Tooth decay, also called cavities may occur when the bacteria inside your mouth forms acid that damages the enamel and the teeth. If you do not treat tooth decay, this may cause severe pain, infections and eventually, #toothloss. The decay procedure starts with invisible damage to the tooth enamel those progresses to the deeper layers of your teeth. Read on to know the 8 #causes that #prevent #toothdecay.
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Cosmetic dentistry is the gateway to finally having the smile of your dreams. All imperfections can be fixed with an array of modern treatments. Read on to know about innovative cosmetic dentistry.
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Overbites is a crucial teeth problem that needs proper treatment at the right time. You can resolve the problem easily when treated at the suitable time. Read on to know about the significance of treating teeth problems at the suitable time. Click here.
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Everything You Need to Know about Malocclusion or Bite Problem
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A senior member of the faculty at a premiere dental school in London says, ideally there should be a slight overlap regarding how the upper jaw will rest on the lower one. But, when there’s more than normal overbite or under bite, the condition is called malocclusion. In other words, people, who suffer from malocclusion, don’t have their teeth properly aligned.
This problem is often found to be hereditary and complicated with the problem of overcrowded teeth. Thankfully, the majority of cases involving the problem require no corrective treatment because of the very minor misalignment issue. There are corrective treatments in modern dentistry for the other such cases. Apart from the genetic or the hereditary factor, there are other causes that are known to lead to the problem. These include:
Facial trauma or injury
Thumb sucking habit in the childhood
Oral tumours
Prolong use of childhood pacifier
Now that you’re aware about what the dental problem of occlusion is, let’s see the types or varieties of such cases  that are usually found.
The cases of malocclusion are broadly divided into three categories.
Class 1 malocclusion: These cases are very common and involve the teeth in the upper jaw slightly overlapping those in the lower one. This overlapping is so minor that it is almost negligible and doesn’t affect a normal bite.
Case 2 malocclusion: This type of malocclusion cases invariably involve the problem of overbite. An overbite is a typical condition when both your teeth in the upper jaw and the jaw itself abnormally overlap the lower jaw and the teeth placed in it.
Case 3 malocclusion: This range of malocclusion cases result from the problem of underbite. An underbite is a typical condition where your lower jaw and the teeth placed in it overlap the upper jaw and the teeth aligned in it.
Treatments for curing malocclusion
As we stated earlier, most malocclusion cases are so  minor that those people need no corrective treatment at all. However, in the cases of Class 1, 2 and 3 malocclusion, treatment is crucial as the corrective measure. This type of dental cases are cured with orthodontic treatment, using:
Teeth removal
Using braces and retainers
Oral surgeries
Surgery is mostly the last resort to deal with such challenges. The other three procedures, namely teeth removal and using braces and retainers are carried out simultaneously to complement each other. Treatments for correcting malocclusion often provides benefits beyond helping you attain proper bite. It makes easier to clean the teeth while brushing and thus, maintain a better oral hygiene. This in turn lessens the chances of having tooth decay, cavities and other general dentistry issues.
If you suffer from bite problem, make sure to visit Wimbledon Dental Practice today. The practice is located at Merton High Street in Wimbledon and is committed  to provide modern dental treatments to both NHS and private patients in a warm, friendly environment.
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Missing teeth can actually affect your confidence but, thankfulness to effective developments in restorative dentistry, now there are two great solutions for their problem. Dentures and bridges can proffer the best way to solve the difficulty of missing teeth – they not only aids in boosting your self-image but also a correct problem related to your mouth as well. But which is the correct option for you? The solution for this problem can be provided by visiting the dentist near you. Visit for more details: https://goo.gl/5UCwRU
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How Dentist Find Out The Symptoms of Neck and Head Cancer - Infographic
Dentist at Confidental Dental Clinic will see your face and neck to find out whether there is some swelling or abnormalities. This will enable him to understand if there is any sign of cancer.
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