d-x-digidestined · 4 years
4chan is planning something called Operation Pridefall
Operation Pridefall, a propaganda to spread hateful content against the LGBTQ+ community starting June 1st. They are also planning on putting cp on lgbtq+ friendly sites to frame the community of being pedophiles.They are doing this by making accounts on the websites.  
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
Blythe just stood there. Her green eyes were wide, an expression of shock on her face. She was now holding Ryudamon, the orange dragon having jumped into her arms out of fear of the sudden stampede. And now she was staring at, what she had to assume, was a couple of Wargreymon's of the winter variety. Blythe tightened her hold on Ryudamon, her hair now dusted with white flakes of snow from the snow being kicked up by the Moosemon. Blythe shook her head, some of the snow falling down from her blonde locks, and then went back to staring for a while.
She told herself she should've been used to the strange monsters and near death experiences, but it still shook her up a bit. "Yeah... another one? You met other... people? Humans?" She asked, raising a brow in curiosity. Sure, she knew two others that were stuck in the digital world, but now she was pondering on just how many there could be.
Ryudamon shifted and wiggled his way out of Blythe's arms, and stood in front of her. To protect her if things were to go south. Not scared, but cautious nonetheless. Blythe was still staring, occasionally blinking every now and then.
Starter for @snowargreymon !!
Blythe smiled, the snow falling heavily in the digital mountains. Playing in the snow always gave her a sense of joy, the very sound of the light flakes of ice crunching beneath her feet was enough to spark joy. On her head, she was wearing her partner, Ryudamon, as a hat. Because he was warm, and Ryudamon didn't like the snow half as much as Blythe did. She held a walking stick, literally just a very tall branch she found before coming her, in her left hand, gaining stability as she walked up the snowy slope. In the other she held her D-X digivice, a device resembling a blackberry phone, yellow with black case resembling the armor Ryudamon wore, with a large red button just below the screen. It was on, a map of the ever shifting world on it. She was just exploring the digital world at the moment. Going anywhere she possibly could, riding on Ginryumon's back to get around from place to place.
Ryudamon was cold. Very, very cold. But Blythe's body produced heat, so there he sat, like a lizard on a hot rock. All he wanted to do was go back home, and warm up by a fire, but he didn't want to just abandon Blythe out in the snow. He couldn't. Blythe said that this was the last stop before they went back home, so all he had to do was bare through this cold, icy mess, before he could go back to the cottage.
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
Potential Panic Starters
“First off, nothing is on fire. Yet.”
“Put it back, put it back, PUT IT BACK!”
“Nope! Nope nope nope.”
“This is not as bad as it looks, but it’s as horrible as it sounds.”
“Get me down! Please!”
“In the time it will take to explain this, the situation will get twice as bad.”
“Did you forget the… oh no. Oh no…”
“How are you so calm?!”
“No! You lead off with everything is fine, and then tell me the bad news!”
“Don’t. Panic.”
“Just don’t move, and don’t scream, but there’s a… thing on you.”
“I followed the sounds of increasingly loud screaming, what’s happening?”
“Don’t. Just don’t. I know what you’re gonna say!”
“Help. Help, help help help.“
“The problem is right THERE. Can we get along for five minutes please!?”
“Are you help? Please tell me you’re help.”
“How did I let this get so bad? I’m so dead!”
“There is no calm! Don’t tell me to be calm!”
“Everything is fine, it’s fine- nope I retract that statement.”
“I left for exactly two minutes and this escalated how!?”
“Help first, shame lecture later.”
“There was a gross misunderstanding when I said “I got this”, just so you’re aware.”
“Are you the void? Because I need to scream.”
“OW! No, stop, don’t do that!”
“Will you stop? You’re going to make it worse!”
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
Would you kiss an ancient forest spirit?
○ yes
○ yes
○ super yes
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
"I... don't know." Kaida shrugs, looking up from her sketch book, her eyes still hidden. A digimon with a Dragon's head on one arm, and a wolf's head on the other, robotic but also like a knight. It's a rough sketch from memory. She's still looking for that being she saw in her dream. "I didn't even know there was a sickness."
"Is it like the flu or something?" Blythe spoke up, hanging upside down in a tree. "I had the flu once, got really bad, had to go to the hospital. It wasn't fun." Kaida winced at the mention of a hospital, always brought up too many bad memories, but just switched back to her drawing.
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“I never asked Lady Ophanimon this… but when I Spirit Evolve can I also get sick like normal Digimon?”
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
First chapter is out!!!!
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
Starter for @snowargreymon !!
Blythe smiled, the snow falling heavily in the digital mountains. Playing in the snow always gave her a sense of joy, the very sound of the light flakes of ice crunching beneath her feet was enough to spark joy. On her head, she was wearing her partner, Ryudamon, as a hat. Because he was warm, and Ryudamon didn't like the snow half as much as Blythe did. She held a walking stick, literally just a very tall branch she found before coming her, in her left hand, gaining stability as she walked up the snowy slope. In the other she held her D-X digivice, a device resembling a blackberry phone, yellow with black case resembling the armor Ryudamon wore, with a large red button just below the screen. It was on, a map of the ever shifting world on it. She was just exploring the digital world at the moment. Going anywhere she possibly could, riding on Ginryumon's back to get around from place to place.
Ryudamon was cold. Very, very cold. But Blythe's body produced heat, so there he sat, like a lizard on a hot rock. All he wanted to do was go back home, and warm up by a fire, but he didn't want to just abandon Blythe out in the snow. He couldn't. Blythe said that this was the last stop before they went back home, so all he had to do was bare through this cold, icy mess, before he could go back to the cottage.
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
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this was not an evolution I was expecting 
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
Reblog If You Are A Digimon RP or Ask Blog
Strictly RP, ask, multimuse, incoming, active, or returning, I don’t care. I’m going to visit it and reblog your promotion posts. If you don’t have a promo, I’m still going to give your muse some attention and send a question or something.
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
 ▲ "what the heck is a pokemon??" -Kaida. From @d-x-digidestined
Send ▲ plus a question your muse has always wanted to ask mine, and my muse will answer without judgement!
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       “It’s a companion you train n’raise.   There’s different types, aye. My favorite is dark type.”
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
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dorimon holds own feets
original sketch by cometoruin because it was fuckin adorbs
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
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4K notes · View notes
d-x-digidestined · 4 years
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Bird bath
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d-x-digidestined · 4 years
Want me to gush about my OCs?
Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC! It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything!
Alternatively, send in just a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random!
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