clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Mod K here, and what Dezi said is true! We are gonna do our best to gre-do this little roleplay with promos and bios and such. Get stuff going again and maybe get some of you guys back and some new. 
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Okay. Hi. Don’t freak out. No, I’m not a ghost.
So, I know it’s been awhile and that all of our schedules have gotten in the way of our modding and roleplaying abilities.
But, with that being said, we all miss this group — and all who have participated in it — like crazy. So, Mod K and I are going to be teaming up to conduct an activity check, produce more bios, and resume promoting this RPG!
If anybody else is interested in helping us tackle this project, please shoot the main a message. We’d love to see this RPG be restored to its former glory!
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Kida Nedakh | 23 | Doctor Intern | Jessica Parker Kennedy | Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Kida had always been curious, about her people, her culture, if she couldn’t be found in the history section of her town’s library she was bothering someone else about something she didn’t understand. Her interest in the mind and psychiatry happened as her father got older. It had always been the two of them, her mother having passed away when she was very young, and he was her everything. He ended up getting on the onset of a mind debilitating disease that led her into medicine and study of the mind. Right after her first year of college he ended up passing away. It devastated the young woman and she went into a depression, not knowing how to function or what to do now that her rock she had had in her father was gone.
One day, during her own therapy session, her therapist told her she ought to continue on in his name in what she wanted to do, that she knew Kida was a strong woman and could do it. Taking this incentive, and the hit to the face that her father wouldn’t want her to just give up on her learning, she went back and is now an intern under the many doctors at The Clubhouse, learning all she can about how it is to help those who needed it. Kida is eager to learn and to help, she’s positive in almost everything she does and has the determination to make it where she wants to. However, she is no pushover and can stand her ground against anyone who tries to deter her from the track in life she has chosen for herself, and a patient who may think she’s just some dumb intern.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Bambi Fawn | 18 | PTSD, Depression | Adelaide Kane | Bambi 
Bambi had lived with her mother, the two supporting and loving each other to the end of the earth, after Bambi’s father died when she was young. The two were so close, always together. Bambi left to go out with friends on her 17th birthday, and when she came home, she had found her mother in a pile on the floor, her blood strewn through the house. Her mother had been victim of a serial killer who had been traveling through the area, looking for empty homes. Bambi was found by the police, curled up next to her mother sobbing uncontrollably. When they pulled her away, she was muttering without direction. Bambi spent a year in and out of hospitals before being sent to the Clubhouse Asylum for treatment.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Jebidiah “Cookie” Farnsworth | 47 | Michael Rooker | Cook | Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Cookie is tenured, and that is the only reason he still is at The Clubhouse. He is older, ornery, and completely backwoods on his beliefs, however if you take the time to get to know him, he is quite caring in his own odd way. However, his cooking, is horrifying. They tried to teach him how to balance meals, use things other than beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard. He chooses not too, saying the “newfangled vegan glutton free stuff” isn’t real food. On the days he cooks, the patients tend to flee from the Cafeteria at the sight of the strange, porous, almost acidic food he puts out for them, laughing and saying it will keep and keep regardless of if they eat. He genuinely believes it is better for the patients than the “other stuff” the properly trained cooks prepare for daily meals.
Despite Cookie’s odd way of cooking and looking at the world, he is quite friendly, and will offer his straight faced, honest opinion on anything, and will allow patients to talk to him if one of them is brave enough to approach the rough country rooted individual.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Mod K here. Hi guys! I apologize for us being so absent as of late, I had to cover everyone shift at my job but now that people are finally coming back from vacation, so I am able to be about more. I’m going to try to kick our little roleplay in the pants and get us revved back up. If you’ve been a lurking and a watching and wanted to join but didn’t know if we were still active, go for it! Send that application my loves. 
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
is this still open?
We mods have been a bit busy as of late, like for instance my job has distracted me for a bit due to people going on vacation and my boss needed me to cover their shifts. But we are still open :)  -Mod K 
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
i'll be sending my account for Ariel in sometime today !
