demonicnarwhale · 10 hours
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i got bored
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i typed the hastags stuff first but then searched up what the longer foot leggings things were (stockings) and saw these images so yeah you're welcome Die lovers. Eat up because i don't want to
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demonicnarwhale · 2 days
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what the fuck is this. i move on to another Die drawing and this??? usually there's a fucking sketch but nOoo just "Die cries"
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fuck it Die cries i guess
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demonicnarwhale · 3 days
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demonicnarwhale · 3 days
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what can i say your honor i dig me a good opposites attract thingy thang going on (i think ive mentioned that many times before teehee)
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bless you
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i got back on the Dean's list, lost the streak during last sem but we are so back baby i got so happy i drew a lil lil something something
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they rub my soft spot
just some lil breaks from godtier designing and and and small town-
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demonicnarwhale · 8 days
I have a confession, 2 years ago I started a lil storyboard for that Beauty and the Beast Song "mob song" because I thought it would be so fucking funny that Crowbar just wanted to go on and kill Slick (in his guh dog wolf form thingy)
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i didn't get far because i couldn't stop laughing THE VOICES JUST MADE ME LAUGH CMON GUYS (ok minus Snowman I just threw her in there for the fun of it) Droog was Mrs. Potts
here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ypxAKDMfFA
ashamed but i got some other silly shitty ideas like this... like one for the Little Mermaid Broadway (it slaps and im so fucking agonized that it stopped production 2009. FUCKING OAUGH, and i don't think it even came here but im getting sidetracked) one of the songs "I Want the Good Times Back" was just Snowman as Ursula and that was like 2021 (i have shunned it and this for obvious reasons thank you for coming to my Ted Talk)
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demonicnarwhale · 9 days
Been rereading the "sub-canon" The Felt comic by Professor Mayonaka, the original creator of the Midnight Crew. It was written around the time the Homestuck Intermission first happened and acts as a prequel to it, but it also leads to some inconsistencies with Homestuck, such as different designs and jujus for Matchsticks and Quarters or Derse having the prototypings of the Beta kids session despite the Midnight Crew originating from the Troll session. I've written down some notes of everything in The Felt comic but due to most pictures missing, things are difficult to figure out.
-Itchy gets payed in coffee and only coffee. He also hates wasting time
-the Felt mansion has many grand halls
-Snowman always locks her door while Doze never locks his door
-Doze always makes his bed
-Doze has a blue plush teddy bear under his hat! While commonly called "Humphrey" by fans and the song "Humphrey's Lullaby", its called "Humphry" here
-Doze can use his slow mo powers to jump across. Something. Probably a gap. Missing pictures make it hard to tell
-Trace loses things frequently like buttons
-Clover installed a time based lock for Trace but Clover is the only one that can open it
-Depending on the position of clock hands, certain parts of the mansion become (un)accessable?
-"if the paint is peeling, the curtains are missing and the water is boiling, which problem do you fix first?" Itchy says you put out the fire
-the casino belonging to the Midnight Crew is called the Midnight Casino
-Fin has been depressed ever since Matchsticks and Quarters died trying to take on Professor Mayonaka
-Matchsticks and Quarters "were the only guys [Fin] could really relate to in this operation"
-the Felt used to have no one that could stand in their way until Professor Mayonaka and his Midnight Crew came along
-the Midnight Crew is a yakuza
-"Nobody is on [Professor Mayonaka and Lord English's] level"
-Fin tastes future trails?
-Future trails end when a decision has to be made and are created whenever a decision is done
-Fin likes biting people. While he has never bitten Clover, Die tastes like a corpse
-Die thinks Boxcars is [a complete monster if you've ever seen one]
-Die keeps his pins under his hat and has been working on a pin for Spades Slick "for subjective months- a few weeks in each of several timelines"
-Die crowns himself king of the universe after inserting every pin he had with him, including Snowman's, resulting in a pretty empty timeline
-an unfinished pin does nothing!
-Nothingness is white
-Die thinks Fin's hat is red and not orange
-Crowbar is trying to figure out the origins of the Midnight Crew. He found out Jackson Slick, founder of Midnight City, vanished roughly when the Midnight Crew formed
-Crowbar believes not even the Midnight Crew knows who Mayonaka is-Spades Slick is the "day-to-day acting leader" of the Midnight Crew while Mayonaka seems to have kept them alive ever since he founded the Midnight Crew
-Snowman becomes violent if asked about the Midnight Crew
-Stitch isnt "all that terribly fond of Die" and lets his effigy burn for a bit
-Stitch has a towel called "Old Faithful" that has "smothered more flames in your day than most surgeons see in a lifetime"
-Stitch has the ingenious idea to take Eggs and Biscuits' effigies into a warehouse
-the Felt has a communal kitchen
-Someone might or might not have devoured someone
-Scurrilous Scraggler hates colourful hats because the Felt keeps popping up in the desert
-Clubs Deuce' exile name is COMFORTLESS DRIFTER
-One of the first things the MC did upon coming into being is kidnap some of the Felt
-According to Matchsticks, "there has not been business quite as serious as this since the LANDING."
