ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
When the prince finally found shelter underneath a big tree, little did he know that his appearance had been anticipated. High above him, a person was sitting amidst the branches and leaned with their back against the trunk for support. She observed him with the prowess of an assassin; hiding her presence until she wanted him to sense it. Hana pursed her lips. So far, Minsoo was like a mysterious and entertaining puzzle to her. She’d been hired and ordered to watch him, and although it’s been a few months since then, he still managed it to fascinate her. There was something so sharp about him that was unlike the way he presented himself to the world. Seeing him alone and in solitude like this made her want to play with it.
She turned a little, so that her feet were now dangling. At a first glance, she looked more than out of place, for she looked the very part of a noble lady who was dressed in heavy, rosy dresses. Climbing up a tree in itself should have proven to be an impossible task. Had it been anyone else but the lady Hana, surely they’d be deemed suspicious. In her case however, it was known that she was an odd one. She was intriguing like that, just as she was certainly annoying to most. She reveled in both.
“Hmm? Would you look at that. So your Highness was interested in that strange new trend as well. Your bucket looks intricate.” She tilted her head. “Do you like it that much?”
Startled, he quickly turned at looked at her. Almost immediately his brow was furrowed, bothered by the fact she’d made him jump. 
“It is quite intricate,” he said, careful to match his tone to the polite society of the noble, “I’ll admit it has also been quite the strange new trend but it has also given the palace quite the lively atmosphere... after father’s passing.” Minsoo looked away from her, into the horizon, with a thoughtful sadness. All staged of course, since he’d never permit himself to mourn in front of others. Then again, some sort of heaviness of heart was expected of him. 
“Please do not think ill of me if ask what a lady such as yourself is doing up on that tree...”
Bucket for the Rich
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
the new trend that suddenly appeared or rather ‘infected’ their kingdom, made yoora a little worried. what was wrong with all those people and what sort of devil made them think that wearing a bucket on their heads was a brilliant and innovating  idea? she kept searching for answers, but they were never given to her. so, she simply decided to ignore it. she’d never wear something so ridiculous. especially not a bucket on her head. 
it truly seemed like everyone was obsessed with the new fashion trend, even the bloody royals. she didn’t expect to find minsoo all alone, but his attire and new accessory looked rather interesting. pretty funny as well, but she didn’t dare to say that out loud. ‘’good day, prince minsoo. i hope the weather’s treating you well. oh what are you holding? is that a bucket? did you paint it? or should i say, did you design it? ‘’
He chuckled, “as much as I’d like to take the credit for this artistry, I’m afraid it wasn’t of my doing.” He replied nicely though if he was being utterly honest, he might have said are you kidding? like I’d waste my time on this silly thing.  Carefully, he removed the bucket and handed it over for her to inspect, “jealous? It’s not everyday you see a bucket in our midst,” he joked given the lack of buckets in a noble’s life. 
Bucket for the Rich
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
Jaehoon had been occupied all week with work and his anger was as livid as usual. Though, it seemed to cool a bit due to the latest fashion trend. It was utterly ludicrous - stupid, idiotic, a fashion for the imbeciles. Even he couldn’t help when a chuckle escaped his lips. However, he absolutely refused to participate in the trend. When anyone attempted to offer him a bucket, the man would blatantly toss it to the ground, or crush it … either or was his solution. 
As he was making his way toward his next appointment, he spotted his brother. He stifled a laugh that was building up in his throat, a smirk decorating his features as he eyed the elaborate thing resting on his head. Despite the obvious efforts to make it appear decadent - at the end of the day it was just a bucket. 
Minsoo caught him mid smirk and glared. He’d been so careful to avoid the bestial crown prince while at the same time parading himself with said bucket around the influential interested in the trend. Minsoo knew he’d never see the end of it now. Jaehoon was not the type to openly joke about it everytime they met, but Minsoo knew the joke would be there. In the corner of his eyes, in the purposeful smile, in the pointing of a finger to a hat with no apparent reason, the joke would be there. 
With that thought, Minsoo removed the elaborate bucket from his head before he could stop himself. The move had just sealed his loss, and a blush of anger at himself more than at his brother made him turn away and walk as fast but as composed as he could away from Jaehoon. 
Bucket for the Rich
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
Bucket for the Rich
It had been painted entirely black, the rim and inside of it was a spectacularly crimson red. With pearly white and metallic gold an intricate pattern had been carved onto the surroundings and painted accordingly. Silk ribbon flowed from opposite ends of the inside, giving the wearer the choice to let them flow or tie them round the chin. It was absolute artistry, one would never have guessed the base had been a wooden bucket like the ones peasants used for labor. 