Alright love we look forward to it! 
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Ariel Trident goes to Nicole (you’re FC change is approved) 
Welcome to the Clubhouse! Please send in your blogs via ask as soon as possible!
Things to do after you send in the blog:
Go follow everyone on the masterlist
Make sure you read the rules, and just remember to have fun!
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
Do you all have any most wanted characters at the moment?
Mod K here! I know I would love to see any of the Nightmare Before Christmas characters. If anyone else has a most wanted reply on this so the dear anon can know :) 
Mod Tay adding that we have a TAG for this kind of stuff. /mw
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Forrest Br’er | 23 | Compulsive Lying | Miles Teller | Song of The South
Middle child syndrome was strong in Forrest Br’er. Jealous and envious of his older brother, Reed, and spiteful and angry towards his younger brother, brandon, Forrest hated both of his siblings more than anyone could hate another person; he also was a compulsive liar. 
Forrest may have been charming in school, but he was often seen this way because of his web of lies. First it was that his parents weren’t actually druggies, but rich company owners--always on vacation. Then it was his ‘hobo chic’ which he wore to help promote the charities he worked at. The lies like these just piled up to stop Forrest from ever having to face his real life. 
When Forrest got out of school, he worked for his Uncle’s auto shop. He was a good worker, but he also found it necessary to lie to the customers about the cost--pocketing the overcharge for himself. His Uncle was a smart guy and knew someone was wrong with Forrest, more than just him being a bad seed. After a psych evaluation, his uncle sent him to the Clubhouse for an intensive treatment.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Brandon Br’er | 22 | Substance Abuse | Kyle Gallner | Song of The South
The youngest of the three Br’er siblings, Brandon always found himself trying to keep up with his older brothers. Either in sports, academics, love or friends, Brandon was always the one left behind. His parents weren’t particularly active parents as they were often found in their bedroom higher than the clouds, so even though Brandon didn’t have anyone to try and impress--he still felt the need to be better than his brothers. 
When he got to high school, Brandon didn’t want to just be the next Br’er sibling in line. He knew he’d never be as smart as Reed or as charming as Forrest, so he decided to be the best in the worst possible way. Brandon started hanging out with a bad crowd, developed an addiction to smoking cigarettes and passed freshman year with straight D’s. By the time he was a junior in high school, Brandon had moved on to hard drugs and even overdosed once just before his senior year. 
When he graduated, Brandon got a job working at the auto shop that his uncle owned. He worked there until his uncle caught him coming to work after snorting cocaine. Since his Uncle was the only male in his life that really gave a damn, he sent Brandon to the asylum that his brothers had also been admitted too. 
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Jefferson Hatter | 25 | Sebastian Stan | Undiagnosed | Alice In Wonderland
The furrowed brow and bit lip complemented the sweaty forehead and shaky hands of little Jefferson Hatter. Even as he grew up these tell-tale signs were always a signifier of an outburst–of his crazy. His parents, his teachers and any peers that dared get close enough would be able to tell that he was about to boil over. And yet, the kids at the school yard would taunt him and tease him until he broke and like anything fragile breaking is inevitable.
Jefferson never made tea, but drank it every day. Twice a day. Sometimes more. The clock always read ‘tea time’ and his mother always made it the best. Now she’s dead. As is his father. The courts agreed Jefferson was insane when he killed them and now he’s stuck in an asylum. No one makes tea as perfect as his mother and that might just be the reason why the Clubhouse is making him crazier rather than helping him overcome his illness.
Or maybe it’s because even when something broken is pieced back together, you can still see the cracks. Jefferson will be at the asylum for a very long time. He’ll rage the halls with mood-swings and rude comments without the ability or desire to care—about himself or others.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Hercules Olympus | 21 | Niall Horan | Body Dysmorphia | Hercules 
Hercules, or rather, Herc was raised by his adopted parents after his mother couldn’t raise him alone. 18 years of living in the unknown, Herc decided to find his birth parents. After discovering his mother wanted nothing to do with him and that his father hadn’t been heard from in years, Herc decided he didn’t need biological family to be apart of his life. He was very happy with his two supportive adoptive parents and regretted even looking for his birth parents.
