deino-the-emo Ā· 1 year
List of Suffixes and Meanings
Personally, I love the idea of a catā€™s suffix having meaning, so hereā€™s a list of suffixes and their meanings as used in the Timelines universe. Some of these come from the traditional naming system, others are my own thoughts.
Rank Related Suffixes
Kit - A kitten below the age of six moons.
Paw - A young cat, older than six moons, still in training.
Star - A clan leader.
Skill Related Suffixes
Fur, pelt, stripe - A well rounded warrior with no particular talents.
Claw - An exceptionally skilled fighter.
Fang - A cat with notable skill in both hunting and fighting.
Whisker - An exceptionally skilled hunter.
Nose - A talented tracker.
Face - Indicating exceptional beauty.
Tail - A skilled and agile climber, sometimes used for tactically skilled cats.
Foot - A fast, agile cat.
Throat - A talented story-teller, capable of memorizing many tales and utting on a good performance.
Flower - A particularly maternal or paternal cat. Gender ratio skews towards female identifying cats, but is not unheard of for males.
Path - A good mentor.
Stream - Strong swimmer, Riverclan exclusive.
Song - A mediator, someone who knows how to appeal to different kinds of personalities and keep the peace.
Personality Related Suffixes
Cloud - A calm, patient, and gentle personality.
Storm - Opposite to -cloud, a tumultuous, unpredictable personality. Frequently given to cats with a pension for drama and gossip.
Step - Someone who embodies the traits of their prefix; most commonly paired with animal prefixes.
Wing, Feather - A cat who showed exceptional growth, andĀ ā€˜spread their wingsā€™, or overcame intense adversity.
Flight - A forward thinker, creative problem solver, unwilling to acceptĀ ā€˜thatā€™s just the way things areā€™, someone who strives for constant improvement. Stubborn.
Heart - Someone with strong morals, willing to stand up against injustice and fight for what they believe is right.
Wish - A daydreamer, someone lacking ambition, content to be a follower.
Whisper - A quiet, non-oppositional cat.
Medicine Cat Exclusive
Leaf - Possesses an exceptional knowledge and understanding of plants and herbs.
Berry - Particularly skilled at the social aspect of their job, possessing empathy and understanding.
Shine - A cat who is deeply connected with Starclan and skilled at interpreting prophecies and signs from their ancestors.
Trauma Related Suffixes
Eye, Jaw, Ear - Relating to a disfiguring or debilitating injury which warrants a name change. Indicates that the cat is a survivor and overcame the odds to live through their injury. Other combinations of prefix and suffix can also indicate trauma, such as Halftail, Lostface.
Sometimes, a leader may give a suffix outside of the normal list, in reference to a great accomplishment (like -pool, given to Leafpool for her discovery of a new connection to Starclan) or because the suffix the cat deserves doesnā€™t pair well with their prefix (Substituting -foot with -runner, or -stream with -creek). Most rarely, just because it sounds nice and unique.Ā 
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
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Pokemon Planters made by HomebodyClub
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
libtards unite
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
According to community sources and the Philly Office of LGBT Affairs, two Black trans women were brutally murdered this week: Dominique Remā€™mie Fells and Riah Milton.
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say THEIR names. say HER name.
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
there is no final version of yourself. we never stop growing or changing, nor should we. stop beating yourself up for not beingĀ ā€˜thereā€™ yet.
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
Houndoom Line Headcanons
(For @lightningshade. Sorry for the wait!)
