crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
“potayto, potato. burden, child. same thing. it’s my JOB to trouble you- and you know i’m great at every job i do.” she joked, as her mother kissed the top of her head. she was glad she was home too. she had gotten so used to the luxurious hotels that held the games that ruined her life. as nice as they were, they were never enjoyed. there was a comforting aspect to being home. she loved it. nobody who was currently in new york cared if sutton lived or died, but here in bushville, no matter if people were talking good or bad about you…people were talking about you. 
“you know? i’d love a sandwich. thank you.” she spoke as she followed, hoisting herself up onto the kitchen counter. just like the old days. “alright, alright. y’know, if you want to tell me that i smell like a vintage ashtray and weird truck stop men’s cologne.. i wouldn’t take offense.” she joked back, “especially because that IS what i’m currently wearing.”
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"you don’t trouble me, don’t say that.” she said again. she was so happy that her daughter was back, she didn’t want the woman to talk about herself like that; ever. she had missed her so much, it was almost impossible to explain.  she walked over the kitchen counter and quickly took all the ingredients she needed for sutton’s favorite sandwish. she listened to her and looked over her shoulder. “do i dare ask why you smell like men’s cologne?” she asked with a raise of her eyebrows.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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now that was definitely something she was not expecting, she probably was just hoping for a nod and then they’d move along with their lives but leaving now seemed a bit of an ass move. “oh, right,” she lets out, shifting awkwardly in her place. she had no children, and this was something she just wasn’t experienced in nor had she any idea on how to deal with something like that. hell she didn’t even know the woman. “well, at least they’re back? and they’re okay? is that not a good thing?”
“i actually don’t know if they are or not... i mean, they are both acting as if all of this is normal... and okay. it’s... almost dystopian, really.” she told the other woman. “and it just makes me question everything about our parenting and... sorry, i really shouldn’t unload on you like that.” she told the virtual stranger.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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“language!” the warning leaves his mouth cheerfully as he grins up at the older woman. there’s a few moments pause before he asks, “are you alright?” it was pretty obvious that she wasn’t but jihyun was fairly certain that she wouldn’t actually tell him if something was wrong.
she chuckled. “i’m sorry if that offended you.” She said with a chuckle and nodded. “i am fine. sorry i wasn’t paying attention to where i was going, i hope you’re okay.”
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
he expected to see a member of his family when archie settled down, moved in with his mate and found himself a job, suppose he shouldn’t be all too surprised seeing his little brother approaching him. “I’d hardly call those grade A douche bags kids, claude.” he used his name to hopefully break the ice, restraining the eye roll. of coarse, he’d be judged or misunderstood for doing the right thing, no one else would see it like that. “Damn right I’m hungry.” 
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“well, archibald, violence is never the answer. or do you miss prison already? because i don’t. the waiting room stinks and i’m not a fan of guys feeling me up.” he said, referring to the checks he had to go through to see if he wasn’t bringing anything into the prison. then, he remembered his brother was bisexual and quickly added. “i don’t mean that in a homophobic way.” he said, although his beliefs on homosexuality were clear. he used to have doubts about his own sexuality but he wasn’t gay, he found out. meeting clary just confirmed that. he thought people could be born gay and it wasn’t a choice. he just believes that anything beyond kissing is sinful, but he’d never treat anyone with any disrespect if they were... actively gay. he had actually been the one trying to calm dad down. it hadn’t worked very well. “anyway, do you want to go grab something to eat?” he said and looked at his brother... he was still looking for a best man and while they were worlds apart, he thought it might make his brother feel appreciated, part of the family. at least, he hoped so.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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              | clary marigold & claude mcbride wedding invitation
the whole town is invited to the ceremony and the reception, but the dinner is family and close friends only.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
“three against one, now that doesn’t seem fair,“ he noted, pouting. he’s been back a HOT MINUTE && already he finds himself in conflict, defending a kid getting the crap beat out of him. “Gentleman, I’m going to give you a HEADSTART    when I count down from three and you’re still here, well—you’re not gonna’ like what comes next, take it from your friend over here!” he tsks and shakes his head, ruffling the boy’s shoulder, the one with blood dripping down his nose due to the punch he served. “    3, 2,“ just like that they were gone and so was archie. “FUCK, i’m starving!” the male expressed to no one in particular, with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. 
