daddy-sebby · 7 years
Who the hell is Bucky
Here is number two. I hope everyone likes this one too. @bucky-plums-barnes thank you again, you have some of the best followers ever. 
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Sebastian and you were enjoying your Saturday morning sleeping in, when all of sudden your six year old daughter, Becca jumps and tackles the both of you, trying to wake you up. “Daddy, daddy wake up, we have to go halloween costume shopping today, remember you promise.”
Sebastian starts to make sounds that resemble some animal dying. “Yeah princess, I remember, just give me and mommy a second to get up and ready. Ok”.
“Yeah ok, just get ready quickly, please.”
“Anything you for my love.”
“She has you wrapped up around her little fingers.”
“Yeah she does. She is my little girl. I can never say no to her.”
Sebastian gives you a kiss before moving towards your tummy giving it a kiss too. “How are my two favourite people this fine morning.”
“We are both good, but can’t he just come out already, I hate having this massive ass balloon shape thing attached to my stomach”
“It’s just a couple of more weeks left doll, and then we shall have two little ones to look after and chase after.”
“Oh god, we are going to have our hands full. Go get ready, Becca is going to get angry if you don’t be quick. While you get dress, I shall get started on making breakfast. Little man is feeling some pancakes today.”
“Are you sure it’s like man or you Mrs. Stan that want pancakes.”
“Nah, its little man, Mr. Stan. Now get that pretty little ass here for one more kiss and then get dress.”
“Yes chief.”
You are halfway through making chocolate chip pancakes, when both of your trouble makers come bolting down the stairs. “Yes pancakes, you are the best mummy”
“Well anything for my baby. You need to have a full stomach for your big shopping day.”
Everyone is enjoying their pancakes, with all of their favourite toppings. Sebastian helps you clean the table. When everything is clean, Sebastian and Becca walk towards the car to get going. You just love it how Sebastian acts towards Becca, always so loving and patience. Sebastian was the best father. You are just a little upset that you couldn't join them today, being that you are ready to pop any second, you decide to stay home and just relax. It just means that Becca and Sebastian can have father daughter day, before the baby comes. Becca really wants to dress up as her favourite hero, her dad, well really the Winter Soldier, but they are pretty similar. HA.
Becca and Sebastian arrived at the local shopping mall. Becca sprints out of the car towards the entrance. Clearly really excited for the day.
“Becca, dear, slow down, daddy’s getting old and can’t chase after you.”
Both of them go through all of the stores in the shop trying to find the perfect costume. Sebastian kept picking all these different costumes. “Becca dear, look here’s a princess costume and I think you would look lovely in this.
“No dad, I don't want to be a princess.”
Becca couldn’t find one single Winter Solider and starts to get little upset. “Becca dear it’s ok, we can go shopping somewhere different next week. Don’t worry we will find the perfect costume. Don’t worry my love.”
“Its just I want the best costume, dad.”
“I know what will cheer you up. How about we go to the food court and get some ice creams.”
“YES, your the best dad.”
Sebastian and Becca come back from the mall, when Becca comes to you asking if she could speak to you privately.
“Sure baby, what’s wrong”.
“I couldn’t find any Winter Soldier costumes and I just want to dress up like daddy.”
“Baby, I will call someone at Marvel tomorrow and see if they have one to give to you. How does that sound?”
“Awesome, thank you mummy.”
“It’s alright my love, now I don't know about you, but mummy is hungry and she feels like some pizza. Let’s go tell dad to go and pick up some pizza’s for us.”
“Yes, pancakes, ice cream and pizza. Best day ever.”
Like you told Becca yesterday, you call a friend who works at Marvel, to see if they have anything to give to Becca so she can dress up like her dad. She tells you that they can make a custom made costume for Becca and it can be here just before halloween. You relay this message to Becca, which causes her to have the biggest smile on her little face. You hated when she was upset and now all her plans were coming together, you couldn’t be happy for her.
Today is the day, halloween is finally here. You accidentally let it slip that Becca is dressing up as the Winter Soldier for halloween to Sebastian. Sebastian then suggests that he should dress as Captain America and ask Chris if he could lend him one of his costumes. Chris of course says yes, as he is the best uncle ever. You walk Becca into the living room, where Sebastian is waiting for the big reveal. On cue, Sebastian turns around and whispers Bucky to Becca and she says “who the hell is Bucky”. You couldn’t help it and smile at the scene in front of you. Sebastian grabs Becca and brings her close to him, so he can pepper kisses all over her face.
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“Dad stop, you are going to wreak my war paint”
“I’m sorry dear, it just you are the cutest little Winter Solider I have ever seen. Even better than me.”
“Do you like daddy. I wanted to dress up as my favourite superhero.”
“Dear, I don’t like it, I love it. Now come on, we have some houses to visit.”