While infighting is an important part of houndoom pack dynamics, the prevalence of it is somewhat exaggerated. Recent observational studies show that fighting is only one of several ways in which the ā€˜alphaā€™ can be decided. Many houndooms become head of the pack simply by having a lot of offspring. Age is also a predicting factor, as is the speed at which evolution occurs - in a pack of houndours, deference usually goes to that which evolves first. Infighting usually only occurs when other factors fail to determine a clear leader.Ā 
In most regions, houndooms cannot be outside of their pokĆ©balls in built-up areas, and are required to be muzzled even in gyms (excepting during battle). The restrictions are stricter than those placed on most fire types, and many believe they should be repealed. People are quick to point out that espurrs pose more of a danger to trainers and bystanders than houndooms do, yet face none of the same regulations.Ā Ā 
In certain parts of the world, the houndoom line is classed as having poison as its secondary type, due to the toxins present in its fire. Indeed, it is not as invulnerable to psychic attacks as the typical dark type - yet it is much less vulnerable to them than the typical poison type. Its classifications have been reviewed several times, and it is an oft-cited case among those who oppose type specifications as a restrictive and outdated concept.Ā 
The houndoom line is one of relatively few fire-type evolutionary lines which has no qualms about water. They are keen and strong swimmers, even in the wild.Ā 
Houndoom vocalisations are a common stock sound effect in horror films. They are also over-represented as companions to villains, which hasnā€™t helped their reputation much.Ā 
Among Kalosian houndoom packs, the leader tends to be changeable. The full extent of their hierarchies is a subject of ongoing research, but they are known to have multiple breeding males and females, and a complex system whereby different houndooms take leading roles under different circumstances. Some claim that to say they have leaders at all is misleading.Ā 
While houndooms are often characterised as aggressive, they tend to be incredibly anxious pokĆ©mon. Many trainers have difficulty using them in stadium battles with large crowds - the noise and the activity is too much for them. As such, they arenā€™t commonly seen in high profile tournaments, despite being powerful pokĆ©mon.
Houndooms have historically been poached for their horns, to the point of near-extinction. To hang them above your door, or to burn them and scatter the ashes over the threshold, was said to frighten away death gods. Even in modern times, houndoom horns are still used to make jewellery and protective charms, but strong anti-poaching laws have brought the species back to healthier numbers. Ā Ā 
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
Scenes from the CHAZ
I visited Seattleā€™s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone this afternoon to show solidarity with occupiers and residents, to see for myself, and to share photos and impressions with yā€™all. Reminder: myself and Spouse are white cishet thirty-somethings living in North Seattle who believe that Black Lives Matter and agree with the broad set of civic action summarized by ā€œDefund the Police.ā€
Short version: this is the calmest, quietest event Iā€™ve ever attended on Seattleā€™s Cap Hill, which is known for big loud music festivals and nightlife and Pride and such.
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Six pm on a Thursday night held a decent meandering crowd. We saw lots of street art (different from graffiti; see photos), a couple organizers with megaphones reminding people to keep up the movement, an amplified Black Lives Matter podcast, and generally people hanging out. There was a shrine (for lack of a better word) to some recent victims of police brutality, withĀ ā€œsay their namesā€ and their names on signs, candles, and an icon-style painting of Dr. King. I did not take a photo of that out of respect; instead, I read their names and tried to feel their loss.
There were several well-stocked med tends and co-op tents, with lists of what supplies were needed and also Venmo addresses for cash donations. We brought two cases of bottled water and two bulk-sized bottles of sunblock to donate to the cause, but the med tents were already so well-stocked that we just added the bottled water to a pyramid built by similar-minded folks. There was also a handful of sort of alt-vendor tents, most notably (to me) one with two white girls and a screen press with a sign sayingĀ ā€œweā€™ll printĀ ā€˜black lives matterā€™ on anything!ā€ and doing just that. They were using black ink and I was wearing a navy-blue top, otherwise Iā€™d have had them print my tank for me. No prices, no mention of money, which was slightly disorienting to since Seattle has so many open-air festivals and markets with a vendor row. One of the co-ops with food and supplies had aĀ ā€œfree sticker if you put them in public placesā€ bin in front of it, which I rifled through.
