darrockmar-blog · 11 years
A long, long, long..... time ago....
Okay. I'm not gonna explain why I was off the blog for a while, im now back and thats the main thing!
Crystalyst has been farming World Boss during the past few weeks, hes just incredible. With him, my SW got 2 +60 Weapon Skill Talismand and 2 10% crit so decided to go back to LOTD weapons :P My slayer got 2x 60 talis also, my IB got 2x10% block and got to 75% block :) Damn LOTD is great....and Cryst also :P
I couldnt belive what happened to me 1 week ago, I was hunting the LOTD reliquaries for the past 2 days with Goseinfried, on the 3rd morning, i was looking for the reliquary and looted it.... Shroud of Khutep?!?! I was soo exited that i didnt realized I was on my slayer...... -_- So I said to myself "Cmon, now you gotta get that slayer to 70"..... I gave up on RR51 and decided to rush the SW to 80 and got it.
New guild. Supremacy. Its looking great so far. Im looking for T3-T4 players for a good mix of PvE and RvR. not like 5 RVR days and 2 dungeon day on weekend. No. 3 PVE 2 RvR :P R1 to R8 in one day.... tumbs up for Insta R15 pots :P
So to end up this late (Or Early, you guys choose) I say; PvE is the new Chaos Black.
Good hunting folks!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
Interview with.....
Finals session....nothing else to say about my Inactivity....
Else than that, I haven't played for almost 2 week and i'm missing ToVL a lot... Joking. Taking a break sometimes allow you to take an overview of your in-game activity and status... I've realized too many players take this thing way too seriously...I can't belive how players can be enraged when they play the game.. it's crazy... Aren't you supposed to play games to have a good time and relax to get the work or school off your head?! Summer is out now, take a break and go take some sun!
This break totally changed my overview of the game...I take it waayy less seriously...and i do belive i'm lucky to have all that ToVL stuff that some are trying to get for years now...and i enjoy playing WAR even more...
For now, I got a lot of video montage to do so i should post more regularly and come up with the Interview soon!
See you guys on the battlefield and good luck hunting my SW Darroc!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
Hey guys!
Sorry for being slow posting...I'm in my final exams session now so I have been off the game for a while and I just want to make this a quick post to let you guys know what's going on.
I'm no longer in NO MORE DRAMA, a lot of Drama was going on. Pancakes got caught Powerleveling with is destro account... Maiana is being harassed by many people.... and many other **** going on....I heard she left the alliance.... I do think it's a great guild, but too many ass***** in the guild taking the benefits Maiana give them because she a REALLY generous and then they give her ****.... She doesn't deserve this....
I joined Wrath of Wolves, a guild created on Badlands after the huge server merge to badlands. It's made of players from many servers and some recently returning to game. It's fun to be with players that still think PvE is a part of the game we need to play and run dungeons in ''Old School'' mode.
Please post comments and tell me what you guys think of the blog down below in the comment app by Disqus, takes only a few seconds to get an account going!
Have a good time in WAR and on the Battlefields, Good hunting!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
Getting even better!
I got FINNALY a profile picture witch is the same I have on the forum. With this post, it's pretty much what is new for today.
For the things I had already planned;
-Finish the ToVL guide; This take seriously, a ridiculous amount of time. I never tought it was going to be that long...BUT, I don't give up! I will finish it, I promise!
-Daily blog posts; Yes, I want to get a post on the blog EVERY day! I will try to post even on weekends and do a weekly kinda ''resume'' as we say in french, of the week and everything that happened! I do not know at the moment witch form it's going to take but I need to figure it out. This is something many readers have been asking; post everyday and I will from now.
-YouTube; I got to say, YouTube is a thing I would really like to add on my Blog. Make videos of RvR with the guild, ToVL tutorials (Bastion stairs, Gunbad, Lost Vale ect...). I do not know at the moment when i will do it because i haven't talk much about this to you and my friends so it's still on the table as a plan.
For the things i got from you guys.
Hall of Hame of all my readers that are known in WAR; Maiana and Boxmaster proposed me this idea. Mainly, they told me to get a picture of the people who wanted to be in it of their toons without armor.... I wasn't sure of it at the beginning but many known players were ready to post for it so I took a 2nd tought about it. Now, i do think it could be a nice content to the blog and be even more popular if known players would be in it. If i do it, It will be a new website; www.darrockmarbloghalloffame.weebly.com (Not up yet, i need to get the project going.
ToVL guide video tutorial and of course, finish the guide; Yea, I already tought about doing this and off course finishing the guide. No worries, it will happend soon!.
