creedcomplex · 14 days
intend to continue this as a solo blog and keep it running even if interactions are largely with myself, but due to some issues with stalking and harassment i had to take a break. hopefully will have things back up and running soon.
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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DIN DJARIN in THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 14: The Tragedy
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creedcomplex · 2 months
something something that one scene where din is saved by bo's crew when the quarren try and drown him and steal his armour. the shot where bo says "take my hand" and reaches for him so strongly replicating his rescue as a child. something something din's utter helplessness in that moment replicating his helplessness as a child, unable to help grogu or himself, just like he couldn't help his parents. something something you best believe i'm going to break down the complete, initial divide between bo's group and din, of them operating as a team so close and clean cut while din is constantly left behind, confused, removed from them. mandalorians being stronger together meanwhile din was raised with mandalorians who survived by being alone. how, when din finally starts to accept help and let others into his life, not only does he benefit but grogu's safety increases. i have a lot to say about this.
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creedcomplex · 2 months
i definitely intend to be active here but i am reliving why i left the star wars rpc to begin with so do bear with me, and if you're interested in writing feel free to reach out or send asks if i don't get there first!
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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#din getting bullied by his 50 years old son
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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While exploring Mandalore, I was captured. And this blade was taken from me. Bo-Katan rescued me and slayed my captor. She defeated the enemy that defeated me. Would this blade then not belong to her?
THE MANDALORIAN (2019– ) S03E06: Guns For Hire
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creedcomplex · 2 months
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
" i have credits, take them! "
" you have my heartfelt gratitude. "
" is that a bounty puck? is that me?. "
" i can bring you in warm, or i can bring you in cold. "
" you think there's really something to worry about? "
" that's the understatement of the millennium. "
" is it true that you guys never take off your helmets? "
" i didn't mean to alarm. "
" i like those odds. "
" i'm simply being pragmatic. "
" this is extremely generous. "
" i will help you. "
" there will be no peace until they're gone. "
" so much for the element of surprise. "
" you know, you're not so bad. "
" i thought you were dead. "
" i did disintegrate a few of them. "
" i'm a mandalorian, weapons are part of my religion. "
" i'm surprised you waited. "
" i'm surprised you took so long. "
" i could use a crew member of your ability. "
" your reputation was not unwarranted. "
" you are both hunter and prey. "
" how do i know i can trust you? "
" stop touching things. "
" you want some soup? "
" one of us is gonna have to move on, and i was here first. "
" so, you think i'm some kind of mercenary? "
" can i play with him? "
" this is more than i signed up for. "
" nice beside manner. "
" so what happens if you take that thing off? they come after you and kill you? "
" i did my job, he's safe. "
" are you sure you don't want an escort? "
" that's my line. "
" you damage one of my droids, you'll pay for it. "
" i'm a hunter, i'm looking for some work. "
" if you're looking for work, have a seat, my friend. "
" you can't just leave a child all alone like that. "
" is she dead? "
" i hope you don't plan on keeping all that stuff for yourself. "
" you take the first watch. "
" look at you, asleep on the job, old man. "
" you done? "
" make the best deal for yourself, and survive. "
" looks like i'm calling the shots now. "
" you're smarter than you look. "
" i didn't really know if i'd ever see you in these parts again. "
" so, this is a mandalorian... i thought they'd be bigger. "
" tell me why i shouldn't cut you down where you stand? "
" i don't trust anybody. "
" see, i know who you really are. "
" maybe that code of yours has made you soft. "
" you always were paranoid. "
" we're not killing anybody, you understand? "
" aren't you a man of honour? "
" i told you that was a bad idea. "
" i'm not in the mood to play soldier anymore. "
" i've run into some problems. "
" droids are not good or bad. "
" none will be free until the old ways are gone forever. "
" you got a real thing for droids, don't you? "
" trust me, nothing can go wrong. "
" don't be so dramatic. "
" he's trying to eat me! "
" get me close to him, and i'll kill him. "
" i see nothing but death and chaos. "
" you have something i want. "
" i'm telling you to get out of here. "
" that was unpleasant, i'm sorry you had to see that. "
" your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation. "
" i would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration. "
" if you're asking if you can trust me, you cannot. "
" if you go near this child, i will have no choice but to kill you. "
" i'm not gonna make it and you know it. "
" let me have a warrior's death. "
" i won't leave you. "
" that was a joke, it was meant to put you at ease. "
" we should at least discuss an escape plan. "
" watch your feet, it's molten lava. "
" you don't have that kind of firepower, pal. "
" there is nothing to be sad about, i have never been alive. "
" that was impressive, very impressive. "
" it looks like your guild rates have just gone up. "
" some of my favourite people are bounty hunters. "
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creedcomplex · 2 months
maybe i will watch the bad batch if only to do justice for mr cad bane.
