continuetobeamazing · 8 years
First of all I can’t believe I’m making this post. I can’t believe I’m writing about the end of my favorite show being destroyed after all this time.
It’s ridiculous to think that Castle will have such an unfair end. The show that I have followed, loved, supported and worshiped for more than five years and that I have defendend even on the rought times. But this time is different. ABC just showed they don’t have any respect for anybody that watches Castle. Even worse I guess, no respect at all for Stana and Tamala.
I’m trying to think about this situation not as a fan, but as a watcher of what was one of the biggest crime shows of all time. And there are already a giant amount of responses and letters to ABC regarding this unexplained choice, and of course they’re all right, but I can’t deal with the fact that this is real. Castle is such a huge part of my life, always was. The show lives within me, I can feel it. I’m so sad that this is happening to the fans because I never thought it was possible. I think about how I came here every week to share my feelings about every episode and every decision made on the show. How I care about every plot ever written and how impact it has in my life.  And I know the staff have nothing to do with it, and that’s why we’re all grieving.
I decided to write something the moment I read on Twitter the writers saying how heartbroken and devasted they were too. Eight years of well written and beautifully developed arcs to just and in this brutal way. We stand with Stana, Tamala and all other women that are fired for “budgetary reasons”. I know that I’ll have forever this show in my heart. It means the world to me and I can see myself watching through the years to come. I don’t want to believe that the consequences of everything will change the way we see how the show was before all of this. All I keep thinking is that I’ll pretend the season(s) to come don’t exist and keep with the ones that were still respecting my favorite characters. But deep down we know that it wouldn’t make any difference, we just wanted a fair ending, an ending that Andrew and Terri could give. They taught me about respect for a character, for a storyline, so that way I now respect them. I wish a fair ending for them too.
This is the first time Castle has really made me feel sad, and it’s not even the show’s fault. I don’t know how I’ll manage to watch the rest of the season, the last one for me. This is the worse thing that could’ve happen to the fans, and something that nobody involved deserved. And since everything I think about it makes me even sadder, I’ll try to avoid anything related to this from now on.
I’ll support Stana. No matter what.
I am so sad.
And not only because Stana and Tamala got fired witout any possibility of replica by a shameful and sexist decision by ABC. I am even sadder because of all the articles that keep coming out in the web almost every hour.
ABC is killing Castle, not only the show, they are killing its founding idea, everything Andrew Marlowe and Terri Miller thought when they created what once was a really great show. They wrote about a beautiful love story having respect for every character, from the lead ones to the extras.
This is not what the network is doing right now. After having fired the lead actress and the co-lead, it is said it will certainly renew the show for another season (even if a short one) when all the other years they have withheld the fans until the last day to decide the fate of the following season. No comment here.
Furthermore can we talk about the possible ways the series will get rid of Beckett. I have faith in all the writers about they having writtern some sort of final ending that is coherent with the character I have learned to respect and to look up to in all these years. I really hope so, because I am pretty sure the writers love Beckett as much as I do, and I hope and what to believe they will give her the funeral pyre she deserves like the old greek heroes.
The more I think about how ABC handled everything, the more I am sad and angry because Castle was a beautiful show born from the ideas of two beautiful people, and now all you can see is contempt and hate. It is not what Castle deserves, what Andrew M and Terri M deserve, it is not what the fans deserve. 
ABC you deleted 8 years in 48 hours.
And if you really believe that I, woman, I will watch your show, after you fired two actresses for budgetary reasons, as far as I really appreciate and I simpathize with everyone who is working/has worked in the Castle backstage for all these years, making it an iconic show, appreciated worldwide, you are SO wrong. I feel betrayed, and I can’t even say. I certainly didn’t want it to end this way.
Stana is done with Castle? So (sadly) am I.
