cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Preparations for the Virtual Calais convention are underway and Aénora is scheming something… What could it be? 😲..
- Romain - 
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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*"Je peux pas voir un putain de truc!"
Next on cursed of the Stars... *** Prochainement dans Cursed of the Stars ...
a tiny little work in progress for fun
- Aénora -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Un nouveau biome est en préparation !! . . . A new biome is on its way! . . . - Aénora -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Greetings survivors !
The team will be at the Virtual Calais 2019 convention, the 5th and 6th of October 2019 📆
We’ll have a booth there so do stop by !!
Visit our kickstarter page and help us bring our characters to life ! 😁
- Romain -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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The Kickstarter is open for business ! 😃
We start our funding phase and it’s going to be a lot of work. If you believe in our project, support us by visiting our Kickstarter page and share it with everyone ! 🤝👫👭👬
We will keep you updated on our progress so stay tuned so that you don’t miss a thing ! We sincerely hope you like our work ! 😍
See you in space !
The COTS team
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
Greetings survivors,
as promised, the KICKSTARTER of our SF mobile game is online with our trailer! From now on, you can support our project. 😄
How to support us? Easy peasy lemon squeezie ! Go to our Kickstarter page ( link in the publication) read about the project and choose your reward! 🏆
For those who are not familiar with Kickstarter, it’s a high-level, secure, crowdfunding platform that supports thousands of independent projects every year.
And we need you to realize ours! 🤗🙌
Do you know we only need an average of 200 to 300 donors to make that possible? That’s why we rely so heavily on you. So if you like it, share and talk about this project around you, we would be very grateful!
If you are undecided, if you have any questions, if we can help you, do not hesitate to ask us. We’d be happy to help and answer whatever question you have (if you want to know what is at the end of the universe, we’ll answer there is a restaurant)
The COTS team and myself would like to thank you for your support and for following us so far! 🤟😍❤️
See you in the stars! 🚀🌟👨‍🚀👩‍🚀
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Greetings survivors! 😁
Last day before the launch of our Kickstarter :D ! As you know, we'll need between 200 and 400 backers to succeed in this project and there are four types of contributions available.
We won't go into the details of each award but we will instead introduce you the most interesting: the "COTS-premium 🏆💪".
Indeed, in addition to receiving the game (by mail), the musics of the game (10 soundtracks mp3 format) and see your name in the credits, we've decided to include some physical items.
We will send you a package containing:
- An A5 Art-book ❤️
- Cool stickers ❤️
This art-book will include all game illustrations, sketches, and documented texts, addressing both creative and personal aspects of the game.
see you in our Kickstarter tomorrow! 👾👨‍🚀😄
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Greetings survivors!
Only 2 days left before the Kickstarter! But for now, let us detail business plan of the project.🤔
At COTS, we thought our business plan thoroughly and wanted to be as clear as possible on how the funds raised will be used. Because we believe that a good project must be conducted in a fair and transparent way.😌
Distribution of the items of expenditure:
- 3750 € computer development - 3500 € of sound-design - 1500 € of goodies - 972 € of fees Kickstarter - 200 € safety margin
A total of 10,000 € to harvest! Wow, is 10,000 euros a lot ? NO 😁! We will talk about it again, but it will only take 400 to 200 people to finance the project!
That's why tomorrow we'll talk about the three types of reward we've planned.
And by the way, the trailer video is over and finally we said we will wait until launch. Yes, we are like that at COTS!
Finally, know that you will get additional details about the financing of the project on our Kickstarter page it starts.
And as usual ... see you in space 👨‍🚀
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Greetings survivors! 🙂🙃
Only three days left before the Kickstarter starts!
During this period, we plan to finish the trailer (which should arrive tomorrow) and finish our Kickstarter page (which will be awesome for sure).
Tomorrow we will tell you all about the rewards and how the project will be financed! Because it's really important to know where you place your money and we want to be clear especially and reassuring about this.
And as usual... see you in space! 👽👾.
- Romain -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Greetings survivors !  🙂
We hope you've been well  The Kickstarter is only 5 days aways !! 😮 We are extremely excited about it, and very nervous too (°---°')
So much pressuuuuure... 🤪
We still have a bit of work to do before the trailer video is finished and the night will be VERY short...
But all is well and we believe it will be released in the next couple days! Stay tuned and as always :
See you in space !
- Romain -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Greetings survivors...
Are you ready for the cold shivers of death and desolation? Let's go... Raaeno in currently working on a new Biome...A horrid place, with walls of flesh and alien saliva... 💦
And a pinch of your worst nightmares :3 😣
"The Nest" is on its way and full of evil creatureswhose appetite knows no bound, and look forward to make a snack out of you. 🌭🍖
Stay around to learn more about these dangerous creatures and their environment (but not to close or you'll get eaten ;3 )
Muahahahahahaha ! 😈
- Romain -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Survivors, Can you smell it? The stale air, the dust.. the rust... Can you taste it? In you mouth, on your tongue... That metallic and rusted taste.
Can you see it? That orange tinge? Rust. Everywhere...
In this abandoned vessel, all it rust, all is dust. Your breath comes short, you vision swims. Hurry, don't lose time. A gas mask and a quick stride. The floor opens under your feet...
Do not hang around here or you will regret it dearly.
Welcome to a new biome.
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Oh! Hey there survivors!
Feeling a little hungry today? 🍫 You're right on time, I was just eating one of those delicious X-Rush energy bars!
You can find them in 3 different sizes inside the Megastructure :
- Individual bar (okay...)😶 - Pack of 6 (yummy) 🙂 - Or a whole box of them! (its collector !) 🤪
I highly suggest you always keep one on you and away from thieving hands. You can never be too sure when you'll need one.
Better not starve to death... 😥
Anyways, *crunch* See you in space *crunch crunch* ! . .
- Romain -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Greetings survivors !
Here is some news from the stars✨🚀! 
We are launching our kickstarter campaign! 😤😑Ten days from now, the crew will assemble and you will be able to assist them!
Stay tuned, the trailer will drop soon!We have a lot of surprises for you! See you in space ... soon on Kickstarter !
- Romain -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
Hello survivors!
I'm pretty sure you'll need this inventory : very practical, it can store 5 objects that will save your life... sometime it will ! 🤷‍♀️😟
In this regard, we have planned fifty objects to discover, so, stay around and see you in space ! 👨‍🚀😄
- Romain -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Hey, a little bit tired survivor? 😴
Aénora is actually working on items and I wanted a kind of energy bar or something like that.
That why she created Xrush the proteined chocolate bar, specially designed for astronauts! Maybe we'll make an advertising for fun one day...
There is a lot of work to do so... see you soon survivor 😉!
Hey ! Who crunched in it 😭?
- Romain -
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cursedofthestars · 5 years
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Item #3 is here survivor !
Survivor : "𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞! 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞 !" 😖
Yes, yes, we know ... so take this medikit, you will need it. And you know what? Take 4 or 5 instead, you never know when you'll be face to face with dangerous creatures or ... just I duno... break your neck or something in a pit trap ...
And take the big one ! 🤕💉😷
See you in space 😁 !
- Romain -
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