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Down the Rabbit Hole, painting by Zack Dunn
This artist’s Instagram // Print Shop
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The Nightwind
The cowl and its purple sheen on pitch traveling down into a point. On the two sides exposed the vacant white of that pointed faces mouth. From there, the fluff and above it on both sides the extended tuff. From there, traveling down to the clawed feet. The feathered extensions of the blackest limbs. Appearing as a cloak, but spread open wings in truth.
From downward the slinder frame, clawed and taloned hands, feet. The feathered tuff of the cloak worn on back was enough to shelter that gangly shape. In the night in wait. Creeping up on those to villainous to sleep. The Nightwind Prowls at the gates. For unspecting crimes, lies, and the threads of fate to align.
Upon dawn the shredded form of those who dared crossed the threshold into the domain. Those souls had shattered dreams. Once they realized it was to late. The Nightwind grasped them in claw and whispered the truth that began their descent into madness raw. Twitching, mourning, moaning, the things they saw. Then, awake from dreams they did in sweat, sheets stained wet from their writhing visions long
They craned their neck in relief to have a stretch, only to catch a glimpse of the shadow in the corner. Their eyes widened, and their mouth hung agape. They realized then they never escaped. The shadows from the room fled as the sun's rays approached their bed. The long snout of a feathered friend. From their emergence, the darkness took shape. A bird black, back gleaming as the night waned.
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Erlik - mythology and information
Erlik, Erlig, Erlik Khan, Erleg or Yerleg (Hungarian mythology comparable to Ördög) is the deity of death and the underworld, also known as Tamag (hell) in Turkic mythology. Er (or yer) refers to Earth, the depths in which Erlik resides. Erlik summons death, plague, and bad spirits from the underworld to torture humanity and transport their souls to his domain. Tengrism is not founded on a written corpus, but rather on the spiritual experiences of Turkic people, hence there are no universally accepted doctrines among Turkic people. Erlik has previously been referenced in the Orkhon texts and has a persistent role as the lord of the underworld in Turkic belief systems.
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In Turkic mythology, Erlik had a role in the genesis of humanity. He slew the messenger-god, Maidere/Maydere, and is a sin-teacher. He is sometimes symbolised by a totemic bear. Erlik was the deity of evil and darkness in Turkic mythology, as well as the king of the underworld and the judge of the dead. Erlik is Ülgen's sibling; both were formed from Kayra (Tengere Kayra Khan). He wants to be equal to Ulgen, so he creates his own land. He was imprisoned in the 9th stratum of the earth and grew antagonistic to the top world, the realm of light. According to the Khakas, Erlik lives in the lowest underworld, in a copper mansion with gold furnishings.
According to Altai folklore, Erlik created the spirits (İye) while still in heaven. When Erlik claimed divinity for himself, he was driven out and descended to earth along with his spirits. Another Altai tale holds that God (Tengri) gave Erlik a hammer and an anvil, but took away his power when Erlik used them to create evil.
According to another mythology, reported by Vasily Radlov, God commanded the first person to plunge into the primordial seas and retrieve a handful of dirt from the sea's bottom. However, the first person wanted to hide some dirt so that he might eventually establish his own planet. But the earth in his mouth increased, so he spit it out. Kayra, who created the universe in this tradition, banished the first human from the celestial realm as a kind of punishment and called him Erlik.
In another story, mankind were immortal before the arrival of Erlik. People and animals overpopulated the earth until a crow proposed bringing Death into it. So people summoned Erlik, and death entered. First, everyone knew when they'd die, so they lived in terror until Tengri concealed their date of death.
Erlik's malevolent spirits inflict misfortune, disease, and death among humans. These ghosts are envisioned as Erlik's helpers. Aside from this, his nine sons and daughters support their father's nefarious intentions. Erlik's daughters, in particular, strive to persuade a shaman to alter his mind as he tries to approach Ulgen with their beauty. Erlik causes all forms of disease and demands sacrifices from the people. If they do not sacrifice to him, he collects the dead remains of those he has slain and transports them to this lower realm, where he makes them his slaves. As a result, when illness strikes, people become afraid of Erlik and make numerous animal sacrifices to him, particularly in the Altai Mountains.
