code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Calypso Nyxie
Both Calypso and Amaya had been the center of attention in all the bad ways. Calypso had small, fluffy, grey wings. Amaya looked nothing like their mother or father. She had black hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes. The older kids at school had laughed and started yelling insults at the pair. Calypso had always known that she was weak, but that didn’t stop her from trying to defend and protect her younger sister. That was the thought that was at the front of her mind when she ran to a group of kids surrounding her sister. They were standing above the girl, laughing and kicking her repeatedly. Calypso was sick of it. She wanted to do something about it, but she didn’t know what. Feeling herself moving, she narrowed her eyes and forced the fear to the back of her mind. She grabbed one of the older boy’s arms and yanked him away. Air Horns started sounded in Calypso’s mind as the boy turned around.
The boy loomed over her, “What do you want,” he demanded.
“I… I want you to stop picking on my sister!” Calypso squeaked.
The older boy howled with laughter, “You think, you can actually come up to me and ask me to stop picking on this freak?”
The group slowly started circling around Calypso, “Y-yes?”
“Well, then you’re going to be sorry that you thought that was a good idea.”
With a snap of his fingers, the bullies swarmed down on Calypso, shoving her to the ground and kicking her wings and her gut. She curled up, holding her head and enduring the beating. Hot tears had started streaming down her face by the time the bullies got bored and left. Calypso coughed, rolling onto her hands and knees. She look around, not seeing her sister.
She must already be home…
Calypso cough once more, wrapping one of her arms around her waist. She rolled back on her heels and shakily stood up. Danis was in front of her and wrapped his arm around her, holding her up. Calypso leaned against him, thankful for the support.
“What happened?” Danis asked.
“They were… picking on Amaya again…”
Danis gave a little shake of his head, “Let’s just get you home.”
Calypso nodded slowly and started walking. She wanted to stop the bullies. One way or another, she would figure it out.
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Slenria Catajin
Slenria’s father covered her eyes, but she could still hear the screams from people she had grown up with. they had lived in a rebellion zone for as long as Slenria could remember. It wasn’t uncommon for people to be shot down or punished, as the authorities liked to call it. This time, it was different. This time, even with her eyes covered, Slenria could tell the group was her best friends family. A crack of a whip echoed through the city square, followed by a young girls scream. Tears welled up in the young elemental’s eyes. She knew that she would never see her best friend again. Slenria quickly pulled her father's hand from her face, just in time to see a pistol shot, killing the young girl. Slenria covered her mouth and sank to the floor. She had seen this type of thing before, but this time, the rebel wasn’t some faceless nobody. This time it was her best friend, a person she considered to be her sister. Her father pulled her up to her feet, dragging her back to their home. There was an unspoken rule in XXXX that people left the city square after an execution. The government guards would shoot down anyone after an execution if they looked at them wrong. Slenria was paralyzed. With fear, anguish, rage, she didn’t know. All Slenria knew was that it wasn’t fair. The slam of the front door snapped Slenria back into reality. She wiped her face with a shaky hand, trying to calm herself down. Her father knelt down in front of her and gently grabbed her hands.
“You know…” he started slowly, “They are in a much better place, with Zilena.”
Slenria gave a little nod, “But.. Why did they have to take XXXX…?”
“I’m not sure, little minnow. But, I do know, that she will always be with you so long as you wear the necklace she made for you.”
Slenria gave a little nod and pulled out a necklace that had a crystal on a black chain.  Slenria held the gem in her hand, feeling the warm that radiated off of it. The stone was had a soft, blue, glow around it. It was a soft blue color with flecks of gold in it. At the stones center, there was a thin column of light that moved around slightly. It looked almost like the gem had some form of a heart, or a soul. XXXX was also an elemental; she was able to make different gems with her ability. One day, she had made Slenria and her matching necklaces, in case they were ever separated. As the young elemental gazed down at the crystal, she took a deep breath and nodded. She would figure out some way to avenge her friend, one way or another.
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Gaelin Fenna
Gaelin was on her way to her work when she was stopped by a mysterious hooded person. Being her naturally curious self, she stopped when the person told her too.
