darkmage82076 · 7 years
Dear Mr. President,
Donald J. Trump: "I think there's blame on both sides." Yup. We can blame the Nazis, the KKK, the White Nationalists, and everyone else in the Unite the Right march for being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, elitist assholes. And we can blame everyone else ("The Left" according to you) for being there to oppose them. That's the only blame I can see to lay at their feet. It's nice to know how you really feel when you're not reading from a script, like you did over the weekend; like you did so often on the campaign trail. It must come so naturally after doing The Apprentice. I'm glad you feel you're in a position to speak your mind and think you won't face repercussions for it. What am I talking about, you don't think OR feel. You probably don't even remember reading from that script, much less what it said. I guess reading comprehension wasn't a priority for you - guess it still isn't as you plan to cut public education funding and "privatize" our education system. I know you tried to run a school once, how'd that go again? You say there's blame on both sides, and you encourage violence, and you, through your inaction and refusal to denounce these actions, condone these extremists who, to any outside observer, carry the vast majority of the blame in this situation. I get that these are "your people," the ones you call the forgotten America. I guess you were right, we forgot what these people are like, and the strength of the ideals they hold. We wanted to forget they existed, that they held power, or still hold it. We didn't want to recognize that they exist for fear of legitimizing them. Well, you have accomplished that, you got them riled up and expectant, but now they're your responsibility. We're laying that at your feet Donald. This is your mess, and for once in your miserable life you're going to be held completely responsible for it. And because of your position, it won't fade through obscurity. It will be in every history book, taught in classrooms that are publicly funded, and passed down that the 45th President of the United States aligned himself with Nazis and white supremacists dueto his refusal to denounce them publicly without a script. Because, you see, there's another part of America you seem to have forgotten. The part where we come together when we're threatened. Where we work together for the common good. The part where we rebel against tyrants and bigots and those who seek to do harm to others, especially for personal gain. Our perseverance. Our stubbornness. And our fight to do the right thing. There's more to this country than your pet extremists, Donny, we just know how to play by the rules.
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darkmage82076 · 7 years
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Бухта Красной гальки by Виталий Берков
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darkmage82076 · 7 years
Good on you. Stick to your guns, run with what you know (and what's proven so far) and go with it. There doesn't need to be a constant "On" and there doesn't need to be a connection with people who dispute factual learning from the scientific method.
These things aren't mutually exclusive, and you shouldn't feel like toy gave to separate yourself to be a part of both.
The reason(s?) I haven't been posting lately
I feel so disconnected with the witchcraft community. Many of my irl witch friends have turned out to be anti-vaxxers and racist, and I haven’t had much time to talk with anyone on here.
One problem (I think) I have with the online community is this sense of not being enough, not doing enough. I used to do astral work to try and communicate with gods and spirits, but now I just listen to crows outside and talk to the trees. And it’s so rare that they talk back or even have anything to say except for sighs and raucous laughs. I don’t know how so many people used to commune with so many entities so often and on such a deep level. For me, I fail to hear anything nine times out of ten.
There’s so much pressure to read tarot every day and do spells constantly and always be ON. Like shit some days I am the magical vendor and some days I just visit them in Skyrim while in my PJs doing nothing at all.
Anyway, I’ll try to be more active on this blog. Even if my activity is sparse.
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darkmage82076 · 7 years
This motherfucker was walking around Comic-Con in a hyper-realistic Walter White/Bryan Cranston mask
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guess who was underneath this Bryan Cranston mask
fucking Bryan Cranston.
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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Video: Fluffy Bunny Eating Cherries Looks Adorably Terrifying
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
Dating Advice for Men seeking Women (from the Internet)
Don't ask women out.  Ever.  It's creepy and if you do it, you're obviously a perv.
Don’t ask women their age.  That’s rude and disrespectful.  Don’t assume a woman is of a legal age of consent based on her appearance, location, and dress.  Because that blonde in the miniskirt drinking that margarita at the bar could be 16.
Show your attraction in normal ways.  Like ignoring her from across the room, or across the street.  Don't make eye contact, because that's basically sexual harassment.
If a woman comes onto you, even if you don't find her attractive, you have to be thrilled, and if you're not, then obviously you dislike [insert random characteristic here] and that makes you a [racist/sexist/ableist/weightist/etc].
If you're on a date, don't immediately offer to pay for everything, that's rude and will make her think you're controlling.  Instead, sit there unsure of what to do when the check comes, and wait for her to make the first move.
Don't make the first move.
Don't make the second move.
Stand there and wait to be noticed.
Don't be under 5'10" (or 6'2" in some areas).
Don't be fat.
Don't be skinny.
Don’t be a guy.
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
“Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree?“
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
This is mesmerizing to watch.
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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This is for all y’all who don’t understand how terrifying these suckers are. 
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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I’m not saying it’s fair, or even possible to try to care about every person or demographic. All I’m begging for is that we at least try not to be so hateful.
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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I’ve been getting a lot of these lately, and I guess I just want you all to know what I think when I read them.
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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Some of my favorite scenery at the medieval festival :) 
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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“I’m on Lord Howe Island, a tiny speck of land 300 miles off the east coast of Australia. Humans beings only got here a little over 200 years ago, and it seems the birds that nest here are still quite curious to see what’s going on.“ (Life of Birds 1998)
This is it. This is my favourite Attenborough moment.
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darkmage82076 · 8 years
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