chvrmion · 5 years
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chvrmion · 5 years
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chvrmion · 5 years
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letting minnie stay had been as much for his benefit as hers. he liked knowing that she was safe and what better way to be sure about that than to have her right next to him? “rebekah and elijah aren’t here and if klaus wants to see him i can guarantee i don’t want to see him.” he knew he should care more about elijah and rebekah not being around but it wasn’t like they could die, wherever they were he knew they were fine. “i’d must rather be with you than spending time with my siblings.”
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MINNIE UNDERSTOOD WHAT IT WAS like to feel conflicted about seeing a sibling. she didn’t want that for kol though. ❝ you should spend more time with them. you never know what could happen. ❞ but selfishly, she was glad he there with her. she didn’t have the heart to go home or to the bakery yet. she smiled and shook her head. she held his face with both of her hands. ❝ then i guess we’ll just have to find something to do with ourselves. ❞ she leaned forward and kissed him.
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chvrmion · 5 years
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there hadn’t been any intention of her going to the house she grew up in,  but she figured when her sister had extended the invitation, she might as well. at least once. as she comes up, she can hear her from further away than she would’ve been able to before.  “ yeah, well, might as well say goodbye to this place. apparently that brings closure or whatever. “  she comments and steps up to the house. she looks at the door then to her sister. “ right, the invitation. “ she nods slowly. “ well, go on then. “
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IT’S AN UNSETTLING FEELING. this is their home. there are so many memories of the woman standing beside her. But she’s not the same. neither of them are. she opens the door and looks back at her own, slightly younger reflection. ❝ come on in. ❞ she goes through the door and waits for her sister to follow. it hasn’t changed much to minnie. more plants, more books. her eyes gravitate to the living room floor that had been replaced after the murder. ❝ all your stuff is still upstairs. ❞ she’d never had the heart to touch celeste’s things—except to cry into. she knows despite it all, she sounds cold. she doesn’t know how to return the warmth, not yet.
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chvrmion · 5 years
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Parker’s morning of tedious working had dwindled his energy, and the perfect pick me up came in the form of his usual large iced coffee at his favorite cafe. Just as he turned around from the cashier, he collided with a body, spilling his beverage everywhere. Hazel eyes looked to see who it was that had become drenched in coffee and he could hardly contain the smirk that naturally tugged onto his lips. “You,”. Of course, he didn’t know who ‘you’ was. The blonde was only recognizable because this must have been the third time Parker ran into her this week. “I gotta say. Out of all the times I’ve seen you these few days, you’ve never looked better than now,”. @chvrmion
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SHE WAS IN NO MOOD TO TALK to anyone. she wanted more than anything to get some stupid fancy coffee drink, then go mope around her empty home. her parents were hardly around these days. she knew they were trying to find a cure or whatever, but it felt like they were avoiding her. the last thing she expected was to get doused with cold coffee. her eyes went wide and her hands flew up. even her white gloves were covered with the stuff. ❝ you’ve got to be bloody kidding me. isn’t there a single other person you could bother? ❞ she snapped. his smug smile pissed her off even more. ❝ honestly, you could at least apologize for being a moron. or is that outside your vocabulary? ❞ 
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chvrmion · 5 years
@coruscvnts ·゚✧ SYBIL && TILLY
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SYBIL DROPPED HER BAG onto the picnic table and dropped her head into her arms. ❝ god, i hate lunch. i just want to get on with the day and go home. ❞ she slowly lifted her head to finally look at her friend across the table. ❝ how do you di it? i just want to cave my head in. ❞ sybil could only apply herself to class because it didn’t require her to make friends. if anything, she could act superior and make more people uninterested in talking to her. tilly had managed to be an exception to the rule.
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chvrmion · 5 years
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Afton looked at her, being in such close contact was something he had forgotten how much he enjoyed.  Nuzzling into her for a moment, “You know I never mind, but I just wanted everything to be perfect, this is our first date night in six months.” Afton added with a slight pout,  “It has to be worthy of such a long wait.”
