just omo things i like …
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here it is pee people
your omorashi discord server
remember 18+ only, only for DRAWN omo, no IRL stuff.
(+ some general nsfw channels and other kink channels)
enjoy 😴 (im tired af while writing this)
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ive come to the conclusion that:
-if you joke about piss: you probably have a piss k!nk
-if you get uncomfortable around jokes about piss: you probably have a piss k!nk
i dont make the rules this is just what ive observed
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Let’s hope he makes it
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…He didn’t make it
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robo omo
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Poor guy,,
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she didn’t want to interrupt her practice
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woooooo im not DEAD YALL!!! ANYWAY its omo time \o/
concept (cw for nonsexual omorashi and descriptions of a meltdown): A is a human person among a race of immortal/alien or a similar type of people that either don't have the need to remove waste at all or their waste removal is executed in a different way to humans. either way, their society has no use for human bathrooms. person B is a friend from this culture/planet/dimension/etc.
for a long time B has only been hanging out with A in human spaces. Theyve grown to be close friends (or more idk) and B decides its time to introduce A to their home place. all goes well for awhile, B is showing a around and is very excited about showing them theyre favorite things from their home. its all lovely, until A has to use the restroom. at first its like, ok. the need is there and its a bit uncomfortable but meh. they can wait. but things go along until theyre finding themselves more and more distracted and uncomfy. so they ask B if they can take a break and find a bathroom.
B doesnt know what a toilet is because theyve never needed to use one, but they know what a bathroom is, the room where you take a bath or wash your hands clearly. i mean human bathrooms often have a weird third and sometimes fourth thing but B just figures theyre another cleaning device humans use. but theyre confused! why would A need to bathe now? they look and smell clean.
but of course they dont want to be inhospitable. humans are a strange people so naturally they would have strange practices. this might be one of them. they say sure, they have some things they wanted to show them at home anyway. A is a bit confused as why they have to go ALLLLL the way to their house to pee but. whatever, theyre not gonna be one to shit on their culture.
the drive/walk/whatever home is even MORE of a strain on their bladder. it takes quite a while and its no longer JUST uncomfy. its urgent. theyre bouncing and squirming all the way to B's home
when they reach B's house, A is at their limit. they play it off like everythings fine but its just so MUCH they can barely stand it.
B welcomes them inside and tells A the way to the bathroom. A thanks them and rushes down the hall and into the room. theyre too busy fiddling with the buttons/buckes/etc on their outfit that it takes them awhile to notice. theres no toilet. just a shower with a huge bath and a sink with a vanity. they stop and scan the room a few times, feeling like maybe theyre missing something. they see a closed sliding door and begin to thank the heavens that this might be the gateway to what theyre looking for.
theyre already beginning to pull off their bottoms, but stop dead still when they open the door to find just a... closet
it takes a moment to set in, theyre brows furrow as they try to comprehend whats going on. there's no toilet. there's no toilet. its repeated in there head for a moment as they back away and try to think of what to do, and then suddenly they feel a giant wave crash over themselves and a huge leak escapes them. it puddles into their pulled down underwear and startles A. they bend over and cup themselves between their thighs and whimper.
they realize the only solution here is to face B and ask where the toilet is. so they take a few deep breaths and shakily pull their damp bottoms back up, cringing as the wetness squishes up on their privates and causes another leak to dribble down their leg.
they wiggle at the discomfort and squeeze their eyes shut as they try to regain proper control. when they feel as confident as theyre gonna get, they take slow stiff steps forward with their hands glued to their sides. they exit the bathroom and waddle to the living area where B appears to be setting up a game of some kind. B looks up at A confused. they didnt hear the water running, and they dont look like theyve bathed at all. so they ask what the matter is
A whimpers a bit and mumbles out that when they said they needed the bathroom, they meant the toilet. they bounce on the back of their heels and rocks back and forth to offer some kind of relief. face contorted in concentration.
after a moment of silence B asks what a 'toilet' is.
A's movements cease and they stare shocked at B, desperately searching for ANY kind of possibility that theyre joking on their companions face. they stutter out if B is serious, and They nod. Then they ask what a 'toilet' is and if its another cleaning facility.
A attempts to explain what it is, but every effort leaves B with more questions. eventually A is so desperate and distressed and overwhelmed their words begin to fail them. all they can think of is their need now. theyre squirming around frantically, hopping on their toes, squeezing themselves, and letting out noises of distress and upset.