“Are you lost?” Gaelin asked curiously.
The person gave a shake of their head and held out their hand, “Come with me, there's a child in need of help.”
Gaelin tilted her head a little, her black hair falling in front of her eyes a little. Normally she would just head to work, but if there was a child in need then she wanted to help. Gaelin grabbed the person's hand and nodded, “Show me where.”
The person grinned widely and started running toward the cities forest. Gaelin started running after them, wondering where the child was at. The person turned into a rather dark alley and turned around. Once Gaelin turned into the alley, the person grabbed her sharply and jabbed a needle into her neck, pressing a red liquid into her neck.
Gaelin woke up with a start and sat up quickly, making her head pound. She quickly stood up and looked around the little cell. It was small, there was just a single bed near the wall and a tiny window. It was then Gaelin noticed the weight on her back. She looked behind her and saw a pair of brown wings. They had various shades of brown going across them in waves. Gaelin widened her dark blue eyes as she looked at the wings. A feminine voice came over the intercom, making the moon elf jump.
“Time for food. Leave your rooms and follow the nurses to the cafeteria.”
Gaelin looked around as the door to her room opened. A young man stood there with a dingy white nurse uniform and a helmet looking thing on his hands.
“Come out and turn around.” He commanded.
Gaelin nodded quickly and did as the man said. He then gently folded Gaelin's wings and pressed the helmet over them. Gaelin flinched a little, her wings were still tender. When she turned back around the young man nodded.
“Follow me to the cafeteria.”
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Ashryn Keydi
Ashryn was on break from school. She was wandering around a big mall, trying to find her friend's. She ran her fingers through her strawberry blonde hair as she walked around the mall. When Ashryn came to their usual hang out, a food court, she looked around for a few moments. Her friends weren't there. Ashryn found it odd, so she decided to buy a smoothie and sit down to wait and see if her friend's would come back. She idly stirred her smoothie as she waited. A hooded figure had sat down across from Ashryn. Thinking it was her friend's, Ashryn looked up with sparkling blue eyes. When she saw the figure, she felt her feelings sink. As she slowly looked around the food court, she noticed there was no one else around. Ashryn sighed softly and raised her eyebrow.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, in fact, I need help taking some things out to my car. Could you be able to help me, young lady?”
Ashryn looked around and shrugged, “Yeah, sure.” She said, finishing her smoothie. She stood and went to throw the cup away. The hooded person stood up and followed Ashryn.
“Come, I'll show you were my things are.”
Ashryn nodded and followed them. She didn't fail to take note on how oddly slow they walked. There was hardly anyone walking around the mall. Ashryn shrugged it off and continued to follow the person. As they came to a store front, Ashryn saw a pile of small and medium sized cardboard boxes.
“These must go to my car.” The person said and picked up one stack of boxes.
Ashryn nodded, “Alright,” she said and picked up the other stack of boxes. They were lighter than she had expected. She looked at the figure and started to follow them to the outside of the mall to a van. Ashryn set the boxes down and smiled at the person, “Well, there you go!” she said warmly and turned to head back inside, it looked like the weather was going to turn bad soon. The person grabbed Ashryn’s arm, turning her around quickly.
“A reward for you, young lady,” they said and put some money in Ashryn’s hand.
Ashryn stared at the money for a brief moment before looking up at the person, “Please, I don’t need you money.” She said slowly and handed it back.
The person nodded a little and took the money slowly. They slid it into their pocket, pulling out a needle of red liquid out once Ashryn turned around. The person wrapped their arm around Ashryn’s body and jabbed the needle into her neck, pressing the liquid into the artery. Ashryn’s knees wobbled a little before she slumped over.
The young elf woke up slowly. She could barely remember what had happened but she felt resentful. Ashryn slowly sat up, feeling the chill of the metal cot underneath her and weight on her back. She turned slowly and gawked at a pair of yellow a salmon pink wings on her back. Ashryn stood up slowly and opened the wings slowly. The bottom layer had a pale yellow base with gun metal grey on the bottom. The whole of the wings were lined with a salmon pink. The top part of the wings had two salmon pink dots with a few smaller speckles in them. Ashryn jumped as a woman’s voice came over the intercom.