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claude was pretty much beaming as he walked down the street. he had a bag in his hand, in which the shoes for his wedding were sitting. he was so excited. the sixth of july. he was going to be a married man on the sixth of july. how amazing was that? he was walking down the street when he saw three kids running away and looking in the direction they came from, he saw his brother. of course. he jogged over to him, crossing the street. “so, beating up kids makes you hungry?” he asked, quite upset. no matter what they had done, violence was never the answer.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
clary lent her head against him as she felt his arm wrapped around her waist. her eyes looking around, trying to work out what color and how they could decorate it. they could defiantly make it their own.”that’s fine, we can defiantly stick within our budget.”she smiled lightly. it seemed that claude had it all planned out for them. which was great. they didn’t want to leave it to the last minute as that would be added pressure with the wedding pressure on top of that.”well, we can check out the charity shops, i’m sure we can get a bookshelf from there and the couch.”it was also a great way to give to charity as well. hearing his last remark, there was a small dazed look on her features for a brief moment. one baby would fit in here..what a silly comment to make..”you want a baby?”she questioned, trying to work out what he was saying.
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“we have to be careful about the coach. i don’t want rabies. i read an article once and it sounded horrendous.” he explained to her, although he was open to getting one second hand. they just had to make sure it was safe, he thought as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his side. he looked at her at her question and smiled. “there is no rush... but yes, i... i want children with you. that is in part the purpose of marriage, isn’t it?” he wondered, finding her surprise a little funny but also a little worrying. he couldn’t imagine not being a father. “i mean, i suppose we haven’t really talked about our views on that.” he said with a small shrug. “i mean, the ethics around... procreation and having children and things like that.” he clarified.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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emma truly didn’t have much of an excuse, at least not a very deep one or anything in the like. it was as simple as not paying attention to where she was going, though the other woman did seem to have a whole lot more on her mind. considering where they currently were, she could only assume it perhaps had something to do with her current state. “yeah, that must take up a lot of space from your mind huh?” she asked, motioning to the papers in the girl’s hand.
“yeah... that. and... you know... two of my runaway children returning home. that too.” she said, not sure why she felt to need to tell that to the woman that she actually didn’t know. maybe it was because she didn’t know her. that was so rare in this town and telling things to a stranger was sometimes a lot easier than people that you actually knew.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
he wandered down the street minding his own business with headphones safely tucked inside his ears & his attention fully focused on his phone screen. the collide with another person made him snap out of his trance & managed to pull one of the cords from his ear. he was going to snap at the other person though it could’ve easily been his fault too until he realized they weren’t an adult around his age much less a guy like he expected. “s’alright. are you good?”
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brooke couldn’t help but smile at how the boy asked her if she was alright. “i’m good.” she told him, even though the words sounded a bit awkward coming from her. “i just didn’t really look where i was going.”
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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“Doesn’t everyone enjoy art?” The blonde shrugged trying to stay objective and not give to much about herself away. “Paris for art? That must of been amazing,” For a moment the girl’s eyes lighted up the night. She’d never met someone actually making art their career. It was all a dream for her but as quickly as her eyes lit up they dimmed as she reminded herself that she could never do that. 
nour shrugged. “my grandparents think that what i do is ridiculous, so i don’t think so. at least not paitings and sculptures. they’re not as popular as the art of... television series, movies, music. so, no, i wouldn’t say everyone enjoys art equally.” she explained and nodded. “It was my second time in paris. london, brussels, berlin, all the big european cities... they can’t hold a candle to paris. i can’t wait to take my partner there, next time i go.” she told the younger woman.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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“looking for jobs is so damn exhausting,” she sighs out, taking a sip from her iced coffee before continuing. “and they’re so demanding, too. someone was literally asking for somebody with an upbeat attitude and lots of desire to work. like, ay dios pobrecito, he’ll never find someone like that.” this whole ‘getting a job’ idea sucked to begin with, but according to her professor it’d give her experience or whatever.
claude chuckled at her as he held his own coffee in his hand, sitting across from her. “look, you wanted some help with job interviews. that is not how you should talk during a job interview. you will never get it. why would they hire the unmotivated one when they have three more candidates who fake being very excited about the job very well? see what i’m saying?” he asked. “but using spanish if good. knowing more than one language is always a plus.”
