claycormier · 4 years
Crap. Toilet paper, that’s what I forgot to buy.
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Good luck finding some, I had a patient tell me earlier they searched 12 different stores and found nada.
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claycormier · 4 years
“Luckily for us I know some good methods of distraction,” She winks, getting out of the car. Taking the hand he extends as they cross the parking lot, Lena nods, shrugging a little. “Yea. But honestly, I’m good. I’m used to it, Clay, and…things with her were never as serious as…we weren’t…nothing was established,” She finally settles on as they reach the door. 
“Oh you do? Looking forward to it.” He lets her figure out what she’s trying to say, giving her hand a squeeze as she does. “Okay, no worries. Just know that I’m here. For whatever you need, and as long as you want me.” Holding the door open for her and grinning, he nods at the server who points at their favourite table. “Wine, beer or straight on the whiskey?”
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claycormier · 4 years
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Bentley did not look impressed when I told him we’ve only got two rolls of toilet paper left. Guess it’s a trip to the store for those essential items as soon as I have some time off. 
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claycormier · 4 years
“Nor would I,” She says, not wanting him to think she’d expect him to. Pulling Bentley into it wouldn’t be right, she just had suspicions that the extraordinarily well behaved middle schooler might withhold information to try and preserve his father’s feelings. “Well, still, you let me keep it all about me,” Lena counters. “That’s amazing news! This is a celebration!” She exclaims with a gesture to the restaurant. “Now you’ll also have piles of paperwork and budgets that I can help you procrastinate on with sex, instead of just the other way around!” 
Clay grins, his eyes lighting up as they pull into a parking space. “Yeah, you’ll be the distracting one for a change while I get everything settled again.” Grabbing his wallet from the console and dropping it into his pocket with his keys, he reached for Lena as they walked towards the front door. “A celebration sure, but you can be sad about Max too. You don’t have to downplay that for my benefit okay. I love you, and I want to be able to support you in whatever capacity you need from me. That sound okay?”
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claycormier · 4 years
“I didn’t say you should,” Lena says slowly. “It’s not my place.” She mutters, shrugging. He turns into the parking lot and almost nonchalantly mentions that Webber asked if he would be the head of peds. She almost doesn’t process what he said, but it sinks in and she looks at him as he parks the car. “Oh my God!” Lena exclaims. “Why didn’t you say something sooner? Clay, that’s amazing!” 
“I know you didn’t, I’m just ... explaining what my thought process was. I don’t want to put Bentley in any kind of weird position and I don’t want to engage with Karev any more than in a professional capacity.” Especially since he was about to be Karev’s boss. He looks up and smiles at her excitement. “Yeah, pretty great huh.” Leaning over to kiss her cheek, he lifted a thumb to run it softly over her cheek. “Well, didn’t want to make it all about me. You’re sad and that’s okay.”
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claycormier · 4 years
Clay, ever the gentleman he was, took Lexie’s coat and hung her’s up too. They found a prime and coveted spot at one of the booths. Lexie looked around the bar and was pleased to see that not much had changed. 
“Oh, yea I’d love some nachos if they still have them, I’ll split them with you. After that shift this girl is going to need all the food she can get her hands on,” said Lexie. She did tend to stress eat, and boy was she stressed. Clay came back a few minutes later with their drinks and a giant plate of nachos, enough to feed at least four people. Lexie smiled. It was going to be a good night after all. 
“Nachos for days!” Sliding the plate onto the table and grabbing one loaded with chilli and cheese, Clay bit into it with a satisfying crunch. “Still just as delicious as they used to be!” He pushed the bourbon across the table to her with a grin and held up his own beer to clink against her glass. “To old friends, new beginnings and lots of fun ...” 
Digging into the food, Clay took a sip of his beer and flashed a grin at the surgeon opposite him. “So, tell me the truth Lexie, Lexie Grey. What brought you back to Seattle? Was it because you missed me so much?” 
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claycormier · 4 years
“No, why?” She asks, looking over at him. She nods slowly at the news Karev is back, and wonders if Bentley would say anything to Clay about Brighton and Alex. She knows that  he and Clay have a great relationship, and Bentley’s particularly open for a young teenager, too. But still, she wonders. Not saying that to him, though, Lena nods, shrugging. 