You take some photos of the two and send them to all the avenger cast mates”
A year later 
Everyone is ready and in their costumes for Uncle Chris’ halloween party. Sebastian was dress as Batman and you as Cat woman, while Becca was Captain America (a gift from Uncle Chris) and little Grayson Bruce (named after your favourite DC heroes) was dressed as the Falcon (a gift from Uncle Anthony). You loved your little superhero family. You guys are going to win best dress for sure.
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daddy-sebby · 7 years
Houston we have a baby problem
I am so happy that daddy Wednesday is now a thing. Here is the first of little drabbles that I will write from suggestions and ask that are sent to @bucky-plums-barnes. Thank you love for believing in me and pushing me to write these. And a massive thanks for letting me take these asks and make them into stories. 
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Side note, when proof reading isn’t your bestfriend. 
-cough-, -cough-, “Chris honey, would you be able to make me lemon green tea”.
“Anything for you, my love and I’m so sorry for getting you sick”
“Hey it’s ok, one we thought you weren’t contagious anymore, and two I can never say no your your snuggles”. “You are my cuddly NASA bear”. “And side not those NASA jumpers are so god damn comfy, whoever designed and made those needs a raise”.
After Chris makes you your tea and the two of you snuggle on the couch watching some recorded shows from nights before, your one year old son starts to get restless and clearly wants to wake up for the day.
Chris starts to get up, when you snuggle further into him. “Honey, don’t leave, you are so warm and comfy”
“Baby, I would love to, but one I have to get Mark out of his crib before he starts having a fit, he needs breakfast and two I need to go to work”.
“Can’t you just call in sick today, please for me.”
“Again I would love to, but I already took sick leave when I was sick and I am teaching today, so I can’t disappoint them.” “They all love me.”
“Sure they do Chris. Have they told you this or did you just make this up from thin air”
“Hey don't be mean”. “I am going to get our son out and ready for the day. You just sit here and stay pretty”
“Hey there little man, did you sleep well”
Mark was the spitting image of his father. The day he came into your lives was one of the most magical day’s ever and Chris was one the surface of Mars, so thats saying something. Chris dresses Mark for the day (and of course its space themed) and packs his day bag, as he is going to work with him. While getting ready for work, Chris places one of his NASA jumpers into the dryer, so it’s nice and warm for you.
Walking back into the living room, Chris spots you curled up on the couch, watching the latest episode of Arrow. “God Stephen Amell is one handsome man”
“Ouch! love, what about me.”
“Haha, hey you are my gorgeous love bug”
“Mama, mama”. Mark starts to make grabbie hands for you and you just can’t resist. He is your little boy and the light of your life. But before you could get your hands on him, you start to have a cough attack. Chris sets down Mark to rub soothing circles on your back.
“I am taking Mark to work today. You need time to get some rest and I don't want you to worry about Mark. I would prefer you to get better. There is some chicken soup in the fridge, all it need is some heating up. I stocked up the cupboards with some of your favourite snacks and I have left one of my jumpers in the dryer, so it’s nice and warm for you”.
“How did I get so lucky. I love you so much. Well I hope you have an lovely day at work and Mark be good to your daddy.”
Mark was sleeping soundly in his stroller, while Chris was running his class. Mark’s namesake decided to join the class, as he couldn’t pass a chance to be with his godson. Halfway through the class, Mark starts to cry, big Mark starts to rock little man back and forth, but he was having none of it. He just wants his dad. 
“Hey little man, can you be a good boy for daddy, please” With no sign of stopping anytime soon, Chris was left with one option. Taking the harness strap out of the stroller, Chris straps his son to his chest and starts to hop around the classroom. Within a couple of minutes Marks starts to calm down and falls back to sleep. Chris continues the class like nothing ever happen. Watney without Chris spotting him, pulls out his phone and takes a couple of snapshots and sends it to you.  
You couldn't contain the smile that broke out on your face. This was the cutest thing ever and Stephen Amell has graced us with his presence today. Ha, let’s not tell that to Chris. Underneath the photo, Watney leaves the caption, “God my godson is the cutest thing, must get it from me, ha”.
Mark and Chris come back from work at around 5 o’clock. Chris feeds Mark his dinner and bathes him before reading one of his books and while he falls asleep. He turns on his solar system turner, before making his way to your shared room. “How was your day baby”
“It was alright, went and had a bath and then spent the rest of the day watching the TV. How was your’s, I saw what happen in class today. Let just say you make an adorable daddy.”
You show Chris the photo that Mark sent you, which also has become your phone screen background. Chris places his hand around your shoulders and you snuggle into his side. “You know I’m the luckiest girl in the world, I have two wonderful, gorgeous, handsome boys. You too just make me so happy”
“Oh, now I’m better than Stephen, baby.”
“Ha, you know I love you more honey”.
You look up towards Chris and start to lending in to kiss him. Before you could attach your lips to his, he moves slightly and kiss your forehead instead.
“Sorry baby, your sick”
You pout and give him the best puppy dog eyes ever. “Fine, come here baby”
Chris and you share a breath taking kiss. Well it’s easy too, as you are currently sick. You snuggle further into Chris and you fall asleep in a instance.
Chris couldn’t ask for a better family.
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