B grows worried, theyve never seen A so distressed. they ask them if theyre having a medical emergency and try to comfort them as best they can but nothing seems to help, they pull their friend into their arms and hug them gently, speaking softly to them to try and get them to relax enough to tell B how they can help
the leaks grow into a dribble that puddles around A's feet and finally, as they finally give out, they begin to unconsolably sob. So embarrassed that theyre having an accident infront of their friend. so humiliated that they cant even explain what they need, so overwhelmed with everything thats different then at home. the tears keep coming.
B notices the wetness, but ignores it in favor of comforting their friend. they move so they can sit them both down on the couch despite A's protests, they let out more tears as their wet bum squishes on the plush seating.
after awhile of consoling and cuddling, A's cries are quieted. they sniffle and wipe their eyes and apologize to b for the trouble. B shushes them and simply states they shouldve done more research into hosting for a human. the two of them laugh and A stands up to, saying theyll ACTUALLY go use the bath now. B nods, then says they'll look into what the toilet thing is.
so as A is enjoying a nice warm bath with bubbles and pretty music, B looks through an inter-dimensional/inter-universal/inter-whatever-al online shop and looks for toilets. unfortunately the one they decide on buying is not intended for those over the age of 4.
possible foreshadowing for a sequel???? idk if ill commit but heres this i guess. hope you enjoyed -u-
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these wikihow articles on how to hold your pee make me so sksjdjssk 😖😳
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more absolutely pathetic men in omo please
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omo things i like part 6
• the phrase “i’m at my limit”
• the question “how bad is it?” (awkward but i like it)
• car omo where the driver is desperate
• …or car omo where everyone is desperate that is top tier stuff right there
• or just car omo honestly lol
• when characters are very dramatic about their need <3
• stoic characters becoming uncharacteristically giddy while peeing (again with the stoic characters lol)
• the phrasing “dying to go” or “dying to pee”
• when they’re the most desperate they have ever been, i repeat when it’s the most desperate they have ever been (especially if they admit it to others)
• huge puddles. enough said
• using hoodies to hide accidents
• just the vulnerability that comes with being desperate
* when (amab) characters are so strained from desperation that they have to rest one hand on the wall as they aim at the toilet/urinal
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character a, b, and c go on a road trip. a and b sit in the front while c is in the back seat, peacefully listening to music on their headphones. about halfway through the trip, they begin to feel a need to use the bathroom. they take their headphones off and try to tell a and b, but the radio is far too loud and their voice is the opposite.
obviously, a and b can’t hear c begging them to pull over, and i think you can tell where this is going.. 🤭🤭
Awwwwwwwww, this is adorable! C is probably a little more shy and introverted, hence the headphones - having to talk for the whole long road trip would be too much. But eventually they start to need to pee and have to ask the driver to stop - but their voice is soft and quiet, and A and B have the radio turned all the way up, there's no way for C to make themselves heard and it's getting urgent! Perhaps A and B only hear when C starts to sob as they make a puddle in their seat...
Thanks for the ask!
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Person A who just wants this date to go smoothly and perfect. They do their absolute best to serve and be suave just for B... Even when their bladder feels so full it could burst- It's getting sooo difficult to not let their legs cross and move their waist in an embarrassing display of potty dancing... They can't let themselves to do that in front of B (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
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Omo Things I Lowkey Love (Outgoing Character Edition)
~A character grabbing themselves, hopping from foot to foot as they wait for someone to get out of the only available bathroom.
~Characters who always exaggerate how badly they need to go, so when it really <i>is</i> an emergency, no one believes them and they end up wetting themselves.
~Openly admitting that they are about to soak their pants.
~Crotch grabbing. ‘Nuff said.
~A character who is usually shameless suddenly becoming shy and reserved when they really need to piss.
~Outgoing character who is actually bladder shy and can’t pee in public.
~An outgoing character asking for the restroom because their shy friend needs to go and is doing a subtle potty dance next to them but still won’t admit their need.
~A character who will threaten to piss “on the floor”, “on the car seat”, “on another character” if they don’t get permission to use the toilet/get to a toilet, etc.
~A character who isn’t embarrassed if they wet themselves. They walk it off and shrug.
~A character that says things like, “I’m so full!”, “I’ve never had to go this bad in my life!”, “My back teeth are floating!”.
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i uh. did alot of oc stuff today .-.
enjoy ya weirdos fdjldfsjj
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its 4 in the morning and all i can think of is big and tall type characters that are shy and barely speak having an accident and then crying quietly and having to be comforted by their short friends, and when theyre cleaned up theyre all cuddled up and they get hugged from all sides
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