He can’t hide his grin, it stretches over his face and he looks over as they pull up to a red light. “Webber asked me if I’d like to take over as Head of Peds.” As the light changes, Clay turns his attention back to the road and signals to turn into the restaurant parking lot. “I’m not going to ask Karev to find out what’s going on, it’s nothing to do with me and as long as Bentley is okay that’s all I’m bothered about.” He’d done a lot of soul searching about Brighton and Karev’s relationship, as well as a lot of hurting over what the two of them had done to him. He didn’t want to give them any more space inside his brain. 
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claycormier · 4 years
Lena’s brow furrows, that was interesting. It seemed odd for Brighton to leave this hospital where all of her family and friends were, and she had one a great mentor. “Interesting,” She remarks. “Karev was gone for a while…I wonder if that’s a coincidence or not,” She wonders. “I wasn’t sure if Karev had followed Robbins, wherever she went.” 
“Speaking of Robbins leaving, did you happen to see the other email we got today?” His voice is nonchalant and he’s trying not to make a big deal out of it because he doesn’t want to make the conversation all about him when she’s dealing with Elliot’s sudden departure. “Nope, Karev’s back. Saw him earlier and he’s starting back this week. Think he was visiting family, but not sure what’s going on with him and Brighton right now. Bentley’s not said anything either.” 
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claycormier · 4 years
Lexie couldn’t help but let out a smile when Clay immediately reached in for another hug. It was much needed. He asked her about how the rest of her shift went and she gave him the lo-down. “It wasn’t as bad as it would have been if I didn’t have you and some drinks waiting for me.”
The two made their way towards the exit and Clay left his arm resting around her shoulders. It was very comforting to Lexie. After a day of hostility she finally felt some warmth return to her soul. Not to mention that this all felt familiar it felt like… home.
Lexie shook her head laughing at Clay’s next question. “Nothing that interesting and yes I was super bored because you weren’t there to distract me.”
“Happy to help in any way I can!” Clay laughed, then pretended to clutch at his chest in mock horror. “Me? Distract you? Nah Lexie Grey that would never happen! You’d definitely be the one trying to distract me. Especially when I’m in the OR and you’re pulling funny faces at me from the gallery. Don’t think I’ve forgotten.” He joked, enjoying how easy it felt to slip back into the familiar chats with Lexie. 
As they enter the bar, he slips off his coat and hangs it on the hook, reaching out to take hers too. “Ooh seats at in the booth, perfect. You go grab those and I’ll order us some drinks.” He’s about to head to the bar when he remembers she’s just finished her shift and might be hungry. “Oh, wait Lex, d’ya want anything to eat?”
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claycormier · 4 years
Text: Clay
Meredith: It sure is! So great, all that you do for the kids, you deserve it 100000%. Our hospital's Peds department is in the best of hands!
Clay: I sure hope so! It's a big honor.
Clay: Speaking of, is Derek considering the Chief position?
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claycormier · 4 years
“No,” She murmurs. “No rods…but trying to generate the collagen, that’s something,” Allie says. “We need to rewrite genes to trigger the production of the type I collagen that they’re missing….rewriting genes might not be possible, but we need to do something to give them the collagen, either the synthetic stuff, or do something to trigger the correct production,” She says. 
“Lets book some time in the lab to look at rewriting genes, we’d need to prove it can be done and then go through rat trials first before we could go near any kids, let alone a fetus.” He scribbled notes, his handwriting cramped as he tried to be speedy. “We can look to try the synthetic collagen in utero. Especially if we aim for Type 2 first since well ... anything to improve that prognosis right. Would be worth trying to do something to help with the developing of their lungs too since that’s often what ends up causing death not the OI.” 
Gift of a Friend | Clallie
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claycormier · 4 years
After her run-in with Clay Lexie repeated their outing as if it were a mantra in-order to get her through her shift. She counted down the minutes religiously and time seemed as if it was going at a snail’s pace. It was pretty late so not many people were in need of a Neuro consult at this hour. She mostly sat around the nurses station trying to shake the feeling that Mark Sloan was about to walk up to her at any minute and bother her like he used to. It was a very eerie and odd feeling that Lexie hoped she could shake quickly.  