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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didn't even ask how i am. helmet tilts mischievously, the same as an indulgent, whimsical shrug. he's sure ghost would've lied, had he asked. in fact, it's more likely he'd have deflected. but it's all in good humour — he knows the other means nothing by it. the armour comment, however, hits a nerve. " you sport a human skull for a face, " din retaliates, " and yet the galaxy regards you as a ghost. " he pauses, beholding their surrounding space in order to exaggerate his next point. " as elusive as one, too. "
disputes simon's idea that mandalorian armour proves unreliable for furtiveness. a frustrated exhale is caught in his modulator, brows knitting together apprehensively behind his visor. he doesn't have time to wait, to sit on his hands and wait for his return. he hasn't even got a kriffing lead thus far, wholly dependent on the ongoings of what's around him. and this is exactly why he exhibits a reluctance towards research and knowledge. takes too long. why waste time when you can learn, face down in the chaos of it all?
          " i — can't just wait on you, " he attempts to reason, working to keep his tone from sounding defeated. knows ghost won't change his mind, won't be swayed. albeit, without a doubt, a tempting offer from the spectre. altering his stance under the other's searing inspection, chest plate dips from an impatient huff and shoulders notably grow more rigid. he'd never been one to stand by. for form to become weary and ungiving from inactivity, inaction. " how do i even know you'd come back? " another pause, a recognition that there's absolutely nothing simon could say to reassure him of this.
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din swallows thickly. " i'll go with you. " and before the hunter comes up with an excuse — my ship's too small, i'm not paying the fuel — the mandalorian says, " we can take my ship. the razor crest. " simon had never been in it before, but he'd seen it from the outside, and he knows him well enough that he's sure he won't attempt to steal it from him; that way he'll be able to oversee his picking-up of the reward. hold him to his vague word, ensuring no wool is pulled over his eyes. " i wouldn't... be here, if this wasn't important, simon. " checkmate. it's a good deal, if he takes it. a free trip, with his knowledge paying admission. din fixes his concealed gaze to broad figure, boldly turning his question back on him. " how does that sound? "
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don't touch him. feet remain firmly in place, encompassed eyes following the mandalorian to the pod's side. former quarry is undeniably intriguing phrasing and simon finds himself convinced that his current company wouldn't have phrased it in such a way — let alone mentioned it at all, had he not wanted to be asked about it. seems dismissive, trivialised. like it just happened and this is the begrudging outcome. he doesn't buy it. can't say he cares all that much, if at all. admittedly hadn't anticipated seeing din attempting to take on the responsibility of being a father any time soon.
then again he's not sure he'd anticipated anything from the other hunter. save for him stepping on his toes again. he's really making a routine of it, at this point. besides, i know how easily you spook. a throaty chuckle rasps from him. a jest, he recognises. the task itself, however, sounds like an ordeal. one he's relieved not to be wrapped up in himself. were he to take on a child in such trying, dangerous times, it'd be dead before night. he'd never wanted to be a father, anyway. doesn't resent din's 'predicament'. still, he doesn't believe din views it as one — regardless of what he tries to project.
simon looks to the tight grip he maintains on the hovering pram and inhales lengthily. it's quite the ask, from the mandalorian. to partially involve himself in something that already carries a lot of weight — trouble. then again, he did always enjoy trouble. " didn't even ask how i am, " simon remarks, playful in that his voice lacks any real gravity. " you're sayin' you wanna find another mandalorian. don't you lot pride yourselves on discretion? " chin lifts, cynical. " hard to imagine, what with the armour... " you'd think with such finely sculpted metal on display they'd be widely memorable and recognised. and yet, you'd be hard bloody pushed to find one.
