clouds-fics · 2 years
Ink Stains
A/N: This is my first time posting a fanfic on here! I hope you all like it! It’s from the video game Bendy and the Ink Machine, and it’s something I wrote about two years ago.
It was obvious that Sammy and Wally had a bad relationship. Everyone in the studio could see it.
However, that was just simply not the case.
Sammy was in his sanctuary, annoyance creeping up his spine as he scribbled out notes of music.
It was like a language, he thought. A language that he couldn’t decipher. Or at least find it in himself to finish. He was missing something; an important puzzle piece in his symphony.
Then, in quick rasps, he heard thumps make a quick tattoo into his entrance. He blinked, taking a quick look at the small clock and noticed it was past work hours. He was almost tempted to ignore it, but it was so panicked and familiar that he quickly opened the door. What met his eyes made him shiver.
Wally was in front of him, shivering and drenched in ink. His eyes were wide, and his hands trembled like a leaf in the wind.
Sammy quickly let him in, taking care to grab the slightly stained towel that laid on his stained desk. He led Wally to his seat as he ignored the tug at his chest.
“ What happened?” He questioned softly as he wiped off some of the ink.
Wally shook as he said,” I-I... It hurts...” He whined as he tugged at his stained hair. His hat, which he usually took very good care of, slipped off of his head and landed on the inky ground.
“ What hurts?” Sammy questioned as he tried to gently rub off the ink.
Wally seemed to not hear him, and Sammy looked into his eyes only to freeze when he saw them.
Eyes that usually resembled melted caramel now was a pure black.
It was like a signal as Wally heaved over, loosing his lunch as he sagged against his friend. Sammy was chilled by this, and his heart filled with dread when he noticed a familiar black.
That tug became a burn and all he could do was look away as he questioned softly,” What happened?”
Wally just continued to tremble, and it took a few moments to realize that Wally was mumbling. Sammy held back a sob as he tried to wipe off the ink. Unfortunately, it seemed to have a mind of its own now. It weaved along the teenager’s body, making even the most persistent scrubbing useless as it evaded him.
Wally was dying, and there was only one way to fix it.
Sammy snatched the hat from the floor and after sticking it on the teen’s head, picked him up and ran out the door.
Heat spread across his skin like a tidal wave, but all he could do is shiver. Voices, amplified to the point of deafening him, wailed and screamed in his ears.
He felt bile rise up, but he managed to keep it down as he looked up to the man carrying him.
Sammy had a scared but determined face as he raced against the clock. Wally, even in his haze, managed to catch the quiver in his lips and the slight tremble in his lips.
In that second Wally knew he was in big trouble.
He elected to ignore this thought. With a slightly delirious mindset, he decided he needed to cheer up his unofficial big brother. With his shaky hands, he grabbed the hat off of his head as firmly as he could. With a small sweep he planted the hat on Sammy’s head and began to babble.
“I crave your affection, but I crave your silence even more– shut up.” Sammy shakily drawled, but Wally didn’t seem to notice as he continued his speech.
With a shaky smile the man tousled his hair affectionately.
The janitor couldn’t help but lean into the warm touch, and all he could wonder was how his body was so hot but all he could feel was crippling cold.
They eventually arrived at the ink machine, and Sammy took care to lay the teenager softly on the ground. It still elicited a noise of pain from him, and it took everything in Sammy not to flinch and collapse on the floor. No- that was for later. For now he had to be the strong hero. Especially amongst his mistakes and sins.
He shakily darted out and sprinted to the offering room. He blessed his lucky stars that Joey had forced them to bring an offering, even if he did hate it. He wasn’t some crazed worshiper, but he’d be a liar if he’d said that wasn’t what Joey wanted him to be...
With a whimper he slammed the button and sprinted as fast as he could to the ink machine. He slipped and slid on inky black as he finally arrived at the ink machine.
He took no time in pulling the lever, making the machine rise into the air. He turned to Wally, heart gripping as he noticed the blackened blood that leaked from his mouth and his eyes. The only thing that managed to comfort the music director was the shivers that wracked his body. It meant that he was alive.
It meant that he had a chance.
Sammy reached down and picked him up, eliciting a startled groan from Wally. He merely rubbed a hand through his hair apolitically as he scampered over to the small tub that pumped out the ink.
With shaking hand he laid Wally on there and said,” It’s okay, I’ll make you feel better Wals.”
Wally groaned as he limply laid on his back, and the last thing Sammy did before he left him was kiss the top of his head and turn to the controls.
With shaking hands he began to pull the levers and push the buttons. He tried everything he could and eventually he was rewarded with a stream of ink gushing out of the machine. He slid onto the ground, shoulders shaking as his entire body was wracked with sobs that held no candle to the grief that consumed it.
It was hours later when Sammy awoke on the floor. He was confused for a slight moment, mind searching for an answer before the weight of what had happened hit him.
He collapsed again, body trying and failing to wrack in oxygen as his vision grew blurry with tears.
Wally was poisoned. Wally was dead. Wally was gone. Wally was gone gone gone.
He was gone.
He was swimming. That’s the only way he could describe it. Honestly, it was kind of nice. It would have even been almost peaceful if it weren’t for the shouting and the pitch black darkness.
The being, Wally, a voice in his head echoed, swam around aimlessly. He wasn’t sure where he was, and just as he was about to start yelling out too he heard sobs.
With his curiosity piqued he swam up. It was like moving through molasses. It felt thick and sticky against his... What was he again?
He couldn’t quite remember.
He ignored this in favor of following the cries; familiar and heart wrenching they drew him closer as he made his way up.
Then he breached the surface.
