damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
Look After You
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Yabu Kota x Reader
Guardian Angel!Kota
Word Count: 2,676
You could feel it. Every morning when you woke up, you could feel the same pit in the bottom of your stomach, some sadness that you couldn’t describe but also couldn’t rid yourself of. You couldn’t get rid of it because you had no idea where it stemmed from. You were happy, right? A good job, a nice apartment, friends. But still, you could feel it. This indescribable and incomprehensible feeling that something was wrong, was missing from this perfect life that you had cultivated for yourself.
You felt it the most in certain moments and places. Like the intersection in front of your favorite bookstore or the park bench across from your work place. Like the late nights staying up working on assignments or the long walks you took through the neighborhood to clear your head. Somehow, they felt empty. Sometimes you would stop in your tracks, expecting something or someone to change the momentum, alter the atmosphere and get things back to the way they were supposed to be. But had there ever even been any other way? You couldn’t remember.
Realistically, you knew. You knew that there was nothing missing. You had been in the same city with the same people for so long. You knew everyone and everything. Nothing was out of place. You knew that, but you still couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all wrong. You had been braving it, though, putting on a strong front to counteract the sadness, suppressing any thoughts of that something that was gone from you. You were doing a good job of it, too.
Until you saw him.
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
love this
Alone, adjective
There’s something scary about being alone. It gives you a lot of time to think. Think about where things went wrong. Remember when things were good. Reflect. Play back scenes and wonder what if. 
What if I had said that a little differently? What if I had controlled my expression a little better? What if I hadn’t sent that text? What if I never brought it up in the first place?
You feel it more when you’re alone, the weight of your actions. In the moment, it’s painful but full of conviction. You’re blinded by emotion so you don’t feel it as much. You don’t think of the consequences as much. But when it’s all over and you’re alone, you can see it better. You can see where things started to fall apart. 
I’m not sure if I’m more afraid of being alone or of having to remember what I did. But, either way, (Y/N), I really need you to come home.
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
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山崎賢人 × 高木雄也  -『水球ヤンキース』
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
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This months duet manga report was about JUMP again. Thanks YamaJi! 
duet Up November ‘17
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
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Spring Dates with Daiki
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
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ー Twitter header pack
Hey! Say! JUMP - Candle ♪
( reblog/like if you want to save/use )
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
Intoxicated - Yuya x OC | Part One
Her jaw dropped as she was about to cuss whoever was behind her, but when she turned, her gaze met one that only could be described as run-down and distressed. Both their hands are holding the neck of the wine bottle Amani was aiming for. It seems like someone also got an eye for it.
Skin dry, eyes dark, cheeks pink, disheveled hair and chapped lips. He kinda look like he murdered someone.
"Uhm, sorry. There's like a ton of these around here, even different liquors here are present. Can I get you one?" Amani tried to laugh it off, but it came out entirely too fake and dry. Or maybe she's just too scared to death from the looks of this guy.
Last time she checked, she just wanted a light drink to reward herself for being such a big bitch to take over a friend's paperwork which she didn't know it was such hard to work on. Its a miracle she still keeps her nuts or else she could really scratch a person's face.
He leaned down farther, eyes meeting hers. "Don't you know this isn't good for you?"
Suddenly, Amani jerked free of his grip before hugging the wine. "Of course I know, only if you're irresponsible and I know exactly what alcohol I'm drinking cause I'm of age." Her eyes never left his while he licked his lips. "But thanks for your concern, I guess."
"I need both, please," His voice raised from the hushed tone he previously had. Amani shivered but she kept her stand. "Look, I am so damn thirsty for alcohol now. I just want to-"
She scoffed. "You don't need both. Wait a minute, wait a minute, a minute ago you told me that this isn't 'good for me' and I guess that applies to you too. Why do you sound so desperate anyway?"
"I don't have to answer your questions, mind your own business." he answered quickly. "And I am not desperate, okay? Let's just say this is my favorite alcohol."
"That's still the same."
