danton-brothers · 2 years
So, I’m moving all my fandomless muses with the exception of Rowan on her blog, and I’m moving them all to one new multi-muse. Here’s a new list of blogs that I’ll have from now on:
I won’t really be coming back to this blog or account anymore and all the old blogs are going to be archived now. Hopefully so long as I keep up the proper tagging I’ll be able to keep up with rps better. as well as…
I won’t be doing art anymore. not selling it anyway. to those that are still waiting, when I can find the ability, I will get them done, but afterwards I will no longer do commissions. Thank you.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Rúe would glance up and down at the man again “yes and how to you plan for me to go through said portal?” She would ask the word didn’t feel right on her tongue but she used it anyway. Pulling her hair that would have hung to the back of her knee in a more humanoid form anyway, around from the back and over her shoulder. Looking over the Trident and the Crowns and looking to the massive gem behind her. Before glancing back to Xavier awaiting still his answer.
Edward listened and nodded, before realizing the conundrum of the situation. “Uuuuuuh...” Then his gaze followed her own towards the particular objects that seemed to be important to her in possession. “weeeeeellllll...” The portal wouldn’t be so much the problem as getting her alone through. he could hover the gem, hell he could probably shrink it unless it was meant to do something specific, and if she needed him to he could simply carry the other crowns. Though... this likely wouldn’t please her. Usually the over complicated ideas tended to be the bad ones, so... how can he simplify the means to the end?
Thinking on it, the simplest thing to do, was ask more questions. “Well, the first thing I need to ask is are you able to have legs... y’know... if you’re dried off...” He would ask firstly, gesturing to her marvelous tail. It drew his gaze momentarily as he couldn’t help to find the beauty in the unique coloring and sheen of the scales. Maybe it was just the dumb dragon finding beauty in something that was also obviously draconic. Shaking himself though, he would focus back on her face again and then proceed to ask then, “And, as far as these things around us go... I could do a lot to help move them, but they seem important to you, so how would you like me to help you...?” He would offer, opening a portal at least initally to the surface, likely back in town somewhere... like his hotel room.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Blinking still struggling to understand what they were even trying to say. At one point they even called themselves a snail… to which Rúe would give a very confused look and glance up and down. Maybe holding her Trident would make her feel a little better. If this was a snail…. That’s just gross …… thought great fun as she was she was still just a little to vulnerable at the moment. Motioning with her pointer finger to lift and then curling to bring it up and to her. Resting her hand gently around the cool glass she would glance back up in time to catch his name. Mostly in what seemed like Draconic. To which she would fluently respond to him. “Xavier …I am Rúe ….. how did you enter this chamber?” She would again flex the edges of her Fluke. “To which how do we get out?” She was more than eager to leave this place. “Perhaps for something in exchange. I know this is quite a lot to ask for considering……” Pausing in her sentence She didn’t want to waste time these things can be discussed at a later date for now she wanted out. Glancing back to the stone and the crowns she would wave the trident and they would float to her. Though the Gem from its massive size would shrink. “if you would be kind enough once I am able to. Could you perhaps show me the way out?” She didn’t know her way around this temple considering the Priest decided to perform the ritual In the temple before moving her here. Grasping at the thoughts on how to manage the situation as she held the items that floated to her by her side.
He did his best to listen now, try to understand her, that is until she switched to draconic, though the dialect seemed different, he was able to understand. “Rúe... I um... I came in through the front entrance, but it’s flooded, we’re at the bottom of a massive fresh water lake.” He replies and then listened to her inquiry as to getting out of here. Nodding he would reply while gesturing back behind him. “I think I can get ya outta here... I can make a portal out if you’re ok with that. Though it’ll be up to ya on what you wanna do after. The world above is much different to life you may have had in your time...” He watches her, watching the items she brings to herself. A crown, that trident, and a gem... it was impressive the power she held and he was curious as to what knowledge she also wielded. However, he didn’t want to force her for the moment so soon after waking up. As it stood, he figured taking it slow for the moment might yield better results.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Rúe would start to stir the more feeling that was returned to her limbs, being slow and sure with her movements starting with her fluke feeling the edges curl and flex working her way up till she could move her tail over the edge before moving her body upwards in sitting position. She was careful when reaching out with her own energy to where her items sat away from her. Keeping in mind where these items sat around her before keeping her actual focus on the being in front of her. Blinking when they started speaking she couldn’t understand and to make matters worse they were trying to do some sort of summon? She wasn’t sure and it wasn’t something she knew how to handle. Besides attacking was out of the question while she knew she was stronger than most. Her papa taught her to use her words first. Though in this case it may be hard.