-Matchsticks has a belt with matchsticks on them. Most likely his jujus. While no picture of him exists from the comic, there is fanart that shows how he looks like. Same with Quarters
-10/11 MATCH ARTIFACTS Remaining. 11/11 REGULAR MATCHES Remaining. 11/11 FAKE PLASTIC MATCHES Remaining. 11/11 PAINTINGS OF A MATCH ON YOUR BELT Remaining.
-Matchsticks takes things very serious. Its all very fucking serious business. Atleast right now because the MC has Snowman
-Matchsticks rides Sawbuck like a mechanical bull as a really serious business callback to Problem Sleuth. Its biznasty
-Eggs and Biscuits were playing hide and seek. Eggs has temporally cloned himself in an attempt to find Biscuits better
-Biscuits hides in his oven and pretends to be Lord English hiding "in the farthest reaches of the void, like a phantom"
-Instead of coins, he has a rack (the triangle thing used for billiard) that records TIMEPRINTS.
-Earthquakes announce Lord English's arrival.
-Lord English tells Quarters "It's time"-
"A great and terrible fate awaits the Felt family. And its home." (this isnt said by Lord English but its cute they're a family)
-Scurrilous Scraggler is building a city in some ruins
-Scurrilous Scraggler, back in his days as Jack Noir, didnt respect anyone enough to remember their names or get to know them. "They were [...] Just pawns."
-Comfortless Drifter's name is Deuce. Scurrilous Scraggler gives him the fake name Jackson Slick.
-"Something sinister" seems to live in an impact crater according to Deuce
-"[Deuce] believes that it was exiled, like you and he. But for different reasons."
-the MC has an underground complex of hideaways
-one or more hideaway is in Blackwalk Street and Trace parked the ESCAPE MPV there!
-despite his incredible luck, Clover decides against driving because he's too small to do anything while at the driver's seat
-Shit is fucked on multiple fronts but without pictures, its hard to tell whats going on exactly. Multiple rooms in the Felt mansion are empty and their inhabitants gone
-Another earthquake. Lord English tells Fin "Go on"
-Droog's exile name is DERISIVE DISCIPLE and he "begrudgingly leaves his master to his work". The master being the Professor
-DD loves ties and changes his raggedy outfit to have one
-DD is protecting the crater that Mayonaka lives in, even when the Professor is away
-Slick tells DD his tie "outfit is kind of awkward and impractical, especially the stick"
-DD's Jack of Diamonds is a SCYTHE OF DEVOTION and he uses it to attack Deuce and Slick.
-or he tries to? There's like ten textless pictures after some "OH SHIT"s
-one page intermission with multiple broken pictures
-Die made Slick's pin for his doll out of a licorice scotty dog due to how important it is to him
-Die inserts his own pin and finds his corpse stuck on a strange slide door
-the place Die's at is called the SCRAPER and he's been there before
-Crowbar disciplines Biscuits about responsible timetravel with his crowbar and tells Clover that Biscuits fell down some stairs
-Snowman(?) hates it when Lord English "does that without any warning. It always leaves you feeling lightheaded". Probably the earthquakes
-Snowman fully believes she has never been anything but green
-Snowman might have been brainwashed besides being turned green considering she doesnt recognize a dersite (Slick?) and refers to him as someone from "this planet"
-Snowman just crawled out of a crater and scared Slick(?)
-I'm not sure if thats Slick just because he has a tophat on. Perry the platypus moment
-Draconian Dignitary invents ties by wearing a LOW QUALITY BLADE around his neck to overcome this fashion challenge
-The famous gif we all know as Mayonaka we all know belongs to the ALCHEMIST of Derse, someone that DD cant stand, calls a smug bastard and lives on the bottom floor. Agent Brinner
-the name Brinner has appeared in Homestuck on a letter for "Dr David Brinner"
-I am hoping Agent Brinner and Professor Mayonaka are the same person in a similar way to how Jack Noir changes his name to various names starting with SS.
-[S] Doze: Ascend. (No actual flash) The Felt comic was cancelled for some time
-Doc Scratch is here and thinks waiting is a waste of his talents
-He sees no timeline where he does a silly dance
-"It is on occasion that you come across pieces of the darkness which inflicts imperfection on your omnicience and that they make themselves clear to you in the form of images, or sometimes simply phrases. You often waste no time investigating."
