chronicallygarlic69 · 3 years
My doctors have effectively diagnosed me with fibromyalgia, just waiting for it to go through. So I finally got my accommodations.
My school is really mad that I can have them long term because I can walk without them for a bit.
However I got through a full day of school without having to take extra painkillers so I'm calling this a win!!!
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chronicallygarlic69 · 3 years
Lol I've apparently got rickets.
Got some bloods done a week ago and my vitamin d is so low my doctor is surprised all my bones are intact
Y am I like this
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chronicallygarlic69 · 3 years
TW: s*lf h*rm, ov*rd*se
I just almost offed my self. Was going to go steal my dad's p1lls and take a tone. Stopped myself by c*tting w/ a mechanical pencil.
I'm fine now but jeez. I was so close to ending it. I'm scared I'll actually do it at some point.
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chronicallygarlic69 · 3 years
So I had my appointment
The fucking physio reckons my disabilities are caused by anxiety and is referring me to an occupational therapist
They also banned me from using mobility aids and supports.
I am pissed. I cannot walk without my knee brace. I cannot write without my hand brace. I cannot function without painkillers.
I hate doctors.
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chronicallygarlic69 · 3 years
My parents are forcing me to go swimming even though I have said that it causes me to dislocate joints. Wish me luck!
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chronicallygarlic69 · 3 years
Yayyyyy! I've finally got my official hospital physio next week!!!!! Hopefully they don't say I'm not that sick like the community physio does! Maybe they'll even listen to me when I talk about my mobility issues that have lost me house bound for the whole holidays!! Fingers crossed
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chronicallygarlic69 · 3 years
Note to self, when swimming don't go down the flames. Today I went to the pool with my uncle and his kids and dislocated my hip and elbow on a flume. I am practically bedridden so have to stay home w/ my dad tomorrow while everyone else goes out to a theme park :(
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chronicallygarlic69 · 3 years
Hi! My name is Toby! Imma transmasc agender MINOR with severe chronic pain and illness. I made this blog to document my struggles for myself but feel free to follow!
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