So that's pretty much everything... Oh I forgot...I will publish the Google analytic report about the blog! The amount of returning visitors is increasing and for this week, the number of visit per day is going crazy! Thanks for following me everyday and support me! I really like to get comments on the blog and forums! Keep them going!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
That !&#@*(#&
You know that "Shadow of the Hunter" T1 bugged quest that when you click it, you get like "Host Booted"... Right after capping the keep flag in Praag a week ago, Curling waited until 30 sec was left before the tick then linked in region chat:
You know, with such a huge amount of new players (Noobs i wanted to say but I didn't wanted to tell it), they all clicked it and missed the tick. THAT's HILAROUS but, really mean. I wouldn't be happy if it happened to me and I SUPPORT EVERYONE who hate him (even if it's a member of my alliance).
He also made Mohoahaha (or idk how his name is spelled) believe he was a cross realmer and everything...then Moho yesterday i think, he was talking about Spiritual stuff for no reasons witch made everyone laugh in T4 chat. I bet it was Curling that made him rage haha.
Hes a WH fleeing from fights with this rotation; Flee, AP pot then stealth. What a jerk, at least kill em god damn it :P. 
Who is that guy?? I get tells telling i'm an asshole because i need to give back gold to destro players I don't even know?? It's like asking devs what is wrong with WAR?? Both will answer "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, I DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO KNOW ABOUT IT?!" I heard he ow Thousand of golds on destro side, but i'm sure you guys can tell me what's going on with that guy. But one thing need to be CLEAR, Dharock IS NOT Darrockmar. Like Curling said, "Hes a bad DoK"
(all comments on Curling have been asked by himself and asked to post something about it, well not really him but all the alliance members xD)
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
Fixing the unfixable
Healers....(Exept Warrior Priest Maiana would say). They are the hardest class to play since BOTH Dps and Tanks depends on them to stay alive. My issue is the non-consideration of the CAST TIMES. You got to be AHEAD of everything. You got to see the damage happening BEFORE it actually happend and START casting BEFORE it happens so they can start running away with heals already happening instead of going down at 50% health before the healers START casting witch takes 2.5 sec casting so he will be at 25% by the time your heal is done casting. And please for god sakes, USE GROUP HEALS and stay in god damn groups in Scenarios. Being off the group is not giving USEFULL buff to our group, being able to cast the group heal and keep everyone up at the same time and you will not receive guard. Single target heals are totally useless when 3 dps are getting burn up in front. Also, long casting time healers are not made to move, you are like a constant healing pilar if you stay stable and that way, your heals will be usefull. Personnaly, i move only when destro MDPS get to me or even sometimes, I just AoE punt em away and keep healing. That's something im sure most DPS will agree with and sadly, that's something we can't change... Try, im sure you will realize maybe...
I feel like the zerg is switching side slowly on badlands, many order players went back to destro and now we are getting rolled up to our city... Bad players, wrong moves...who knows...we are pretty even in the lakes these day, haven't seen many HUGE AAO comming up...
Back to PvE side...
I am now rushing Lost Vale. Rune Priest now have 4 out of 6 Darkpromise pieces and im really looking foward the full set! I can't find groups for Sentinel run yet but ill be forming some soon if any interested... I gave up on my WP for now, it's fun to grind PvE with it because i can solo most low level instances for the gear i need, but when i go into RvR it's a real nighmare with the Rightrous Fury regen... I just can't play it anymore... That's a thing to fix in next patch Devs...but im not getting any hope on it... you know... they are still Warhammer Online devs...can't expect anything... at least anything good...
Post comments and ideas about content i could add to ToVL guide/Blog!
All my best wishes to all the injuried people of the Boston Marathon attacks and to the 3 person who sadly lost their live... Rest In Peace. God bless you Boston and USA citizen. The World is with you in mind.
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
Save Warhammer Online.
Saturday, I got my Warrior Priest to RR75 in hope of being super OP (At least more than my WP is originaly). I feel even worse. Why? The Rightrous Fury regeneration is not working in sight of destro it seems. That shouldn’t surprise me, it’s WAR! They should add WAR under the difinition of the word ”Broken”. So, to solve my issues with my WP, I went on my RP!
I found out something this weekend. Here’s my theory; RvR only player getting in PvE = Epic Fail / Players who do a good mix of PvE and RvR = Sucess in both side of the game. Doing RvR with a zerg it’s easy, you just follow everyone and smash everything in front of you without really having to guard someone of buff. But the problem come when they say ”Hey! I’m gonna try to do ToVL!”, then i say ”RUN AWAY!!!”.
After wiping on the adds on boss 1, we will try to find what was the issue. We will ask ”Do you have subblety/menace? What are your chance to be crit?”… they say ”What’s Menace? Should I have it? Where is my guard ability? Wait, how do I know what are my chance to be crit? No worries, i’m at 1000 toughness!” -_-. Leaving the PvE side of this game away ruined the amount of GOOD players and we need them, in both aspect of this game.