The air licked his skin, making him hiss in surprise as he blinked away the thick liquid in his eyes.
The lights were yellowed and made the walls appear a dark honey comb color. Black splattered the walls and noises seemed to create an odd symphony of ticks and grinding gears.
The thought sent a bittersweet feeling in his chest before it faded away; leaving him as quick as it came.
He would ponder this later, right after he got out of this ink pit.
With a grumble he padded forward in a doggy paddle. The ink seemed to drag him down, and it took everything in him to stay afloat.
Then he saw him.
The man was stained with ink he noted. He was crumpled on the ground and made worrying wheezing sounds- not unlike a broken squeaky toy.
Wally eventually made his way out of the ink and onto the balcony. His arrival, unnoticed to the music director, was a blessing to his aching muscles.
He dusted himself off, making a few splatters of black staining the soft wood. Wally winced, a sudden though reminding him that wood being soft wasn’t good. Especially for something that was suspending him about a giant pool of ink.
Shaking those thoughts away he started forward; paws miraculously not staining the wood as he asked the figure,” Hello? Are you okay?”
The figure was startled from his grief, turning to him with wide frightened eyes.
Sammy wasn’t sure what to do. He stared at the short cartoonish raccoon that was in front of him with a burning fear in his heart.
Would he hate him? Did he blame him for what happened?
... Did he even remember him?
Claws of anguish scratched at his chest and ripped at his insides; leaving a bloody mess of insecurity behind for him to deal with.
“ Do... Do you need help?”
Sammy let out a quiet whimper as he watched his every move.
The raccoon, Wally, didn’t seem to mind. In fact, only concern for his well being seemed to shine through two cartoon pie cut eyes.
If that wasn’t what started to flood gates, Sammy isn’t quite sure what did.
“ Oh no, did I do something wrong?!?” Wally fretted as he hovered anxiously over the sobbing music director.
Sammy paid no mind to his words. Instead he sobbed out,” I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry...”
Wally moved forward and gently took the man in his arms. Sammy wailed out as he clutched onto the inky raccoon as well as he could.
“ It’s okay, you’re forgiven...” Wally paused as he wracked his brain for his name.” Sammy.”
Sammy’s cries seemed to intensify and suddenly Wally felt memories flood his mind. With that came the realization that he needed to calm down his brother, and all he could think of is his song. The song that made him feel more human than anything else has.
“ I-It’s alright, it’s okay...” Wally sung rasping as he held him.
His grip tightened as he continued firmly,” It’s alright it’s okay. You’re not a monster... Just human, and you’ve made a few mistakes.”
Sammy cried out again and Wally burrowed his face into his hair.
“ It’s alright, it’s okay. It’s alright, it’s okay..”
Wally’s inky fur didn’t seem to stain his face. Instead it seemed to soak in his tears as he held onto his brother as he sung for him.
“ You’re not gruesome, just human, and you’ve made a few mistakes.”
Eventually with the help of Wally’s song and his love Sammy managed to calm down.
The music director scrubbed at his face mercilessly as he said,” I’m sorry...”
“ No more of that.” The raccoon countered as he brushed at the hair that was exposed from under the hat.” I’m not mad, and I can assure you no one else is either.”
Sammy remained unresponsive except for a quiet whimper.
Wally sighed as he picked him up. Much to the janitor’s surprise, he could almost compare Sammy to a feather as he held him in a bridal hold.
Wally elected to ignore that for now. No, he decided he needed to get him and Sammy out of there.
“ Alright.” Wally began as he trudged forward,” Is there anything you need from your... Sanctuary was it?”
Sammy just shook at the words, and all Wally could do was hold him tighter.
“ I guess that’s a no.”
Wally, after a moment, fished keys out of his pocket and started looking for the exit. To fill the void of silence, the younger man decided to converse with the shock victim.
“ You know, I think I look pretty cool. For a raccoon at least.” He shrugged as he made his way forward.” I’m going to have to hand in my resignation though. Or we could just say I died. Not sure how I could do that without you being a suspect or revealing I’m a furry. Literally.”
Wally snorted as he looked down at his black fur,” I’d say it’s pretty soft though, so fair deal I guess. Say, didn’t Disney offer you a job? You should take that. It’s better than here.”
Sammy started to doze off, and Wally shook him slightly as he said,” Nope, can’t have you dozing off just yet. You still need to listen to my Mickey Mouse impression after all.”
This finally got a soft huff of laughter out of him, and Wally couldn’t help but let a shaky one of him own escape him.
They would be fine, he realized.
Wally felt a few dark tears drip from his pie cut eyes as he said,” Yeah, and you never got around to watching those Disney movies with me. You still have to watch it with me, no getting out of it. Even if I am a giant fluffy raccoon.”
Finally Sammy began to calm down. His body became a limp noodle in his arms and Wally felt his own icy fear dissolve.
They would make it, Wally could feel it.
Sammy sighed as he drove up to his house, tired after a long day of work. Despite him being a musician, he often got sought after for help with the lyrical part of the songs. Adding that with his admittedly middle wage pay, he felt drained.
When he noticed the blue light that flooded out of his living room window, he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. He unlocked the door, and entered the small hall.
He recognized the sound of Bippity Bobbity Boo almost immediately. Heaven knows that he’s heard it enough already. Oddly enough, instead of it annoying him it made him smile.
He quickly entered the living room to find Wally dozing off in a pillow fort. His snores drowned out the fairy godmother’s tune, and Sammy couldn’t help but smile down at his brother. With a click he turned off the tv and the lights. He undid his tie after that and made his way into the fort.
Maybe things weren’t exactly perfect, but as he curled up next to his brother, he knew there was nothing better than this.
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