disgustedoleak · 2 months
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Yes I know I am reposting my art (original post here), and in some irrelevant tags too (but they're places I hope to sell to). Since this piece has been a hit on other sites, I'm hoping to take the opportunity to calibrate my prices. Please spread this around if you can so I can get as much input as possible!
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disgustedoleak · 2 months
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Does anyone know who drew this? It's the only remaining Sagan 4 species without a creator / artist credit (we lost track of the creator during the 2017 community migration), and we'd like to make it right.
Even if you don't know the artist, please share this around! We're hoping that if it spreads far enough, the original creator themself will see it and come forward. And if you think you might know something, please feel free to report any information you might have on our discord server.
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disgustedoleak · 10 months
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disgustedoleak · 1 year
I'm not really active much here anymore though I guess I may post again if I catch a leak on time
Follow my main: @disgustedorite
though I'm not super active on Tumblr either (I run off a queue), you'll mostly find me on Sagan 4 these days (forum/wiki/discord) where I make a lot of the art/creatures
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disgustedoleak · 1 year
does anybody remember in 2014-15 when every steven universe "leak" was formatted like this
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disgustedoleak · 1 year
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disgustedoleak · 2 years
Looks like the Hunter pics were real after all. Weird that they were bundled with pics that were seen in newly-released promos and nothing else.
I guess I can’t be right every time lmao. Full episode leak claims were still absolutely fake, though.
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disgustedoleak · 2 years
well I'll be damned
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disgustedoleak · 2 years
weren't you also fooled by that same Steven Universe 4chan leak
we don't talk about 2015
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disgustedoleak · 2 years
A VERY good indication of a leak being fake is consisting almost solely of images from promos released around the same time plus a few pics from a single unseen scene, like we see in the recent Owl House “leaks”. This usually indicates that the fake leaker is using real screenshots that not everyone has seen yet to boost the apparent legitimacy of their fanart.
This kind of thing happened with fake Steven Universe leaks a lot before leak sources became well-known. For instance, the episode When It Rains aired early in some regions, so someone got onto 4chan and posted a bunch of claims about the future of the show, among other things claiming Bismuth was male and a “proto-Steven” and that Stevidot was an endgame ship, and tricked many people into thinking it was real because they included an accurate description of what would happen in the episode that aired later that evening.
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disgustedoleak · 2 years
Sorry I haven't been reporting a lot on leaks these days. It's hard to keep in the groove when things aren't leaking on Steven Universe levels anymore
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disgustedoleak · 2 years
Fans of The Owl House, I'm currently gathering information regarding recent "leaks". So far, I can confirm that the episode did not leak and that people have been posting fake screenshots claiming it did.
Particularly, the images concerning Hunter and Belos are completely fake and clearly fanart made before comicon, as they bear a significant continuity error that the artist would not have known they were making beforehand regarding Hunter's hair. Any other leaked images from the same source, therefore, are also fake.
When identifying leaks as real or fake, don't assume they're real based on them being well-drawn. Art style mimicry can be very easy for someone who is a sufficiently skilled artist.
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disgustedoleak · 2 years
Can someone send me proof of the existence of the supposed full episode leak of The Owl House? I cannot find any information about it and suspect it's fake, but can't say for certain without further information.
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disgustedoleak · 3 years
Fans of The Owl House: You may see a clip floating around involving the Titan. I won't spoil anything beyond that vague description, but I will confirm that it is real; specifically, it is apparently a deleted scene from the most recent episode. However, it also contains a major spoiler, on a level where it may as well be treated like a leaked clip from a far future episode.
I'm a leak blog. Does this count as a leak? What do you even call it when a deleted scene from something that already aired has far future spoilers? Schrodinger's spoiler? (thanks @cartoonfan7 for that answer, made me laugh)
Its validity is confirmed by Brad Breeck (the music composer for season 2), who accidentally used it when he uploaded the full score for the episode to YouTube. He had this to say:
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[ID: Screenshot of a YouTube comment from Brad Breeck, stating the following:
"Apologies, I didn't realize that clip was pulled from the final version that aired. We'll be more careful about that stuff in the future. Kindly, keep what you saw to yourself so as to not potentially spoil for others :)"
end ID]
Remember everyone: Tag your spoilers, if you're gonna ignore his request and talk about it anyway especially tag that (I recommend using #toh leaks, to distinguish from normal spoilers), and if you want to avoid them, make sure to filter spoiler/leak tags in Tumblr's settings menu.
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disgustedoleak · 3 years
Fans of The Owl House, I have reason to believe we have been Tiger Philanthropist'sd. For the moment, I recommend not trusting any episode title with Gracenote as its only source. The ones with images to come along with them are probably real, however the others might not be, as it seems it may have been tampered with. Investigations on that note are still ongoing.
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disgustedoleak · 3 years
Remember everyone, tag your spoilers and especially tag your leaks!
I originally created this blog when I was a teenager to quarantine my own thoughts about leaked Steven Universe content during the Summer of Leaks (2016), a time when new Steven Universe leaks came out literally every single day for about a month (If you weren't there but heard the rumors about how leaky the show was, yeah, it was actually that bad!). Over time, however, my blog shifted focus towards general spoiler discussion before getting back on track with leaks, and today I rarely post leaks directly in favor of focusing on confirming which ones are real or fake and documenting leaks as they happen for media that I'm interested in. I guess I think of myself as a sort of leak journalist.
Some bits of general advice:
Tumblr has post tags and content filter settings, use them!
Make sure to tag leaks separately from normal spoilers--nobody likes running into a leak while browsing the spoiler tag after a new episode or trailer!
If an episode is pulled/delayed at the last minute, it is likely going to leak--prepare accordingly!
And dear god, avoid YouTube like the plague if you aren't caught up! YouTubers have always been terrible about major spoilers in thumbnails and video titles and they're probably not gonna improve any time soon!
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disgustedoleak · 3 years
Fans of The Owl House: You may see a clip floating around involving the Titan. I won't spoil anything beyond that vague description, but I will confirm that it is real; specifically, it is apparently a deleted scene from the most recent episode. However, it also contains a major spoiler, on a level where it may as well be treated like a leaked clip from a far future episode.
I'm a leak blog. Does this count as a leak? What do you even call it when a deleted scene from something that already aired has far future spoilers? Schrodinger's spoiler? (thanks @cartoonfan7 for that answer, made me laugh)
Its validity is confirmed by Brad Breeck (the music composer for season 2), who accidentally used it when he uploaded the full score for the episode to YouTube. He had this to say:
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[ID: Screenshot of a YouTube comment from Brad Breeck, stating the following:
"Apologies, I didn't realize that clip was pulled from the final version that aired. We'll be more careful about that stuff in the future. Kindly, keep what you saw to yourself so as to not potentially spoil for others :)"
end ID]
Remember everyone: Tag your spoilers, if you're gonna ignore his request and talk about it anyway especially tag that (I recommend using #toh leaks, to distinguish from normal spoilers), and if you want to avoid them, make sure to filter spoiler/leak tags in Tumblr's settings menu.
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