All theĀ ā€œbarricadesā€ at the street entrances were construction barriers and concrete barriers placed on the asphalt. One or two of them also had a car parked across the street as well. NONE of them had ANYTHING even resembling a checkpoint. PeopleĀ ā€œstaffingā€ the checkpoints were chatting with each other and passersby. Neither Spouse nor I interacted with anyone at any of the barricaded streets, and none of them had any kind of visible weapon or anything. They were just people who happened to be chilling by a concrete or plastic construction barrier.Ā 
The East Precinct Police building was boarded up and surrounded by a chain link fence, which, sidebar, is a very common sight in Seattle, with all the new construction going on these days. There was some graffiti and some messaging on the fence, but most of the activity around it was people like me: taking iphone photos of thisĀ ā€œabandonedā€ police precinct. Incidentally, this was where I decided to leave my grocery bag full of sage cuttings I brought from my garden (because what do you bring to celebrate a neighborhood milestone? I hope some people make smudges from it and some people make sauce from it and some people put a sprig in a vase because the purple flowers are pretty). I stapled two signs to the bag, one readingĀ ā€œwe see you, we hear you, #blacklivesmatterā€ and the other readingĀ ā€œhello from [tiny neighborhood], please enjoy this fresh organic sage from my garden,ā€ and just left it by the fence there by the boarded-up police station. Spouse didnā€™t get it, and all I can say is that it felt right to bring something I grew, and let people take it to do what they want with it.
The crowd in general was what I typically expect from Cap Hill: mostly twenties to forties, mostly white, lots of potheads, lots of calm dogs on leashes. The covid ā€œsanitaryā€ cloth mask compliance was higher here than in most other public spaces Iā€™ve been in recently, with people trying to maintain that six-foot courtesy/transmission space. Most peopleĀ ā€œfeaturedā€ ā€“ those painting street murals, those with megaphones ā€“ were POC who looked like they were of majority African descent. Most people staffing the different booths (med tents, co-op tents) fell into the general category of white, and much of the observing crowd were also white, which again, is about the racial proportions I usually anticipate from Cap Hill and Seattle north of Downtown. Proportionately few rainbow signs/iconography present, other than the rainbow crosswalks that a previous mayor had painted in this weird publicity stunt thing. The feeling I got from it was that the LGBTQIA+ pride crowd was deferring to/supporting the BLM crowd, in force, but I canā€™t speak for them.
What was surprising to me was howā€¦ safe it felt. This part of Cap Hill (the southwest corner, closest to downtown) has a reputation for being a little sketchy sometimes, but today it feltā€¦ ā€œwelcomingā€ is the wrong word, and ā€œstanding in solidarityā€ is too profound for what could be called a protest tourism visit on my part. Thereā€™s a different post I want to make aboutĀ ā€œā€™high crimeā€™ areas actually equal high police response to incidents that would better be handled by a social service team, so is it really a ā€˜high crimeā€™ neighborhood or is it just a neighborhood that needs more help?ā€ so just stick that in your mind for now. But Spouse actually went to high school about two blocks downhill from the CHAZ, and he too said it felt safer than usual. For reference, Spouse is not a crowd person and is a little paranoid about personal safety, and both he and I were surprised that he was getting that vibe.
In particular, there was one ā€œcrazy homeless dude,ā€ who was sort of dancing around shouting nonsense, which is unfortunately common. But rather than feel scared by him ā€“ and those of you who have been following me for long enough may recall when I was literally punched in the face by aĀ ā€œcrazy homeless dudeā€ hard enough to shatter my maxilla and result in a second-degree assault charge ā€“ and it was just likeĀ ā€œwell, this dude is doing his thing, and if he gets violent, weā€™ll handle it, but right now, heā€™s doing his thing.ā€
So, thereā€™s some kind of planned protest/showing/whatever the current term for these things is tomorrow night, which I plan on attending, and Iā€™ll tell you about that, too.
