For everyone, how does a typical day look at wherever you are? Who are the early birds, the "sleep until noon"s? Who stay out all day, who stay in all day? Who pass out when they hit the pillow, and who need to be dragged to bed? Sorry about the questions, I'm just curious about how your lives are outside what we normally see
Sleeping patterns, nice!
Early birds: Rebel, Dominic, Leonardo, Garret, Reagan.
I will personally murder you if you get me up any time before noon: Quincy, Edric, Bianca, Flynn, Marc, Daniel, Harrison, Kade.
I don't care what time I get up just lemme set an alarm: Tobin, Simon, Calvin, Fenwicke, Calypso.
Night owls: Garret, Leonardo, Quincy, Kade, Daniel, Harrison, Marc.
Zombies past midnight: Calvin, Fenwicke, Calypso, Dominic, Flynn, Simon.
Look just some time I'll crash okay: Reagan, Edric, Bianca, Tobin.
Sleep???: Cameron, Iseli.
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Ask box is open!
This blog has been inactive for a while but if anyone would like to hear about my AU then I'm here!
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"Are you afraid of anything? Have you ever truly felt fear of something?"
Iseli laughs nervously and takes a couple steps back. Sure, a person covered in blood and dust isn't as alarming to the people of the Guild as it is to the general public, but something about this man is unnerving to the artist. "Nah, of course not. I mean, you? You're a little scary to me, but that's only because you seem… very unstable and you're covered in blood and dust. I'd prefer to live, y'know? It's more fun."
Daniel takes a few steps closer, wearing a wide grin. "You're lying~ Everyone is scared of something, you just don't want to say it. Tell me, search yourself, what do you fear most?" 
Iseli hits a wall, but Daniel keeps approaching. It's only when the horrid coppery smell becomes unbearably strong that they answer in a whisper. "Being forgotten."
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Garret, Reagan, Harrison, Daniel - What would you choose - the person who you love(d) most safety, or your own freedom?
Garret- "... His safety. I can't afford to lose another person dear to my soul."
Reagan- "His safety, of course. I have all the freedom I want."
Harrison- It nudges its head underneath Daniel's hand and gives a meaningful purr.
Daniel- "My freedom, I don't love anyone. I appreciate Harrison, but that's about the closest I'm gonna get. Now, outta my face with that bullshit."
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Iseli, Rebel, Quincy and Cameron - If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be and why?
Iseli- "I dunno I kinda just wish school would let me draw on more things."
Rebel and Quincy, in unison- "Aratraea being our creator."
Cameron- "Honestly? Being born in a female body. It sucked, to say the least of it, but I'm glad that's over with."
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(Hi, I know you are still mostly awake. Have asks. Go to bed soon. Please bear with me, this is a lot. Feel free not to answer any of them.) 2, 4, 5, 6, 15, 20, 26, 32, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 60
I have no clue which ask game this was for and don't plan on looking further back than the last number one I had so allow me to be dumb™ and go off about my main children on @criminalverse-official thanks-
2: What is their sexuality? Gay (Garret), Pansexual (Reagan), Pansexual and Demiromantic (Rebel), Questioning (Quincy), Aro/Ace (Iseli and Cameron).
4: Do they have any siblings? How many? Younger or older? Which are they closest with? Yes, three, two younger and one older [but dead], the dead one (Garret); No (Reagan); It's complicated, don't ask (Rebel and Quincy); No (Iseli); Yes, two, both younger [twins], and he doesn't have a preference (Cameron).