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continuetobeamazing · 8 years
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castle → fave season 8 scenes | for: anon
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continuetobeamazing · 8 years
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drstanakatic: #DalmatianWhispers 😜
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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And regarding my relationship with Mr. Castle, he has proven to be a brilliant partner and he’s always had my back. And as for his fictional representation of me…
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
Most people think that writing is a solitary profession. That we spend our days in our imaginary worlds. Fighting, loving, dying, but we don’t do it alone. Because anything that’s good in our writing comes from the truth and the truth is, I’m here because of the people in my life.
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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Seven years ago I thought I would never write again. And then you walked through the door, and my whole world changed.
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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Rumors about the future of the series have swirled of late, with sources telling THR that the veteran drama from Andrew Marlowe could return for an abbreviated final season. While it’s unclear if season eight will be Castle’s last one thing is certain: showrunner David Amann, who took over for Marlowe in season seven, has exited. Procedural vet Barry Schindel (CAA), who returns to the drama after a brief run in 2009 and whose credits include Numbers, Intelligence, Unforgettable and Law & Order, will replace Amann and take over as showrunner. (x)
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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990 notes · View notes
continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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Castle, please tell me I don’t move like that. I mean.. do I?
Is this a trick question? What answer is not gonna have me sleeping on the couch tonight?
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
Castle, please tell me I don’t move like that, do I? 
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
castle’s smile/laugh (◡‿◡✿)
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882 notes · View notes
continuetobeamazing · 9 years
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There’s a sweet camaraderie on this set. So, there’s always teasing & having fun. These people have become a family to me after this many years & this much time together. - Stana Katic
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continuetobeamazing · 9 years
I want to talk about Castle.
Hi. Let me rant a little here about something we might have in common and if you read until the end we should talk.
These past few weeks I’ve been reacting a little bit different when it comes to watching the show. I say different because it is not that I love it any less or more, it is still the same to me, but now I started to realize how meaningul this show is in my life. Looking back, I used to put aside all of my daily activities so I could reserve the right amount ot time to watch an episode and discuss it or look for opinions online later. I did it because I felt like it was the only way to absorb everything this show had to offer for me weekly. Actually, this part didn’t change much, otherwise I would be doing some college work right now instead of trying to explain to myself and whoever is reading this how I am feeling regarding Castle.
What did change is that now, after every episode, I have that bittersweet feeling that it is ending. There’s nothing official yet, we’re still waiting to hear, all numbers indicates a next season etc etc. However, come on. There IS motive to assume it’s a series finale, and althought I wish it wouldn’t happen, maybe it’s for the best. I just wished I would have more time to prepare myself because, like I said, the show has a deep impact in my life. If someone asked how I want the show to end I’d say is whenever the producers feel like their job is done, and that’s what’s happening right now. I feel like they’ve done their job. Why should they worry about new storylines and mythologies when the main arc is perfectly resolved? (I could write another post about the Castle-missing-for-two-months story and whatever they will come up about when he was a kid but let’s leave this for another time). I want the show on the air while there’s a solid content to explore, so let’s not ruin those characters and all that had been done for seven years. In my mind, that would happen if they were being forced to write another season.
After these four years, since I first find out about the show and started to get involved, I know that I don’t regret all the time I spent watching (and rewatching), checking twitter for news and sharing my opinions here on tumblr. I will always be grateful to this show cause it is the only one that ever made me feel this way. Castle thought me how a good storyline is created, how to understand the depths of a character and introduced me to the greatest love story there is on TV. (Well, it really is the greatest one of all time in the history of humanity but let’s keep it small). I can’t tell you another series or movie that changed the way I see things the way Castle does. I have a long list of favorite TV shows that I’m proud to say I’m a fan, but it’s just different. I could talk about Lost and Six Feet Under as my longtime friends that teached me about life; Friends, Parks and Recreation and Arrested Development are the friends that I trust to make me happy whenever I feel miserable; Mad Men, Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad will always be there for me to have a good time. But Castle is the one.
There’s two episodes left and two weeks with this new, sudden feeling that makes me wonder why the hell I care so much about Castle and why it is so hard to let it go. Let’s see how we all will react from now on.
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