dazzaocean · 3 days
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Your f/o sneaks glances at you btw. You sit side by side to watch a movie or just enjoy eachothers company and your f/o will take glances to you when you're distracted. Maybe they're open about it when you catch their gaze and smirk at you, maybe they get shy and look away immediately, giving a small apology.
Your f/o can't help it though. When your focused in the tv, or your phone, or your book. Just, distracted and relaxed. They can't help but give even a small smile, their heart melts. Maybe they'd never admit that though.
(Also they love you and are obsessed with you duh)
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dazzaocean · 3 days
Just in case anyone needs to hear this: your f/o cares about you. So, so much. And they want you to know that no matter what, they will always be there. You will always have a place by their side, so no matter what happens, you can rest easy knowing you’ll be safe and sound with them.
They’ve got you.
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dazzaocean · 5 days
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your f/o would love you in every universe btw
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dazzaocean · 5 days
happy pride month fictional people likers. reminder that not only would your f/o love who you are in terms of your sexuality and gender, but also your headcanons/ideas for THEIR sexuality and gender is incredible and completely fine to have and there is nothing wrong with it. this month is dedicated for not being ashamed and remembering you and people similar to you deserve love. your f/o is very proud of you and i'm sure your f/o is so happy of you being proud of them. you know them and yourself best. i hope you have a good day with your loves/friends/family. do at least one thing that makes you both happy. youre loved whether you know it or not.
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dazzaocean · 5 days
anytime my f/o looks at the camera:
me: *twirling my hair and giggling* omg omg they’re looking at meee 🥺💕💕👉🏼👈🏼 hehe why are they looking at me like that 🤭😳💕 haha stoppp 🤭
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dazzaocean · 6 days
If you're neurodivergent (or even just do things that are considered behaviors/actions of neurodivergence), your f/o will never ever judge or shame you. Whether you get overstimulated, you stim a lot, you're not the best with social cues, you're navigating how it feels to unmask, your tone isn't the same as your peers, (etc), they'll completely understand. In fact, they'll do their best to help you feel comfortable enough to be yourself without guilt or shame in their presence. Your f/o will always provide that safe space.
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dazzaocean · 6 days
Sometimes ya just gotta bury ur face in ur f/os crotch
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dazzaocean · 6 days
reblog to have your f/o pat you on the head ♡
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dazzaocean · 7 days
Having a disability, experiencing chronic pain, dealing with mental or physical issues, needing assistance or requiring something, all of that will never scare your f/o away. You are not a burden to them in any sense of the word, and they'll reassure you if needed. They will never shame, belittle, or judge you. If someone is being disrespectful or discriminatory, they'll shut it down immediately. They will never tolerate disrespect, but they will always wholeheartedly and happily do anything for you.
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dazzaocean · 7 days
Imagine your f/o gently caressing your hand, holding it in their own, a gentle grip. They use their thumb to soothe you with small circles along your skin.
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dazzaocean · 7 days
who was your first f/o?
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dazzaocean · 7 days
Make a playlist for your ship
A song that plays over when they first see/meet each other
A song that reminds them of each other
A song that represents when they're dreaming of the other
A song that represents their happiest moment together
A song that represents their mutual struggle in life
A song they'd dance to together
A song that represents their uncertainty
A song when they're stuck in a room with the other
A song that represents (one of) their confessions
A song when they see the other's dark/secret side
A song that plays at their wedding
A song that would play over when one of them is near death or dies
A song they'd put on to comfort each other
Inspired by @more-oc-questions OC playlist template post
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dazzaocean · 7 days
selfshippers be like
'hmm this funny little guy is p cool, what if he was hopelessly in love with me'
and they're so right for it
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dazzaocean · 7 days
Noooo don't imagine kissing your f/o all over their face until they're a blushing mess. That would be so bad if you did, who knows what the consequences would be!!
Don't imagine them doing it to you either, under any circumstances!!!
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dazzaocean · 7 days
She lights up his dark, he quiets her mind.
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dazzaocean · 7 days
S/I, approaching an intimidating, strong, tough, grumpy, or quiet F/O: Hi, F/O! Would you like a kissy kissy on your forehead?
F/O who is pretending to be annoyed but is actually appreciative: *fake dramatic sigh* yes, S/I. You can "kissy kissy my forehead."
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dazzaocean · 7 days
he's so handsome i need his tongue in my mouth
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