5: What's their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives? He loves his parents, though they're currently old, retired, and living in Florida with much of the other old people population. He loves his brothers too, even if Tobin can be a bit... strange. (Garret) He loves his parents, as they encouraged him every step along the way in his life and helped him get to where he is today. Occasionally he'll use his riches to help out some of his less fortunate aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, but he would never count anyone 'close' if you asked him. (Reagan) Again, it's probably best not to ask them. Their opinion of their mother their creator was never very much of a positive one. They... never really were in touch with anyone related to their mother the person who created them. (Rebel and Quincy) They felt a little lonely with their parents so busy most of the time, but their opinion of them was still high because their two mothers always would support their freedom of expression and respect their gender identity. They only ended up leaving because Rebel and Quincy wanted them to come along, but their mothers only provided them with some advice and sent them along with provisions to help. They only ever saw relatives at family reunions and such, and they never really liked how the others would look at them. They decided they didn't like these people. (Iseli) He's honestly not too sure how to feel about his parents. They provided for him and got him things, yes, but they always treated him like a girl and tried to raise him like a girl. He left to live with a friend, but was eventually kicked out after a big fight. He's playful with his younger siblings and likes to have some good-natured fun and spar with them. (Cameron)
6: What would they give their life for? Heavy question man, I have so many deep questions people are asking about them and I'm like damn okay let me breathe a minute. Wonderful character development questions, yes, but also I need some more light stuff to recharge, hoo.
15: What is something their parents taught them? Not every bad decision is the end of the world. (Garret) A world of good people starts with you. (Reagan) Even your own creator can't be trusted. (Rebel and Quincy) Accepting and loving is the best approach, cherish those who are close to you. (Iseli) Caring for someone means nothing if you don't listen to them. (Cameron)
20: Do they have any titles? How did they earn them? The media know him as the Bloody Thread or the Silence. He's never been caught, and if anybody does end up dead on the scene, it's always a steel rope. (Garret) Death. Simply Death, possibly Reaper. He doesn't fail missions, and if someone decides to be a really shitty person around him, they turn up dead with no explanation. (Reagan) Golden Widow, as a reference to black widows and the color or their magic. (Rebel) Shade or Shadow, for shadow manipulation, despite the strange and sudden mood lift wherever they've stolen from. (Quincy) Lash Dragon to the general public for their street art that has dragons in it, Splat to friends for their love for painting. (Iseli) X to friends as a reference to how easily he can demolish someone's technological defenses, Hack to the Guild members for... well... Easy to guess. (Cameron)
26: Are they aware of their flaws? Not entirely, and he's not really doing any soul-searching, so it's... not really an ongoing effort either. (Garret) Yes, and he does try to be better, but it can be difficult. (Reagan) Yes, but they don't make an effort to fix some of it because they feel it's not possible. (Rebel) Yes, but they're not optimistic about solving it. (Quincy) Flaws? What flaws? [No.] (Iseli) He realizes his self-care habits aren't the best but has no intention of fixing it. (Cameron)
32: How is their self-esteem? Not wonderful, but he can live with himself. (Garret) He's confident and proud in who he is. (Reagan) Wonderful! They're confident and love to show off. (Rebel) ...Decent. (Quincy) Absolutely fabulous, nobody can take them down. (Iseli) Better now. (Cameron)
35: What is the easiest way to annoy them? Be Reagan Take a mission from the board that he was looking at. (Garret) Try taking a weapon from him, see how it ends for you. (Reagan) Insult Quincy. Depending on he severity of it, they may be anywhere from annoyed to furious. (Rebel) Say anything mildly derogatory about Rebel. Say it to Rebel and they'll get angry. (Quincy) Try to wash away their art. That's why they started the guardian system. (Iseli) Take his food. He absolutely hates it. (Cameron)