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
it was so complicated, all of it in fact, how she was feeling, what she was doing. of course val didn’t like the person that she was becoming, far from it but she didn’t much know how to fix it. actually, there was one way but she also felt like that’d ruin all the progress she’d made with her family, her parents to be exact. “yeah,” a simple smile in return that she understood and val couldn’t help but smirk back.  it felt like there’d been so much she was missing but maybe this would fix it. “i think i can kiss you again for sure. you know, just for practice, to make sure my lips still work right and all.” teasing words slipped past her lips and valerie smiled, a real smile toward the other before leaning in  again  so their lips could meet.
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brooke almost giggled like a schoolgirl at her wife’s teasing and she leaned forward to connect their lips. she wouldn’t push anything. just kissing her wife was already more than she’d gotten in the last few months. at least, kissing her like this. not just a peck. she kissed her lovingly and slowly, her hand resting on the other woman’s waist. all she wanted was this; being close to her. she had to show quite a bit of restraint not to let her hand wander or to push her wife on her back. she wanted to, badly but this was great and really, she should just go with what valerie wanted, whatever that was.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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just as she finished answering an email, she’s met with the unpleasantness of literally bumping into someone. this is exactly what she got for having her nose buried in her phone while walking down the street, because apparently that email couldn’t wait a few more minutes. “shit, no sorry it’s totally my fault.” maybe it was, or maybe they were both to blame. but whatever the case, it didn’t really matter. “you okay? i’m not usually that distracted.”
“me neither.” she told her with a chuckle, just glad that the other woman didn’t seem mad about their collusion. “just... very distracted.” she admitted and sighed. how was she ever going to plead this case in this state. she wanted to do a good job but all she could thinking about were her two daughter and how she’d absolutely messed up, apparently. she wondered if it was about them having three moms, maybe it was too much.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
She wasn’t sure why she decided to interact with the woman, perhaps because she had taken the first step, and everything seemed easier when she wasn’t left to her own thoughts. “No, not waiting for anyone. I just…I like the park,” she replied, trying to shrug away the question she didn’t have a proper answer to. 
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“that is a fair reason to be here.” she said, jokingly. she looked over at her sons and waved at them as they were at the top of the slide, ready to go down. “so, are you in high school then?” she wondered, just wanting to make some small talk.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
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“nice to meet you as well.” it was nice to run into friendly people now and then, especially somewhere where you barely knew anyone. as the two boys approached them, remi immediately stood up from his spot, tail wagging at the sight of them. “oh, of course. he loves it when you scratch behind his ears.” she told them with a smile before turning back to nour, “are they with you?” surely they looked like they were related, but just assuming so felt maybe too forward. 
the boys quickly showered the dog in attention and nour smiled at them. she looked up at the question and nodded. “yes, they’re my sons. the tall one is abdullah and the talkative one is jasmir.” she introduced her sons. “do you have children?” she wondered.
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crcssingpaths-blog · 6 years
lei watched her for the moment and just chuckled.”you get use to it and it’s better stuff, but you know, it’s a job i love.”a smile on her lips. even if bushville seemed like a quiet place but it wasn’t always.
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nour smiled. “loving the job you do is important. we spend so much time doing it.” she said and watched her son, abdullah run over to her, crying. “mâmân!” he yelled and immediately, her attention was fully on him. “what’s wrong?” she asked him as she put him into his lap. he showed his elbow as a result. there was nothing there, just a little redness. he probably banged it against something. she rubbed it softly with her hand and kissed his forehead. “it’s okay, baby.” she told him. “hey, want to know something really cool, abdullah?” she asked him, wanting to cheer him up. “lei over here... is a police officer.” she said and she watched his eyes light up. “really?” he asked his mom and when she nodded he turned to lei and just said. “wow!” excitedly. “where is your uniform?” he asked, slightly confused.
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