“It’s time for food. Leave your rooms to get your wings restrained, and then follow your nurse to the cafeteria.”
Ashryn turned toward the door as it swung open. She stepped out of it and met a young woman in a dirty white nurse uniform, holding something that looked to be a big helmet. The nurse offered Ashryn a little smile, “Sorry… This might hurt… I know your wings are sensitive,” she said softly before gettings shocked by something.
Ashryn gave a little nodded and turned around, “What… is this place?” she asked slowly.
As the young woman began slowly, carefully, folding Ashryn’s wings, “It used to be Lilypad Mental Asylum, but now its Ashfield Laboratory. Most call it The Ash Lab.”
Ashryn gave a little nod and flinched when the nurse tightened the last strap.
The nurse have a small smile and turned down the hall, “Follow me to the cafeteria.”
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Amra and Erlathan Genlana
Their parents didn't want them but weren't cruel enough to kick them out or kill them. They were sun elves, born into a family of moon elves. Their father had called them a disgrace to the Genlana family name. With their dirty blond hair and blue eyes, they stuck out like sore thumbs at family gatherings. They both desperately wanted to leave, to run away. But they were far too weak to even make it out of their little village. Someone would be bound to collect them and take them back to their house. The forest behind their house was forbidden; people, travelers, went missing in it every month. Amra and Erlathan were only 10 when their father had chased them out of the house.
Amra was huddled in the corner of their small home with her twin brother, Erlathan, next to her. They hadn't eaten in days. Their father drank far too many alcoholic beverages and started yelling at them,“ You little shits slandered this family name!” he screamed, throwing one of the glass bottles at them. The bottle shattered against the wall a foot from were Amra was sitting.
Erlathan wrapped his arms tightly around Amra, who was sobbing uncontrollably. Erlathan stood up, hauling Amra up with him. He stared at their father for a brief moment before racing out the door in fear. They could hear their father screaming for them to come back. Erlathan took off into the woods, ignoring the bad feeling he was getting. He didn’t really know where he was going but he wanted to get him and his sister away from their father as soon as he could. Their father’s slurred screaming had gotten farther and farther away as the siblings ran deeper into the forest. They slowed down and ended up collapsing. They had exhausted all their energy running from their home that when a hooded figure appeared above them, they couldn’t move or call out for help.
Amra stared up at the person is absolute terror. She couldn’t move. When the person pressed a needle into Erlathan’s neck to inject him, Amra started crying softly, “No… please…” she whispered and tried to reach her hand out toward her brother. She felt a needle go into her neck as well. Pain made the young girl’s vision go fuzzy until she completely passed out.
Amra woke up with a start, causing her to fall of the thin metal cot she was laying on. She shakily stood up and looked around the small room. Erlathan wasn’t there. Amra slowly started panicking; she began pacing the length of the 6 foot long room. When she turned around to close to the window wall, pain blurred her vision. It was then that she realized a pair of dusty white, speckled, wings were on her back. She stared at them for a few moments before a woman’s voice came over the intercom.
“It’s food time. Leave your rooms, restrain your wings, and follow your nurse to the cafeteria.”
Amra rung her hands together as the door swung open into a bright hallway. Amra slowly walked out to be met by a young woman in a dirty nurses uniform. She offered a little smile before holding up a helmet looking leather dome. Amra slowly turned around and let the woman gently fold up her wings and put the restraint around them. Although the woman’s hands were gentle, the act of folding her wings made Amra whimper in pain.
“Follow me, little one,” her voice was gently, but still didn’t ease Amra’s panicked feeling.
“Ma’am… Where’s… where’s my brother…” Amra whimpered.
“You’ll see him in due time, little one.”
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Celeste Kala
It had started out like any other day for the eccentric young woman. She went about her day on campus and started walking around campus, enjoying the nice weather. As she walked, Celeste started feeling like someone was watching her. She looked around the area but only saw other students going about their business, so she shrugged it off. She started wandering back to her dorm room as other students started watching her.