41: What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh? Soft, more of a light "ahaha!" if you ever manage to wring laughter out of him, no he doesn't snort, and it's rare that he ever laughs. Only his loved ones and friends- what few he has- can truly get a laugh from him. (Garret) A deep chuckle, a "heheh" laugh, doesn't snort, only laughs about Garret's little notes. He finds them adorable and amusing. (Reagan) Whenever they do laugh, it's usually loud, mixtures of "heh"s and "ha"s, and they do snort or even wheeze if you get them to laugh hard enough. They laugh rather often; Quincy, Iseli, and Cameron keep them amused and they're rather light-hearted much of the time around the Guild and in public. (Rebel) Their laugh usually is a snort followed by faint giggles ["snrk-heheheheheh"], so yeah they snort. They laugh around Cameron and Rebel, they laugh at Iseli most of the time because Iseli does a lot of crazy and laughable things. (Quincy) "Pfff-hahaha!" That's how they laugh, almost every time, and they don't usually snort. They often laugh at people who are fooled by the typical bottomless-pit-in-the-sidewalk trick or when their dragons attack someone for trying to erase their work. Nobody is quite sure where they got the vantablack from or how they managed to use it like that. (Iseli) His is more 'brief repeated bursts of air from the nose,' and if he laughs hard enough to be to the point of making sound, it's a wheeze. He doesn't snort, and most of the time he laughs because of Iseli or "memes that make me commit nose exhale". (Cameron)
42: What is their favorite thing about their appearance? ((At this point Kat is regretting their choice of multiple characters instead of just one.)) His good eye. (Garret) His smile. (Reagan) Their tattoo. (Rebel) Their scar, for sentimental reasons. (Quincy) Their unique markings. (Iseli) Their red-tipped hair. (Cameron)
43: What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance? His bad eye. (Garret) His blank eyes. Hard to look welcoming when your eyes are The Void™. (Reagan) Their scar. (Rebel) Their resting bitch face. (Quincy) Their eyes. (Iseli) His nose. (Cameron)
44: Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars? He does, and... Well, it was one of his lowest points, he'd rather not discuss it. (Garret) No scars. (Reagan) Oh wow, look, tragic backstory, blah blah, knife fight, blah blah. [See 'All We Have Is Each Other'] (Rebel and Quincy) No scars. (Iseli) Had surgery scars for a period but they've faded. (Cameron)
45: How would they describe their own appearances? Grotesque. (Garret) Hopefully welcoming, but still haunting no matter how hard he tries. (Reagan) Bright and open! (Rebel) Hopefully discouraging any romantic approaches, but also badass and cool™. (Quincy) Artistic mess with a bit of class and mystery. (Iseli) Hot Topic brand college kid majoring in coding and achieving absolute zero in sleep. (Cameron)
46: How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions? Easily, if you count anger and bitterness as the full spectrum. With some effort, he can fool a stranger on things. (Garret) Easily, but they're usually not his true emotions. Be wary of his mask. I think that speaks well to how easily he hides emotions. (Reagan) They express emotions with the ease of a water droplet sliding off of a duck's feathers. Hiding emotions.... Well, they're not good at it. (Rebel) They can express emotions with almost the same level of ease that Rebel can, but they choose not to. They can easily hide their emotions and often choose to do so. They would be great at poker. (Quincy) They express emotions easily but mostly show a range of amusement and brighter emotions. It doesn't really occur to them to be sad or hide their emotions. Why would anyone want to do that? (Iseli) He shows emotions because he's too tired™ to hide them. (Cameron)
47: What's their pain tolerance like? Stab him, maybe he'll say "ow" as a courtesy. (Garret) It ah... Hasn't exactly been able to be tested yet. (Reagan) High enough to take the worst clients without crying. (Rebel) Well their face has been cut open and they didn't even wail about it. They did cry a lot though, it was... painful. They went through their entire tattoo without even flinching though. (Quincy) They don't plan on finding out. (Iseli) There's a reason he covers up and barely ever leaves his room, that's one of them. (Cameron)
50: How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing? What everyone imagines a homeless criminal to look li- *slapped* "Rugged, unapproachable." (Garret) Assassin™. "Stylish but efficient, and it fits for the job, eh?" (Reagan) Kind of a hoe but owning it. "Flirty~" (Rebel) Taken and ready to punch someone's lights out. "Aggressive and rejection before any approaches are made. Yes these are ripped jeans but if I catch anyone staring they'll have a ripped skull. Have a wonderful day." (Quincy) Color mess, but going somewhere and staying compact with it. "An artist, obviously. What else would the paint splatters on my jacket mean- No, no, it's not for aesthetic, there is no order to it." (Iseli) Wow, is that Every Stereotypical College Student Ever™? "Hasn't done much in weeks and isn't planning on it, beanie edition." (Cameron)
54: What's their current hairstyle? ((There are three questions in the original but I'm exhausted so fuck you)) ((Also human versions for this one)) Short mess™. (Garret) School fuckboy swoop. (Reagan) Pixie cut [?????]. (Rebel and Quincy) Half close cut, half long swoosh. (Iseli) It'S nOt A pHaSe, MoM! [Non-emo-bangs edition]. (Cameron)
60: Describe the way they sleep. Uneasily, clutching the pillows. (Garret) Lightly, awakening at the slightest hint of need for alarm. (Reagan) Heavily, all over Quincy. (Rebel) Moderately, similarly all over Rebel. (Quincy) Snoring. Loudly. Absolute octopus, takes up the entire bed. (Iseli) ...Sleep? [Might catch it on a desk or underneath the bed, never any remotely normal place. (Cameron)
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😳 for all of them?