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          " maybe i do know somethin' — but right now, i'm busy. " and that's non-negotiable, enforced by his tone. " tell you what, " simon contemplates his following suggestion as he surveys the kid, " wait here. i've got a reward t' collect. when i'm done, we can chat. " attention shifts back to him as he openly and unabashedly examines din's beskar from where he stands. what can he say? easy on the eyes, he's captivated by how it catches the light. " 'ow does that sound? "
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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#just a dad and his son
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 1: The Mandalorian Chapter 21: The Pirate
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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a breathless scoff leaves him, jarred by the contact as palms span the floor beneath and push him upright. " dank farrik, " he mumbles to himself, though his focus is quick to fix on the child. protective — he's on his feet in a matter of seconds. this with you? " don't touch him. " it's a command, however it doesn't leave him aggressively. grunts as he rubs at the discomfort in his back from the fall, dusting off his front. he's not as robust as he used to be.
          " he is — " din passes him, positioning his form next to the pram with a hand tentatively resting on its side, " — a foundling. former quarry, sought after by imps. i rescued him. " there's a subtle reluctance in his wording, if only because he's never perceived himself as much of a hero. had certainly done things in his past that negated such ever being achievable. a gaze is exchanged with the child, who coos curiously. then, he looks back to ghost, re-familiarising himself with the skull that stares back. " thought if i'd announced my presence, you might've left. and i... could use your help. "
and what a far cry it is from their very first introduction. back when he'd been dabbling in mercenary work — target practice, under ranzar malk. simon hadn't been a teammate, nor was he operating as a mercenary himself. it's merely where din had been in his own life upon crossing paths with the faceless spectre. he'd heard tales of such a hunter, a dead man within a living galaxy. had never cared to believe them until toes were stepped on, challenges were presented and competitiveness had led to a sore ego for quite some time.
he'd hated him at first. who did this mud scuffer think he was? wiping the floor with him, making him look like a fool. naturally, such skill and callousness in good time and after numerous encounters had grown on him. envious yet inspired. now? he's asking him for help. how times had changed. maybe in all of this father-business, he's at last doing some much-needed maturing. " besides, i know how easily you spook. " or not.
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          " i have been tasked with reuniting him with his own kind. but in order to do this, i need another mandalorian. " din shifts, his grip on the pod tightening. " my people are scattered, many are dead. i — don't know where to start looking. " a pause, he decides not to tell him of the chaos he'd triggered back on nevarro. despite the armourer's words, guilt continues to reside heavy on his chest. heavier than his beskar plate, intricately weaving itself between his ribs. " thought... perhaps you would know something. anything. so that i may begin my search. "
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his jobs aren't driven by what's easy or difficult. what'll earn him the most rep or credits. rather, a combination of purpose and morality. ka'tur korask is a lowlife. well, was. a lowlife living and conducting a high-end lifestyle. never thought he'd see a decked out shepherd but there's a first time for everything, he supposes. makes sense, given his pricey sheep. this isn't his final stop, either. once the reward for the bounty is collected he intends to hand it straight over to korask's slaves, freeing them in the process.
see, none of it matters to him. the politics of it all, the intentions nor the gain. all he knows is that he'd lived it, to some degree — no amount could keep him from sitting back and watching it unfold for someone else. apathetic, he couldn't care less where they go from there. it's not empathy that drives him, but a respect for sentient life. the moment the bounty had been put out, he'd acted on it. skeletal digits curl around the ankles of his deceased target and he drags them, until they're neatly draped across the home's entrance.
quite the welcome home gift, he jests inwardly. perhaps not what every wife yearns to return to — but what would he know about that. at the very least, if she didn't know of her betrothed's involvement in such a seedy line of work before, she would upon her arrival. ghost re-enters the home, not sparing a glance to the bodyguards that scatter the lower floor as he conducts a final search. it's during his clearing of one of the last downstairs rooms that he hears someone. muffled from the size of the house, but his impeccable hearing keeps him on his toes — prompting spirit to press himself into the corner beside the door and wait.