I felt alone in my PvE world when it took 45 minutes to find a DPS to do LV Right and Middle wing yesterday… If I could solo it, i would do it… Same for the T4 Hard PQs i need to farm for Ruin gear. I found a tank who was up to help us. Ok. It was the WORST tank ever and he’s my inspiration for the bad RvR zerg follower topic. Took 30 minutes to make him understand how to use guard and telling him that guarding someone reduce the aggro he grab and that taunt is usefull to avoid the hero to kill the dps…. I was tanking on my WP at the end instead of the tank, that’s how I was pissed.
Anyway. We got to live in the same server (Because there’s only one but trust me, sometimes I would change if it was possible) in peace and togheter. Acept the bad and some say we shouldn’t tell em they are because we need to tell em only if they ask us LOL.
I say DO. You will maybe save WAR someday because they will try to be less stupid and finnaly learn how to play .
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
Is it ever going to end??
Or should we say, How is it going to end???
Why make a live event which last longer than the Pocket Item's timer that the event give!? I personnaly got the Edge Stone on my 4 mains, SW, RP, Engie and WP, and the pocket is gone for like 3 weeks now while my BW still has it for 35 days... Or even i could grind a new toon to 40, get him to RR40 also and get the edge stone and have it for another 60 days. That toon would still have it even if my WP got it 120 days ago. That's what i call and INEQUALITY. And while they let a Live event kill the game, they are working on a patch that will come online in 3 years if we follow the progress of what they have done so far...working on a USELESS PATCH (FROM MY POINT OF VIEW so Penril can't say i don't have knowledge and that i'm stupid) and making a Streaming that show that the Devs aren't playing WAR at all, use a bug to enter in Tomb of Star, thinking if a warband can go all in the same instance and getting the boss to enrage with 30% health down. Lame. Where is WAR going? Thats maybe a question the devs would have an answer for instead of saying all the time that they can't answer or that they don't know...
I am really dissapointed. WAR is a great game, it deserve more love, more attention. Many players stay even if the population isn't high because we LIKE IT. Please don't make it worse.To Dev's; go play WAR sometimes... when players have more knowledge about the game mechanic and you need to ask players to find the issue with balance, theres a problem who NEED A REAL FIX.
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
I am officialy done with ToVL...
SW: Full glyph set - Need chest piece for full tyrant
RP: Full glyph set - Full Tyrant
WP: Full glyph set - Full Tyrant
SL: Full glyph set - Full Tyrant
Engie: Full glyph set - Full Tyrant
IB: Full glyph set - Only got Tyrant boots so far
BW: Full glyph set - Got Helm and Shoulders of Tyrant
Now that all my 40s got their glyph sets, I am going for the Master of All on my Warrior Priest since it's easy to get the PQ's and lower tiers dungeon gear. Also, he is 60k away from RR74 so im going to aim RR75 in the next weekend (and probably a Lost Vale run and 1 or 2 ToVL run :P). I cant wait to get my RR75 Sov jewel and my +10 Rightrous Fury per second book (witch is totaly OP obviously).
My toughts about the WAR streaming last week...
I can't belive devs don't even know how to play THEIR OWN GAME!! The most funny part was the LoTD Tomb of the Star.... They even used a BUG to enter... Then they were Totaly CLUELESS about the way this boss work. If this Streaming was a way to attract new players...It just totaly failed. Experienced players laughed when they saw this streaming like me and my Alliance members in vent did also... it was more hilarous than instructive.... The devs didn't give any clues or Special updates about the game... they simply told ''We do not have the ressources'' and ''We don't know for the moment''....Sad...really ad...
I hope you guys are having a good time on the Battlefields while I am in school now....
Good hunting everyone!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
A long time ago.....
I forgot i have a blog.......
It seems like it's been ages...but I AM BACK!
So many things happened since; My RP got his full tyrant and my WP also, grinding the WP to RR75, LOTS of new stuff on my ToVL guide and now hunting the ''Master of All'' title.
Talking about my guide, i have the whole glyph sets comming soon online for all classes, a full Guide to clear each boss of the dungeon and Tyrant gear directory for all classes. Spent a lot of time to gather all those glyph in screenshots. Should come online during weekend.
I will come soon with update. Until then, have a good time in WAR and good hunting on the battlefields!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
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Euh?! WTF????
(from left to right) Tolfhic, Hmyst, Maiana*, Darrockmar, "The gold farmer"
*Guild Leader of NO MORE DRAMA
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
Taken away.....
-Lair of The Fallen Slayer video
-Frostshard Lair
-Warrior priest, Rune Priest and Engineer tyrant i got during the weekend to post.
...and a couples other things i got to check out.