Minsoo wore this very art over his head as he walked through one of the palace gardens. Its colors naturally matched the clothing of his choice, while at the same time making him marvelously stand out with the contrast of the general green around him. He had made sure to walk past the right corridors of the palace, made sure he was viewed by the right crowd, and was now looking for the solitude of the garden to find a comfortable tree under which to take the marvelous bucket off and breathe. 
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
there had been the tiniest light of hope that minsoo would refuse to attend the celebrations and yet when the doors opened and revealed him she knew that she would have to navigate troubled waters. “of course, your highness.” she inclines her head a tad bit to show that she was taking his words into mind and she sets aside the goblet that had previously been practically attached to her hand.  there was only a light flush against her cheeks, a telltale sign if anything she supposes. “one of the ambassadors was just boasting that it was some of the finest wine he’d imported from the chinese.” it’s casual conversation as her pale orbs cut away from her glass and to the man at her side, as if it were natural. “I’m pleased to see that you came to the event after all.” 
“I had no choice,” he replied with another small sip of his wine. He ignored the ambassadors’ remark. Minsoo had no interest in small talk, unless there was a benefit that came with it. Feiyan provided none. Perhaps on a day when he’d enjoy to watch pretty thing struggle, he might indulge but today’s event left no mood for that. 
“I’m surprised you did,” he said cruelly from behind his cup, “you used to be so against being a female doll at my side.” 
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
Miyoung glanced at the handmaidens, picking out various of clothings and accessories for her to choose from for this banquet. It has been pretty busy since this morning with preparing the food to making sure that everything was right just like the Queen wanted it to be. Peace, was the only reason the Queen wanted to have this whole banquet in the first place. Miyoung sat there, thinking as she felt the comb running through her hair softly as they placed a little of makeup on her face.
Entering the banquet, Miyoung looked from one side to another to see who was there before begin guided towards her seat. Everything was so lively, seems like the only time nobody wouldn’t have to thing about their stressful schedule. It was long till she heard the doors bust open, it was her aunt, the King sister she had seen the woman a couple of times during her childhood but she always stayed away from her because her mother told her to.
Hearing the door opened, she wondered who would come in here so late. She stopped eating just to turn towards where the sound was coming from, a smile formed on her face for the first time this whole night. Her favorite older brother Minsoo has just arrived, she was shocked actually because she wouldn’t thought he would actually come.
“Minsoo, I’m surprised that you actually came. I wondered how long did it take them to get you out of your room.”
“Do not make me sound so lazy sister,” came Minsoo’s reply all gentleness and smiles for the sake of public opinion. For the most part anyway, since Minsoo allowed some genuine emotion to seep into the smiles and gentleness he directed onto her. She was no Minsoo, and had she been like him they would have the apparently positive relationship that they now had. In truth, Minsoo liked his sister because she easily gave into his selfishness without complaint. 
“I did not wish to come for personal reasons, but we both know Grandmother is always obeyed. Even Jaehoon, no doubt, is somewhere around here. But do not let me sour your mood, you should go and be silly and giggle your way around the Banquet,” he told her as he pinched her cheek. 
Make it worth my time
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
Jaehoon was unbothered by Minsoo’s words, perhaps even indifferent toward it. “Ramble on as you please.” It was blunt and direct as ever. But just as Minsoo had said, Jaehoon would go down in history as someone to be remembered by. His birth right was written to be a part of a legacy. Or was his little brother taunting him for all the other nameless men that were forgotten in the records … Was their guilt? Perhaps. Would he confess to such feelings - never. Jaehoon was Born lucky in the eyes of some. But truly, could anyone in his position call it lucky. 
“Do you wish for me to make a pet out of you?” A flick of an eyebrow arched up. Instead of touching his brother’s head, he only placed a hand on his shoulder for a second. “Those who are heartless are the ones you play checkers with. Think about it - I’m sure as intelligent as you are … you’d understand. Or does your big brother have to make an example out of one,” Jaehoon murmured, dropping his hand just as swiftly as he placed it. 
Minsoo smirked with both amusement and displeasure. “I think your wife might agree, that even the heartless have their uses brother. And so, I play checkers with mine to bid my time. Kill one if you must, I’ve got reserves already in mind,” Minsoo replied as he slowly drifted from Jaehoon, skillfully make a gesture of the hand that only Jaehoon would see and understand as Minsoo wiping away his touch. 
Make it worth my time
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
It was seen immediately as the crowds gathered amid the newest entry. He had the luxury of choosing whether he wished to be on time that day or late. Perhaps if he had made any alliances, Kihoon would suggest that a Prince who couldn’t even manage time was surely unfit to manage an entire empire. Yet no such allegiances had been pledged, thus his lips remained sealed. He had no reason to play the odds against the man. Not until, at least, he knew there was another man in the running who had more chances than this prince. As the situation stood at the moment, there was no one who he deemed so able. Thus he was only left to play the part of a diligent worker in hopes of securing his own future. Would he be given the same importance he was given under the King were Prince Minsoo to take over? He suspected not, but that was precisely why he needed to play the game. After all, he had always been an excellent actor. 
