curiousoh-spn · 8 days
love fics where dean sees cas for the first time and is like "please please PLEASE be gay"
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curiousoh-spn · 17 days
Pornbots are so annoying like I’m not gonna fall for this I’m not an idiot I know sex isn’t real and its just something made up for destiel fanfiction
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curiousoh-spn · 17 days
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curiousoh-spn · 17 days
i do think that there’s something silly about dean and cas hooking up in season five. like typically i’m a postcanon girlie. but there’s something so fucking funny about “dean and i do share a more profound bond. i wasn’t gonna mention it” if you make the executive decision that they’ve explored each other’s bodies
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curiousoh-spn · 17 days
"The only thing I think we have left, Dean and me, is each other. If Dean says it's time to go out in a blaze of glory, win or lose, so be it. I'm in. But then ... (smiles at Dean) that's just how I roll."
[spn 5x4]
"A part of me always believed you'll come back."
[spn 7x17]
"I forgive you, Cas ... I love you."
[spn 8x17]
"That's where Dean spread your ashes. After we burned you."
[spn 13x6]
"I lost Cas and it damn near broke me..."
[spn 13x20]
"according to your plan, the world loses you, and me-- I-I lose you too, and that is unacceptable to me, Dean.”
[spn 14x12]
"But still beautiful. Still Dean Winchester."
[spn 15x20]
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curiousoh-spn · 17 days
It’s a sunny and fairly unspectacular day when Dean finds himself pausing in front of a jewelry store and gazing at the huge display of watches through the window, his mind instantly going to their latest hunt where his former watch fell victim to a very angry werewolf.  It doesn’t take long for him to already start focusing his attention on a fairly sturdy looking (and perhaps even marginally monster proof) one when suddenly Cas sidles up right beside him and says, in his uniquely gravelly voice, “If you’re looking for an engagement ring, this store really seems to have a nice selection.”
The watches instantly forgotten Dean tenses up and stares at the angel with wide eyes, his brain short-circuiting so hard he actually feels a bit dizzy from it.
Cas, however, appears like nothing extraordinary is taking place. “Though you don’t have to bother, honestly. I already got you one.”
Dean blinks.
And blinks.
“An engagement ring,” Cas repeats patiently. “I got you one, about a week ago. I just didn’t have any opportunity to give it you yet.”
“Though if you’re so inclined to buy me one as well, I won’t stop you.”
Cas shoots him a lopsided smile, presses a brief kiss onto Dean’s lips and then has the absolute audacity to freaking wink at him before walking off again.
Dean gapes after him for a long moment, his thoughts somersaulting wildly in his head.
And it feels like a damned eternity before he’s finally able to call to Cas’ retreating back, “Did you fucker seriously just propose to me? Like this?”
The angel’s chuckle is actually audible despite the distance, the mirth in his eyes sparkling when he throws the hunter a look over his shoulder. “If you want flowers, love poems and me dropping onto my knee in front of you with tears streaming down my cheeks, you should hurry up and come along. I don’t have all day.”
Dean scoffs, totally overwhelmed and uncertain whether he should feel over the moon, really pissed off or maybe both of that.
In the end he decides to just follow Cas and make it up along the way.
*  * 
One hour later Dean has a ring on his finger, an honest-to-God bouquet of colorful flowers in his room and a very smug fiancé in his arms.
It’s perfect.
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curiousoh-spn · 3 months
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….Aw Dean, you big, bitch-faced softie.  Sweet merciful Chuck, I’m free. This little comic (and please forgive the sketchiness) has taken me an eternity, but I HAD to do it because I was reading some fics and there was a mention that Dean’s bday is on January 24th… and it totally figures that Dean would forget his birthday (the poor lamb) so yeah. Now it’s out of my system and I can get back to real life. I think my fave part in all this is Sam… though half the reason for this was to fluster Cas back into Enochian. (Please don’t repost without credit, thanks, and sorry for scattered tags.)

EDIT: To clarify: I would prefer you ask permission before reposting if possible. When I originally posted this, I assumed this was a given, but I was wrong. 