It was rather quickly clear she didn’t understand him. Worried he would try to think of a different way of communicating. Looking about himself he would recall the words on the wall telling such an interesting story. Perhaps if he could replicate the language in writing? He just had to recall the best he could. He would hold up a finger in the motion of ‘one moment’ and would take out a pad of paper and a pen, then would look around picking out the words he could make out and use, then writing them down to try and write out the sentence “I am a friend, I am a scholar, but I do not know your language.”
He tried to gauge how well he’d scribbled out the glyphs before turning the pad to show her what he’d worked out, hopeful he didn’t mess it up and accidentally say “I am Poison” instead of scholar. She looked like she needed a friend after so long and Edward had no problem attempting to make that bridge for her, though if he wasn’t careful that guy on the ship won’t have a body to take back to shore. Once she’d had the opportunity to read it, he would pull it back to him again and begin trying to write out “I am called X-A-V-I-E-R” as he had to try and pick apart the alphabet of this odd language to piece together his name.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
She would lay within herself waiting hearing things around after so long. It was worrisome and quite honestly made her tremble. There were times were she felt herself get to hot or too cold and this wasn’t one of those times, though she almost would have considering she was feeling herself shake but couldn’t tell if she was or not. Hearing the pressure plates being shifted and moved was not something that she was used to. They happened every so often when she would drift between the waking world and the dream realm. She was hopeful this time in being helped, she wanted to explore again to learn new things. To befriend the new beings that had helped protect her people. Foot steps drew nearer to her, where they mortals? No, they couldn’t be Nÿm wouldn’t let her be harmed. He promised that…. He promised her before her slumber that no harm would ever come to her. Nÿm also promised he would forever wait for her. she was his queen after all. A tear would slid down her face quietly thinking on the man that had loved her. There was no telling what had happened to him but She missed him greatly. Her thoughts once again Interrupted by the approaching footsteps closer than before next to her honestly . The scraping of stone next to her , her heart leapt with Joy and hope. Was it Nÿm? Was she finally to be awakened after all this time. What did home looks like now, what had changed. She was here for a while she was sure , for how long though she wasn’t Sure. The footsteps were walking away and from what she could they were heavy and slightly uneven perhaps it was due to the uneven floor or was it something else though she could only thing he had an previous Injury? ‘Or was it something worse?’ Mentality shaking these thoughts from her having gone back and forth on this for a moment. Only to again be interrupted with the sound of something being uncorked. Could it be? Could it really be? Freedom from this cursed slumber, Her heart once again beating with anticipation, joy, hope and fear. The footsteps ended up stopping next to her, she concluded this couldn’t Be Nÿm. Based on the scent they gave off alone, it wasn’t her sweetly King he most likely had been lost to whatever time had left her here. A moment later gentle hands would tilt her head up and parting her lips open she could feel the counter agent slip between them and down her throat. The first thing she could feel upon the liquid hitting her gut was the fact the stiffness and numbness was leaving starting with the tip of her fluke. Feeling was spreading back into her body quickly. Slowly, she would feel the ability then to open her eyes, wincing at first before looking up at the being who woke her, staring into the green eyes that seemed to mirror her curiosity. Her lips parted as she took in air, using her voice for the first time in who knows how long, “who… are you?” She would ask in her native lost tongue.
Edward gazed down at the little odd lady on the alter and watched her slowly come to life before his eyes. Then, shortly thereafter he watched her awaken, look to him, and then speak in some language that he didn’t understand. Which, to be fair, considering it was rather difficult to pick apart the ancient language on the walls around them, though not impossible. Swallowing lightly he tried basic draconic to try and get the point across. “Er... I don’t know your language but I hope this will suffice. I am known as Xavier.” He tells her, using slow hand movements to gesture to himself before looking about the space again. “Er... Who are you?” He asks in return, hopeful that she will understand him. 
Truthfully it was astounding how she’d survived so long in here, in such a sleep, without seemingly aging or deteriorating. Meaning powerful magic was afoot, he had many questions to ask her once it was established he meant no harm. Though, he worried that she may not understand, or perhaps not feel that he’s safe. He tended to have very poor luck in several matters and the last thing he wanted was to be deemed untrustworthy.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Without meaning to the pressure plants would be activated and with such. As such was done the sound of stone scraping against stone as it moves. A glittering red glow would shine from behind him. As a vile of red liquid would still for the slight sloshing that was happing due to the slight vibrations caused from said movement. As for the woman on the alter table she would be resting peacefully. Her hair slightly floating form the water that surrounded her. Though now the area around her as well as under her was lit up with a warm glow.