Allowing for the initial crowds to subside, Kihoon only approached the other when those around him were lesser. To pay his polite respects as he should. “Your highness,” he bowed deeply, his traditional playfulness nowhere to be seen on his features. He was reverent, somber. A true adviser who respected the man before him. A simple greeting would suffice, unless the other should wish to engage further. It was the way Kihoon had determined was best to deal with this particular Prince. Leave everything in his court, allow him to hold the power. It would be the safest way for Kihoon to survive, should the scales tip even more in his favor. 
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Though Minsoo was perfectly able to hide his dislike for the ceremony, he was in no mood to feel the way he acted. Still, he was all pleasant smiles and gentle words. And though Kihoon’s own approach was perfectly in accordance to tradition, Minsoo did not think of ending it so soon like he did with others that approached him. Kihoon gave him the sense that he was not eager to please or find immediate favor and that pleased Minsoo, particularly today of all days.  
“Walk with me,” he said politely as he moved to Kihoon’s side. It announced that he was in conversation, and while they moved no groups would come and take Minsoo’s attention. He was using Kihoon to take a break from social attentions, but was soon glad to have chosen him as a conversation companion. “Tell me about my father?” Minsoo asked, and was even surprised by his too blunt and too soft spoken question. 
Make it worth my time
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
“Self-control, if you please,” Minsoo whispered as he took a spot to her left, “you empty your cup as if it were filled with cold water during a summer drought.” He raised his own cup to his lips and sipped, almost emphasizing his point by doing it so mannerly. He looked at her side eyed and caught her mood in the minute details of her body language. Nothing new. He was well aware that she’d arrived in his lands against her will, and therefore would forever miss her home. At least, he believed people generally did. Few were strong enough to fully face forward without even the temptation of looking back, or not allowing themselves to feel the drag of the past as it clung to their backs. In that respect, he considered himself among the strong. 
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despite the fact that she didn’t look it, feiyan was quite the drinker. she’d learned long ago how to handle her liquor, used to sneaking out with her handmaidens to snatch some from the kitchen as they laughed well into the early morning. there was something certainly beautiful about the soft tones of orange that reflected off the snow and the very thought had made her nostalgic — the sticky heat of this land was exhausting to the princess who had ever known the cold and she was decidedly uncomfortable, even in the lightest of her clothes. she didn't’ dare complain, not when there were so many natural subjects here and instead refilled her cup as soon as it was drained. “I will admit…the spiced wine here is quite amazing.” she offers out loud, taking another sip from the goblet as her dark orbs flickered over the many attending the event. “the one at home had a harder punch to it…perhaps to warn you from over drinking.” 
a soft gale of laughter spills past her lips as she recalls the bitter taste of nearly everything back at home — perhaps it is to keep them a reminder that the harsh cold was an ever present issue. dark colors and pale eyes, fur lined collars and heavy fabrics…she supposes she can appreciate the airy beauty of the world that she was currently in. “then again….everything here seems softer..simpler..” 
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
“As if i wasn’t obvious,” Jaehoon murmured dryly. He knew of his younger brother’s tactics all too well. He was predictable in a different way … unseen to the common eye. 
The sarcasm was evident and Jaehoon was not amused by the slightest. Both of them knew too damn well how much they truly cared. One was evident, the other not so much. “Let her have her way - she sits atop the throne and therefore it is our duty to obey. I’m sure you learned that well brother, haven’t you?” Perhaps it was condescending but the comment was delivered unapologetic ally. “I’m afraid your eyesight seems to be weakening after all those books you read … can’t even tell the difference between a guard and a general.” The remark escaping his lips like a scoff. Minsoo could do his best to spite him but nothing like a cowards baseless comment could bother him. His brother was younger therefore immature. 
Minsoo chuckled naturally, one of his best concoctions, as if the conversation was truly enchanting. Spectators might wonder at the seemingly one way sibling love, but in truth Minsoo was simply reciprocating Jaehoon’s mood very differently. “Guard? General? They both live and die much the same way, unrecorded in the history books. Only you would obsess over the nuances brother because unlike those men you will be all over the history books. Is it the guilt that has you judging me?” Minsoo gasped and gave Jaehoon a surprised expression and the mood shift around them was evident. Curiosity and gossip bubbling inside those wanting to know what the two Princes talked about. 