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EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT. she still didn’t know what the surprise was or anything about the evening except that she would be with afton and that alone made it perfect. her heart just sung around him. ❝ any moment with you is perfect. ❞ she shook her head. ❝ we could be trapped in a cave and starving and it would matter. ❞ her thumb brushed over his pout. ❝ all that matters is that i’m with you. ❞ she leaned and put her head forward, resting her forehead against his. ❝ you are my perfection. ❞ but she was still secretly a little giddy about the trouble he could have gone through for her.
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chvrmion · 5 years
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          HER EXPRESSION IS JUST AS SOFT AS her touch as her fingers brushed against his cheek, cradling his head in her hands. ❝ then we shall lead it somewhere wonderful. ❞ it was something she could accept with ease, and it was merely a fact of the life they lived. death was inevitable, and if it were to follow them for eternity, at least they would be together. leaning into his touch, her fingers curled around his hand. ❝ i will keep that in mind for the next time i bring about a town’s demise, ❞ she teased, though there is warmth that fills her tone, heart lifting at the smile and quiet laugh she managed to pull from him. ❝ i never expected to meet someone that i would love as i have you, and i am thankful everyday that you are in my life. being in your life is not a curse, no matter how much you may seem to think so. it is a blessing, in fact, and you are everything i want and more, and i will spend the rest of forever proving it to you, if i must. ❞ smiling into the gentle contact of lips against her own, she found herself brushing back his hair. ❝ you have no need to apologize, my love. i promise to be here through it all, even if you don’t wish to share with me. i will never pry, you know that. ❞ lips curl upward ever so slightly, shifting to a standing position as she tugged him gently upward. ❝ as long as i breath, you will be hard pressed to lose me. but before you can protect me from any atrocities, we should get you a nice, warm shower, hm ? immortality or otherwise, everything is better after a shower and dry clothes. ❞
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HE DIDN’T THINK ANYONE WOULD FOLLOW him blindly and as faithfully as she was saying she would. it didn’t make sense to him. he didn’t deserve this. why was she so unwilling to give up on him ? what had he done to prove to her he could be better ? a sensation spreads through his chest, warmth filling it. it reminds him something like what alcohol felt like when he was still human. he experienced it only once before. he was saved then and it seemed he would be saved again once more. his hand somewhat roughly pushes her hair from her face and rests on her cheek. ❝ you are both the being of my dreams and of my nightmares. you are the thing i have needed and wanted for more than two millennia and i cannot begin to believe that you are real and could possibly choose me. ❞ he followed her to stand, shakily. even wracked with guilt and self-loathing, his undeniable love and attraction to the women before him stirs. ❝ yes, perhaps you’re right... getting out of these clothes would help. ❞ although putting new ones back on wasn’t the first thought that came to mind. ❝ if i cannot apologize to you, then i will thank you for all my days, and beyond that. you give me strength. ❞ even if he couldn’t find it in that moment right then, he was hopeful for the first time that he would find it. he’d never felt truly strong except when he was beside her.
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chvrmion · 5 years
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chvrmion · 5 years
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jemma had never thought that she could BE LOVED again , especially in the way that james’ looking at her in that moment. it’s not pity like she was assuming and she feels her throat swell and her eyes tear up. she almost cries in that moment because of how happy she is. “ i-i cant leave her again. i just got her back… “ she talking about her sister. “ she asked me to stay with her. i - , “ i thought she was going to tell me to leave once she got back. “ i-i know you asked… “ her brain told her that he wasn’t going to be upset even if he did ask her to move in with him but some part of her told her that he COULD BE. @chvrmion . 