As for Herc’s childhood, he was always a very scrawny boy–teased for his size and bullied for his enthusiasm. Herc always wanted to fit in and be like the jocks at school, however he wasn’t built to be part of their group. He didn’t have the muscle to play sports or the thick skin to take the harsh words, so instead, Herc waited until after high school to focus on building up both.
After two years of dedicating almost every hour to his body and mind, Herc has developed both muscles and a severe case of Body Dysmorphia. His adopted parents suggested he take the summer to focus on his mental health and hopefully he can return to college in the fall with a better mindset.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Aurora Briar | 24 | Emilia Clarke | Student Nurse | Sleeping Beauty
Studying to be a full-time RN, Aurora finds herself constantly drained of coffee and constantly falling asleep on her text books. Working two part-time jobs, student nursing, raising her daughter and going to school full-time, the blonde is almost at the edge of breaking, and yet she perseveres.
Rory is very cautious to keep her time management under control because she knows if she doesn’t carefully plan out everything, then she may begin daydreaming and fall asleep. The poor girl has a habit of getting lost in her mind when she needs to focus on textbooks or patients.
Although she’s very busy and always preoccupied with something, Rory tries her hardest to be the best nurse, friend and mother that she can be. Without much family support, Rory lives in a small studio apartment in the middle of town.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Aladdin Amari | 19 | Avan Jogia | Kleptomania & Compulsive Lying | Aladdin
Aladdin never knew his father, his mother didn’t talk much about him, and often was too busy to give her only son much of her attention. Al as he was called, took it upon himself to entertain himself, wandering about the neighborhood and exploring while his mother was at work or sleeping off a particularly long shift. He soon realized he could get away with stealing, it gave him a rush, excitement he had never felt before, and he did it for just that. He never stole important things, just random objects he decided to see if he could get away with. As he got older, it became an addiction, as well as a need to survive. His mother was never home, she’d forget to fix meals and left him to fend for himself, her work life too demanding to be a mother too. He stole food at grocery stores to get by, bread, cheese, apples, anything he could. If he got caught he made up a tall tale about needing it for an imaginary sibling or his sickly mother, even once claiming he was a prince from a faraway land and he shouldn’t be made to pay for it.
Everything caught up with him when he was 19, he was brought home to his disheveled mother for trying to make off with an entire drawer of money from the local grocery store. Worried about her son, his mother had him sent to The Clubhouse rather than jail, insisting he could get rid of his bad habits. Aladdin is charming in the clubhouse, he will chat up people and make friends with them, but be careful, he may be stealing something for you, or that story he told you about being a prince is one of his lies.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Alice Liddell | 16 | Hannah Murray | Schizophrenia | Alice in Wonderland
Alice lived in a world of her own, surrounded by beings that only her imagination knew of. Her parents prided on her imagination, often laughing about their youngest daughters weird adventures in this Underland she had made up. However, when this place seemed to stick around as she got older they started to worry. Alice would spent most of her time locked away in her room, chattering away to people no one could see called Atta and Air, they were her friends, they had tea parties, unbirthdays, and according to the odd girl they played croquet with flamingos and hedgehogs. She got in trouble at school for not paying attention to lessons, daydreaming and demanding she be let go because they needed her in Underland.
By the time she was 16, they couldn’t even get her to go to class. She lived in the world, developed weird habits when they made her socialize that often led to her having fits about needing to leave immediately. Her parents finally got her help, taking her to a psychologist who diagnosed the girl with Schizophrenia, her delusions and hallucinations fitting the diagnosis. Fearing that she may never get better without the proper care, they put her in The Clubhouse, hoping a less sterile environment would help their beloved daughter get better.
Alice is friendly in The Clubhouse, she has many friends and will tell you exactly how Atta and Air act, even trying to explain Underland to you. She’s quirky and a bit spacy, but harmless for the most part, completely oblivious that she has a problem at all.
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