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curiousoh-spn · 4 months
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DESTIEL IN EVERY EPISODE → 4x18 the monster at the end of this book
dean's first prayer to cas
castiel's first rebellion for dean
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curiousoh-spn · 4 months
Hey, I was wondering if you had any reverse fics, with Dean as an angel and Cas as the hunter ?
(also, you are doing God's work and I love your blog so so much ❤️❤️)
Hello there, thank you so much! And here are a few fics we've enjoyed:
Calming the Weather by seidenapfel [Explicit, 35k words]
Rescued from the Empty, Cas is fully human, and miserable. So, rather than acknowledge what happened in the dungeon, Dean searches for a way to change that. He finds it in a simple spell. The spell gives ordinary humans a limited dose of angelic powers. Too afraid it might harm Cas, Dean tests it on himself. But it backfires. Thanks to a piece of Grace bound to his soul, Dean wakes up fully powered, wings and all. With their roles reversed, it is up to Castiel to teach Dean how to wield angelic powers, and for Dean to share the peaks and lows of humanity with Castiel. Misconceptions come to light as they learn from each other. Meanwhile, a storm is brewing. In order to stop it, Dean not only has to get a hold on his emotions, but he must face a revelation about himself, one he had repressed all his life.
Castiel's Angel by Valinde (Valyria) [Explicit, 5k words]
The angel took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. He was fidgeting Cas noticed. Usually he was so bizarrely at ease in his human form, lounging around and tossing winks and smirks at anyone with a pulse. That more than anything had Cas straightening on his stool and wishing he was a little less tipsy. “Ineedyoutogroommywings,” Dean muttered in one long, almost unintelligible, string. He was blushing.
Grace the Gun by chevrolangels [Explicit, 169k words]
He’s got a shotgun in his hand and his mother’s broken rosary around his neck. His eye is cut open and dripping, and he’s got forty years of Hell fresh in his mind. Do not. Fuck with him. It's been four months since he died, when Castiel wakes up, six feet below the ground, alive. Alive without an explanation, with a mysterious itch under his skin and rumors of a whisper, a whisper of something so powerful, that demons themselves are running scared. Then he meets the thing that pulled him out—a spitfire angel named Dean, who turns out to be nothing to run from. With his sister Anna at his side, Gabriel at his back, and three angels in their corner, they're gonna take the fight to them. And they're gonna show God just exactly how they feel about his plan for fate and destiny.
Hunting for Faith by perunamuusa, riseofthefallenone [Explicit, 270k words]
It starts a few days earlier. Castiel first notices it in the middle of the night when the dreams of fire and screams have kept him awake. He’s kneeling before the altar, praying, when the glass in the windows start to shake, the very air vibrating around him. Castiel is on his feet and reaching for the gun tucked into the back of his pants as the shutters over the windows start to rattle.
My Roots Take Flight by KismetJeska [Mature, 125k words]
After forty years in Hell, Dean’s more than willing to accept the offer: become a guardian angel and earn his freedom. But his new ward seems destined to hunt alongside Sam, and there are secrets in Heaven that the angels don’t want found out. Dean’s going to have to choose between his duty and the people he loves- and to work out just where Castiel fits in.
Obey His Word by K_K_TiBal [Teen and Up, 33k words]
When Castiel was ten years old, he was cursed to always be obedient. Now he’s a hunter—not the best one at his job, admittedly, since he’s always forced to comply with the monsters that beg for their life. Everything changes on one such hunt, when an angel named Dean saves his life, and tells Castiel that he’s searching for his missing brother, Sam. His naive callousness about humans and give-em-Hell attitude is off-putting, but Dean ends up being exactly what Castiel didn’t know he needed. As he grows closer to Dean, he tries to keep the secret of the curse close to his chest—but the past always has a way of exposing the truth. Curses are hard—but trust is harder.
the rapture of distress by ozonecologne [Mature, 16k words]
Castiel swung his legs around the edge of the bed and leaned forward, setting the eggs aside. He briefly entertained the notion of patting Dean’s knee, so close to his own now, before deciding against it. Holding hands in your sleep is weird enough. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it isn't the end of the world," he consoled, wiping some grease from his mouth. Dean looked up then, and he remained guiltily silent. Castiel’s eyebrows shot up, up, up, along with his heart rate. His breakfast stuck like glue in his throat. "The end of the world?" Dean winced. "I'm working on it." A reverse!verse AU in which Castiel is a hunter and he’s visited by an angel.
