cynthiaaldaba2 · 10 months
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Yes please!!
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 11 months
New FM coming out on the 25th! Stay tuned…
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 1 year
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It's my 6 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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SONIC FRONTIERS • dev. Sonic Team
This Koco says they need to find their one true love before it’s too late. They’ve been too shy to express their feelings, but if they don’t do it now, they may never get the chance.
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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How did they make Bowser look so much like Jack Black without actually making him look like Jack Black
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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The teaser trailer took me by surprise. It’s visually stunning. The animation looks beautiful.
Bowser looks amazing. Like how the koopas and toads look. Mario and Luigi look great.
I hope to see more trailers in the future.
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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Quick edit made after seeing the trailer
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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Okay so I watched the Super Mario movie trailer, and honestly I knew they were makng a movie but I wasn't expecting much BUT MAMMAMIA IT LOOKS SO GOOD??? Just a two minutes long trailer and Jack Black is already killing it as a Bowser
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and Luigi.. guys give this poor man a break😂😂
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
I'm gonna be honest here:
The Mario movie actually looks really nice. Despite Illumination being known for the somewhat cheap animation it's got (which isn't necessarily bad mind you) you can tell that the studio actually put a lot of effort into the movie just from the trailer alone. You can see the difference in their budget and the passion that the animators have in just the two minutes alone like I was shocked.
The VAing is surprisingly good! Jack Black as Bowser threw me for a loop because I didn't even recognize him! It was only after he'd did the little chuckle and said:
"I do not."
That I caught his voice and realized that it was him. He's done an incredible job with the character and I can't wait to see him in the movie!!!
Chris Pratt on the other hand......
Look I don't know the actor very well other than he's in the Marvel and Jurassic World trilogy but as soon as I heard him talk and say:
"What is this place?"
I couldn't help but feel like he just.....didn't care about his role. It felt like it wasn't Mario at all. Even my mom who's not a fan of video games and only knows the basics of them due to me and my siblings talking to her about, had said that he just wasn't Mario and the voice didn't fit the character. (She also said the same thing when the first Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer was released and she saw his first design before it was fixed. She literally took one look and said "That's not Sonic.")
Like that says a lot.
Personally I think if Chris Pratt wants to make this work he'd actually have to put a little bit of effort into his role. Or else it just won't really work. That or the studio and Nintendo get a new VA who's more excited to voice Mario.
But other than the voice for our favorite red Italian plumber I gotta say that everything else looks and sounds really good!!! The scenery is phenomenal and stunning and colorful just like the video games and the character's designs look so good and well done!! Honestly kinda excited to see what the movies like when it comes out next year!!! (They better not massacre my boys because like Sonic they deserve some respect as well).
Anyways those are my personal thoughts.
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
hey so tumblr just added this thing (community labels) and by default ALL these category filters are set to remove anything labelled with these from your feed entirely (not just blurred).
Please remember to go into your settings and adjust them to what you prefer! if you're under 18, you won't be able to adjust them as they are set to Hide until you turn 18
this is what it looks like in settings (i have everything set to Show, the default is Hidden)
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
Super Sonamy Screenshots!
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
Since the SonAmy Frontiers vibes are at an all-time high, I decided to make a very simple edit of the Japanese version of Vandalize (Frontiers’ ending theme, for those out of the loop) with that little CGI bit from the Story Trailer. Keep the ship going!
Also, my dear friend Facu took the idea and made a different edit out of it, check it out!
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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Lunch atop New Donk City
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
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hey not to be a percy jackson stan on main but uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh wasnt Kronos the titan of time
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cynthiaaldaba2 · 2 years
SOUTH PARK FANDOM ENTITLEMENT: or, how discourse (and entitlement) ruins things for everybody.
I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a while, and here it is; 4k words on the causes, effects, and dangers of discourse (headcanon discourse, in particular) within fandom. Discourse (and entitlement) is the primary killer of creativity and connection within fandom, and in order to stop provoking it, there needs to be a collective consciousness about what we, as a whole, actually want out of a fandom space. So, without further adieu, here’s my manifesto on fandom (but more specifically, South Park) entitlement, complete with five sections and eight subsections. Let’s get into it!
Keep reading
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