In his exploration, he’d noticed many effects and that would occur from stepping on certain spots and triggering pressure plates. He died a number of times on the way in. This one he found seemed instead to reveal a peculiar substance, to which with his potion making background drew him to it instantly. Taking it gently from its place after looking it over, he would look back to note the priorly darkened space had lit up some from the glow of where that young creature laid.
Looking back down to the bottle, he would carefully uncap it and sniff the contents. It didn’t smell bad for its age surprisingly. Curious to it’s effects, he wondered what it was meant for, his eyes drawing back to the woman in the center on the alter. Of course it seemed so simple yet he didn’t want to hurt her. Though sometimes, you simply have to take risks to see the rewards. It wasn’t like anyone else was there to see the consequences of his actions. And he was sort wanting to know what she might know. The history buff in him hit hard in that as well.
After some deliberations he would move to her and gently pour some of the contents between her lips for it to enter her system, only using a little to see what would happen. Then he would recap it as to save the rest to try and identify it’s creation and full potential later on.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Edward had come out here with his brother so they could learn about Luther's grandfather's ancestral family, though after being here maybe a day or two, it's quite clear they were content with Luther and Edward didn't really have a place among Norwegian wolves. He'd gone to the Warf to see sights and enjoy the sight of the massive lake that they sat on, whereupon he noted a group of divers returning from a recent expedition and excitedly conversing about an ancient structure they couldn't enter but thought the statues were gorgeous for the age and wear on them. He had to go see them. A quick conversation and finding the entailed vessel that he would in turn pay to take him out to the same sight later, he was jumping into the frigid freezing waters to swim down to the structure far below.
If it weren't for the simple fact that he was a dragon with thick skin and can change his elemental ability at will, he would be in deep trouble with the hypothermia and the like. Oddly enough the ship's owner sent down a key with him which allowed him within the rather immaculate halls of this place. It's unusual and foreign to him which for once was intriguingly curious for him. Moving into the temple like structure he admired the craftsmanship, and studied the scripture upon the walls which held a language he could barely understand. So rarely these days did he find gems like this in modern day.
Moving into the main chamber he found himself wondering about the items and their purpose, the chamber itself, and the life that roamed these halls before it submerged. It was when he found himself ascending the stairs to find the slumbering being that he felt he began to truly understand the scripture's words as he pieced it together from multiple languages. She was beautiful too he thought, coming close though wondering how he might wake her... if he could that is. Wanting to learn from her possibly being as a creature the likes he'd not seen before.
Far beneath the icy waves of the shores of Norway near a popular dive spot, sat an ancient sunken Shrine with giant guarding statues out front that were half sunk into the ground.The shrine itself preserved by time and magic, within in this shrine held a few secrets and mysteries that had yet to be solved. Hieroglyphics pointed to something ancient, older than the Egyptians themselves. Along the passage way that was once above the ocean waves. There would be statues surrounded by coral and plant life alike. The structure of the statues were of something close to Mayans or even the Incas. Though if upon further investigation this would be concluded not to be. The passageway seemed to now hold empty plates, beautiful silks and golden Trinkets. These items still sat where they had been carefully placed. Paintings, carvings and other fine goods displayed along the passageway. Which seemed to widen the further the intruder go. Within this passageway seemed to be the unfortunate souls that happened to have stepped on. Booby traps or found their end at a blade that seemed to be betrayed in itself. The amount of mystical Statues continued for a few miles. Till it started to spiral upwards to the surface. The passageway also seemed to narrow till it only seemed like a single person could fit through at a time. Till at some point the surface would be broken. Within this air pocket was something that was sight to behold within itself. At first the darkened space didn’t show or hold much, that was until by some unknown reason the room began to light up. Being ilunated by two women-like statues with calm expressions upon their features and holding up glowing moons, being held in place upon the walls. Casting shadows upon the coral filled walls. The sound of Running water was the second thing to be noticed. When moving to the edge of the pool more of the hieroglyphics seem to glowing. Stepping to the archway of the room and doing a quick scan of what could be seen at first. Finding that in one corner there seemed to be something large and reflective . On the other side in another corner sat a beautifully designed statue of a woman holding a giant sphere her face calm and her arms extended to hold said Sphere. Stepping further Into the room there would be water ways that lead back to a large fountain that sat in the middle of the room. Another statue of a woman with a Somber expression as she holds a bluish green Trident. Further back the sound of rushing water continued to echo about the cavern. Circling around the back of the Trident fountain would another water way be reviled. Following that further back would lead you up waterfall which something to note the water was running backwards here as well as the air didn’t hold the scent of Sea Salt. In addition, air itself felt light as well as clean. Despite the fact the the only glow illuminating the room was the same statues as the one out front as well as whatever trident thing was in the fountain. The room was nicely lit to the point that upon further inspection at the top of the Water fall there seems to be something laying at the top. Curiosity leads the intruder closer and up, as they drew near the area would light up once more. Casting a pale glow upon the body that was now reviled to the intruder. The body of a woman with tanned skin, Snow White hair with a vibrant green scales. A scar that covers the left side of her face. Her body positioned to lay peacefully in the water. Her tail…. It was extended to the point where it fell off the alter her fluke would sit in the waters covering what the fluke entirely looks like from this distance.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
“Hah, if that was the first thing I taught you then you still are doin’ it wrong because if I can pull your wily butt up with two simple search spells… you’re not trying hard enough.” He snorts in reply. Admittedly, no the search spells were not simple it’s just one is charmed to a glass orb, and the other is simple for him.