“That's odd… I know I'm pretty, but this hasn't happened before…” she mumbled and started making her way to her dorm.
Once she was at the dorm, she unlocked the door to her room and walked in. She went to her room and stopped dead in her tracks. A shadow apparition was sitting on her bed. Celeste raised her eyebrow.
“Hello, young high elf. I've come to give you help with your studies.”
“I'm… perfectly fine with my studies.”
The apparition stood up and held out a little red pill, “This will help you focus more on your studies.”
Celeste looked at the pill for a moment before taking it. The figures hand was solid, it sent chills down Celeste's spine, “Well… help with studying is always appreciated, I guess,” she said slowly and went to her bathroom to fill up a glass of water and take the red pill. After she swallowed the pill, she went back to her room. Her knees buckled, sending her to the floor. She looked up at the figure with panic written across her face. The last thing she saw before passing out was the menacing grin the apparition had.
Celeste slowly woke up to the sound of people talking she looked around slowly. The room was bright. Celeste shielded her bright hazel eyes and sat up. The room was empty, save a long mirror on the wall. Celeste swung her legs off the bed and stood up. She shakily walked over to the mirror and gasped. On her back was a pair of huge wings. They had two spots on the top and bottom that were a light brown color. The rest of the wings were a yellow-orange color with the outsides lined with brown. The bottom part of her wings had long tails that dragged on the floor slightly. Celeste covered her mouth as tears started streaming down her face.
The sound of a woman's voice made Celeste jump, “Ah good! Your awake! You must be hungry, go out that door and your nurse will restrain your wings and take you to the cafeteria. You must be hungry.”
Celeste stepped back from the window, running into the stretcher that she had been laying on. When her wings touched the bed, pain shot through her body, making her yell in pain. The door to the examination room swing open as a young man came in with a helmet like restraint, that was likely used for zeloris people. Celeste started backing away from the nurse as he got closer. Once Celeste was cornered the young man restraints her wings quickly. Having her wings shoved into this restraint caused even more pain the course through Celeste's body. Once the nurse stepped back Celeste feel to her knees only to be picked up by the nurse and taken out of the room.
“Take her to the cafeteria and make sure she eats.”
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Edgar and Vesstan Perdove
Edgar was on his way back to his dorm after a study session with Winnie, was of his classmates. As he walked, he knew that his brother, Vesstan, would be mad at him. It was late, but Edgar enjoyed spending time with Winnie. He started feeling a weird feeling; like someone was following him, but as far as the young moon elf knew, he was alone. It was late and most students where already in their dorms or out at parties. Edgar shrugged off the feeling and quickly walked to his dorm. When he turned the key, the door flew open and there was his brother standing in the foyer with his arms crossed and a crossed look on his face.
“I know what you’re going to say-”
“Then what am I going to say, Edgar? Do tell me!”
“I’m sorry I was out after curfew. Our study session went really long.”
Vesstan rubbed his face and groaned, “Just make sure you keep track of time next time.”
“I will, don’t worry,” Edgar said and retreated to his room. After going about his nightly ritual, Edgar flopped onto his bed and fell asleep.
The next day he woke up to loud knocking on the dorm door. Edgar rolled out of bed, pulled on a pair of sweats and walked out to get the door. One of the campus security guards was at the door talking to Vesstan.
“Have you seen a young elf by the name of Winnie?”
“Yeah, we had a study session last night,” Edgar said slowly, “Is she missing?”
“Yes. Her roommate contacted us after she wasn’t picking up her number.”
“After the study session, Edgar came straight back to the dorm, just half an hour before curfew, he couldn’t have done anything to her,” Vesstan interjected.
Edgar nodded, “I’ll keep an eye out for her, though.”
The security guard nodded, “You men, stay safe.” He said before going to the next room over.”
“Yes, sir,” both men said in unison before shutting the door. Vesstan turned to Edgar and crossed his arms, “I just lied through my teeth for you.”
