chronic-clod · 1 year
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Just Pearl
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chronic-clod · 1 year
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chronic-clod · 1 year
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Summer Friend
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chronic-clod · 2 years
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PART 2/? The Encanto Triplets Things get a bit stormy. Now Pepa out of anger, said something that she regrets.
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chronic-clod · 2 years
It has come to my attention, that many people did not understand Encanto and it's Generational trauma theme.
long ass post bellow the cut, you have been warned!
1. Some historical context
Now, before we proceed i think it's important to clarify something, the guys who chased Alma and Pedro out of their home were not colonizers, they were either guerrilla, paramilitary or even Colombia’s own military (although i don't think Disney is that bold) the reason why i think it's so important to clarify that, it's because if these were colonizers that would mean this event took place over 2 hundred years ago, and although many Latin American countries still suffer the effects of colonialism, as far as generational trauma goes, i think the most affected are the indigenous peoples.
instead, when we place the time of the events where it belongs it means it could've even happened in the last 10 years, this war has been going on for the last 70 years and it mostly affects people from rural areas, they are either forced out of their homes by guerrillas and paramilitary, or their children are taken by the army to continue the string of young guys send to die in the front lines, the guerrillas even take the girls, you are killed if you refuse.
The generational trauma is alive in the Colombian people today, it's a thing that keeps happening and it is unresolved, worsened by the fact that politicians bank on it to get votes from the people in the big cities who have never in their lives have to run out of their homes in terror.
2. My own experience as a Colombian
Now with that gruesome fact out of the way, let's talk about Hispanic family dynamics, and disclaimer, Hispanic people are not a monolith and our experiences are not universal so this may not apply to every his panic family out there, but it does to most. Also when i say some things are cultural, i don't mean they are okay because of it, it just means it’s not going to go away because the younger gens are realizing it or gringos on the internet are shaming us about it.
For a culture with so much machismo, most of our families are pretty matriarchal, either because the father figure was killed, like in Encanto, because he just left or maybe he had more than one family so he wasn’t around much, or simply he went out every day to work leaving the woman as the authority figure in the house, this, paired with the fact that many countries suffered from US imperialism in the XX century means many of us know the stories of everything our parents or grandparents (single mothers or not) had to go through to support the family.
This may also apply to you if your family migrated in the last three generations.
My grandmother wanted to be a model, there is a single picture from that time in the house from a photo shoot she did when she was 17, she says she was going to send that shoot to a magazine for a Model of the Year award, however since she was still a minor she needed permission from my great-grandparents to do it.
they had to leave the country that same year, she came back some 20 years later with two daughters and the money she, working as a secretary, and my grandpa, working as a bus driver, had saved to buy a bus back here and put a down payment for a house, she stayed a housewife when she came back and I’ve never known why they had to leave or why i don't know anything about my great-grandfather, but everybody in my family and my extended family talks fondly of my great-grandmother and respect her memory despite all the stories of her "disciplining them" when they were children, i don't remember her much, but they tell me i had it easy with her because i was always a well-behaved child.
i think of my great-grandmother as Alma. She had 4 children when she had to leave for another country on her own, my grandma being the oldest at the time. Over the years as I’ve gotten older and discovered more stories about the time they spent with her and the family’s return to Colombia many things about the way our family dynamics work have become clear to me, some have been really bad and the result of the generational trauma being passed along and some are great, like that fact that she managed to turn every one of her children into successful adults despite the fact that i don't think she even finished elementary school.
There is no place in our family for a nuanced discussion about my grandma's and her siblings upbringing or how my great grandmother later raised the entirety of my mother’s generation (more than 10 boys and girls) while her sons and daughters went out to work, because for them everything that we have today it's thanks to her, and any mention of any wrongdoing would be tainting that memory.
And it is true, my great grandmother was an exceptional woman and what she did for her children and grandchildren is remarkable and required an immense amount of will and strength on her part but that doesn't mean she hurt the family as well. So many people complain about Abuela Alma being forgiven so easily when...it's realistic and i don't think you have put yourselves in the shoes of everybody in the family.
3. Finally, let’s talk about Encanto
Alma says it herself, she isn't the woman she thought she was going to be, I’m sure she wasn't this bitter controlling woman when the triplets were growing up, they probably got to experience a warm, understanding mother, that helped them understand the magical powers they got at an age as young as five. I'm sure they saw her change as timed passed and all those fond memories they had and the knowledge of everything she had done for them kept them from reaching a point where their relationship with her was broken beyond repair.