To Hold In Your Hands by saltnhalo [Teen and Up, 6k words]
Castiel has never wanted an angel. He does just fine on his own, has for a long time—since he was old enough to hold a shotgun and make a salt circle. He’s proud of what he’s been able to achieve without angelic help, and the longer he can keep hunting solo, the better. But judging by the summons he’s just received to the Men of Letters’ bunker, his time is up. He can’t avoid his future angel partner any longer. (aka. five times that Dean saves Castiel's life, and five times that Castiel slowly learns angels aren't as bad as he'd thought)
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curiousoh-spn · 4 months
Do you guys ever think about how canonically the vessels that angels occupy aren’t supposed to age (s12e10 when Cas is impressed his buddies kept their same vessels for well over a century. Also apparently Cas tells Jimmy when he first was requesting permission to inhabit his body, that Jimmy would not age while he was doing so.)
…but Castiel definitely ages. Obviously I get that this is simply because Misha himself is aging, but *my* in-universe headcanon is that he’s choosing it, (whether consciously or unconsciously) because he wants to grow old with Dean.
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curiousoh-spn · 4 months
I have so many thoughts relating to this.
So in my personal opinion. Sam wants the best of both worlds. Sam Winchester is a bit of a control freak. Sam believes he should be in charge and in control because he has a different understanding of the world than what he interprets as Dean and John's view. His view and perspective is right and thus they should all just go with his plans in general.
And yes, I think that's important because Sam conflates Dean and John as essentially the same person. Although obviously if you actually watch the few scenes with Dean and John.... they disagree. With pretty much the same frequency as Sam and John. Except that Dean is more likely to take a private moment to share his reservations about the plan. While Sam loudly disagrees. But Dean at least in the few John, Sam and Dean scenes is stuck playing peacemaker and mediator. (Which may be one reason why Early Sam thinks that Dean is usually on John's side. He literally misses the disagreements.) Never forget that the reason why Dean recognizes that John is possessed is because Azazel said he was proud of him. That he didn't choose to go after the monster at the expense of his family. Quite frankly a pretty Dean choice of him. Dean rarely chooses others' over his family. He goes for best chance that his family gets out most of the time. He constantly chooses Dead together rather than Dean is sole survivor.
On this end, Sam and Dean through the series actually usually agree. Most of their actions can be interpreted as their best attempts to ensure the other one lives. Dean actually allowing Sam to let Lucifer possess Sam against Dean's deepest wishes, habits etc... was actually a fantastic way of Dean acknowledging that Sam has a right to his own choices with his own body and to show the faith that Dean had in him. Despite letting Sam letting that plan being against everything Dean has been.
But here is where I think Sam is incredibly immature (and yes both can be considered immature consistently in different ways.) Sam blames Dean or John for the result of his choices as long as the result is bad.
Who made sure that Sam got to school and had time to study and was fed and all that? Dean did. We saw that in After School Special. But who didn't want Sam to go to college? Dean didn't. Yet Dean was the main force ensuring that he'd do good in school besides Sam's own ambitions. Quite frankly I think Dean was hurt that he didn't get warning that it was coming. I think Dean probably would have spent Sam's first week in the dorms in town with him. I think Dean was hurt and felt abandoned. Just like how Sam felt... despite being the one who did the leaving. I think Sam expected that Dean would go with him.
Which I don't actually understand how Sam thought Dean could leave John to risk his life hunting monsters and apparently follow his brother to College to live in Student Dorms at a hard to get into and expensive university. I will put that down to childish naivety and an understandably little knowledge to how colleges work. Like maybe he thought to get a single and that he'd be able to just hide Dean in there and despite Dean hardly getting his GED he would be able to just sign up for courses. Or find some regular life thing to do and ignore the fact that their Dad was out there hunting on his own. Maybe Sam didn't think that Dean fretted as hard as he does when waiting for one of them to come home safe from a hunt. Like we know from "A Very Supernatural Christmas" that Dean sheltered Sam to the best of his ability.
