destielreboot · 1 month
things I wouldn't believe happened if I hadn't seen them with my own two eyes:
cain implying cas is dean's collette
dean breaking cas out of naomi's mind control
cas' entire confession
dean's s13 widower arc
"I left, but you didn't stop me."
"he was your boyfriend first."
"the stench of that impala is all over your overcoat" or whatever he said
"don't make me lose you too."
dean turning aaron down not because he "doesn't swing that way" but because he's on a "federal investigation."
in fact, dean's entire reaction to aaron hitting on him
dean's disappointment when he found out aaron wasn't actually into him.
dean's siren being a dude and sam not questioning it despite still being under the impression that sirens infect people through sex
destiel divorce arc
dean completely giving up on life whenever cas dies
dean staying in purgatory for an entire year even though he could have left at anytime simply because he didn't want to leave without cas
dean seeing cas everywhere after purgatory just like how sam saw jess everywhere after she died
dean rewriting his memories of purgatory because he couldn't handle the fact that cas willingly chose to leave him and it was easier to believe that he failed cas instead
dean telling cas he's not going to let him die a virgin
"he's in love...with humanity."
cas putting donatello into a coma because he hurt dean
the handprint parallel (and that being jensen's idea)
"you have me confused with the other angel. you know, the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you?"
"sorry but i'd rather have you, cursed or not."
destiel dressed up as cowboys
"are you going to look at more anime or are strictly into dick now?"
"and how is it that you lost dean? I thought you two were joined at the, you know...everything."
the look on dean's face when he realized jack broke cas out of the empty (and the look bobby gave him in return)
"you're hoping castiel will return to you."
dean canonically being cas' human weakness
dean dropping to his knees and praying to cas while sobbing because he was scared of losing him
dean and crowley having orgies together
the mixtape
dean flirting with a guy through charlie
just the general way dean and cas look at each other and interact with each other like idk what else to say lmao
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destielreboot · 2 months
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they r watching the gay firefighter show (against cas’ will) 🚒
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destielreboot · 3 months
I’m sorry you’re telling me that fall out boy has now done at least part of EVERY song on folie à deux in the last year…
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destielreboot · 3 months
"that's not very aromantic of you" "that's not very asexual of you" WELL that's not very minding your own business of you
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destielreboot · 3 months
if you like a piece of media that is good eventually youll more or less run out of things to say about how good it is but if you like a piece of media that is objectively pretty mediocre but also somehow deeply compelling thats how the demons get you
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destielreboot · 6 months
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Folie a Deux - December 10th, 2008 X
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destielreboot · 6 months
dean is like garlic bread to me
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destielreboot · 6 months
It's just like. Dean is so so lonely he resents Sam for "getting out" he misses him. He wants to hunt away from his dad he misses him. He feels loyalty to the industry of his father's revenge plot he feels he never got the chance to be anything other than a hunter, he resents Sam for being able to be a kid. He's grateful Sam was able to be a kid. He loves his family he wants them to be there with him and also he wishes he had anyone else. He is so achingly lonely he is putting himself to a cause he is living and dying for a cause and yet he wishes he didn't have to. He wishes he could be normal but it's not even an option. It's too late for him. He saves people that's his job. Why does that have to be his job?? He loves and he is hurting so bad and yet he. He's silly and jokes and empathizes with everyone he comes across and. He just wants someone to love him back with no strings attached.........
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destielreboot · 6 months
i am not immune to stories in which characters who have endured harsh, empty existences become absolutely transformed by someone’s sincere love for them and learn to live
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destielreboot · 6 months
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destielreboot · 6 months
As an adult I think me and all my friends should all have matching schedules and work like 20 hours a week and also everyone lives within 15 minutes of each other why is that so much to ask
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destielreboot · 6 months
supernatural is like ouroboros you finish rewatching it and you go "ok." and suddenly dad is on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days again
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destielreboot · 6 months
Where did the Chrysler Building comparison come from anyway? Does Cas inherently know all measurments on Earth and beyond or did he stand next to it once to see who’ s taller
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destielreboot · 6 months
imagine being a deangirl in the spring of 2007. i would've gone crazy.
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destielreboot · 7 months
i love mutual pining to lovers because it gives some of the vibes of a love triangle without the needless drama. alternatively it’s like a love triangle except the third person is just mutual stupidity.
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destielreboot · 7 months
spn season 1 is so funny. they made the main plot line finding sam and dean’s missing father. but like. the guys not missing. he’s just avoiding them.
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destielreboot · 8 months
the best thing about tumblr is that you can watch a show and then you come here and someone has made a gifset of it and you can put it on your blog like a sticker in a journal
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