won't tell me what's wrong." His hand is placed on the back of my head, stroking my hair and pressing me further into his neck, the action only making me cry harder. "Please tell me, sweetheart. Then I can fix it for you."
I nearly laugh at the fact he thinks it's something he can fix. He probably thinks someone was mean to me at college or that I messed up on an essay, or some other petty problem that normal young people spend their time crying about. Something that is easily fixable. He has no idea it has nothing to do with any of those things and absolutely everything to do with him.
"I-I can't tell you. I can't speak about it p-please don't make me." I know he would never actually force me to tell him anything. But I also know I'll give in and tell him if he asks me enough. I find it incredibly difficult to lie to him about anything, it just feels wrong to be deceitful towards him even if it is for his own good. So this is me asking him to drop it and hoping that he listens.
"You can, flower. You can always tell me anything." I feel him sponge a kiss onto the side of my head and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, trying to push away the overwhelming urge to return the favour and press my lips softly against the skin between his neck and shoulder where my face is currently burrowed. "But, I won't force you if you really don't want to tell me."
I feel the vibration through his skin as I let out a frustrated groan into his neck. I feel like screaming. It isn't that I don't want to tell him. That implies that I don't trust him and that could not be further than the truth. He's one of the only people on this earth I trust at this point and I wan't more than anything to tell him exactly how I feel about him, even knowing that he's literally married and the chance of him feeling the same way about me is very slim. But I can't. I care too much about him and I know he would beat himself up about this. He would blame himself for being too caring and affectionate towards me. And as a result I would lose him. I know I would.
"Hey hey. None of that." He moves both hands up to my head, cupping it and pulling it out of his shoulder so I'm forced to look at him. He tucks the irritating strand of hair that's been pestering me all day behind my ear and I want to cry all over again when it stays in place right where he left it. Of course he's able to fix that so effortlessly just like every other thing that feels wrong in my life. "My sweet girl, you're so frustrated today." I feel my stomach flip, the ache that's always present between my legs when in his presence intensifying at his words. How am I meant to not feel things when he speaks that way? I'm completely powerless against him. "What's eating you, hm?" I consider muttering 'not you, unfortunately' but think better of it, realising it would sound somewhat immature to him. Instead I ignore him and shove my head back into his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck, earning a chuckle from him and I revel in the sound of it. I think his laugh might be my favourite thing in this world.
We stay like that for a while and I find myself having to talk myself out of climbing into his lap to get even closer to him several times. After some time he moves his arm from beneath me, pausing the soothing feeling of his fingers rubbing slowly against my side. I've been so comfortable led here with him that I would have fallen asleep had it not been for the intense heat that has been building inside my body from being so close to him.
"I have to go sweetheart, I have a dinner to get to." He tries to get up but I only tighten my arms around him. Even as I'm doing it I know that it's childish but I don't want him to go, and knowing that he's leaving to have dinner with his dumb wife Lindsay infuriates me. It's completely irrational and very unlike me, but I suddenly feel sick of being mature and understanding all of the time, I honestly think having him this close to me is doing weird things to my brain.
"Flora please, I have to go." His voice has a sudden edge to it, he sounds irritated and I immediately release my arms from around his neck, detaching myself from his body and rolling over so that I'm facing the window again. I feel embarrassed at how I'm acting and I have to force myself not to cry again now that I appear to have irritated him. I seem to be crying about every little thing lately, I guess this is what happens when you bottle up every negative emotion that you've ever had for years. Part of me is furious at harry for coming along and bringing them all out of me again, but most of me just adores every fucking part of him and how he makes me feel.
I feel him sigh from behind me and he leans over me, pressing another kiss into the side of my head. "I'm sorry, angel. I don't want to leave you like this but I really have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay." I whisper, earning another sigh from him but this time he gets up and leaves, shutting the door behind him. I don't feel angry with him. He hasn't done anything wrong but I just feel so frustrated with myself and the situation I've gotten myself into with him. He literally has a wife. A beautiful wife, who looks like she belongs on a runway, who I know he loves.
All I need to do is take one look at the leggy, skinny, blonde to know he wouldn't want anything to do with a five foot two, curvy brunette like myself. So why do I allow myself to get like this? Why do I spend every moment consumed by thoughts of someone who will never reciprocate my feelings?
I know that I need to put some distance between me and Harry. But I also know that I can't. As much as I tell myself that I will, as soon as a text comes through from him asking to see me I'm agreeing with no hesitation. Even when I tell myself that I'll maintain a distance from him when we meet, I find myself in his arms as soon as he walks through the door of my apartment. I've tried, but no matter what I tell myself or what I do to try and put distance between us, nothing works.
I lie there in my bed for hours, my pillow soaking up my tears until I eventually fall asleep.