Anyways as for the big College fight that Sam bases most of his assumptions on how different he is from his family, how he's somehow the disappointment etc. I think Dean was hurt he wasn't warned. And I think Sam probably headed off while Dean was doing his soothing third wheel thing trying to get both Sam and John to calm enough that they would actually hear the other. We know from when they meet back up with John that John was afraid for Sam to be alone. All 3 Winchester men have trouble with fear coming out as Anger.
I think Dean not immediately going after Sam (probably missed in trying to get John calm.) reinforced Sam's belief (and hurt feelings) that Dean was also disappointed in his College Aspirations (which again I think was based on Dean loudly making their crap situation the best of situation. By loudly talking about the Good End of it. Which was mistaken as actual preference by Sam.) So Sam leaves all the way... rather than walks down the street. And yeah John said not to walk back in that door. But I think Sam probably would have waited at whatever near diner they had eaten if he thought Dean was going to meet up with him. And right there, would have been when Dean would have said he was proud of him, asked him his major and plans and if he had enough money for things and how he'd contact him.
But Dean didn't catch up to him. And when Dean didn't, that reinforced Sam's worst fears about Dean. That if it came down to Sam or John. Dean would choose John etc. While Sam not waiting long enough for Dean to track him down reinforced his own views. Sam wasn't really his buddy. Sam was there because he had to be. Dean wasn't enough to stay for. Sam didn't need him anymore. Sam didn't even leave any contact info so of course Sam didn't want Dean to come visit him. Sam was going to leave him behind like he always thought he might. Because Dean wasn't enough. Not for Mary, John or Sam.
Anywho Sam uses Dean as the excuse that he doesn't go after what he wants to, or when he makes bad decisions that don't end up going the way they he hoped they would. And it makes sense because otherwise Sam would have to admit that his choices are his own fault. Or that he's someone without much choice because the universe pushes him or whatever. Like they all have trauma, it wouldn't be surprising if Sam needs to believe every crappy thing in his life was caused by a bad choice somewhere in order to believe that it can get better. Because otherwise we're just beings pushed outside of our control and bad things just happen, they're not preventable. So yeah, believing it all comes down to good choices or not and so he has to make the choice... it makes sense.
Sam doesn't have many directly named outside forces that could be pressuring his bad choices. He doesn't have consistent friends, financial stuff etc... it's pretty much just John or Dean. So that's who's at fault. He'll twist events or whatever to make Dean 'overbearing' or whatever. While Dean has always done his best to care for Sam while they were mostly similarly sized and he had no actual authority he could exert. Knowing that John would come home eventually and correct Dean for what he did in his absence for his failed attempts at parenting his little brother. (Like we know from the Shtriga episode and "Dark Side of the Moon" where we learn that Dean paid consequences for when Sam ran away from him for 2 weeks in Flagstaff.)
If Sam took responsibility for his actions in childhood, then he might have taken the ire that John exerted over Dean over Sam's behavior as his fault. (Which wouldn't be true. Kids being kids are just a fact of life. They're going to eventually test those boundaries.) So in those instances he blamed John. (As was the right person to blame. But he also seems to blame Dean to a degree for not being able to give Sam normal despite his best attempts. Parentification is a killer crappy dynamic.)
Anyways Dean's positive reinforcement (constant when it comes to his smarts etc) coupled with this... failure to acknowledge his wrongdoings... kind of created this righteously furiously correct mindset for Sam. He takes all the credit when he makes good choices that lead to positive things and plays blame game when it doesn't.
