girlboss-enthusiast · 5 hours
im thinking of jobs that involve contact with the private area. doctors, beauty salons, tattooist/piercer. they all wear gloves and work in sterile environments, also the worker is clothed.
im thinking of jobs that involve saliva. also doctors, covid test stations. again, sterile environment, worker is clothed, probably even wearing a mask, and gloves.
im thinking of jobs where the worker has to get naked. actors and actresses, models. they are at least supposed to have a coach on set and an agent supporting their safety.
none of this is implemented in prostitution and never will be because it destroys the illusion of it being about sex and not money and power exerted through it. sex cant be regulated or professionalised and thats beside the point that with all possible regulations it is still unwanted sex.
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girlboss-enthusiast · 13 hours
when vita sackville-west wrote to virginia woolf “i miss you even more than i could have believed; and i was prepared to miss you a good deal” and radclyffe hall wrote to evguenia souline “and nothing will matter but just we two, we two longing loves at last come together” and emily dickinson wrote to susan gilbert “now, farewell, susie…i add a kiss, shyly, lest there is somebody there” and eleanor roosevelt wrote to lorena hickok “funny was that i couldn’t say je t’aime and je t’adore as i longed to do, but always remember that i am saying it, that i go to sleep thinking of you”
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Happy Pride Month here's your much needed reminder that same sex love is beautiful it's 1000% okay to reject dick havers for any reason and anyone who tells you otherwise is backwards and homophobic 🏳️‍🌈👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
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hii i recently fell in love with movies again so i made a uquiz where you can find out which actor would play you in a film about your life.
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The Tragic Hero omw to confront Mrs. Massey for attacking Danny. With a baseball bat.
pov: you’re in a horror movie
1. create your own look here
2. find out what role you are here
I kind of love the result I got :)
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no pressure tags: @foodiewithdahoodie @queereldritch @elhaspowers @gothbower @ohfallingdisco @josephandjamie @josephfakingquinn @johnsimms @cuethemulti @can-of-pringles @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @nebulousfishgills @mimisempai @thelostsisters @lokisgoodgirl @cultofsheep @onesmainbitch @jcbbby @whumpzone @catboysienna @lussiane333 @erdarielthewhumper @abitofboth @galactic-magick @llywenn @chaos-monkeyy @highwarlockofphilly (only if you feel like playing, no pressure or anything 🥰)
if I didn’t tag you and you’d love to join, please don’t hesitate to do so. I’d love to see the results you got. everybody is welcome!
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pov its pride month in the succession universe
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I'm excited to announce my collab with V1TECH for tech and LED art prints! It was a lot of work but they turned out great! Designing the PC cases was a fun nostalgia trip since it was the closest I've come to doing 3D art since I moved away from Game Development. There are more designs to come in the future and a LOT more on their site.
Click here to check them out!
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art by Jordan Noel Davis.
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oh give me them ALL
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You've probably read this, but if not: Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better
I'm legitimately terrified about the future bc of this. I can't see how we can change course and avoid this capitalist dystopia we're careening toward. It makes me feel so helpless and brainwashed bc we can't opt out and still be a part of regular society. And so few people seem to care!! I feel like I'm going insane.
anyway i'm mostly in a constant state of anxiety because everything is a subscription, i have to pay a fee for a website to have basic functionality, everything is so fast-paced at the expense of quality, human connection is becoming harder and harder to achieve, everyone is in a constant smartphone daze, AI is fucking everywhere. there are literally "smart toilets" on the market now that are controlled by mobile apps. like why the fuck do you need that? i wish i could opt out of every human activity i partake in getting siphoned into a database. i feel like a fucking caged animal
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Alanna the Lioness
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one of my favourite things is seeing posts like this that are clearly a reference to some fandom or piece of media, but having no idea what it’s referencing, so i’m just reading it like. yeah that would be weird huh
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I hate the “Thoreau’s mom did his laundry” criticism so much, it drives me crazy.
Henry Thoreau did not go to Walden Pond because he thought it would be a fun adventure. He went into the woods because he was deeply depressed and burnt out. He was running from the horror of his brother and best friend recently dying in his arms, and the haunting memory of causing the Fairhaven Bay fire. His friend Ellery Channing literally gave him the ultimatum of either taking some time off to write and think, or else be institutionalized.
I think Thoreau’s mother saw her depressed son choosing to retreat into a small cabin in the woods, and was worried about him. Of course she did his laundry - just as Ralph Waldo Emerson probably brought him firewood and bread. These were not chores of obligation to support a “great” man, but services of love to help their deeply depressed 28yo son and friend.
And if you ask me, there’s a lesson in that - to “suck out the marrow of life” and “live deliberately,” one must also accept help offered from the people in your life who love you. There is no true transcendentalism or individualism without love and friendship behind it.
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Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) blooming on the Santa Rita Experimental Range, Pima County, Arizona.
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