My room is still dark when I'm awoken from my slumber, I hadn't had the energy to get out of bed and close my blinds before falling asleep so I know that it must still be night time if it's dark outside. I feel groggy and disoriented, confused as to why I've woken up, but then I feel the bed dip behind me. I turn my head slightly, tensing as I watch a figure climb into the bed beside me. I move to sit up, but am stopped abruptly when I hear Harry's familiar British accent.
"Shh, it's just me angel." He says pushing me back down and climbing into the bed beside me, putting the covers back over us and wrapping his arm firmly around my waist. I relax immediately, all the tension leaving my body as I feel his warm breath exhaling against my neck. "I had to come see you. Felt so fuckin' awful leaving you like that earlier." My heart clenches painfully in my chest as my mind goes back to that place only a few hours earlier. "I'm so fucking sorry, forgive me?"
I feel my lip trembling and I squeeze my eyes shut tight to try and keep the tears at bay, nodding once and hoping it's enough for him because I'm not sure I could get the words out without sobbing at this point. This day has been too much for me and I know I'm looking extremely unstable right now, being awoken in the middle of the night when I'm so exhausted probably isn't helping either.
I hear a sigh come from Harry, then shuffling as he moves around, turning on the lamp beside the bed before moving himself closer to me again. I can't help the way my thighs squeeze together slightly trying to relieve the ache between my legs, a common symptom of having him this close to me. This only frustrates me further, feeling betrayed by my body for the way it reacts to him.
"Please look at me, flower." I feel a tear escape my eye, powerless to stop it as he uses the name he reserves for me and only me. I turn to look at him, unable to deny him in this moment.
His face is now illuminated by the lamp and I notice his brows furrowed in concern as his striking green eyes meet the brown of my own.
"I'm the one who should be apologising, H." My voice cracks, his brows furrowing even more at my words.
"What do you mean? You have nothing to apologise for darling." His hand traces up and down my back, an attempt to soothe me, that on any other day would work wonderfully. But in this moment all I can think about is what I'm about to say and how he'll probably never speak to me again because of it.
"I-I want you Harry." I finally push the words through my lips. They massively undermine my feelings for him, but I can't bring myself to admit how deep my feelings for him really are.
His hand stills on my back, his eyes suddenly much wider than they were previously. He doesn't speak for several seconds, and at one point I wonder whether he's going to say anything at all.
"W-what?" He finally comes out with. My heart is beating erratically in my chest now and part of me wants to tell him to forget I even said anything, but I know that I may never have the courage to do this again, and that thought gives me the strength to repeat it to him.
"I want you. I've wanted you for so long. I-I've tried not to but it's-"
"You're confused." He cuts me off shaking his head, his voice firm but not harsh.
"I'm not H. I'm not confused."
"Y-you are you-"
"I'm not fucking confused, Harry!" I cut him off this time, suddenly feeling frustrated by his denial of my feelings towards him especially when I know how real and deep they really are. "You want to know why I was so upset earlier?"
"You don't know what you're talking about." He whispers, sounding a lot more unsure of his own words this time.
"I was upset because I wanted you so fucking badly. I spent the entire morning today led in my bed, fucking myself to the thought of you. Cumming over and over again, calling out your name, while you were probably in bed with your fucking wife." I literally hear the moment that his breath gets caught in his throat, but I'm powerless to stop the words escaping my lips now, fuelled on by my complete and utter adoration for the man lying in front of me. "Then you arrived at my apartment. I took one look at you and was consumed by want for you all over again. I felt disgusted with myself, because I knew that I didn't care about your wife, or the fact you're so much older than me or the fact my feelings for you will never be reciprocated. I knew that nothing would stop me from wanting you the way that I do. Do you know how fucking pathetic that is? To pine after someone you know you can never have, someone you know will never want you? So don't-"
"You're fucking crazy if you think I don't want you." His voice is raspier than I've ever heard it as he cuts me off once again, his jaw clenched tightly.
His words shock me into silence, all of the words I had wanted to say suddenly leaving my brain all at once.
"Y-you want me?" Is the only thing I can think to say, the words coming out in a whisper.
"Of course I fucking want you. I ache from how much I want you." His eyes are darker, as if a veil has slipped over the green of them and his hand, that had stilled on my lower back earlier, slips under the long t-shirt adorning my body. Goosebumps break out against my skin at the contact and I let out a harsh breath, unable to keep my body from responding to his touch. "But this is wrong, Flora. W-we can't act on this." I'm no longer taking in his words, my mind hazy, heat pooling between my legs as I'm overcome with need for him knowing that he wants me too.
I reach my hand behind me and under my shirt, finding his own, still resting on the smooth skin of my back, threading my fingers through his and dragging it down to my ass, allowing him to feel the bare skin there.