Having known quite a few addicts (and yes imho most addicts still are self-medicating stuff) this made him ripe for the Demon Blood Addiction. Demon Blood gives Power to a kid who wants control over his circumstances that feels powerless and he also doesn't think his negative actions are his fault. He also gets that bonus break where it temporarily makes him feel good. It makes him feel like he's making progress towards his goal of saving Dean and the world and getting back to that normal life. Sam (for much of early and some later seasons) totally is operating on the Ends Justify the Means fallacy. Like yeah Ruby did obviously manipulate the Hell out of Sam (and even Dean to a degree. Dean's just less trusting period. While Sam at that point wants to believe the best in people. In part to emphasize how not-damaged-by-his-childhood he believes himself to be. Because if he does admit it. Then he'd have to face that maybe he wasn't so much smarter than Dean that he was able to think himself out of being traumatized. Because he definitely sees the effect to a degree on Dean.)
And yeah now as someone who's the age of Dean in S4/5. And significantly older than Sam was for the majority of the Heavy Sam Focused Seasons... So much of Sam is literally explained by being young and dumb like everyone is at that age. Like just think... Sam at best was 22-27 for the entire 5 Kripke-led seasons. From Pilot to almost beating (his body used as weapon. Not by choice) Dean to death before regaining control and trapping Lucifer in the pit. That's insane! He could just barely legally drink in the U.S. for all of Season 1!
At the time in the Pilot that Dean retrieves Sam's help...he's only been on his own in the carefully insulated softer version of the world [College. Believe me it really really is.] for 4 years max. He doesn't know jack-all about literally anything about how the world works in his basic corner of the world. (Quite Frankly I think Dean hoped on the first excuse he could get for why he needed Sam's help because he missed him desperately. But you know... that'd be sharing feelings and he didn't want to chance Sam rejected him.)
Of course Sam is weird and selfish and unsure of his actions and what he wants out of life. That's exactly what that time period is for. Just making it up as you go. And that's avoiding the serious life-changing event he ends up witnessing when he gets dropped off for his law interview. It makes perfect sense in the face of that for him to fall into the familiar. (Riding around and killing monsters with Dean.) I really do think that at this time Sam really thinks he'll quite hunting once they get the thing that killed his college girlfriend and possibly his mom. And I do think that Dean at this time would hang onto Sam for all he's worth, especially once John dies. Both of their primary consistencies in life have been each other. And they surely missed that in the other's absence.
Also I think Dean learned a long time ago (ignoring the Gadreel Angel possession trick) that Dean can't make Sam do anything he doesn't want to... so he doesn't even try too hard. He'll make his case knowing that Sam's going to ignore it if he disagrees anyways. Hoping that Sam agrees with what he thinks they should do anyways. I mean seriously the Demon Blood and other early series scenes are plenty to support it.
So I was thinking about 4.07 "It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester" and how Sam genuinely tries not to use his powers during the actual fight with Samhain.
He's trading blows with this powerful demon, and the demon blood still in his system gives him immunity to some of Samhain's attacks, but it isn't Sam using his powers. He quickly starts losing the fight though, and then when he's pinned and goes for the knife, it gets knocked away out of reach. If he doesn't use his powers at that point, he's going to die. He's in a situation where he has no choice—and this is what he points out to Uriel when Uriel presses him at the end of the episode.
URIEL: Tomorrow. November 2nd, it’s an anniversary for you. It’s the day Azazel killed your mother, and 22 years later your girlfriend too. It must be difficult to bear, yet you so brazenly use the power he gave you. His profane blood pumping through your veins. SAM: Excuse me? URIEL: You were told not to use your abilities. SAM: And what was I supposed to do? That demon would have killed me, and my brother and everyone. URIEL: You were told not to.
And of course, Uriel simply repeating "You were told not to" does not work for Sam. Telling Sam to simply follow orders doesn't ever work, and as an audience member, it's easy to share in Sam's frustration. Uriel has no actual explanation—just a demand that Sam obey, and it feels like Sam is being pressed about something he genuinely had no choice about.
That said, Sam intentionally put himself in a foolish situation with Samhain. When Sam and Dean entered the mausoleum where Samhain was awakening the dead, Sam saw a bunch of people trapped with zombies, knew Dean could not just abandon them to die, and ordered Dean to help them while he ran off.
SAM: Help them. DEAN: Dude, you’re not going off alone. SAM: Do it!