had the wife come home early? if so, she's remarkably unconcerned by the corpse at the door. he stands in silence as footsteps creak closer and closer. when reflective shoulder peeks into view, simon's swift to brutally intercept. he trips them, using strength to shove and pin their form to the ground. blade is withdrawn from sheath and threateningly positioned at the neck. " state your business, " the hunter grunts, processing the glinting armour beneath him. recognises them as a mandalorian — or at the very least, donning beskar. recognises the helmet. simon — it's me. he blinks down at them, recognising the voice, his hold gradually easing. " djarin, " simon acknowledges monotonously, releasing him and rising to his feet. he doesn't offer a hand up.
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blade is tucked back away, gaze diverting to the lingering, floating pod in the doorway. from inside, something small stares back at him, wrinkled features creased with concern. is that a fucking kid? " reckoned you'd known better than t' sneak up on a fellow hunter. reckon now i was wrong. " a pause, a step closer to the pod. when the creature visibly withdraws, he hesitates. " different armour, " is noted absentmindedly, offering a look over his shoulder, " suits you. " head turns back to the apparent child, a bony finger gesturing to it. " this with you? "
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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this is the way.
read  rules  before  following. #creedcomplex. 𝐃𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐉𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍 from  the mandalorian series.   private,  highly  selective,  headcanon  heavy  &  multiverse. 𝚆𝚁𝙸𝚃𝚃𝙴𝙽  𝙱𝚈  𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙹𝙰. personals  do  not  reblog. 𝙲𝙰𝚁𝚁𝙳.
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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#Concerned dad
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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#Grogu looks so proud of himself, I’m crying
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creedcomplex · 2 months
feel free to change pronouns / wording! spoiler warning.
" patrol boat, 2 o'clock, get under. "
" keep it quiet. "
" your plan was perfect. "
" plans depend on execution. "
" simple is best... until it's not. "
" power is held by those who seize it. "
" if it was a problem, you should have dealt with it! "
" there are no debts here... only loyalty. "
" i've done everything you've asked. "
" they're hunting for ya, stay low. "
" peace through strength. "
" knife's not gonna be enough. "
" i like your style. "
" you did what needed to be done. "
" you wasted precious time. "
" timing is everything. "
" everyone should own their mistakes. "
" a lie flies, while the truth... it only crawls. "
" if you control what people believe, you control the world. "
" you beat the gas but you still need some time to recover. "
" was worried your face was gonna melt off like those other poor bastards. "
" you ask me, it'd be an improvement. "
" how you getting in there alive? "
" head on a swivel, old man. "
" my weapons are my business. "
" these are very dangerous men. "
" we are all dangerous. "
" i never want to lie to you, but i can't tell you everything. "
" i hope you'll trust me. "
" silent and violent. "
" they know we're here. "
" there has to be a way to disarm it. "
" could go upside down quickly. "
" i specialise in upside down. "
" keep a low profile. "
" hard to walk onto an enemy base without a gun ready. "
" he took one for the team. "
" i'm impressed but... not surprised. "
" i'm giving you everything we know. "
" the opponent of my opponent is my ally. "
" people are dying down there. "
" how do we know we're safe? "
" you have a beautiful family. "
" family is everything. "
" no, no, no, please, there are more - "
" you exceeded my expectations today. "
" somebody beat us here. "
" there's at least twenty guns holding that area. "
" what do you need from me? "
" if only we could kill them all twice... "
" try not to get caught this time. "
" i should've killed him when we had the chance. "
" how did you get in here? "
" who are you with? "
" you going to kill me? "
" that's more... your strategy. "
" you're not safe anywhere. "
" i don't believe in luck. "
" bad luck is just poor planning. "
" every man is replaceable, even me. "
" no one is innocent. "
" war is treachery. "
" i asked you a question. "
" let me finish him! "
" i thought you were the good guys. "
" i've been looking for you. "
" we're not looking for money. "
" without an army, you got nothing. "
" that is not nice. "
" i got a name and a location. "