Edgar raised his in defence, “I know, I know. It’s weird what happened to Winnie.”
“Yeah, she’s a shy, hesitant, girl who doesn’t really go out…”
Edgar shook his head a little. He wanted to do something to get her back. He walked back into his room to find a hooded figure sitting on his bed.
“You want to see the mood elf again, don’t you?”
Edgar stopped in his tracks, “Where did you take her?”
“If you want to find her, I’ll take you to her. You, just have to take this pill.”
The person held out a small red pill. Edgar took it quickly and dry swallowed it. He wanted to find his friend by any means possible. A few moments after he took the pill, Edgar collapsed to his knees. The last thing he saw before blacking out was the person on his bed grin.
Edgar woke slowly and sat up. The cot underneath him was cool to the touch. He slowly looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. It was small. Smaller than his dorm room. He stood up slowly, noticing the weight on his back. Glancing around, his brown eyes widened at the sight of a part of dusty wings on his back. They were mostly brown with spots and stripes of orange and red. The outside edges were cream colored with a bar of brown between them and a bar of orange that fades into white. Edgar groaned in pain as he moved them. They were sensitive. Edgar looked around as a woman’s voice came over the intercom.
“Food time, leave your rooms, bind your wings, and follow the nurse to the cafeteria.”
The door swung open into a bright hallway. In front of the door stood a man is a dirty nurse uniform, “Step out so I can bind your wings.”
Edgar was to confused to disobey so he stepped out and turned around. As the nurse started shoving Edgars wings into a leather helmet shaped thing, Edgar thought about what happened the night before. The memory was fuzzy, he could remember taking a little red pill and that was it.
After the nurse bound his wings, he stepped back, “Follow me to the cafeteria."
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Aithlin Lorarie
It had started out like any other day for the young high elf. He was simply on his way to the local park to relax and draw. He felt dark aura in the area, but he shrugged it off as some kids making trouble. He found a big shade tree to sit under and draw the different animals that came up to him. As he drew, the dark aura continued to get stronger. It took him a few moments to notice a person sitting behind him. Aithlin turned to confront the person but was instead met with a needle to the neck. The person pressed the red liquid into Aithlin’s neck, causing him to lose control over his body. He glared at the person behind him before he slumped over.
Aithlin woke up slowly on a metal bed. He groaned and winced in pain as he tried to sit up. He turned around and drew in a sharp breath when his warm brown eyes landed on a pair of wings. The were red and white with accents of black. The top part of the wings had red and white stripes with black dots in the white stripes. The bottom of the wings had a white and red ombre with thin black stripes on the outside of the wings. The wings themselves we're big, twice as long as the high elves arm span. Aithlin carefully stood up and tried moving the wings. They were heavy and seemed wet. Aithlin ran his hands through his dusty blond hair, starting to become panicked. While being distracted by the wings, he couldn't remember what had happened or where he was. The only thing he could remember was that he was drawing in a park. The rest was fuzzy. A woman's voice came over the intercom that was just outside his small cell.
“It's food time. Follow the guards to the cafeteria.” She said with a tinge of insanity in her voice.
Aithlin door swung open into a brightly lit room. He blinked to get his eyes to adjust to the sudden change of light. A young woman in a dirty white outfit stood in front of the door. She held up what looked to be a helmet, but it was far too big to go on his head.
“Turn around.” She said simply.
Aithlin nodded a little and turned around slowly. The woman bunched up his wings and forcefully shoved them into the helmet. It took every bone in his bone not to shout in pain. He tried moving away from the woman, only to be pinned against the wall. The woman tightened the strap on the helmet and stepped back.
“Follow me to the cafeteria.”
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Character intro: Winnie Kala
Winnie's day started out so well. She had gotten her test back and got the highest mark in the class, then she went to lunch with friends. It wasn't until she was back, alone, on campus. She felt weird. Like someone had been following her. Once she was back in her dorm, she told her roommate who simply just brushed it off as a ghost. Winnie nodded slowly and went to her room. The moment she closed her door and turned around, a shadow apparition materialised at her desk. Winnie jumped and squealed softly before clamping her hands over her mouth.