What makes me insane about little moments like this is that people will completely disregard Sam quite literally barking orders at Dean here and in other places and fixate on Dean being "overbearing" by saying "You're not going off alone". Sam was the one who said Samhain was a BIG deal that Dean needed to take very seriously (i.e., nobody should be facing him alone). Sam is one demanding Dean follow his orders, and he's using a bunch of teenagers as leverage to enforce those orders. In other words, if Dean doesn't obey Sam's orders, people will die.
Sam wants to face Samhain alone. He doesn't want Dean to be there. He's trying to prove that he can do this alone—and he does try to do it without using his powers. After seeing what happened with Jack Montogmery in 4.04 "Metamorphosis", Sam genuinely wavered on continuing to drink demon blood. But then he realized he couldn't do this without his powers, he can't stand up to a demon this powerful alone without them. He's too weak, and in the mental state he's in and has been in since season 3, being weak—being powerless—is the last thing Sam can stand.
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curiousoh-spn · 4 months
“My brother’s a mechanic, and I’m working on a Ph.D.” I wonder what fake jobs Sam made up for everyone else (Cas, Jack, Mary, Rowena, AU Bobby) for the benefit of the inhabitants of Lebanon.
Cas is a “consultant,” but for what nobody knows. When asked, he murmurs, “linguistics.” When the Lebanon folks bristle at that and eye him with smalltown suspicion, he blurts, “I—removal service on the side. Tree removal.”
Jack is “taking online courses.” And no one presses him on that.
Mary freaks out a little inside when anyone asks her. I’d depressing, because it reminds her she doesn’t have any real skills besides hunting. “I’m between jobs right now.”
Rowena tells anyone who asks that she doesn’t need a job. “I have an inheritance.”
AU Bobby also had a junkyard, so he fumbles something about used cars n’ parts.
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curiousoh-spn · 5 months
Fragile and Composed
Fragile and Composed by cgf_kat Rating: Teen Word Count: 16k
“What did Rowena say?” he asks. “You called her, right? This isn’t like one of those attack dog spells of hers, is it?” That’s the last time Dean can remember seeing Cas actually sweat like this. Usually, he’s immune to such human inconveniences, but as of right now his dark hair is plastered to his forehead, moisture prickling his skin. It’s disconcerting. Wrong. “No, no not like that,” Cas rasps. He lets his head tip back, compliant as Dean gently thumbs at the skin around his eyes to pull them open farther, to get a better look at them. To confirm they’re not bloodshot and bleeding like they were then. “It’s—there are no other effects...not...nothing’s in my head. It’s just...very painful.”
*drops this piece of 16k words of pure, unadulterated hurt/comfort right in front of your feet*
Don’t you ever dare say I didn’t give you anything 😁
So if you’re really in the mood for all the pain and worry and protectiveness that this special trope has to offer, then please don’t hesitate to click on the link and enjoy all the misery!
In this particular story Castiel is suffering from the effects of a nasty spell, being crippled by sudden bursts of pain, and Dean is just desperate to help him in any way he can and make his suffering a little less bad. Which include lots of touching, moving into Dean’s room together, sharing a bed and Dean mother henning the whole time, not only concerned about his angel but also Jack who blames himself for the whole mess in the first place. 
Yes, they’re all not having a good time right now, but I promise there is a happy end in sight!
So if this is right up your alley, dive right in 💗
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curiousoh-spn · 5 months
i love it when dean and cas are in love obviously. but they are also best friends. they have movie nights and hang out in the kitchen. they call each other to talk about random stuff. they are besties!!!
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curiousoh-spn · 5 months
Carnival Oasis
Carnival Oasis by Violue (@violue) Rating: Explicit Word count: 47k
Castiel is a being that feeds on sin. Lucky for him, Dean has plenty of sin to spare.
I love me some good ol’ Castiel, acting like a complete alien to our world. And this fic DELIVERS!! I just loved how Cas was portrayed in this one with all his otherness, so mysterious and unaccustomed to behave like a human.