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HE DOESN’T EVEN NOTICE SOMETHING IS off right away. he’s just leaning back on the couch, stroking her hair, eyes closed. it’s the tone of her voice that snaps him out of it. he leans forward and sees her misty eyes. immediately he’s thrown. he didn’t mean to upset her. ❝ hey, hey, don’t sweat it. ❞ he cups the side of her face and shakes his head. ❝ it’s not like i’m going anywhere anytime soon. we’ve got our whole lives to live together. you be where you have to be. ❞ he’s confused by her reaction. ❝ i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to pressure or rush you. ❞ maybe he was moving too quickly.
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chvrmion · 5 years
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there had always been a rather strange relationship between chelsea and corin. they were the only two people who knew exactly how the other felt when it came to the volturi, after all they were the two keeping the whole coven together including keeping people that they loved there. chelsea also happened to be literally addicted to corin so- there was that as well. “yeah, sure.” the question was a surprise but one that she gladly accepted. trying to avoid jane was getting exhausting anyway. “getting out of here actually sounds amazing.”
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THERE’S A PHYSICAL FEELING of relief at the acceptance of her invitation. they’re the most stuck, the two of them. neither could leave without the other but neither would back down first. it was an unforgiving cycle of necessity. ❝ where do you want to go? ❞ despite being here so long, chelsea hadn’t made a habit of getting to know the place. or the people. she simply wanted to go home. ❝ what do you want to do? ❞ she asked uneasily.
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chvrmion · 5 years
@coruscvnts ·゚✧ MAGGIE && HARRY
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THE THING MAGGIE MISSED MOST WAS her coven. she missed her family. however, she wasn’t the only one to cross the pond. ❝ look who crawled out of their thieving country? ❞ she teased. despite the historical tension between their people, maggie was rather fond of the leaders of the english coven. ❝ harry, where’s your mate at? i miss her. could take or leave you. ❞ she added with a shrug.
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chvrmion · 5 years
✵ chels and torben :)))
send ✵ and my muse will answer these questions
Their first impression of your muse: she thought he was just a reckless man who’d been hurt by life’s cruelty. he seemed remorseful and kind and sweet. he just seemed like someone who needed help and support.
Current impression:  the biggest fake she’s ever known and that includes all of the volturi. he was really her first love and she’s never forgiven him for ruining that for her. she thinks he’s just here to cause chaos as usual and she doesn’t trust him for shite.
Are they attracted to your muse?:  unfortunately, still a little. there’s a softness ( deep, deep, DEEP ) in her heart for him that will probably never fade.
Something they find frightening about your muse: his ability to manipulate her with his words. although she’s confident now that he couldn’t twist her up, she’ll never forget that he was able to and she can’t let it happen again.
Something they find adorable about your muse: he has a dang good smile that won her over in the past, but also he can look sad but not in a needy way and it gets her.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  there was once a time that yeah she would have, now? she would push him in front of danger instead.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  never in a million years. if they even spend a second together it’s purely platonic on her end and she would never ever call it a date.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  deceitful.
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: yes. and not even in a sexy way anymore.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: i cannot possibly see a future where that happens. maybe if she’s really vulnerable and he says the right things, she’s like cry on his shoulder, but it wouldn’t be much of a hug.
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chvrmion · 5 years
✵ jemima & james
send ✵ and my muse will answer these questions
Their first impression of your muse: he thought she was such a comforting presence in a time of tragedy. she was like the softest beating heart, giving him just enough hope to make sense of things that were nonsensical. he likes people that make things make sense.
Current impression:  he thinks she the most underappreciated, kindest, gentlest, beautiful soul. he’s so fond of her, he just wants to protect her from the atrocities of the world. 
Are they attracted to your muse?: oh boi, yes. on a deeper level than he’s ever been attracted to someone before.
Something they find frightening about your muse: how she could still blame herself for anything in her past. he’s scared he’ll never be able to show her how amazing she is because she really is to him.
Something they find adorable about your muse: he finds the name jemima so mf cute, but literally everything she does has him enamoured. 
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  they’re probably there even if he wouldn’t admit it. he’s settled into a town he thought he’d only spend an afternoon in. he hasn’t been in one place for over a year, but something about her makes him want to stay and if that’s not love man idk what is.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  so many romantic dates. one loses count. none is his van yet much to his chagrin. 