" i know all about lies. "
" not much for the beach? "
" prefer the snow. "
" no one gets in or out. "
" good to have a laugh while we can. "
" he fell... on a knife... nine times. "
" money can't buy happiness... "
" i wouldn't mind being sad on that boat. "
" special forces, show your hands! "
" i don't have a boss, no one tells me what to do. "
" no one tells me what to do. "
" or else you'll cut it off? "
" not my style. "
" why the mask? "
" wealth opens doors. "
" you're not very good at this. "
" let's make this personal. "
" last call, or he takes over. "
" i'm as good as dead without my money. "
" pleasure doing business with you. "
" that relationship is strictly transactional, i can assure you. "
" i want everyone to know that we won't be stopped by anyone. "
" you're a buzz-kill. "
" if he's still alive, he's still dangerous. "
" is there a single shit show that you are not a part of? "
" they're hunting us. "
" one wrong move, and i'll put a hole through you. "
" i'm freezing my ass off here. "
" got half a mind to let them find you. "
" your intel better be good. "
" my intel's always good. "
" you're a long way from home. "
" stay sharp, and try not to slow us down. "
" i have always had your back. "
" wasn't in the mood for visitors. "
" not an ambush if we hit them first. "
" no one else had the balls to do what i did for you. "
" keep the prisoner focused on their own self-preservation and eventually they will break. "
" good to see you remember your training. "
" i don't forget anything. "
" you can run, but you'll just die tired. "
" three things you cannot outrun in the world, folks - death, taxes, and me. "
" don't let him live inside your head. "
" every man for himself. "
" we gonna let this stand? "
" best way to end a war is to win it. "
" no prisoners. "
" got a light? "
" she's tying her shoe, likely checking if she's being followed. "
" they don't see us. "
" never bury your enemies alive. "
" he was the best of us. "
" who dares wins. "
" you're better than this. "
" this job is about making sacrifices for the greater good. "
" you got a body-count of your own. "
" i am not gonna beg for my life. "
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creedcomplex · 2 months
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you expect me to search the galaxy for the home of this creature and deliver it to a race of enemy sorcerers? this is the way. the conversation that'd led him to where he is now. hunting a hunter, seeking information from one who'd proven himself to be vastly knowledgeable of the galaxy's ongoings. supernatural, you might say. omnipresent in that they're everywhere, yet equally absent in their entirety. that being said — din knows where to look.
ghost is a face from his past, neither friend nor foe, an ally spectre seemingly functioning as though residual energy, stuck in a timeless loop of death, decay and suffering. the first handful of encounters with him had been far from civil. ghost was ruthless, leading a secluded and dedicated life. din's certainly familiar with the mindset, though there's a significant divide between them. it'd been a while since they'd last spoken. prior to him locating the child, back when he was navigating the galaxy on his ownsome. a common crossing of paths leading to a noncommittal and mutual sharing of each other's company.
he wants to see what the hunter knows. has he seen any other mandalorians on his travels? does he know of someone with connections to any? what rumours has he heard? he must surely know something — he always kriffing did. word of an insufferable bounty sets him on his tracks, to the outer rim. a slaver, responsible for selling innocent people to a powerful syndicate within this sector of the galaxy. when he reaches the location, it's easy to guess that the bounty hadn't been given much of a head start — their toasted corpse positioned across the porch of their pricey home. a message. they didn't stand a chance.
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nevertheless, smoke swirls from the blaster wounds and din recognises through this, and with the assistance of his thermal sight, that it's recent. had he missed the scene by a few minutes? a glance is thrown in the kid's direction. " stay behind me, " he asserts with a raised palm to emphasise. blaster is removed from its holster and cautiously aimed ahead as he steps over the body and into the premises. it's how he ends up visor-down on the floor, vibroblade inches from his cape-clad neck and an unwavering grip holding him in place. the familiar, gruff voice addresses him and the urge to resist bleeds from his form. " simon — it's me, " din wheezes under the pressure, " came to — talk. " / @0azrae7.
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