And Dean is immediately drawn in by Cas’ unusual aura. Being a hunter, Dean is used to killing “monsters” like Cas, so he’s ready to go all guns blazing, kill the creature, and call it a day. But then they come face to face and despite how weird Castiel seems to be, he’s actually not hurting anyone.
And it turns out they’re actually the perfect match. I mean Cas feeds and thrives on people’s sins and Dean has a lot to spare. I also loved how seamlessly they become just a regular couple, pretty immediately acting like an old married couple, I mean at one point Cas actually suggests Dean should take a daily multivitamin to which Dean replies with, “I want a divorce!”🤣
Then there’s all the lore! It was quite fascinating when we, along with Dean, finally learn what Castiel is. The story behind his existence is very ingenious. And of course, there’s the smut which is quite hot as well.
Seriously, A+, go read this!
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curiousoh-spn · 5 months
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fathers and son
#having known people who work for costume departments#Yeah sometimes it's because it's cheaper to take something that's already in the show's wardrobe#But they do legitimately think this hard a lot of the time#And on top that...#If there's anywhere they're going to splurge it's going to be on the series' lead characters#Like all the money is going to go there unless there's a later outfit specific moment.#(Like Amara's introduction... good chance they spent some serious money on that dress for her intro as adult Amara.)#Death going down the street in Chicago... yep.#Same with Harvelle intro. Herickson intro and Bella Talbot in general.#Because they're always having to be careful with budget and make due with what they've got... reusing things means things#But those wardrobe pieces that are worn just once? They're even more carefully selected.#And they go for BIG visual impact much of the time.#So extras all wearing blue things? or something. That's going to be intentional. Color coding is big in the background happens constantly#and dye is cheap. Making sure that someone has a specific color is pretty cheap. They don't even have to buy then they can rent.#And with how many guest stars extras and just general clothing distressing and destruction it has...their budget has to be struggling#(Especially since we know from BTS that Cas's trenchcoat was supposed to be a one off and then they were constantly custom sewing them.)#Supernatural (especially in later seasons) is so formulaic with their wardrobes... you pretty much don't notice the clothes because they're#so consistent. (That's impart probably because they start dressing them for Canadian temperatures while pretending they're in hotter U.S.)#If you watch U.S. productions that are made in Canada.. you'll see this kind of layering a lot. It's enough that doesn't look purposeful.#But hopefully the actors aren't freezing too. If you watch the first couple seasons Dean in particular almost never has 2 layers besides#the leather jacket. Post Hell (Season 4) He's almost always in 3+ layers if outside. 2 mostly in private.#We could say that he's been more vulnerable and the clothing change is because he's more guarded. Likely the costumer also took feedback#that Jensen Ackles and Jared (who mostly had long layers to begin with... because buttoned up college boy Sam.) were cold.#And clothing people care about that kind of stuff. It's one thing for the actor to be uncomfortable when the character is. When#the character isn't though but the actor is? That can effect the production. Everyone is trying to serve the story and production#so stuff like that gets taken care of immediately if possible. Even if it makes them go over budget mostly. Because if it delays filming..#that costs more. But yeah. Almost guaranteed that if an outfit stuck out enough that you noticed it. There was a reason for that.#Most wardrobe set designers and production designers are big on color theory. It's a way of setting tone without too much cost.
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curiousoh-spn · 5 months
So bold of spn to say "Dean's happy ending is he gets to be in Heaven with his loved ones" when there's a literal episode in season 5 where Dean goes to Heaven, learns that they're perfect pockets catered specifically to the person's needs and want's AKA HEAVEN and then gets in a debate with Pamela about "dying not being so bad" where he rejects Heaven and tells her that getting to live and free will is still better than playacting your ideal moment on loop.
Dean wanted a chance at living so bad and never got it because he was too busy acting out the roles handed to him and by the time he finally has a chance to live and make of his life what he wills he's too miserable to try (and it's already been taken away from him anyway) and gets blasted up to heaven. Like, yes, Heaven isn't so lonely anymore now the walls have been torn down but he still never got a chance to LIVE and experience and grow because Heaven is still static.
SPN said "death is a cop-out not a happy ending" and then ten years later they killed the character that believed it the most.
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