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
Scenes from the CHAZ
I visited Seattleā€™s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone this afternoon to show solidarity with occupiers and residents, to see for myself, and to share photos and impressions with yā€™all. Reminder: myself and Spouse are white cishet thirty-somethings living in North Seattle who believe that Black Lives Matter and agree with the broad set of civic action summarized by ā€œDefund the Police.ā€
Short version: this is the calmest, quietest event Iā€™ve ever attended on Seattleā€™s Cap Hill, which is known for big loud music festivals and nightlife and Pride and such.
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Six pm on a Thursday night held a decent meandering crowd. We saw lots of street art (different from graffiti; see photos), a couple organizers with megaphones reminding people to keep up the movement, an amplified Black Lives Matter podcast, and generally people hanging out. There was a shrine (for lack of a better word) to some recent victims of police brutality, withĀ ā€œsay their namesā€ and their names on signs, candles, and an icon-style painting of Dr. King. I did not take a photo of that out of respect; instead, I read their names and tried to feel their loss.
There were several well-stocked med tends and co-op tents, with lists of what supplies were needed and also Venmo addresses for cash donations. We brought two cases of bottled water and two bulk-sized bottles of sunblock to donate to the cause, but the med tents were already so well-stocked that we just added the bottled water to a pyramid built by similar-minded folks. There was also a handful of sort of alt-vendor tents, most notably (to me) one with two white girls and a screen press with a sign sayingĀ ā€œweā€™ll printĀ ā€˜black lives matterā€™ on anything!ā€ and doing just that. They were using black ink and I was wearing a navy-blue top, otherwise Iā€™d have had them print my tank for me. No prices, no mention of money, which was slightly disorienting to since Seattle has so many open-air festivals and markets with a vendor row. One of the co-ops with food and supplies had aĀ ā€œfree sticker if you put them in public placesā€ bin in front of it, which I rifled through.
All theĀ ā€œbarricadesā€ at the street entrances were construction barriers and concrete barriers placed on the asphalt. One or two of them also had a car parked across the street as well. NONE of them had ANYTHING even resembling a checkpoint. PeopleĀ ā€œstaffingā€ the checkpoints were chatting with each other and passersby. Neither Spouse nor I interacted with anyone at any of the barricaded streets, and none of them had any kind of visible weapon or anything. They were just people who happened to be chilling by a concrete or plastic construction barrier.Ā 
The East Precinct Police building was boarded up and surrounded by a chain link fence, which, sidebar, is a very common sight in Seattle, with all the new construction going on these days. There was some graffiti and some messaging on the fence, but most of the activity around it was people like me: taking iphone photos of thisĀ ā€œabandonedā€ police precinct. Incidentally, this was where I decided to leave my grocery bag full of sage cuttings I brought from my garden (because what do you bring to celebrate a neighborhood milestone? I hope some people make smudges from it and some people make sauce from it and some people put a sprig in a vase because the purple flowers are pretty). I stapled two signs to the bag, one readingĀ ā€œwe see you, we hear you, #blacklivesmatterā€ and the other readingĀ ā€œhello from [tiny neighborhood], please enjoy this fresh organic sage from my garden,ā€ and just left it by the fence there by the boarded-up police station. Spouse didnā€™t get it, and all I can say is that it felt right to bring something I grew, and let people take it to do what they want with it.
The crowd in general was what I typically expect from Cap Hill: mostly twenties to forties, mostly white, lots of potheads, lots of calm dogs on leashes. The covid ā€œsanitaryā€ cloth mask compliance was higher here than in most other public spaces Iā€™ve been in recently, with people trying to maintain that six-foot courtesy/transmission space. Most peopleĀ ā€œfeaturedā€ ā€“ those painting street murals, those with megaphones ā€“ were POC who looked like they were of majority African descent. Most people staffing the different booths (med tents, co-op tents) fell into the general category of white, and much of the observing crowd were also white, which again, is about the racial proportions I usually anticipate from Cap Hill and Seattle north of Downtown. Proportionately few rainbow signs/iconography present, other than the rainbow crosswalks that a previous mayor had painted in this weird publicity stunt thing. The feeling I got from it was that the LGBTQIA+ pride crowd was deferring to/supporting the BLM crowd, in force, but I canā€™t speak for them.