"I know enough to know when somethin's fuckin' up. If the future is coming back here to find out what's going on then something changed in the past. It's all just a matter of cause 'n effect. You're here. But you are not here. Thus... something in your past has changed 'n is slowly changing the timeline. Only things powerful enough to cause shifts like that are gods, demons, master magic users like myself... or time wraiths. Which are also the most likely scenario as anyone with enough knowledge 'n ability can grab one out of the stream a time 'n with enough of charisma can make a deal to outright delete someone from time. Via... eating their whole life's story." Definitely more to it than that but for right now that was the jist of it. That and he needed a moment to think on it some more.
"... I really hope I'm wrong though. Because that would mean not only are they going to attack and feed on the timeline current until it alters to fill the emptied space, it means that somewhere, someWHEN is a little you that has no idea whats goin' on probably... That we would then have to take back to his time to rectify the flow of time... and they would fight us tooth and nail to prevent that."
“‘Scuse me sir, think you ‘n I need to have a little talk…” Edward says to the man he’d come up to, placing a hand on his shoulder from behind him.
( Thanks for the ask @danton-brothers )
Otto stops when Edward puts a hand on his shoulder. He didn't bother to turn around. He already knew who it was and while he was relieved to see an old friend especially one with experience in this kind of situation. This was a mission he had to do on his own.
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"I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up." He says with a laugh, "We're meddlers you and I. Can't help sticking our noses in other people's business."
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danton-brothers · 2 years
“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
(Warning! This contains several mentions of possible triggers which are listed in the tags.)
The light in the kitchen is softly filtering in from the thin curtains drawn over the windows that sat above the sink, with it being early morning Edward's brother was still asleep thankfully and he was alone at the breakfast table to cope with his thoughts, sipping a cup of chamomile tea. Another night of nightmares, another night of guilt, another night of lying awake thereafter recovering from the suffocating panic that had gripped him. It was never easy, never sweet, never relenting. His eyes laid hooded, set upon the tea cupped delicately in his hands the steam rising from it. They for the moment held a deep set grief, if dead look as he stared absently.
Seconds passed into minutes, passed into an hour. His tea turned cold in his hands as the soft morning glow dulled into late morning light. Luther walked in and noted the air of the space when zeroing in on his silent brother. A soft sigh would escape the elder brother as he stepped around Edward for the moment attending to other things such as putting away the abandoned ingredients meant for breakfast, pouring out the small porcelain pot of cold tea and moving to make new hot water for a fresh pot, a few over easy eggs for something light after he takes his medicine. Getting down his brother's depression medication and then the other pill for his other problem.
Enough time had passed when the sound of the kettle whistling finally jolted Edward from his zoned out state, blinking and cringing lightly from how dry they'd become from so little blinking prior. Luther took this opportunity to gently lift the teacup from his hands to pour that out as well and get it ready for new tea, Edward's gaze following his hands up to his own eyes which held an understanding, and allowed no words to be really needed in the moment until he could set two plates down both with eggs and toast, and the new pot of Chamomile be brought to pour them both a cup. Finally with the table set, Luther was ready to acknowledge the situation he'd walked into.