When Lexie got out of her shift her mind was swimming. Although her final few hours at the Hospital had been rather uneventful, what had transpired earlier was still wearing heavy on her. She felt a sense of relief when the elevator doors opened up and she saw Clay there waiting for her ready to go to the bar. At least some things never change. 
Spotting Lexie coming towards him from the elevator, Clay raised a hand in greeting, and then pulled her in for another hug when she reached him. “Hey you, how was the rest of your shift?” Leaving his arm resting around her shoulders as they began walking towards the exit, Clay stuck his other hand in his pocket. “Get in on any good surgeries? Or was it super boring because I wasn’t around to talk to?” 
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claycormier · 4 years
They pause so Clay can talk to Oisin, and she smiles, giving him one last pet and leaning down to kiss the top of his head. “See you soon,” She promises, before allowing Clay to lead the way out to the lobby and then out to the car. “How is Brighton, anyways?” Lena asks as she gets into the passenger seat and buckles her seatbelt. “I haven’t seen her around the hospital lately.” 
Clay lets out a sigh as he puts the car in drive, fastening his own belt with one hand. “I’ve not seen her in a few weeks actually, but I did get a text that said she was moving to a new hospital. Still in Seattle so no change to the Bentley and Skywalker routine but she’s gone. She asked to meet up and get a drink but I guess our schedules haven’t matched up.” He flicks on the light to signal turning left out of the parking lot and shrugs lightly. “I guess she’s fine though.”
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claycormier · 4 years
“No, there’s not,” Allie murmurs. “And a majority of expecting parents don’t elect to do the more invasive genetic tests,” She says, sipping her coffee. “So We can see the fractures…they’re not producing collagen,” Allie muses. “What are you doing with the trial?” She asks, trying to figure out how they could flip it to fetal treatment. 
“We’ve been trying bisophosphonates to increase bone density, both orally and intravenous. Different rods, though that’s not something we could do in utero.” Clay flipped through the papers on his desk, they were trying and testing various methods in all of his sites. “The guys in Brisbane are trialling synthetic collagen right now, we had a test group of type 3′s to try it on whereas elsewhere we’ve been struggling to get enough of them together to properly trial. That could work in utero, and the easiest way to measure it in the first instance would be through fracture types and numbers.”
Gift of a Friend | Clallie
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claycormier · 4 years
The best movie and the best little girl. Can’t wait to be serenaded and my Kristoff/Sven impression is much improved.
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@evanbradford and I ventured to the movies with all four kids yesterday to finally see Frozen 2…if you thought Let It Go was never going to die, wait till you hear Into the Unknown. We’ve been hearing it courtesy of Lilia ever since, and she requested Anna braids this morning, before promptly pulling out her dress up box. You’ve done it again, Disney.
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claycormier · 4 years
Text: Clay
Meredith: Congrats friend! Just read the email, so well deserved. Was about damn time. ;)
Clay: Ah thanks Meredith. Very exciting!
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claycormier · 4 years
“Maybe,” She echoes, grateful that he knows not to push, even though she’s pretty sure he doesn’t believe her. She wasn’t sure what everything with Max had been, what it would have become, but it still is kind of like a slap in the face to know that Max didn’t think she was worth at least a text message. “Good,” Lena says, smiling and looking down at their linked hands. She leans up and kisses him again, longer this time. Pulling back so they could leave, she turns to scratch Oisin’s ears. “We’ll be back soon, grá,” She says, knowing since Bentley and Skywalker were with Brighton, they would just come back here. 
Clay enjoys the kiss, knowing it’s her way of thanking him for not going on about the Max thing. She’ll tell him when she’s ready to talk about it, and he’s totally okay with that. They understood each other without having to verbalise everything and it was one of Clay’s favourite things about their relationship, one of the reasons he knew it would work out for them even though it was unconventional. He had faith in their communication, both verbal and physical. “Bentley said he misses you though, and he’s looking forward to seeing you again next week.” Clay grins at the dog, remembering to pass on the message from his son. Leading Lena out to where he’s parked, Clay fished his keys from his pocket. “I’ll drive us there and we can uber back if we both end up drinking.” 
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