So on this, sorry for being unactive for the past few days and I will return to my normal shedule tomorow and bring in new content next weekend since i got Thursday,Friday and Monday off-school!
Have a good time in WAR, Good hunting everyone!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
Do you actually think people will follow a blog about some guy doing tovl every time he logs on? - Kymix
I really wanted to point this out. This is the proof that RvR players really have a "I don't know what" thing against PvE players... They are like mad because we don't contribute to the RvR activity going on or something else I need to be explain about. I do run ToVL often because that's what i like and why i pay for WAR, Kymix.
PvE, it's the thing to take a break of the heavy stress and rageful RvR action. PvE it's a thing you need to reach the real end game. Otherwise, don't call out you hit the end game witch mean having "Master of All" under your name. That's not something you can pay for, you need to archive and work for it. Now being 100 doesn't mean what it meant a year ago. We see so many RR100 on the battlefield we never saw before... Weird isn't it? This affected the recognition and the reputation that rank comes with. But being the holder of "Master of All" tells you are at the true "end game". You cant lie, you can't pay for this. You need to work hard for it and that comes from PvE dear RvR fanatics.
There is many 100's who are truly legit, but we saw them in RvR lakes. And all the 100's ive seen in RvR are real great players and most do a balance between PvE and RvR, that's what i think everyone should do but, everyone pays to play WAR so it's up to them to decide what they want to do. I do like PvE and it's not players like Kymix or anyone else that is going to tell players what should be done and what shouldn't  Please respect what players do in the game and do not comment on forums if your post isn't in link with the original subject or try to insult others please. I picked Kymix randomly but i am telling this to all players who post useless things in forums, pleasee stop...
On this, Have a good time on the Battlefields and Good hunting!
Thanks to everyone following me! 
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
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I did'nt had the time to post anything today so i wanted to show you my toons at R40! 
Captions tell their ToVL status :)
Will post a new article tomorow! For now, good hunting on the WAR battlefields!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
The best run I had for a really long time...
I first went on my SW for boss 1-5 but personnaly i didnt needed anything at all, i was here for Tyrant chest for SW. Everything went fine with Atomicdogg who is an awesome KotBS for ToVL ( I think he dinged 90 not to long ago....Grats anyway :P). He knows what hes doing and like most of the Logic players, they take things really relax and have fun doing this, they're not rushing ToVL and thats why i enjoy that much running with them.
So after boss 5 went down, i got told that the Atomic and Thandrick didnt  need the Tyrant helm for boss 6. So i switched to my Warrior priest in case the helm would drop. The last time i did ToVL with my WP and the Helm on this boss droped, it was on my 5th run ever and i passed on it for a friend. I regreted for a long time passing on that helm since i never saw it comming up the loots since. BUT!! I guess it was my lucky day because i got it on this run! I was really really happy. Boss 7 went fine. Wiped once on the **** colors but yeah.... it's called WAR PvE you know.... The boss 5 WP glyph droped and that was my 4th copy of it in my inventory. Now, i was hoping really badly that the chest would drop on boss 8 since it was the last piece I needed for my full Tyrant and to be DONE with ToVL on this WP... And it droped! Me and Atomic rolled on it; Darrockmar rolled 93; Atomicdogg rolled 67. I am really happy to get my first toon over RR70 with full tyrant and i wish to THANKS everyone who were in that run and i wish to run again with you guys again!
Now to get out of the ToVL universe...
I don't know if the zerg switch is going on at the moment but order lost his domination of the battlefields during Peak times. I guess some players are bored of RvR with all that grinding during the past week and it's totally understandable.
Now to get back in the ToVL universe...
I taught about making a ToVL guide on my Blog witch will explain how to complete every single fights of the instance and the Drops for different bosses (type of glyph/tyrant for each bosses) and Maybe a reference chart of all the Glyph for each classes and photos of them and maybe for Tyrant also...Give me yours taughts about that idea...
I will post the full tyrant armor set for my WP and engineer tonight when I get back home.
So for now, Have a good time on the WAR battlefields and good hunting!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
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Full tyrant on slayer done!! Here's the different pieces!
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darrockmar-blog · 11 years
PvE, I miss you.... Double renown, happy you are gone...
I do really apreciate the double renown week as a compensation but it killed PvE for a week too... BUT!! There is hope. It actually ended today at 10 AM !!! TOVL will come back finally.
Since everyone rushed RvR this week, it's the prime time to do some PvE and relax a bit to have good time with friends. I posted my wish of doing PvE more in the forums and the feedbacks have been really positive so far. With all the new 1.4.8 patch (Gates of Ekrund Live event) and the Compensation week, many new players are now in T4 and they all want their TOVL glyph set so it's the prime time to get ToVL rolling!
Have a good time on the WAR's battlefields and Good Hunting!
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