“You know big brother, should you pat my head at some point in this conversation, it would raise your popularity immensely. People like rare softness in a man as heartless as you,” perhaps it was his amusement speaking, or jealousy of Jaehoon’s enormous effect on people, or even the satisfaction of saying and doing everything Jaehoon hated, it didn’t matter. It never seemed to. They always behaved towards each other the same. 
Make it worth my time
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
People parted at the sight of Jaehoon as if he were the sea. There were plenty of incessant whispers but he didn’t care. What did their opinions matter? He valued himself above pompous peacocks. While scene of his aunt throwing her fit was quite the highlight, it clearly wasn’t enough to end this god forsaken show. And to most, Jaehoon would have appeared almost alone. But it was this seclusion that he enjoyed the most. He was never the sort to be appealed by a flock of lolly gagging halfwits or waiting to be praised by a personal fleet of fans. His actions reflected his character and his long list of detailed accomplishments. 
Jaehoon wasn’t one to usually keep watching of his siblings. Most (aside from his sister) were truly irrelevant. Though this wasn’t to say he had any harboring feelings of ill will. But surely he knew that times were changing and the throne was awaiting a new owner. His eyes fell onto a familiar figure that had entered through the room, waltzing gracefully through a parade of people like a professional. Jaehoon didn’t need to see to know. 
It was casual but it was purposeful. He didn’t make eye contact until they were shoulder to shoulder, and it was then Jaehoon turned his head to meet his brother’s gaze. “You’re late.”
Minsoon held the fake smile he’d worn for another, only his brother’s words had turned it real. “You noticed.” 
Rarely was Jaehoon amusing, and Minsoo could easily remember a time when he’d smiled just the same. Jaehoon had punched someone at the time, who knows for what reason, but Minsoo had smiled at the sight. The victim noticed and frantically looked back at Jaehoon before retreating. Minsoo had seen the misunderstanding in his eyes and the smile had widened into a chuckle. Like the brothers would ever work together, what an idiot thought Minsoo. 
“You must be feeling giddy with all the excitement, brother. Positively exalted,” Minsoo mocked, though his demeanor told another story. “Though I’m not one to look down on the gains of a soiree, I must say I find this one rather a troubling manner of mourning... coming from Grandmother nonetheless,” Minsoo reveled at Jaehoon’s impressive isolating aura. The two of them now stood side by side with ample space surrounding them. “You’d make a good bodyguard, my brother,” Minsoo finally remarked. Jaehoon was so easy to dislike, which made Minsoo speak to him all the more sweetly knowing how much Jaehoon would hate him for it. 
Make it worth my time
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
Make it worth my time
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“Prince Song Minsoo! The Banquet has begun Your Royal Highness!” 
Minsoo’s jaw tensed with the words he stopped himself from uttering. A damn servant was not worth the reply. Let them shout like inbred idiocy come to life. Minsoo would get out when he damn well pleased, and he was in no hurry to step into the chicken coop his quarters had become. By the sound of their anxious steps and frightened whispers, it would take a while before they got the hint. In the meantime, Prince Minsoo stood naked in the steamy room, alone. Water drops ran down his body, the air too humid to allow him to air dry. He walked towards the tub purposefully slow both dreading the inevitable end of his bath and loving the way their reactions lengthened it further. 
“Your Royal Highness, the Queen inquires about your absence!” 
That single sentence brought the chicken coop to a halt and he could hear silence beyond the closed door. At length he smiled at the effect of power and fear on the group of servants, and in one smooth move he stood and wrapped himself in a dark red silk robe as he walked towards the door. 
“I suppose we best dress me well to make up for it,” he stated after opening the door. At once servants flocked around him with various robes and accessories in hand. 
Prince Minsoo walked into the Banquet looking impeccably royal. He smiled naturally as if he hadn’t been late at all and a crowd swiftly engulfed him. They bowed appropriately and some more than necessary while Minsoo eagerly told them to stand. He made the right inquiries to the right people, and gave some the reactions they sought after. He was all manners and attentiveness at just the right doses for each person that approached him. Even as the rare imbecile mentioned his father, the King, or recounted the screaming of his aunt earlier, Minsoo maneuvered them as he liked while silently cursing them in his mind. 
At an appropriate time, he left them behind only to be approached by another eager mob. If only he could glare at them like Jaehoon and cause the same effect, but alas, Minsoo was a different kind of beast most just didn’t know it. 
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ckminsoo-blog · 6 years
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I’m Feyd I’ll be playing Political Prince, Song Minsoo. He’s an intellectual and social scholar among other things. He likes people, he likes observing people, and he likes playing with people, so he’s secretly not the nicest of princes but certainly an approachable one. I’m down for any plots. You can find his info here.
P.s. I’ll also be playing Fresh Bodyguard, Kim Iseul.
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