classe · 3 years
It's clearly some Invasion of the Body Snatchers kinda shit. Don't fall asleep nearby!
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Found these on some cedar trees in my back field, was wondering if you knew what these were?
[submitted by @lady8ces]
Yes! This is a Gymnosporangium species; I think they’re older clusters of  Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae - known as cedar apple rust.
Really interestingly, it relies on two trees to live and spread.
Spores infect apple and crabapple trees, causing the rust red spots from which it gets its common name. Once mature, these bodies release spores which will infect juniper and cedar trees. The spores from an apple tree cannot infect another apple tree, and those from a coniferous tree cannot infect another coniferous tree; each year reproductive bodies of this fungus will release spores and move between the two hosts. It therefore thrives in areas where these two kinds of tree coexist. You can read more about this intricate lifecycle here.
This pathogen doesn’t usually kill its host trees as it lives and feeds on the living flesh, but a large or repeated infection will weaken it and will damage fruit production; it also tends to be avoided because of the detriment to the ornamental value of trees, causing rust red spots on the leaves of apple trees, and these large clusters and quite lackluster looking pines on the coniferous trees it affects.
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classe · 3 years
Dewey’s purse
(Clip from Malcolm in the Middle, S2:E11)
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classe · 3 years
Muti di merda, mica l'hanno costruito i Borbone il San Carlo, il conservatorio, la biblioteca. L'hanno costruita i lavoratori
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“A scuola ci hanno insegnato a parlare male dei Borbone, che nella cultura sono stati straordinari. Il San Carlo fu costruito in nove mesi. Aprendosi al nuovo non deve dimenticare le radici. A Napoli c’è tutto un centro culturale, fra teatro, Conservatorio dove ci sono migliaia di partiture dimenticate che aspettano di essere riscoperte, Biblioteca dei Girolamini: può essere connesso a favore di un grande centro d’arte. Il passato può diventare il centro propulsore per il futuro. È la città dove Mozart volle che fosse riconosciuto il suo genio. In una lettera al padre scrive: anche se non pagano molto, un’esecuzione a Napoli ne vale 100 in Germania”
Riccardo Muti
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classe · 3 years
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#Francia COLPO DI MANO: LA LEGGE DI “SICUREZZA GLOBALE” ADOTTATA DEFINITIVAMENTE IN UN PARLAMENTO VUOTO- La legge più liberticida del dopoguerra imposta da un pugno di parlamentari, nonostante un'opposizione di massa -
In Francia è giovedì 15 aprile e il Parlamento ha appena approvato definitivamente la legge detta di ′′ Sicurezza globale ". Una legge autoritaria che cementa il regime di polizia in Francia.
È in un Parlamento vuoto che è stata imposta la legge più liberticida dopo la seconda guerra mondiale: 75 deputati hanno votato a favore, 33 hanno votato contro.
Su un totale, in teoria, di 577 eletti.
Il regime autoritario si impone tranquillamente senza ombra di legittimità.
Concretamente significa l’impossibilità di riprendere/fotografare qualsiasi interventi di polizia, con il rischio di essere arrestati e condannati per chiunque filmerà gli agenti (anche se stanno compiendo atti di illegale violenza versi persone).
Le forze dell’ordine invece potranno accedere alla trasmissione in diretta di immagini prese dalle ′′ telecamere pedonali ′′.
Questa è la porta aperta all'utilizzo massiccio di immagini in tempo reale con software automatizzato, incluso il riconoscimento facciale.
La legge consente anche il porto d'armi per le forze dell'ordine anche fuori servizio, anche in luoghi pubblici, e più in generale insomma i pieni poteri alle forze dell'ordine, che hanno già carta bianca da anni.
In tutta la Francia oltre 500 000 persone hanno ripetutamente manifestato contro il progetto lo scorso inverno.
Cortei massicci, determinati, nonostante una repressione terribile.
Centinaia di arresti e feriti.
Lo stesso difensore dei diritti francese, ma anche il commissario per i diritti umani del Consiglio d'Europa, relatori speciali dell'ONU m, si sono allarmati della ′′ Legge di sicurezza globale".
Una legge che tutti riconoscono come fascista che dimostra l’instaurarsi di un regime poliziesco in Francia.
Eppure: niente.
Un potere inflessibile, che procede come un rullo compressore e schiaccia tutto ciò che si trova sulla sua strada. E peggio, che continua a comprare droni, blindati, granate in piena crisi sanitaria, con arroganza inaudita.
Una dittatura che si nasconde sempre meno, disastri su tutti i piani, sorveglianza di massa e regime sanitario d'eccezione instaurato per durare.
Questo oltre confine, per ora..
FONTE: •Nantes Revoltée•
#LoiDeSecuriteGlobale #StatoDiPolizia
Cheyenne Rebelde (fb)
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classe · 3 years
This is about killing your boss
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We’ve all been there
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classe · 3 years
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2018 - Antifascists in A Coruña, Galicia, redecorate street signs of streets named after fascist murderers. [video]
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classe · 3 years
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classe · 3 years
I believe you all missed out, by me not being on Tumblr for a while
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classe · 3 years
We already knew he was. It's just the State that understood that our knowledge was dangerous.