-Something exploded that confused Scratch for a moment
-that was the destruction of a doomed timeline due to Scratch's curiosity, causing him to transition "into a timeline whose defining difference is your inevitable success."
-Scratch caused a scratch at that moment? Was that Beforus??
-"You have created many universes in the past, but never before by accident. This is too intriguing to pass up." Hey, Scratch, what the fuck does this mean?
-a troll is introduced on the 26th october. He's 13 years old and alternian perhaps? Alternia doesnt exist yet but sweeps are used
-Someone with the initials ZS is unable to throw a book on human history away because neither Alternia nor humans exist yet. "Duhhhhhh."
-the comic ends with Stitch retrieving Lord English's spare Cairo Overcoat from the vault
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demonicnarwhale · 12 days
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this has been sitting in the folders FOR a fUCKING YEAR all because i couldn't just get it to look RIGHT. but i give up, i need this OUT I NEED HIM GONE
when i drew his hair, i liked to think i was brushing it very nicely (had to adjust something) so reupload))
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demonicnarwhale · 12 days
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the wheel has spoken but im not listening
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demonicnarwhale · 13 days
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demonicnarwhale · 13 days
daddroog did have shooters in the day, but even they screwed that up cause part of the appeal with it in the day was that it was one sided. dad just wanted to get back to his daughter, and dignitary (which is another reason why this doesn't work but nitpicking there) is just like "oh i can't NOT fuck him". its like the deli scene from bob's burgers. also the ps thing was especially weird considering according to old commentary, they did have a design for PI, implying there was to be more.
ok the question about DD&D that has always burned in my mind is like. what fucking continuity are we in. the way DD describes his first meeting with slick makes it apparent that they didn’t meet on derse, right? that implies we’re in the problem sleuth continuity and they’re all humans (something further supported by the background characters being drawn with the noodle arms instead of the fully-drawn carapacian arms), but that doesn’t make sense either because snowman is there and her existence literally only makes sense in the context of the canon midnight city. also there’s a panel where slick still has sharp teeth which once again is a carapacian thing. so like what the fuck is going on who are these people
i also get the sense that whoever wrote this really hates slick for some reason lmao. he’s an asshole for no real reason and then he gets hit by a car and fucking dies and no one gaf
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demonicnarwhale · 13 days
tbh i'm kind of afraid of the backspacing cause at times it feels WAAAAY too pander-y. and thats not really fun for me (again, because look at how DDD went). at the same time though, i don't blame them if they have trouble touching on jack again considering act 6 basically gave people nothing to work with (for that jack).
true, though to be completely honest i have no idea who DD&D was even trying to appeal to. intermission fans? well they completely character assassinated DD and then hit spades slick with a car so i don’t think so. problem sleuth fans? probably not because the whole problem sleuth^2 thing gets dropped immediately. daddroog fans?? idk i guess. were there even that many daddroog shooters before this.
as for jack my personal hope is that ultimate jack becomes real somehow. idk what they would do with him but i think it would be cool
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demonicnarwhale · 13 days
its especially funny cause the swerve, which wasn't planned mind you, they flat out say that they didn't know how to end this story, was done because they thought "hey instead of the usual intermission song and dance, why don't we just skip it?". cause you know, having a bunch of people who eat grill cheese, and then not making said grill cheese to entertain some mysterious wider audience which is surely here, thats totally a great idea that'll go over well.
i have said this before but it really felt like DD&D was an attempt to cater to intermission fans without ever actually having spoken to an intermission fan. it’s like if someone explained the intermission to an alien but the alien wasn’t really listening
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demonicnarwhale · 14 days
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demonicnarwhale · 14 days
OAUGHHHH NOOO THIS IS SO GOOOD OAUGHHH he is so prettyyyy oaughhh ok i shall stop reblog answering but oaughhh amazing!!! for a first time drawing an old mf you NAILED ITTTTTTT
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@demonicnarwhale bullshitted my way thru anatomy with this one ::3 anyways UR AU DIE IS SO SO FUCKING GOOD I SHIT MY OANTS EVERYTIME U POST HIM
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demonicnarwhale · 14 days
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@demonicnarwhale bullshitted my way thru anatomy with this one ::3 anyways UR AU DIE IS SO SO FUCKING GOOD I SHIT MY OANTS EVERYTIME U POST HIM
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demonicnarwhale · 14 days
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@demonicnarwhale bullshitted my way thru anatomy with this one ::3 anyways UR AU DIE IS SO SO FUCKING GOOD I SHIT MY OANTS EVERYTIME U POST HIM
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demonicnarwhale · 14 days
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@demonicnarwhale bullshitted my way thru anatomy with this one ::3 anyways UR AU DIE IS SO SO FUCKING GOOD I SHIT MY OANTS EVERYTIME U POST HIM
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