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  ethereal. 
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: no, maybe in a sexy way if she wanted, but he’d need some coaxing because he cares so much about her safety and this boy is pretty vanilla.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: as often as she wants him to. he just likes to feel her touch, it’s comforting to him. it makes him feel less alone than even sometimes his twin makes him feel.
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chvrmion · 5 years
✵ kinnie
send ✵ and my muse will answer these questions
Their first impression of your muse: total trash. she hated him when she first laid eyes on him. she thought he was just another egotistical, sadistic, sweet-talking, monster. she was ready and willing to kill him.
Current impression:  a sweet, complicated man with a treacherous past and a bigger heart than he gets credit for. also lmao the current love of her life so she’s a little taken with him i guess.
Are they attracted to your muse?:  dangerously so.
Something they find frightening about your muse: that he’s the very thing she’s feared for her entire adult life and now he has the ability to not only physically destroy her, but mentally, emotionally and morally.
Something they find adorable about your muse: she loves how awkward he can be about opening up. she also secretly finds it really adorable how overprotective he is now that she’s back. ( but she’d never tell him that because he totally is in the right to be concerned, she’s a dummy. )
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  ugh, yes to the moon and back. only because he has such a big family that would be hurt so deeply to lose him and she couldn’t live in a world without him either.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  she might be persuaded to go out with him. PLATONIC ONLY DUH.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  charming.
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: that’s definitely happened both in the streets and in the sheets.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: every second that she can, the nerd.
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chvrmion · 5 years
✵ parker and sybil!
send ✵ and my muse will answer these questions
Their first impression of your muse: absolutely drove her up the wall. she thought he was way too chipper and wanted him to stop talking as quickly as possible.
Current impression:  she always wants him to stop talking. she still thinks he’s too much and wants him to leave her alone, but she doesn’t get the impression that he will anytime soon.
Are they attracted to your muse?:  no Bueno. sybil thinks he’s too old for her to find attractive and she’s generally more prone to women. 
Something they find frightening about your muse: how cheery he can be. it seems like he’s experienced some crap too and she doesn’t understand how he could bounce back from anything truly bad.
Something they find adorable about your muse:  when he gets mad, mainly because it means she’s winning.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  no currently. i could see them having an almost sibling-like bond in the future and she would be like welp his life is worth more than mine.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  a platonic one to help her with dating advice, u bet ur bottom dollar.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  annoying. 
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: absolutely!! she’s so much smaller than him but if given the chance she would slap him ( while wearing her gloves tho, she’s not a monster ).
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: nah, she would literally flinch away from touching him as much as possible. she may find him annoying but she don’t want to kill him either!!
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chvrmion · 5 years
✵ Maggie and Emmett
send ✵ and my muse will answer these questions
Their first impression of your muse: she immediately decided he was definitely probably the softest cullen. she was taken with him and like things he’s a big sweety with a burly lil exterior.
Current impression:  honestly it’s still the same as her first impression except now she adores him more, bc she thinks he’s so caring now that he’s seen him and rose together.
Are they attracted to your muse?:  i think she’s a little sweet on him, yes. however, what she likes most is how committed he is to rosalie.
Something they find frightening about your muse: she thinks he’s super passionate. she loves that about people, but she’s seen it turn to anger so many times in her past it almost scares her now.
Something they find adorable about your muse:  his thing with bears. she respects it but adds to her theory that he’s just a great big softie.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  at this point probably no, but i could see them becoming close enough friends that she would. i could also see her doing it to save rosalie for him bc she loves them so much.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:   platonic date!! yes absolutely. she would also third wheel with him and rose just to bask in their cuteness.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  lovesick. rose means the world to emmett as far as maggie thinks and she can’t imagine a time when he’s not all in with that girl.
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: i don’t think so, i can’t see her getting mad enough to want to.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: she would give him bundles of huggles. 
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