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classe · 3 years
Omg what a shitty take. Just two bits:
1) the black market is just another market: workers are still exploited and there is a hierarchy with a rich boss on top (growers aside, if you're lucky to know one)
2) let's make everything illegal so that every1 hates the police more, is as stupid as the accelerationist principle: let's make everyone poor and mod exploited so that they end capitalism. It just doesn't work that way
There are many shitty implications in the legalization of Marijuana, these ones are just not good points to support keeping it illegal.
We’re not all lazy stoners, not all activists, not all hippies or skaters or college bros. We don’t all love our relationship with marijuana but some of us do. Some of us are involved in the industry and some of us are just smokers. Some of us do it to manage pain, to chill out or to cope with a fucked up world. Some of us just do it for fun. But there are certain things that, until recently, we all had in common. The biggest one is that until recently we were all, to some extent, involved in something that was illegal.
Those of us who are used to doing illegal things know how to sneak around a bit. We know how to make a connection without advertising. We know how to learn about something without going to school or even to the public library, sometimes even without going online. And we all know that you can’t 100% trust the police or the government. We know that just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it’s wrong and that just because somebody got in trouble doesn’t mean they did something bad. We know that the cops are, at least sometimes, our enemies and not our friends. We have, at least once, seen those blue and red flashing lights and felt anxiety, hatred or fear rather than relief and safety. This makes even those of us who are otherwise pretty well off in society different from other white, middle-class folks, many of whom naively assume that the government has our best interests at heart and that the cops are there to keep us all safer.
As an anarchist, I think these are useful things to know and feel because I think that the government is unjust and not to be trusted. I don’t want people getting caught or going to jail, but I do want less people to feel good when they see a cop on the corner. I want people to at least on some level understand that police and laws are not inherently good things. For that reason, as well as for a multitude of personal reasons, I have always felt a certain sense of affinity and love for stoners. I don’t think that weed is always good for all people and I have met a lot of smokers who were assholes, but anybody who has ever made a drug deal knows on some level not to trust the police, and that’s a good thing.
What now?
Honestly, I think we’re pretty screwed. There might have been a good chance of stopping this a few years ago, but now that the dispensaries are up and running, the capitalists are exalting the fact that Canada’s largest agricultural product is now legitimate, and the government has just announced a legalization plan, it’s probably too late to go back to the underground from whence we came. But I do have a few ideas to take away from all of this.
1. Stop supporting it. Stop being a legalization advocate. Stop patting pot activists and Justin Trudeau on the back for this. Be angry.
2. Refuse to celebrate this false victory. Be the buzz-kill in your circle of friends when they want to throw a party for legal weed.
3. If you can, keep supporting black market weed as long as it exists and as long as you can find it. Keep your connections with others who, for whatever reason, chose to or had to live a little bit outside of the law.
4. Break other laws. Buy psychedelic mushrooms, unpasteurized milk, and contraband tobacco. Scam, steal and cheat the system whenever you can. Put up posters and graffiti. Protest, riot, revolt. Refuse to be controlled.
4. Remember this the next time you’re about to ask the government for something. They will do what is best for their own control over your life.
5. Remember this the next time you see somebody trying to sell you convenience at the expense of autonomy. Don’t confuse consumer choice for genuine freedom.
6. If legalization means that you now never find yourself in conflict with the law or authority because pot laws were the only laws you had to break, consider how wealth or white privilege are giving you that unfair advantage. Side with the poor, the non-white, and the illegal, not the government and corporations.
Read entire article
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classe · 3 years
I don’t feel positive about my body | The Outline
Good takes.
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classe · 3 years
Really well-done and informative video on the state of the far right in the Ukraine; describes the context and origins of the major players as well as their activities and dispositions.
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classe · 3 years
That police station was acting suspiciously
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classe · 3 years
Amazon’s victory against unionization in the United States: the reasons of an announced defeat
Amazon’s victory against unionization in the United States: the reasons of an announced defeat
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classe · 3 years
dispatch on the unrest in belfast
in the late 1950s a group of British Army soldiers from Northern Ireland became notorious for butchering civilians in Cyprus. they were defending the British occupation from the EOKA, led by (no, really) General Grivas, who wanted reunification with Greece. despite Grivas attempts to prevent it the war quickly became a sectarian conflict between Christian Greek Cypriots and Muslim Turkish Cypriots. it was an extremely bloody conflict fought with civilian blood. for the first time in war the pipe bomb replaced the heavy artillery.
when the British surrendered in 1960 those soldiers returned home and, in order to combat the Catholic civil rights movement, became involved in civilian loyalist organisations like the Loyal Orange Lodge until in 1966 when they formed the paramilitary Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF). their innovation was to apply the experience in Cyprus to Northern Ireland to defend a partition which was not, at this stage, actually under attack. that year they carried out a string of random killings on the Catholic Falls Road. the civil rights movement developed into an armed struggle for national liberation, the British Army was deployed to combat it, and the UVF were transformed into anonymous soldiers for apartheid, armed by the South African regime, among others, and receiving clandestine support from the British.
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pictured: Gusty Spence, first prince of loyalist terror, flanked by his retainers
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classe · 3 years
less than 24 hours after a murder and it'll already be cry babies moaning about 'looting looting looting', I am fucking sick of granting these people who see property as more valuable than human lives an argument. No more pretending to care about both, choose between caring about some shoe stores lost profits or killer cops. Stop trying to hide your evil rotten soul and simply let people know not to come near you.
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classe · 3 years
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