Oho, fun!
Garret- Really jumpy and snappish, will lash out if questioned on behavior.
Reagan- Tense. Not much else. He's not one to let that affect him.
Cameron- Shy, withdrawn posture, quiet voice, stuttering.
Iseli- Haha what do you mean, they don't get nervous! Hahahaha
Rebel- Blushes, fidgets, shifts stance a lot and doesn't make eye contact.
Quincy- Defensive, almost on edge, also blushes.
Edric- Starts doing tricks with his strings to distract himself and anyone else.
Tobin- Actually doesn't ever get nervous. There is a constant state of either chill or Fear™.
Kade- Hides. Fuck that.
Daniel- Wraps head in a blanket and curls up.
Harrison- Gets jumpy and/or cuddles up to Daniel.
Simon- Runs fingers through hair, laughs even though things are decidedly not funny.
Bianca- Shifts between forms a lot at random.
Flynn- A wreck™, constantly fixes clothes and looks around.
Zephyr- Pats self down- there's weapons there somewhere.
Wren- Stays calm and composed. No reason to make a big deal.
Leo: Traces an intricate tattoo on his arm.
Dominic: Takes off shoes.
Calypso: Wings rustle, tail twitches.
Marc: Tail and ears twitch, claws come out.
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19, 24, and 26 for Quincy and Iseli? also 41, 45, 54 for Rebel
19, Iseli: Hobbies? Iseli loves drawing and painting on things, but they also love cooking and baking. Such a shame their culinary masterpieces must end up being destroyed, they're always a work of art.
19, Quincy: Hobbies? They enjoy sparring with others in the base and practicing control of their powers. Oftentimes if you wander around the Helen base, you can find Quincy acting out a little story with figures they make fron their magic.
24, Iseli: Fave season- Autumn. Warm enough to not have to layer up, cool enough to comfortably wear long sleeves and pants.
24, Quincy: Fave season- Winter. Nobody really wants to go outside or move or make a scene about much, the days are shorter, much more night to hide under.
26, Iseli: Guilty pleasure? Sneaking sweets to any emergency services in the area, usually imbued with Rebel's magic. Helps heal injured people that are picked up and also serves as a sweet treat. Maybe not so guilty, just something they enjoy risking getting caught for.
26, Quincy: Keeping Rebel with them just a little longer at night before they go. Quincy wants desperately to cuddle with Rebel for as much as they can, and they can't do that when Rebel is gone.
41, Rebel: What's their morning routine like? Wake up to Quincy trying to leave the bed, pulling them back in, and going back to sleep until ten. They don't like being up early.
45, Rebel: Theme song- Y'know? Okay. Maybe a bit sad but okay.
54, Rebel: What does your character want, and what do they need? Rebel wants Quincy to let them be free, to let them be independent but still hold them at night. They need to let go of being the Golden Widow and settle down. They're risking themself, and they can't do that. It's hurting not just them, but Quincy too.
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So somebody asked 42 for everyone. Well then, challenge accepted. (Also yes I meant Daniel where I said Dust and I meant to say Elder Scrolls games, not game. I'm not a dumb ahaha-)
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Answering some off of that little ask game on Discord~
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Garret Castillo, disaster gay™.