“Hello little moon elf.”
“H… hello?”
“I've come to take you away to a place that has a library that you could spend days in.”
Winnie perked up slightly but shook her head, “The campus library is just as big…” she said hesitantly.
“This one is a mile long, little elf.”
“A mile long library… that sounds amazing!” Where is it?”
“It's in another plane of existence. If you want to visit it, you must take the bookkeepers pill.” The figure said and has held out a small red pill.
Winnie hesitantly took the pill and rolled it around in her fingers. She was wondering why her roommate hadn't checked on her, it was obvious she was having a conversation with someone, “I'll… I'll think about it. I have a study session I need to get to.”
“You have 3 days.”
The figure dissipated, leaving Winnie in her room by herself. She shook her head and collected her bag and went to the library. She continued muddling over the pill that she left on her desk and whether she should take it. She shook her head and walked into the library. She found Edgar sitting and a desks along the wall. Winnie smiled and sat across from him.
“Hey, ready for this,” She asked with a warm smile.
Edgar nodded and grinned, “I'm always ready for studying.”
Winnie laughed and laid out her notebooks, “I think… we can just go over flashcards, since you scored only a few marks under me.”
Edgar nodded, “That sounds like a great plan, to me.”
While the pair was studying, Winnie couldn't help but think about the conversation she had with the shadow person. Was it worth it to go to that library? Was this just a hoax or a prank? She didn't know what to do.
“If I had the opportunity to go to a huge library… should I go?” She asked Edgar who looked up with a raised eyebrow.
“With you love of books, I think you should.”
Winnie nodded and smiled, “Alright!” She said warmly. She came to the decision to take the little pill. After all, it couldn't hurt. Right?
After the had finished with the flashcards, Winnie looked down at her phone, “Its part curfew!” She said loudly and stood up.
Edgar laughed, “Let's head back to or dorms then.”
Winnie nodded and started putting her notebook and flashcards back in her bag and skiing it over her shoulder. She patiently waited as Edgar did the same. Once he finished they walked out of the building together.
“It's a beautiful night,” Winnie said warmly.
“It sure is,” Edgar said with a smile.
They had made the rest of the wall in comfortable silence. Winnie stared up at the stars as the walked. She always had a fascination with them. To go to a library that probably has thousands of books on them, she couldn't contain her excitement. Before she knew it they were back at her dorm building.
Winnie smiled and hugged Edgar, “Goodnight, Edgar.”
“Goodnight, m'lady.”
Winnie laughed sweetly and kissed Edgar's cheek. She turned and went up to her dorm room to find her roommate standing in the doorway.
“Had fun with your babe?” She said with a grin.
Winnie blushed lightly and smacked her friends arm, “You know we aren't together.”
“You sure act like it.”
Winnie smiled and shook her head before pushing into the dorm, “Don't you have an early class tomorrow? Go to bed.”
“Yes, mom,” she said and laughed, walking to her own room.
Winnie smiled and went to get a cup of water from the bathroom and went to her room. She grabbed the little pill and took it quickly. What happened next is something that she didn't expect. The shape figure returned just as the pill took its effects. Winnie stumbled a little, tripping onto her bed. She looked up in time to be see the apparition had a wicked grin spread across it's face. The Winnie's world went black.
The young woman woke up slowly in a bright room. She blinked, hoping it would help her soft green eyes to adjust to the light. She sat up and looked around. There was a long mirror on one side. Winnie carefully stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her mind hadn't registered that she had a pair of soft green wings on her back that had short tails on them and four dots on the top and bottom parts. The inside of the wings was lined in a soft brown that ended at the wing tips. After a moment a woman's voice came over the intercom.
“When the door opens, a nurse will come in to restrain your wings and will take you to the cafeteria, you must be hungry.”
Winnie nodded slowly and jumped at the door swing open. A man walked in with a leather restrain and started placing it on Winnie's wings. Her mind was so scrambled that she wasn't registering what was happening, out that having her wings restrained sent pain through her body. Once the nurse was done he stepped back.