What was surprising to me was howā€¦ safe it felt. This part of Cap Hill (the southwest corner, closest to downtown) has a reputation for being a little sketchy sometimes, but today it feltā€¦ ā€œwelcomingā€ is the wrong word, and ā€œstanding in solidarityā€ is too profound for what could be called a protest tourism visit on my part. Thereā€™s a different post I want to make aboutĀ ā€œā€™high crimeā€™ areas actually equal high police response to incidents that would better be handled by a social service team, so is it really a ā€˜high crimeā€™ neighborhood or is it just a neighborhood that needs more help?ā€ so just stick that in your mind for now. But Spouse actually went to high school about two blocks downhill from the CHAZ, and he too said it felt safer than usual. For reference, Spouse is not a crowd person and is a little paranoid about personal safety, and both he and I were surprised that he was getting that vibe.
In particular, there was one ā€œcrazy homeless dude,ā€ who was sort of dancing around shouting nonsense, which is unfortunately common. But rather than feel scared by him ā€“ and those of you who have been following me for long enough may recall when I was literally punched in the face by aĀ ā€œcrazy homeless dudeā€ hard enough to shatter my maxilla and result in a second-degree assault charge ā€“ and it was just likeĀ ā€œwell, this dude is doing his thing, and if he gets violent, weā€™ll handle it, but right now, heā€™s doing his thing.ā€
So, thereā€™s some kind of planned protest/showing/whatever the current term for these things is tomorrow night, which I plan on attending, and Iā€™ll tell you about that, too.
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
do not ignore this
our momentum is slowing down. we canā€™t let our dashes go back to normal when the world is not normal. so, if you are reading this, you are ~legally~ obligated to choose 2 numbers below; you must complete the task of those two numbers today. donā€™t pretend you didnā€™t see this. either do them right now or set a reminder to get it done before the sun goes down. the timer starts now. choose two.Ā 
sign some petitions. LINK HERE. if change.org hasnā€™t accused you of being a bot yet, you havenā€™t signed enough.Ā 
watch these youtube videos. LINK HERE. do not skip the ads. this is a way to help raise money without having to donate any.
sign up to get daily actions. LINK HERE. after filling out the form, you will receive texts Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays telling you what action to take.Ā 
text or call for any of these victims. LINK HERE. this website is extremely helpful, well organized, and practically does all of the work for you.
donate some money. LINK HERE. if you have any more money to spare, please donate it to one of these funds.
follow every single one of these organizations on social media: blcklivesmatter, colorofchange, reclaimtheblock, showingupforracialjustice, and civilrightsorg
post these important sources to your social media. LINK HERE. you have no idea who it might help.Ā 
read this article and forward it to at least one person. LINK HERE.Ā 
watch this video explaining the racial wealth gap. LINK HERE. itā€™s really informative and only about 15 minutes long.Ā 
do some reading. LINK HERE. this link has a ton of great resources to educate yourself. read at least one.Ā 
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
Muslim brothers and sisters
So I found this app called Scan Halal where you scan the bar code of your food and it tells you if its halal or not. Itā€™s a free app too. Pass this on so others can see and worry a little less about their food/snack choices
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
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this is peak Craigslist
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
the lea michele situation is actually a prime example of why we should be wary of performative activism right now. if you are supporting the cause by protesting, donating, posting your support, etc. thatā€™s great! but this problem goes so much deeper than just police brutality.
