cleoviro · 2 years
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Julia Watkins ~ “Lovers”
“I’ve been a professional artist most of my life, mostly as an impressionist painter. In 2003 I had a powerful dream where I saw the world around me as spiritual energy. After that I was able to paint energy in everything I saw, infusing my paintings with something that is hard to explain but obvious when you see my work in person. With this in mind I eventually formed the Energism Art Movement. The purpose of my work and this art movement is to raise human consciousness and promote healing by helping individuals connect with the universal flow of energy. My art serves as a catalyst or doorway for this connection.” ~ Julia Watkins
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cleoviro · 2 years
no more self-deprecating jokes as a coping mechanism in 2022. enough! we're healing, evolving and living in accordance with our best selves now
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cleoviro · 2 years
maybe it will be ok. maybe this is just a chapter of my life. I’m figuring things out. I’m feeling everything as I should. I don’t need to have answers yet. I’m allowed to take it one day at a time. I’m allowed to try again and again. none of this is a waste. I’m growing more each day.
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cleoviro · 2 years
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cleoviro · 2 years
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Backwards, Warsan Shire
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cleoviro · 2 years
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Rodarte S/S 2022
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cleoviro · 2 years
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Some basics of Crystals!!! Enjoy lovelies!!
Part 1 ☆♡☆
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cleoviro · 2 years
 I cut a lot of toxic people out of my life last year, including family and friends that I’ve known forever and now I’m at a point where I don’t really have any friends. I’m not gonna lie, it was very hard to do. But once I learned how to spend time with myself and actually have fun, I appreciated the process, this took me a couple of days to make, so I hope you guys really enjoy this!
Heres 100 ways to have fun without having any friends:
Treat yourself to a full body massage every month
Go ice skating or learn to ice skate at your local ice skating ring
Regularly get your nails done or do them yourself 
Go to a concert to one of your favorite artists or as many as you can
 Get dressed up and visit a museum or art gala that you’ve never been to
Treat yourself to a facial or do one yourself at home 
Binge on Netlfix while snacking on some delicious sushi and wine
Go to a bookstore, find yourself a comfortable spot, and read a book, or journal your thoughts
Take your bike for a ride around the area while blasting some of your favorite music
Pack a basket with some drinks and sandwiches and have a picnic at the park  
Learn a new language, you can teach yourself or attend clubs for people that are also trying to learn
Style your hair, do your makeup, and take a bunch of selfies for the gram
Go to a lantern festival 
Take a trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit
Learn to play a new instrument
Enroll in a gym class that interests you
Follow local food guides on Instagram and try out different foods at the places they recommend
Get a new piercing
Get your dream tattoo
Go to the gun range 
Purchase a DNA ancestry kit and learn more about what makes you who you are
Attend as many plays as you can
Volunteer in something that you’re passionate about
Go swimming or learn how to swim
Take yourself out to the movies
Write and publish a book
Buy yourself a new summer dress or bikini and wear it to the beach
Tackle your fear of heights and go sky diving
Visit a cat cafe or animal shelter
Go shopping 
Learn how to make a new recipe
Take aerial silk classes
Take ballet lessons
Redecorate your bedroom or apartment 
Set the mood, light up candles in your room, dim the lights, and try out new sex toys
Get your hair done or buy a cute wig that you’ve always wanted
Attend a convention
Attend a Paint and Sip class, you get to paint art and drink at the same time
Explore local spots in your city as if you were a tourist
Take up martial art classes
Go to the arcade
Play video games
Visit an aquarium
Watch the sunset or sunrise
Binge watch Korean dramas
Buy yourself some chocolate and flowers because why not
Create your own makeup 
Go on a hike
Go glamping/camping
Go to a music festival
Train and run a marathon
Go on a local yacht cruise
Visit pop up shops and bazaars
Go horseback riding or learn how to ride a horse
Go to the zoo
Go surfing or learn how to surf
Ride a plane around your city
Adopt a pet
Buy new toys for your pet and play with them some more
Take a pole dancing class
Attend a TED talk
Purchase lingerie and pose for yourself in the mirror
Go roller skating or learn how to roller skate
Have a photoshoot by yourself or hire someone to do a photoshoot for you
Attend a fashion show
Attend a circus
If you’re into spooky stuff, go to a paranormal tour and dinner adventure 
Go to a sports game
Attend a comedy show
Take part in murder mystery dinners
Crash a wedding
Go the farmers market
Tackle a puzzle
Go the drive in theatre
Create new clothes out of your old ones or transform ones from the thrift store
Go sledding or learn how to sled
Play mini golf
Make pottery
Go indoor skydiving
Try karaoke
Go snorkeling or learn how to snorkle
Try karaoke
Try Go Kart Racing
Create YouTube videos
Go to a rodeo
Place a bet at a horse racing event
Start your own blog and make extra cash from it 
DIY crafts
Go on a drive through wild safari
Play an extra in a film
Go skiing or learn how to skii
Attend a book signing event of one of your favorite authors
Go to an estate sale in a wealthy neighborhood
Learn a new skill online
Go to karaoke night at a bar
Enter a contest
Listen to a podcast
Join a support group
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cleoviro · 2 years
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cleoviro · 2 years
What does it Mean to be Self Aware?
Healthy self-awareness means:
1. Being aware of our changing emotions, and knowing who and what tends to trigger them. Then, using that knowledge to choose how you respond.
2. Being aware of our negative, destructive thoughts patterns, and challenging our tendencies to jump to wrong conclusions … or to over-exaggerate how terrible things are.
3. Being aware of what is happening, and changing, in our bodies so we know when we are stressed, or are reaching breaking point.
4. Understanding our habits and behavioural patterns so we’re not at their mercy, and they don’t control our lives.
5. Being aware of our assumptions and expectations, and knowing how they influence various aspects of our lives – like the goals we set, and the things we say and do.
6. Being aware of how our actions, our words and responses affect and influence other people in our lives (in both a positive and negative way).
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cleoviro · 2 years
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cleoviro · 3 years
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cleoviro · 3 years
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cleoviro · 3 years
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Soure: Instagram
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cleoviro · 3 years
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Her side profile >>>
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cleoviro · 3 years
Angel number 777
You are literally covered in abundance. Immerse yourself in this rich and overflowing energy.
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cleoviro · 3 years
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