dastardly0 · 11 months
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let there be light.
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dastardly0 · 5 years
*puts lips uncomfortably close to the mic*
stop telling deaf/hard of hearing kids to stop hcing characters as deaf/hard of hearing.
stop telling disabled kids to stop hcing characters as disabled.
stop telling trans kids to stop hcing characters as trans.
stop telling mixed kids to stop hcing characters as mixed.
stop telling kids to stop projecting and using their interests as an outlet.
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dastardly0 · 6 years
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dastardly0 · 6 years
things from sappho to call your girlfriend
ἀστέρων πάντων ὀ κάλλιστος (of all the stars, the fairest)
πόλυ πάκτιδος ἀδυμελεστέρα, χρύσω χρυσοτέρα (far sweeter-sounding than the lyre, far more golden than gold)
τὰν ἰόκολπον (violet-tressed, one with violets in her lap)
ὦ κάλα, ὦ χαρίεσσα κόρα (o beautiful, graceful girl)
ἦρος ἄγγελος ἰμερόφωνος ἀήδων (nightingale, sweet-voiced messenger of spring)
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dastardly0 · 6 years
i had the best human interaction of all time last night. i was sitting at a bar eating an appetizer and this guy comes up to order a drink and stares at my food and comments how good it looks. when i am drunk i use the word bitch like it is a comma, i plug it into any space in a sentence possible. so naturally the first thing i say to this stranger is, “go ahead and take one, bitch.”
he looks SO shocked and taken aback and goes “what did you just say? how do you know my name?” so i sit there for a moment trying to figure out what the fuck he is talking about, and then go, “…. bitch?” and he looks so relieved and tells me his name is mitch.
i cannot stop thinking about this. oh my god. imagine going into a bar and someone you know for a fact youve never met approaches you and says “go ahead and take one, mitch.” im cracking the fuck up. he looked like he thought this was the fucking truman show
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dastardly0 · 6 years
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dastardly0 · 6 years
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Some assholes have been putting nails in cheese and treats in dog parks in Chicago and Massachusetts. Also adding antifreeze to water bowls.
Please watch out for your dogs. And if you find out the address of someone doing this, give me the address and tell no one. I will disembowel them.
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dastardly0 · 6 years
Straight and bi dudes: your girlfriend should NOT be demanding you share your location with her. 
She should NOT be forcing you to put tracking apps on your phone or to let her go through personal conversations you’ve had with friends. 
She should NOT yell at you or hit you when you make mistakes.
She should NOT accuse you of cheating or scream at you when you only looked at or talked to another girl.
 She should NOT make fun of your body, voice, or appearance in general.
Just because you’re a guy doesn’t mean that a woman cannot be abusive towards you. If ANYONE you’re in a relationship with does these things you need to talk to somebody about this. 
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dastardly0 · 6 years
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Watch: It’s your right to share your salary, not doing so could be holding you back.
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dastardly0 · 6 years
Another reason to stop ‘cringe culture’
I’m a teacher. Today I was covering for a grade 9 science class. Decent kids, if a bit rowdy, and didn’t want to do their work. Wtv, it was textbook work. Not the point.
1 girl (reminder that these kids are, like, 14/15) was doodling bust portraits (head & shoulders) in an art book. I had a squiz and asked her if they were her characters. She said they were and excitedly told me she had so many characters for this one story of hers. I laughed about how I wished I could draw mine, and moved on.
Later in the class, I hear her enthusiastically telling her friend all about her main OC - a gay kitsune prince with a tragic past. It was so, pure, classic Deviant Art: my first OC. And you know what? I loved it. I was just sitting there half overhearing, smiling to myself and glad that her friend was engaging and interested in her story and characters.
This is a girl who will become a creator. She will draw and write and imagine, get better and better. She’ll probably move past this stage and start making more nuanced characters (she was already lamenting she didn’t have enough girl OCs). But this is where she started. This is where so many of us started. I had a tiger catgirl, goth witch/sorceress OC in high school. I found my original design for her recently. Look what I create now.
Let kids be kids. Let them explore and invent and go wild and be cliche and make overpowered OCs. Let them have their anthropomorphic animal OCs. Let them try everything before they settle into maturity.
For fucks sake; let them have fun.
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dastardly0 · 6 years
5 Arguments Defending Sexualized Fanarts of Cartoon Minors and Why They are Invalid
I can’t believe I have to point these out. But I’m not going to sit while this stuff gets normalized.
There’s a reason why social sites take down these fanarts. Worse, people who make them can get arrested.
1. “I’m tagging it as NSFW.”
Not Safe For Work (NSFW) material are contents that are not suitable in the work environment because of its rude or sexual nature.
This is the problem. Pedophilic fanart isn’t just porn. These are sexualized minors. It’s child pornography. It’s child abuse.
Here’s what the Child Pornography Law defines child pornography:
“Any depiction of a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct may be considered child pornography.”
This description includes:
Minors depicted engaging in a sexual activity.
Minors posing suggestively to incite arousal.
Nudity of minors.
Minors shown having a relationship with adults.
And this is where the next argument comes in.
2. “It’s not child pornography, it’s fanart!”
You think it’s just dirty photos? 
This can include photographs, digital images, computer-generated images, drawings, videos, or animations, among others.”
So yes, it would include fanarts.
A drawn adult that looks like a child is also outlawed:
“This also applies if the person in the depiction is actually an adult but appears to be a minor.”