He scrunched his forehead. His head is aching from this woman. All he wanted was that freaking drink. That is all. As to her, she knows how it feels like to be in desperate need of alcohol, cause she is now.
The guy tilted his head back and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know what? Here." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. His movements were swift, not giving Amani enough time to register what was happening.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Take it," he handed her some money. "Fair trade, right?"
Amani sarcastically scoffed. "Wow." She looked up to him and tilted her head, tongue poking the inside of her cheek. "You seem even more desperate than me."
He sighed, wishing the girl would just hand over the damn wine. "I'm really not in the mood to fuss about this, hurry up."
"No, no," Amani cut him off, holding up a hand to his face as he took a step back. "I don't need money. I need something else."
"A kiss?"
"What the fuc- no! What am I? A hoe who kisses a stranger? No no."
"What then?"
"Buy me dog food."
This wasn't uncommon of her to offer a stranger to buy her dog food. Although she is pretty guilty to forget to buy dog food for her neighbor's, Kookie. Whom she's dogsitting tonight while the owner went back to his hometown.
He parted his lips, eyes shifting from the wine bottle back to her gaze. "I..." He scrunched his nose, wondering why he was even thinking about an answer.
She raised her eyebrows expectantly. "It's not that hard, right? Just dog food."
The guy dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. "Fine. I'll buy you dog food. But you better promise me that drink."
Amani smirked, grabbing his wrist. "'Kay, but you're paying for this too since you'll be the one drinking it anyway. Also swear not to kill me halfway through."
He sighed. "Trust me, if murdering you crossed my mind, I would've had no shame in doing it right now..."
They were ringing up the drink at the register before Amani s eyebrows came together. "Say... I never caught your name, sly guy."
He was busy picking out the mask from his back pocket as he mumbled.
"Yuya. Takaki Yuya."
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
Hey! Say! Jump | Funky Time PV
I love the song and music video, it just makes you feel so happy and my smile just never ceased the whole time. It’s so genuine! the boys just having fun and playing! Everything just feels so natural. 
Happy 10th Anniversary Hey! Say! Jump 🎉 thank you for existing!
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
This scene never gets old. 😂😂😂
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
***Full Version*** of the infamous video, 49 seconds, no watermarks: Advice: Breathe. Just Breathe. haha
src: Twitter:  @papapa12346
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
the I/O dvd is so pricy i might sell my kidney for it
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
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Can we please make “you failed as humans” phrase of the year?
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
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If any of the members gets to release a solo album I hope it’s Takaki. He isn’t even close to being my bias but I think he has the best voice in the group. I could listen to him singing all day.
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
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when ur friend is getting jumped but you remember they called hsj “girls”
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
f i n a l l y
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damnyealuisa-blog · 6 years
Scenario 8 for Semi? Thanks!
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NSFW Prompts: Rough Sex (18+) | Semi AU 🔥
Note: It has been FOREVER since I’ve written a NSFW and I’m hoping really hard that this came out good! Admittedly, I didn’t remember the requester ask for rough sex so fingers crossed this came out good enough 😭 I think it’s the raunchiest I have written 😅
Also, I’ll be leaving in a few hours to Miami for Mother’s Day so I rushed a bit and I’ll be posting this not very edited and with possible grammatical errors by the end just for the sake of getting it out instead of waiting a whole week. Thank you for the patience - Mod M 
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Semi walked the busy streets of Tokyo underneath the evening rain, no umbrella in his hands to shield him from the pouring drops or even a hoodie to cover up. Carelessly he walked, minding his usual business. His hands were tucked inside his worn out, black and white loose fitted pants, hiding the balled up fists he couldn’t help but make. He was positively mad as hell.
Like a regular customer walking into their favorite coffee shop, Semi found himself entering the police station as per usual, surely by now they know when to expect him and what he’d like to pick up. You.
Stupid idiot. He thought as soon as he walked in and saw you through the waiting room window, the only thing that brought him any sense of satisfaction was seeing you in handcuffs.
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