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Cameron Alcantara
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Tidbit 1
Cameron wears hoodies because they're his comfort clothing and he had gotten used to wearing baggy clothing before the Guild to hide his feminine figure and calm his dysphoria.
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What are the motives for everyone being a criminal?
Man, that's a good one, even if not everyone there is a criminal. Some just deal with criminals and don't want the cops to find them and ask them about said criminals since lying to the police about such things is a very big no-no. Anyway, yeah, let's get on with it.
Rebel and Quincy: At first they stole just to survive since they were living on the streets, but at the current time they steal to pay rent using a combination of money and stolen goods. Many of these stolen items go into the Thieves' Guild's store or out to other branches if asked for.
Reagan: At first he was more of a vigilante, out killing the people who deserved it just for the sake of Justice™. Then he figured he could be an assassin and get paid to kill people, so now he does it to keep paying for his ridiculous house that he designed.
Garret: It brings him a sense of purpose to bring things back to his branch of the Guild, which he has made his home. He enjoys feeling useful.
Edric: He enjoys being part of a team, part of a group. It makes him nostalgic for when he was in the marching band's color guard at school. Warm fuzzy feelings, basically.
Tobin: Nobody is really quite sure, he just claims to have fun with it and 'wants everyone to see the full rainbow,' whatever that may mean.
Harrison: Daniel feeds it and pets it. That's all.
Daniel: Because it's fun!! :)
Iseli: They get to paint all over everything and doesn't have to listen to anyone telling them what to do, they can't imagine a better life. Y'know, except maybe if the police would get off their back about the squad cars they painted. They only made it pretty!
Cameron: The Guild helped him and his siblings find a home and helped him transition fully to male, he owes them his life for that.
Kade: Anger issues™.
Simon: B,, blood. People bring in blood as payment for doing doctor things or science things in general, as well as a little bit of money. The blood is well worth it.
Zephyr and Wren: Same reason as Cameron, minus the transitioning part. They are happy that their brother finally got the body he wanted, though.
Leo: Being a prostitute really wore him out, he'll just be a tattoo artist. There's high demand for that in the Guild so there he goes.
Dominic: Everyone in this building looks atrocious, time to fix that. We steal materials now.
Calypso: Tired of being mistreated because he's an incubus. Fuck that, killed a few people, now on the run from the police until found this place to hide out and cook for people.
Marc: Honestly who wouldn't want to run an entire organization to protect these people, most of which were homeless before coming in?
(These are not all the characters, there are some cops in this verse. However, these are the criminals.)
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Character File: Dust.
Name: Daniel, last name is unknown
Age: 35
Gender: Male.
Species: Human (With bionic parts).
Nickname: Plague or Dust.
Occupation: Assassin.
Associated Organization: EAA.
Appearance: It hasn't been figured out whether he always wears red and grey, is just constantly covered in blood and dust, or both. He has a bionic left arm and right leg and scars from scratching and picking at his skin. He has his hair dyed purple, but it’s hard to tell underneath the red of blood and the grey specks of dust. If you’re lucky enough to catch him after he washes up, you’ll see the purple.
Other: He doesn't always kill for money, has a habit of scratching and picking at his own skin. Nobody has ever really been able to get much out of him about his past, or even figure out what his personality might've been, but most people are sure that he has been through a lot.
When alone, Daniel likes to wrap himself in blankets and have fantasies about new, more interesting and amusing ways to kill people. Harrison will snuggle up to him while he does this. He likes torturing his victims before they die, and most of the time they bleed out before he feels satisfied.
He also killed Garret's older brother. Garret doesn't know it was him.
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Iseli: What's that on your face?!
Quincy: Oh, this? *gestures to a splat of red mystery substance*
Quincy: *scoops some onto a finger and puts it in their mouth*
Iseli: Oh, it's just glitter glue.
Quincy: What? No. It's blood. *laughs* What kind of idiot eats glue?
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Raffle prize for @trashydragonartist7 who asked for their version of Dream and Nightmare
Aren't they the cutest beans?
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