"Fuck, baby." He swears under his breath as he notices that there's no fabric separating his hand from my ass, realisation dawning on him that I'm not wearing any panties under my t-shirt.
"Please, daddy. I need you so fucking much." I whimper out, holding nothing back now, my mind too foggy with want for him. As soon as the word slips from my lips I see his resolve snap. I knew then that he was going to give into what we both want. He groans, his hand moving away from my ass and towards the front of my body, tracing shapes against the skin of my hip, then my stomach.
"Say it again." He grits out, his hand finally reaching for the place I need him the most.
"Daddy, please please please." I moan as he slips a finger into my slit, his breath hitching as he feels the wetness there.
"Fuckin' hell. You're so wet baby, drippin' down your thighs. This all for me, flower?" I whine, lifting my hips slightly, urging him to touch me properly, but instead he removes his touch completely. "Take your shirt off." I waste no time, tugging it off, revealing my body, now completely bare in front of him. His eyes glance between my boobs and my pussy, seemingly not knowing where to look first.
"Fuck. You're so beautiful, Flora." I cant hold back the gasp as he leans forward, his lips finally connecting with my own. I whine into his mouth as he wastes no time deepening the kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth eagerly. His hand is gripping the back of my head, pulling me in closer as I kiss him just as fiercely. He tastes like Merlot, cigars and a hint of mint and I'm already hooked on the combination.
I move a hand into his hair, tugging on it and scraping my nails against his scalp, revelling at the deep moan he exhales into my mouth at the slight pain. His hand moves to my left breast, squeezing it firmly eliciting a sharp gasp from my lips. He pulls back from the kiss, panting as his gaze moves towards my chest, seemingly entranced as he tugs on my nipple. My stomach clenches in response to the attention he's giving to them and I can't help the whimper that escapes my lips. Most guys seem to think because my boobs aren't the biggest they don't need any attention but they're actually one of the most sensitive parts of my body, Harry clearly does not feel that way considering the attention he's giving them right now. My pussy is impossibly wet to the point I can feel the stickiness between my thighs.
"Look at those tits, so fuckin' perfect, baby. Fit so perfectly in my hands." He tugs on my nipple again, eliciting another groan from me, my hips grinding against the bed, desperate for some attention. "You're a sensitive little thing aren't you, flower? Practically creaming from a little nipple play." My cheeks flush, embarrassed by the accuracy of his statement, he's barely touched me and I'm ready to cum all over my sheets.
"P-please, H. I need more."
"My greedy girl. So desperate for me." He cups my cheek in his hand, my eyes falling shut, face leaning into his touch before it's removed completely. He leans away from me, sitting up to take his own shirt off, throwing it somewhere on the floor before moving to unbuckle his belt. My eyes hone in on his tanned skin, covered in tattoos, a sight I've seen many times before but in this moment it seems all the more encapsulating now that it's paired with the dark, lust filled look in his eyes. I reach my hand out, tracing my fingers over the intricate butterfly, a personal favourite of mine, but I'm soon distracted when I realise he's completely undressed now, my eyes focusing on the part of him that I haven't seen before.
My eyes widen when I take in the length and thickness of him. It takes everything in me not to moan at the sight of his hard cock, desperate to reach out and trace the veins from the base all the way to the pink, swollen, leaking tip.
He comes to lean over me slightly, still leaving space between us as his hands come either side of my head, his gaze going down towards my pussy.
"Fuckin hell." He practically growls out, his eyes seeming to glaze over slightly. "You have the prettiest cunt I've ever seen, baby. So fuckin' pink and wet. Spread it f'me angel." His words only add to the ache between my legs, not used to having anybody speak to me this way. I've fantasied about moments like this a pathetic amount, but never did I think I would actually have him like this.
I waste no time in doing exactly as he asks of me, wanting to be good for him. My hand moves towards my pussy, spreading my lips apart, giving him a full view of my completely bare pussy. He groans out, moving his hand toward me, his thumb immediately finding my swollen clit, rubbing it firmly.
"Fuckin hell, flower. I'm so obsessed with you." A whine falls from my lips, my head falling back against the pillow. "Think you can take a finger in that tight little hole baby?" I nod frantically, desperate to feel something inside of me at this point.
"P-please daddy. Need it please." I feel delirious as he continues to toy with my swollen clit, his other hand palming his own cock as he watches me writhing for him.
"Look at the state of you, begging for my fingers like a cheap whore." His fingers grip my chin firmly, pulling my head up slightly as he leans down, spitting directly into my mouth. I groan, immediately swallowing it down and bringing my hands up to my tits, tugging my own nipples as I revel in the taste of his spit, wishing I could have it in my mouth all the time. "Fuckin' hell. You're so filthy, my dirty girl." He leans down, attaching his lips to mine again. His tongue immediately slipping into my mouth forcing a whimper from my lips, obsessed with the taste of him. I gasp as I feel one of his fingers slipping inside me, the cool metal of his ring brushing against my opening.