The description of child pornography continues:
“Moreover, altering an image or video so that it appears to depict a minor may also be child pornography (for example, editing the face of a minor onto the nude body of an adult in an image or video)”
The latter definition above may also include kid characters that are drawn older and engaging in a sexual activity.
This is why Tumblr, DeviantArt and Google+ takes down reported blogs that consist of sexualized minors. The Child Online Protection Act and the Children’s Internet Protection Act outlaw websites and other online forms of child pornography.
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3. “I have freedom of speech!”
Yes, you have freedom of speech.
But child pornography isn’t protected under freedom of speech. You can go to jail.
You CAN get arrested for it.
It would depend on each country. However, let’s look at Child Pornography Law, as reference. Producing child pornography can
“face fines and a statutory minimum of 15 years to 30 years maximum in prison. “
That’s just for first-time offenders. First-time offenders who possessed, distributed or have a receipt on child pornography within US or internationally:
“faces fines and a statutory minimum of 5 years to 20 years maximum in prison.”
The penalty gets worse if:
“ Convicted offenders may face harsher penalties if the offender has prior convictions or if the child pornography offense occurred in aggravated situations defined as (i) the images are violent, sadistic, or masochistic in nature, (ii) the minor was sexually abused, or (iii) the offender has prior convictions for child sexual exploitation.  In these circumstances, a convicted offender may face up to life imprisonment. ”
Child pornography convictions can also result to the convicted to sign as a sex offender.
You know what happens if you make child pornography available to minors?
Whoever knowingly and with     knowledge of the character of the material, in interstate or     foreign commerce by means of the World Wide Web, makes any     communication for commercial purposes that is available to     any minor and that includes any material that is harmful to     minors shall be fined not more than $50,000, imprisoned not     more than 6 months, or both.
To those complaining of having their Tumblr blogs shut down for reports of sexualized minors, be glad your blogs only got shut down.
4. “They’re fictional characters.” “It’s fiction.” “It’s not hurting anyone.”
Sadly it is hurting people. You know who are the people getting hurt?
Child sexual abuse survivors who are trying to get back on their lives. They’re like you. They like cartoon, the anime, the movies that you like. Maybe they also use fantasy to escape.
And what happens after seeing fanarts or fanfics of sexualized minors?
They remember how they were seen. Saying “they remember what they went through” doesn’t even cover what they really went through. The shame, the depression, the anxiety, the flashbacks. The word “Triggered” has been turned into a joke but it’s as real as a war veteran with PTSD.
For them, what happened isn’t fiction that some take for granted. It was a reality that no child should have experienced.
You know who else are going to get hurt?
Future victims of pedophiles who are being “groomed” by using sexualized fanarts/fanfics of their favorite characters.
And you know what’s the most harm media of sexualized minors can do?
People who are being desensitized of sexually objectified children. Studies show human brains don’t distinguish reading/seeing/watching and experiencing in real life. The same locations in our brains lights up whether we are doing an action or reading,watching or seeing the said act.
If a violent material incites arousal or is portrayed as sexy, the human minds associate violence and abuse as sexy. These kinds of beliefs are then reinforced.
Fiction has the ability to change our values for better or worse. Fiction CAN influence thinking. It influences what we see as normal.
5. “The original show is doing it.” 
Just because an anime got away with it, doesn’t mean it’s still right.
Let’s not get affected by the media for a moment. Think independently. 
Would you want to be in their shoes?
The character that got groped as a joke?
One of the prepubescent girls that the protagonist’s dad are taking pictures of because he has a thing for lolis?
The love interest that’s having a private time taking a bath who is being peeked upon by her “friends” including the main character?
They were portrayed in a humorous light with humorous reactions and no real consequences. But these kind of attitude towards others is insidiously reinforced and do harm.  
Final word…
Sexualized minors in fanarts, whether cartoon and anime aren’t “sexy”. It’s wrong, abusive and shouldn’t be a norm. 
You can get arrested for drawing sexualized fanarts of cartoon characters.
Fiction can silence the harm that had been done and harm more in the future.
You have the power to protect and prevent. Each of us does.
Or we can respond with apathy and make it worse.
The choice is yours. 
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dastardly0 · 6 years
Reblog if you think MAPs are disgusting, like if you don’t.
I will weed you fuckers out
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dastardly0 · 6 years
reblog if you’re
- scared for avengers 4
- scared for avengers 4
- scared for avengers 4
- scared for avengers 4
- scared for avengers 4
no one will know which one
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dastardly0 · 6 years
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dastardly0 · 6 years
ALL skeletons are LGBT+. never met a straight skeleton. this post doesn’t have a punchline i’m just speaking the truth.
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dastardly0 · 6 years
Do Not Interact if you are
truscum/transmed, nazi or nazi symapathiser, TERF/FART, SWERF, an incel, pro- "MAP" or at all a pedo, fujoshi, ddlg/cgl, generally a kink blog or anything along the lines of racist, a misogynist, ableist, fatphobic, anti-lgbt, transphobic, homophobic, lesphobic, biphobic, aphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic or anti-semitic.
I don't want to interact with you at all if you are any of the above, if you notice that i've reblogged a post or content from someone who is any of/associates with any of the above please let me know, asks are available in anon.
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dastardly0 · 6 years
why, oh why, am i being recommended FART blogs
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