“Follow me to the cafeteria.”
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code-name-nyx · 5 years
Tumblr media
This too me a good 30 minutes but ya know lol yay for loose character designs
(the name sasnin came to be by the adults in the group)
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code-name-nyx · 6 years
Some various things that get used by agents
Plus clothes
Tathla: Attire worn by someone with high social status with a set of beads worn to identify the social standing of a certain person.
Katranite: a crystal that changes color based on the emotions of the wearer or whoever is around the gem.
Arkoth: Armored vehicle, typically used by TIS agents or Sancs depending on the situation. These typically have 5 seats: the top seat controls the vehicle, the two below that are navigations, the three below that control the weaponry.
Vambrace: These are tools to help agents get across wires that they use to get from their stake out to the target location in a quiet way.
Primitive Expedition Droid (PED): A robotic animal that goes out with Agents and Sancs which helps them find they way around different areas, records missions in case something goes extremely wrong (Kidnapping), and allows agents to get in contact with the TIS branch of wherever their mission is.
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code-name-nyx · 6 years
Here are some dragons that I created for the universe
Dafida: About the size of a Nadder, and a spiked tail that is retractable. These dragons have muse that is common in medicine. They are known to be found in mountains or heavily  wooded areas.
Dwelaf: A small dragon found in underground lakes or caverns. These dragons have a deafening roar, but they only use it when they feel threatened. These are usually very docile and calm unless they feel the need to defend themselves or pack mates.
Flawleaf: A forest dragon that uses its wings as shelter. They are about the size of an 18 wheeler truck and have feathers they run along its back that resemble leaves/ their horns have the look of bark. These dragons don’t fight but run and hide due to their docile nature.
Harsuo: A type of wyvern that can grow up to 30 feet long with black scales . It has yellow eyes and large wings. It’s claws and horns are its primary fighting tool. If those fail then the Harsuo will start crushing the attacker under it.
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code-name-nyx · 6 years
Celeste opened her eyes. She sat up and looked around the cell. It was small and damp, only a thin stream of moonlight came through the window. It gave enough light to illuminate the small cell. Celeste swung her legs off the bed chained to the wall. She covered her face, resting her elbows on the tops of her legs. She wanted to get out. She yearned to see the world outside of the laboratory that she was created in. Celeste stood up and walked to her window. The tails on her wings grazed the floor as she move, causing a shiver to run through her body. She placed her hands on the window sill. The concrete was cold under her hands. Celeste heard soft rustling coming from the other side of the cell. She turned around to see Winnie sitting up, her soft green wings glowing in the moonlight. A soft smile graced Celeste's features as she turned fully toward her sister. They were the first successful experiments that the people at the laboratory. The people that worked with them after they were created called them sisters so they connected as sisters. Celeste flapped her wings a little and rested her hands on Winnie's shoulders.
“We're gonna get out of here, Winnie,” she spoke with a hushed tone, one she would use for a frighten child.
Winnie looked up at her sister with a slight nod, “I know. You and Edgar will figure it out, you always do.”
Celeste knelt down, her wings folding down on themselves. She nodded with determination. They all wanted to get out and they will find a way to make it happen.
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code-name-nyx · 6 years
Hello again!
So, this morning I made a Wix blog for cn:n!
Here is the link for it!
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code-name-nyx · 6 years
Slenria had gone out on a walk around the city. Calypso and her had around 2 weeks off or so to recover from their mission. While Calypso was the main one that needed recovery, Slenria couldn’t really do much without her partner. Oron had decided to give them both time to recover. Slenria decided to go on a walk in one of the forests near the agency. She had always found comfort in the forests. It was a place that could calm her magic. A place that felt her energy and took some of it. While walking through the city, she had walked through a cloud over steam, or some other substance. Slenria started coughing; the cloud smelled rather toxic. She covered her mouth and quickly walked from the cloud. She gave her head a little shake and continued to walk. After a few blocks, she had started getting rather dizzy. She leaned against a wall just as her world started spinning. She groaned softly and held her head. The dizziness slowly started giving her a headache. Slenria thought about the cloud she had just walked through. It couldn’t have been toxic enough to that effect this quickly, could it? Her vision slowly started getting blurry. It was then she had decided it was a good idea to go back to the agency and tell them about what was happening. The pain in her head had slowly started getting worse and worse. She kept hand on the building next to her as she walked. Once she was back at the agency, Slenria went to the infirmary quickly and explained to them what was happening.