"F-fuck." I pant out at the sting of pain caused by the thick ring adorning his finger. Harry must realise straight away the issue because his eyes widen slightly and he attempts to pull his finger out, the clench of my pussy halting his attempt.
"Shit baby I'm sorry, I forgot I had my rings on still. Let me get them off, sweetheart."
"N-no please. Please keep them on, I like it, please." His eyes widen even further at my words.
"Yeah? You like the pain of it baby?" His finger starts moving inside of me again, a second finger slipping inside to join the first, the stretch causing a delicious burn to lick at my insides. I can feel my eyes roll back slightly at the fullness I'm feeling in this moment. "Hm? You a little pain slut, flower?"
"Y-yes daddy, fuck." My hips writhe on their own accord, attempting to fuck his fingers harder, desperate to reach my release at the hands of the man I've been dreaming of for months.
Harry seems to take the hint that I need more, his fingers curling slightly inside me, dragging forward and hitting the spongy part inside of me. His other hand moving up to my face, gripping it firmly and squeezing harshly.
"Hit me." It slips out of my mouth before I can overthink it.
"W-what?" He pants out, but he doesn't stop the relentless pace of his fingers fucking into my sopping wet pussy.
"Hit me, daddy. Please. I need it so much." His jaw clenches slightly as he takes in my begging, his cock leaking profusely onto my thigh at my words.
He doesn't waste anymore time, his hand coming up to slap my cheek. Hard.
I let out a loud moan at the sting of his rough palm against my soft cheek. I don't have to ask him again, his hand coming down again on my cheek, his cock rutting against my thigh as he gets off to the pain he's inflicting onto me.
I sob out at the overwhelming feeling taking over my body, the pleasure and pain of Harry's actions, mixed with my feelings forΒ  him and his willingness to do what I ask of him to get me off, pushing me over the edge. My legs begin to shake as my release hits me so suddenly I don't even have time to warn Harry.
He doesn't seem to need a warning, his fingers slamming against my spot more aggressively as he watches me fall apart. My hips attempting to lift off the bed as the euphoric sensation takes over my body. I can feel the difference in this orgasm compared to every other one I've ever had, but I'm still surprised as I feel the liquid squirting from me, soaking Harry's fingers and dripping down my thighs.
I also don't expect Harry to start panting erratically, his forehead dropping to mine as groans leave his plump lips. I feel as his cum hits my tummy, just as I'm coming down from my own release. I'm enamoured with him as I watch the look on his face as he hits his own release, my hands squeezing his shoulders as tears build in my eyes at how much he means to me and how lucky I feel to see him so vulnerable like this. It only adds to the mess between my legs when it hits me that Harry has just cum solely from fingering me.
"Fuck, m' so obsessed with you. Can't believe you just squirted for me, made me cum untouched like a teenager. Can't believe how fuckin' perfect you are." I pull him down further into me at his words, burying my face in my favourite spot between his collarbone and neck as my emotions overwhelm me. I can't believe I just got to see him like that.
He relaxes his body, allowing his weight to press onto me. I slip my fingers into his hair, scratching my nails against his scalp once more, knowing how much he loves it. I'm rewarded with a soft moan slipping past his lips and a ghost of a kiss that he presses against my shoulder.
We lay like that for a while. Not really discussing what happened, just revelling in the aftershocks of our release. Enjoying the blissed out state for a little longer.
After some time has passed Harry gets up, walking into my bathroom and coming back a couple of minutes later with a towel that he uses to clean up between my legs. I whimper slightly as the fabric brushes against my still swollen clit and a smirk takes over Harry's lips as he realises it was a sound of pleasure.
"You need to get some sleep, baby. It's late." I pout but don't argue, my eyes already drooping shut from the exhaustion of this day. "I'll call you tomorrow." I sit up slightly as he starts to make his way to the door, confused why he isn't getting back into bed with me. I didn't even notice him get dressed.
"W-where are you going?" He turns to me, a look of confusion on his face as if it's crazy that I've asked him that.
"Home. I can't be gone the whole night, I have to get back to Lindsay."
I gulp down the lump that's beginning to form in my throat as I'm reminded of the fact that he will always go back to her, because she's his wife.
"Right, yeah of course." I whisper, hoping he'll put the hoarseness in my voice down to tiredness and not emotion.
"I'll speak to you tomorrow. Goodnight, flower."
"Night, H."
So there we have it, my first piece on here. I hope it was okay, please let me know what you thought about it :)
- G
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