"Nightmares of the past again?" He'd ask, receiving a reluctant nod from the younger brother as he picked at the food lightly. "Anything you're willing to tell me about?" There came a pause before he answered. "It was about Uncle Reman." He would tell him. That wasn't something he would tell him about, even when he'd confided in him about Rachelle's abuse, he wouldn't speak of what happened to Reman, other than he being sure that he died in that manor. "Do you want to talk about it?" He would ask, going through the same repeated lines that Edward would do for him after a particularly bad nightmare he might have. With a shake of his head, that ended the conversation there for them to eventually eat in silence, the only sounds really being of birds chirping beyond the window.
After breakfast, it seemed to have resolved internally Luther noticed, his brother standing and taking up the plates himself, once he'd been reminded to take his medication, and cleaning up so dishes wouldn't pile up. He knew this usually happened with him, a weird ability to just function as if he weren't incapable of it not too long before. Smile even in the face of grief and sorrow. Luther didn't have it in him for the same ability, one of many reasons why it was he that was considered dependent on Edward rather than the other way around. However, he knew better than to think he'd moved on from it. He was good at masking things, but that didn't mean he was good at coping.
One day, he hoped while watching Edward eventually, finally leave the kitchen to actually get on with his day, that his brother would finally tell him the truth of that day... the day that the fairy-blessed manor burned.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
“‘N it was rather easy to tell it was you after the second time it showed me you instead of young Otto.” He snorts pulling back before crossing his arms. “So… what’s it this time. I mean… you’re here… lil otto isn’t. No word from his team, what happened?” He asks him.
He kept his voice down as he spoke to him, hoping he’d get straight to the point rather than trying to dodge his questions.
“‘Scuse me sir, think you ‘n I need to have a little talk…” Edward says to the man he’d come up to, placing a hand on his shoulder from behind him.
( Thanks for the ask @danton-brothers )
Otto stops when Edward puts a hand on his shoulder. He didn't bother to turn around. He already knew who it was and while he was relieved to see an old friend especially one with experience in this kind of situation. This was a mission he had to do on his own.
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"I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up." He says with a laugh, "We're meddlers you and I. Can't help sticking our noses in other people's business."
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danton-brothers · 2 years
“Edward…. Edward wake up.” Luther nudged his brother who snorted and tried to turn over. However then Luther caught the blankets and rolled him off the bed, landing with a thud. “EDWARD!”
“WHAT?! I was sleeping Luther….” He would groan sitting up and rubbing his head. “Otto has disappeared.” Edward’s eyes snap open instantly and looks up at him. “There’s no sign of him yet… but.. I’ve not been in contact with his team either.” Edward would proceed to scramble to his feet and rush to his office, pilfering through his drawers before finding a small glass orb and brought it up to meet his gaze. “Show me Otto.” He commanded.
It would show him not Otto, but an older man that seemed like him, however had much longer hair. “No… no what’s goin on here?” He murmurs putting the orb down and moving to craft a spell circle on his desk. “Show me Otto!” He commanded again, the completed circle lighting up at his touch and showing him… not the Otto he was looking for… but the older looking young man. Something was very wrong.
“Luther!” He yells, both in calling and frustration. “I’m right here, I followed you in here.” Luther scowled crossing his arms now.
“Get dressed. We’re going out.”
“Edward… I’m already dressed, keep up.”
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Comes out of his room in his robe and a mug of coffee.
Looks at calendar.
“Somethin’ ain’t right…” looks at his phone and then peels away the month of June.
Realizes he’s already missed Rowan’s birthday, Father’s Day, and Yarbert’s birthday.
“…” proceeds to do a very long sip from his mug to basically drink it down before turning around and heading back to bed.
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danton-brothers · 2 years
"Should I even ask," Ophelia sighs.
“Erm…. ‘Bout my wardrobe or about what happened earlier with the Lass ‘n jeanne…?”
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Luther: good, shows over, we can get back to shopping for your new wardrobe.
Edward: shit, I woulda hoped you’d forgotten that…
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Edward: “this… this is getting outta hand…”
Luther: “just leave them. They wish to argue and bicker, let them.”
Edward: “but they’ve got destructive powers.”
Luther: “they’ll figure it out.”
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danton-brothers · 2 years
Jumps a little bit taken aback, Luther looking over cause he’s normally not easily startled. “N-Nothin’!”
Luther: please don’t yell at him.
“…. What tha everlivin’ fuck did I jus’ watch?” Edward asks not far from the scene. A child god buying a kiosk, a man embarrassed for wanting to be certain, and then Jeanne being loud and rude again. What a time to come to the mall for some shoes.
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