dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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My dash did a thing
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
Don't get me wrong I love Stanchez... But I kinda always think...why not throw Greg Universe into the mix?
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it’s been noted before, but the resemblance between rick and marty is uncanny…
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
this drawing makes me wanna write summerxreader and i’ve never felt that way before: 10/10 
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Well yesterday marked a week since I got out of the hospital. I really wasn’t sure where I was going with this but in light of all the current Political debates somehow my recover picture turned into some concert pic.  I’m trying to figure out the next few months of my life. My dream is to somehow land a job in Burbank so I can move there (It’s only about an hour from where I am now) I had high hopes for March but it didn’t start out so well. I didn’t get the job I moved out to California for and found myself in the hospital and now currently still recovering.  I guess next time I shouldn’t be so overly optimistic. Haha.  We love aliens. But they love Morty more! 
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
I wrote this at 1 AM in a klonopin fueled sex craze. Morty is 18 and this occurs after Rick is sent to space prison. Morty x Reader. Nsfw. Sin! I am an 18 year old alien on a student program sent from the federation to experience earth education. My race is unknown but I look human. Red hair. Green eyes. Big breasts. Small waist. Large hips. I've lived on federation base since birth, but now I live with the smiths as a part of their punishment for harboring a fugitive, aka Rick Sanchez. Its mainly just to get me off base. I'm a difficult person to be around. My ride to school today was boring. Morty won't speak to me and Jerry just makes awkward offhand sexual comments towards me. School is boring. The house is boring. I'm pretty sure Morty feels the same. Which is why I've taken over the spare junk in the garage and built myself a ship, to get to planet 473-X12 for a couple hours a week. Just to pick up some groceries. Drugs. To pick up drugs. They don't have k-lax on earth, or anything cool for that matter. Summer gave me some pot but it just made her funnier and me hungrier. Plus, 473-X12 sells this blue gas that looks like a galaxy in a bottle and that's like ecstasy and LSD combined perfectly, with no chance of a bad trip. That and about five hundred other impossibly amazing drugs with countless affects. Fucking amazing place, the whole dwarf planet is just a store that sells drugs outside of federation jurisdiction. Jerry just made another comment on how tight my shirt is. He's visibly sweating. Morty looks pissed. "Why doesn't he talk, Summer?" "He's just sad about Grandpa Rick, he'll get used to you soon." "I think he hates me." "Do you have a crush on my brother?" "No...definitely not. No. That's ridiculous! No...oh. Oh! Yeah. I guess I do." Summers laughing at me now, sounds like bells and joy like Christmas. "Dude, you should ask him out! You're exactly his type. Little weirdo's into redheads." "Yeah, okay. That's a terrible idea. He definitely hates me." "I'm serious girl, ask him out! He's probably just freaked that a cute girl isn't a total bitch to him. Go for it!" "Bad idea. Bad bad idea. Okay. I'm doing it." "Yes! Tell me how it goes, tiger!" She pushes me out the door. I have no idea how I'm going to do this. I stumble into his room from Summer's and immediately turn to leave. A sharp voice behind me asks, "What'd you want? I'm busy." I turn and he's laying on his bed, dark circles around his eyes, still in pajamas. He is not busy. "Your sister said I should tell you..." "What, is dinner rea-rea-...is dinner done? Tell her I'm not hungry." "No, actually. This is difficult. I...uh..." "Sp-spit it out. Busy." "Do you...doyouwanttomakeoutorsomething?" It stumbles out without my permission. Do you wanna make out or something? What the hell? Am I twelve?! "What?" I take a deep breath, and try again. "I want to kiss you." I think I made it worse. His eyebrows shoot up his forehead and he shifts in his bed. "Oh." "Yeah..." He pats the spot next to him with his hand. I walk over and lay next to him, looking up at the ceiling. "So...do I kiss you or?" "If you want to I guess you-" He flips himself on top of me and presses his lips onto mine. It's rough and a little angry, and I can taste that he's dehydrated and hasn't eaten in several days. It's not a happy kiss, it's the kind of kiss you get from someone mad and tired and very, very horny. It's beyond good. I put my hands on his chest and lean into it. He pins my hands down and breaks the kiss to pull my shirt up with his teeth. I don't wear a bra, and I can feel him stutter for just a second, too afraid to go on. I moan softly, and he slowly comes back, kissing my breasts and nuzzling into me gently.I've never seen him like this. Summer said he was sweet and kind before the federation took Rick but I've only seen callous anger and frustration before. I like this sweetness. He grinds into me and my back arches, eliciting another soft moan. He breathes hard against my skin and his body shakes as he recklessly ruts against me. "I...I'm sorry, I..." A breathy moan. He shudders, his face red. He stops. "Morty?" He gets up and sits on the edge of the bed, face in his hands. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I haven't cum in awhile and you're the first girl I've ever really seen that naked, I'm so sorry, Jesus Christ..." I notice the wet spot on his pajama bottoms. "Oh." I get up and stand in front of him. He starts to stutter apologies again until I sink into my knees, pulling down his pants and rubbing his still erect cock through his underwear. I look up at him from under my eyelashes. "I guess I should clean you off then." He moans and closes his eyes as I pull him out of his underwear, cum still oozing out of the slit. I run my tongue up the shaft and can tell he's still overly sensitive, his legs clench and I have to hold them open with my hands. I slide my lips over the tip and down, taking his cock into my mouth entirely before slowly pulling myself off. His eyes are squeezed shut and his hands are fisting the bedsheets so hard his knuckles are white. I can't help but smile. I stand, pull down my shirt, and look him dead in the eyes. He's still panting when I lean in and whisper "Come get me when you're ready for round two."
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
Do whatever the fuck makes you feel alive
Something I wish someone had said to me years ago (via suicidalghosts)
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
This is really important to remember as a fic writer. If you trigger someone or otherwise hurt them, don't be defensive. Apologize.
survivors don’t have to be kink positive
survivors have every right to be angry or disgusted by incest or rape play
a survivors feelings are more important than your orgasm
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
my baby..my sweet son....
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Sorry I haven’t been posting much lately, my depression has been consuming me lately…
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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Based on fanfic here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5899981/chapters/13690315
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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Younger Rick Sanchez doing dirty gestures. Zappity-zap.
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
RICK about our fics tho
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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Why do my puns get so many notes I hate this website
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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Angle practice? Angle practice… yep! That’s all this was I swear. 
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dirtyrickfics-blog · 8 years
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hoo boy
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