every single non-black person who has posted #blacklivesmatter this week needs to take a step back and analyze whether or not their actions (not just their words) have shown that they truly believe that statement. itā€™s a clear and obvious choice to speak out against the brutal murder of an innocent man. however, if you are not making the obvious choice every day to speak up for us when your friends/relatives make racist jokes, if you are not listening to and respecting the black people you know in real life, if you have not sat down to analyze the ways you actively benefit from this system, if you have not worked to start unlearning the biases you were raised with, or if you thoughtĀ ā€œblack lives matterā€ was a controversial statement until this week, do not pretend to care just because everyone is talking about it right now.
when these protests are over, there will still be many battles to fight. this is not a game, and this is not something you post about just for likes and clicks. if you are resting easy right now thinking that youā€™reĀ ā€œone of the good onesā€ for showing public outrage over a situation that should anger any reasonable person, you need to do more. racism is not something you can pick and choose when to be against. we donā€™t get to pick and choose when we experience racism. so if youā€™re going to get involved with this situation right here, right now, then you need to be ready to hold yourself and others accountable for anti-blackness in all other areas of your life.
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
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script from @bluecollarbabe1 on instagram. even if you canā€™t protest, you can still be heard. use your voice. do something.
To whom it may concern:
I am writing you about the murder of George Floyd by MPD officers Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng, and Tou Thao. These men were not upholding the law, they were committing murder and terrorizing their community. Being fired is not an appropriate response to the crime. All officers must be charged with murder.
We cannot continue this way. This is not the way forward. Use your station and power for change; for good. Give a voice to the smothered. Prove that all lives matter. Do your job.
When the streets clear and the ashes fade, George Floyd will not be forgotten. The events transpiring may very well be plastered into history books. The world is watching. My generation will not fail to tell our children exactly what happened. Your actions now will cement how you are remembered. If you stand up and act, you will be remembered for your bravery, choosing to enact justice. If not, history will sneer at your cowardice. The choice is yours.
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
Here is a compilation of places to donate (IF you can, simply reblogging and sharing this can help) and petition to sign. I found these websites and organizations on twitter.
THE MINNESOTAĀ  FREEDOM FUND: Donate to this to collect funds to pay jail bonds for the protesters who get arrested.
BLACK LIVES MATTER: An organization fighting for the BLM movement. Donate if you can.Ā 
BLACK VISIONS MN: an organization that is led by Black, Queer and Trans people. Donate if you can.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Fights for the overall equality fight. Donate if you can.
Willie Simmons has spent 38 years in prison for a $9 robbery. He had two prior convictions similar to robbery that he served time for. He was prosecuted under the Alabama Habitual Offender law and was given a life sentence for his third strike - stealing 9 (NINE) dollars. Sign his petition.Ā 
Breonna Taylor was killed by police who were conducting an UNANNOUNCED drug raid, where they gave no request to enter. They bashed her door and entered, shooting her EIGHT times. They were in the WRONG HOUSE.Ā 
George Floyd was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck and suffocated him to death, after George pleaded with the officer and told him he couldnā€™t breathe. The officer had pulled him from where he sat in his car on an alleged FORGERY. You can also textĀ ā€œFLOYDā€ to 55156
ARREST THE OFFICERS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: The main police officer who murdered George is being kept in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. You probably have heard he was arrested, but this is NOT TRUE. He was placed under PROTECTIVE custody because of the riots andĀ ā€œthreatsā€ on his life.Ā 
If you know of ANY other organizations or petitions, PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. The fight for justice doesnā€™t end here, it will never end. Especially when the president of the United States calls white supremacists good people and protesters of a mans death THUGS. USE YOUR VOICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. FUCK COPS. FUCKĀ ā€œBLUE LIVESā€. ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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deino-the-emo Ā· 4 years
This sounds so cool, is this something that you'll touch on in Dreams Don't Plague The Dead?
When most people think of the weird things Ghoul can do, they chalk it up to radiation being contained and concentrated in his body. This is wrong, if only because Ghoulā€™s moms happen to be The Phoenix Witch and Destroya respectively - heā€™s a minor deity. Wonā€™t have immortality until he dies, but he is a deity.
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