It didn’t take long for the doctors and nurses to come to a stand still. The symptoms that Slenria was telling them about were similar to those of a concussion, however upon further inspection, they couldn’t find anything else that points to her having a concussion. They were all stumped. Slenria had mentioned the cloud of steam but they really didn’t think anything of it.
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code-name-nyx · 6 years
After a week of Calypso going down to relax in the technology department, she finally convinced Danis to get out and go on a walk. They would run around the forests when they were younger, playing games or just exploring. It gave them both a chance to get out of their houses and be in good company. They had ended up talking a car to a trail head. Calypso climbed out and took in a deep breath. The area smelled wonderful. Between the dirt, little creaks, and fall leaves, the forest smelled cozy and comfortable. Calypso smiled to herself and stretched. It had been ages since she had been to this forest; coming back to it flooded her mind with memories.
She turned to Danis and grinned wildly, “It’s been a long time, don’t you think?”
Danis gave a little laugh and nodded, “It sure has.”
Calypso locked the car and turned toward the trail. She grabbed Danis’s hand and started walking. It was quiet. But not in the literal sense of the word. The world around the pair was a calm quiet. Occasionally there were birds chirping to one another, leaves rustling, and little rivers lazily bubbling near by. The sounds of the city were long gone, they were covered with the breeze playing with the tree branches.
“Do you remember when we used to run up and down these trails searching for fairy circles?” Calypso suddenly said, smiling warmly at the memory.
((Not as long as yesterday’s but ya know lol
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code-name-nyx · 6 years
Xander began to regain consciousness. After his ordeal, the torturer had shackled him to two metal posts. They said something about burning him, that was all him picked up before passing out from the pain of getting his eye gouged out. He was near his breaking point and sure that the others were there, as well. Although, he couldn’t see them, he knew they were all still alive. Every so often he would hear a blood curdling scream from either Calypso or Slenria. Danis would occasionally howl out in pain. Xander could feel heat to his right side, his gut started sinking. He glanced over to see his torturer standing over an oven of sorts. They pulled out a rather large, glowing, brand and pushed a button, making a small garage door open. There sat Calypso, tied to a chair, surrounded by her own blood. Xander’s heart dropped when she looked up at him. Her eyes were dim. It wasn’t like this was the first time he had seen her. Just a few hours prior, the torturer had opened the same door when they had stabbed his eye out. Seeing his friend look as broken as she did made the young elf shudder. She was usually bright and happy. The torturer gazed at the brand a moment longer before placing it back in the furnace and pulled out a smaller brand. The person turned around slowly and cracked a wicked grin. They stared down at Xander with the look of insanity that an animal would have after finally capturing their prey after not eating for weeks. Xander tried moving away from the white hot metal. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared, or down right terrified. The moment the brand touched the skin of his arm, Xander hollered out in pain, causing Calypso to flinch and look at him. The pure fear and helplessness that shone her eyes haunted Xander. He wanted to break free and save the agent but he had no means of breaking the chains. He grit his teeth as the torturer pulled back the brand, pulling bits of skin from Xander’s arm. The person pulled out the bigger brand and turned toward Xander with it. It looked like a sun. The middle circle was surrounded by crescent moon shapes. There were spikes pointing out of each of the crescent moon shapes. The brand was glowing white. Xander could feel the heat radiating off of the brand. The person moved to be behind Xander and brought the brand up to Xander’s back. They slowly pressed the brand into the elves back, causing him to shriek in pain. The cell slowly filled with the smell of roasting flesh. Xander’s world started fading in and out of darkness. The last thing his saw before succumbing to the blackness was Calypso’s terror stricken face.
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