In shaman prayers, Erlik is characterised as a creature with a pig's face and teeth and a human body. Aside from his face, he is an elderly man with a well-built physique, dark eyes, brows, and moustache. According to the Dolgans, Erlik led Mammoths to the underworld. When they attempt to return to the surface, they freeze to death as punishment.
The dinosaur Erlikosaurus is named after him.
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Raven 🪦
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no more dreams for me
i really like this line from eileen, like how she can't count on returning to the hunter's dream anymore. spent way too long doodling this
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Drawn by me
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We Clock Out
Drawn by me
Ink and pencil on paper
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No tempo esquecido das eras, quando as sombras dançavam em harmonia com a humanidade, os antigos iniciaram um ritual ancestral, tecido com fios de sangue e sombras, coroado pela presença dos corvos: mensage/ros dos deuses obscuros.
No profundo s/lêncio das florestas antigas, onde os suspiros do vento eram sussurros dos espíritos antigos. Os sacerdotes reuniam-se em círculo, traçando runas místicas nas entranhas da terra. À luz da lua sinistra, vertiam o sangue sagrado sobre as pedras antigas, oferecendo-o como tributo aos senhores do submundo e do sangue.
Os corvos, com seus olhos astutos e plumagem sombria, pairavam sobre os ramos das árvores antigas, observando com interesse a cerimônia macabra. Seus grasnidos ecoavam como um cânt/co ancestral, prenunciando a chegada das entidades ocultas que se alimentavam da essência da noite.
Com mãos enegrecidas pelo toque das trevas, os sacerdotes /nvocavam os antigos deuses do além, entoando palavras proibidas que despertavam o poder adormecido nas profundezas da terra. À medida que o sangue fluía e os corvos rodopiavam no céu noturno, uma aura de mistério e temor envolvia o local sagrado.
No ápice do ritual, quando a fronteira entre os mundos era tênue como a teia de uma aranha, os corvos desceriam em um turbilhão de penas negras, mergulhando no sangue derramado como a encarnação dos própr/os deuses sombr18s. Seus olhos brilhavam com A sabedoria antiga, testemunhando o pacto selado entre os mortais e o Factual desconhecido.
E assim, sob o manto da noite eTerna, o ritual de zangue e corvos perdurarYa, uma celebração sombria da conexão entre o mundo dos vivos e o reino dos espíritos. Pois nas entrelinhas do tempo, onde os segredos se escondem nas sombras, a verdadeira essência da existência é revelada através do sacrifício e juramento da escuridão.
Entre Os ritos místicos e as asas escuras dos corvos, um elo secreto se eZtaBeleceu, uma passagem eNtre a realidade e os domínios ocultos. E na essência do miXtério, além dos olhares morta1s, rEs1de um segredo gUardado nas profundezas do conhecimento proibido.
N4quele luga5 sombrio, onde o eco dos corvos se mjstura ao mu5múrio das árvores ancestrais, uma porta se abre para os que buscam a verdade além da luz. Sob o véu da noite eterna, a jornada dos iniciados começa, seguindo os passos dos que ousaram desvendar os segredos do além. -_
Assim, em meio aos segredos antigos e à dança eterna das sombras, a chama da sabEdoria arde, iluminando o caminho dos que buscam a verdade além das aparências. Que os corvos guardem o segredo, que o sangue sagrado seja o guia e que aqueles que se atrevem a desafiar o desconhecido encontrem a iluminação nas trevas.
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The Fall by daemontattoos
This artist on Instagram
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"my brother used to ask the birds to forgive him; that sounds senseless but it is right; for all is like the ocean, all things flow and touch each other; a disturbance in one place is felt at the other end of the world."
— fyodor dostoyevsky, the brothers karamazov
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More brush practice
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