deltablack · 1 year
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deltablack · 1 year
Unseen soul
In shadows cast, I dwell unseen, A specter fading in between, The world moves on, I lag behind, My heart's desires left undefined.
In bustling crowds, I stand alone, My silent cries by no ears known, A fleeting glance, an empty stare, Do they not see? Do they not care?
The fear of missing out, it grows, A secret ache that no one knows, Unnoticed in this vast expanse, My soul a wraith, denied a chance.
And so I wander, lost, forlorn, An outcast craving to be born, In hearts and minds, a place to claim, But in this world, I have no name.
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deltablack · 1 year
In this world I dwell, a phantom haunting,
A ghostly figure, thoughts and shadows taunting,
From shadows' edge, I peer into the light,
Unseen, unheard, a wisp of smoke in night.
Do I exist? Or am I but a dream?
A fleeting thought, a whisper on a stream,
A ripple in the fabric of the mind,
An apparition seeking truth to find.
I reach to touch, but touch doth not return,
My fingers slip through flames that never burn,
I speak my words, but echoes fade away,
A silent plea for substance, as I sway.
In mirrors, I seek solace and a face,
Yet find but emptiness, devoid of trace,
My memories, mere echoes of a song,
A melody forgotten, all along.
Oh, wretched heart, doth beat within my chest,
A pulsing void that will not let me rest,
A yearning to be real, to truly be,
Yet trapped within this limbo, ever free.
This life I live, a paradox divine,
A twilight realm, where sanity resigns,
And yet, within these shadows, I must dwell,
A haunted whisper, a forgotten tale.
For I, the specter, lost in thoughts and fears,
Am but a figment born of mortal tears,
And so, within this tangled web I weave,
A dance betwixt what's real and make-believe.
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deltablack · 1 year
In shadows dark, my heart does dwell,
A secret place, my private hell.
Within this cage, I find no peace,
Self-hatred gnaws, a ravenous beast.
Reflection taunts, it jeers and sneers,
My eyes, they sting from bitter tears.
A twisted form, a wretched sight,
A loathsome soul, devoured by spite.
The world outside, it cannot see,
This inner storm that's swallowing me.
A raging tempest, a hurricane,
I bear the burden of my disdain.
"What have I done?" I ask in vain,
This self-inflicted, relentless pain.
A thousand voices, screaming, clear,
"You're not enough," they hiss and sear.
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deltablack · 1 year
Trapped in darkness, alone in my bed,
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Trapped in Lethargy
Consumed by the lethargy that fills my head.
Time stands still, while the world moves on,
But here in my chamber, I remain withdrawn.
The screen flickers, stories come and go,
Fallen heroes who never glow.
The world around me drowns in gray,
And all I do is watch and stay.
Exhaustion grips me in its claws,
No drive, no will, to break its pause.
Despair and emptiness fill my heart,
A painful whisper, a never-ending part.
Shadows dance upon my wall,
Whispered lies, a poisonous thrall.
In a cage of longing, tears, and fear,
I sink deeper in a darkened mere.
The movies numbness, false joy,
Shatters my will, bit by bit, like a toy.
A life trapped, a heart submerged,
A human lost, in melancholy purged.
Hope dwindles like candles in the wind,
A shadow of myself, hardly a kin.
I lie in darkness, tears have ceased to flow,
A human without drive, alone in woe.
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deltablack · 1 year
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In shadows of a distant realm, where stars are dim and cold,
Where astral winds do howl and moan, a tale of woe unfolds.
Amidst the void, a vessel drifts, unbound by anchor's grip,
A listless wanderer, bereft, adrift on cosmic trip.
The hull, decayed and withered, wears the markings of the grave,
Once strong and proud, it's now undone, a restless, rotting knave.
Its sails, once bright, now threadbare, torn, like shrouds upon a bier,
Embrace the void's eternal night, where hope and dreams do disappear.
Through the eons it has wandered, guided not by star or fate,
But rather by the hungering dark, and ceaseless, weary weight.
It knows no end, nor true beginning, it heeds no siren's call,
A ghostly ship, forever cursed, to wander 'til it falls.
A wretched crew doth haunt its decks, their souls in chains and rust,
Each man a shade of his lost self, consumed by grief and trust.
Their hearts, a hollow cavern, where light and joy did flee,
In search of solace and reprieve, they find but misery.
The captain stands, his visage stern, his eyes like embers glow,
His compass, shattered, spent and worn, no course or harbor shows.
He gazes out upon the vast, the darkness his embrace,
And dreams of finding solace, in a distant, brighter place.
Yet ever on, they drift and sail, through blackest, endless sea,
Entwined in fate's cruel, twisted web, with no hope to be free.
A cosmic dance, a bitter waltz, of souls forever lost,
Amidst the chaos of the stars, they pay the final cost.
So, heed their tale, ye mortal ones, and stay your course to roam,
Lest you, like them, should lose your way and never find your home.
For in the void, the whispers call, and draw you to their sway,
The dark abyss, it beckons, as your spirit starts to fray.
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deltablack · 1 year
Life is a game with no rules
Life is a game with no rules, A script with no plot. We play our part, But the outcome's forgot.
We strive for success, but success is a lie. We reach the top, Only to find we're still high and dry
We chase after money, but money can't buy happiness. we accumulate wealth, But true joy is still out of our grasp.
We search for love, but love is fleeting, we hold on tight, but it's only deceiving.
So let us live each day, with no expectation. For in the grand scheme, life holds no validation.
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