I’ve seen many head canons of "oh, i bet Abuela Alma didn't like Felix" or "i bet she thought Agustin was below Julieta" but, didn't you guys see her entire sequence with Pedro?, I’m sure it was HER the one to say to her daughters to never accept anything less than royal treatment, they have wonderful husbands because her mother had one and taught them what a good marriage should look like.
So it's really funny to see all of you go in the complete opposite direction and strip all the nuance away from Alma to turn her into this monster villainous woman who has no regard for anybody in her family, when all she wanted from the beginning was to keep a safe place for them.
Something that called my attention during Dos Oruguitas is that as she walks in the hallways passing the doors and they age her, her facial expression never changes, is the same sadness and emptiness she had right after Pedro was killed and it's because she never got to process her trauma. It happened and she was immediately trusted into a leadership role and given immense responsibility, so she HAD to keep it away, there was no time for her to dwindle on it.
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Even with the way she retells the story in the beginning is all mystified like a fairytale, she doesn't let them see how it truly affected her because if she did she would have to deal with it, and in her mind even all these years later she still can't afford to.
the entirety of Dos Oruguitas is her finally beginning to process the trauma that she suffered, I’m sure it’s the first time since it happened that she has allowed herself to feel everything she felt back then, it’s the first time she has realized that they are safe, that her family won’t get taken away from her, and her world won’t shatter again the same way it did all those years ago.
it's up to everybody whether they would forgive a family member in these circumstances, forgiveness is something really personal and the people who hurt you are not entitled to your forgiveness but, that’s why they forgave her so easily, it isn't fair, sure, but it’s how many of our families work, and it's how this family works in this context, no matter how dysfunctional.
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chronic-clod · 3 years
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NO BECAUSE WHY IS HOOTY HERE? /?? :? ''?? ur telling me he stretched all the way to town to be in the shot🗿
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chronic-clod · 4 years
World Building as Reveal in Steven Universe
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There’s a question that seems to come up with some regularity over at @script-a-world: How much world building do you need? Where’s the line between too much and not enough?
I’m all about the examples, so let’s take a look at Steven Universe.
Steven Universe is a riff on the Magical Girl genre, with a complex and structured alien race, and a broad variety of powers and abilities, a substantial backstory. There is a whole lot going on.
Now let’s look at just the first episode, “Gem Glow.” You’d think that it would have a lot of work to do setting all that stuff up, right? Well, not so much.
The stuff that gets outright explained:
Steven has a gem but doesn’t know how to use it
Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl are magical ladies who protect humanity
Each of them can summon a unique weapon from their gem
Steven’s weapon is a shield
The stuff that’s shown but not elaborated upon:
Gems fighting gem monsters
Steven’s powers are tied to his emotions
Bubbling monster gems
That’s it. Steven’s parents don’t even come up until the second episode. Things that become cornerstones of the series, like fusion and the Gem War? Not a peep about them.
In one way, this works because Steven is the viewpoint character, and he functions as the Naive Newcomer. As he learns more about his own powers and his mother’s past, so do we. 
It also works because, well, there’s only so much detail we can process at once. “Women fight monsters with magical weapons” is a pretty straightforward concept as such things go. The series takes its time to build on itself, allowing us to place each new piece of information in the correct context. Take the big reveal in the season 1 finale “Jailbreak” (I won’t spoil it, but if you’ve seen the show you know what I mean). Some other creators might have laid out a fact that foundational about one of the main characters right up front, stated as a matter of fact. By waiting until we better understand the implications, it becomes more than just a line in her bio–it has meaning, and provides a character we already knew with new depth. 
Even five seasons in, Steven Universe is still holding back a lot. I mean, we just now got a clue to what Lion is, and Lion first showed up in the tenth episode of season one. All along it’s treated its world building as a mystery to be uncovered. The pieces are usually there from the start (indeed, a rewatch of the series shows just how far in advance it must have been planned), but it pulls them into focus slowly and, critically, keeps them anchored to characters we care about. We don’t just see Steven learning new information, we see how new information affects him–what delights him, what terrifies him, what makes him question his own existence. It’s all tied to the emotional core, so as things start getting darker and twistier we’re invested.
The overarching plot of Steven Universe is almost entirely tied up in its world building. That’s only possible because it’s very stingy with giving up those details. If you dump all your world building on us at the start, we’re going to take it for granted and probably miss some things that were actually important. But if you make us work for it? We’ll be begging to find out what happened in that war that happened 5,000 years ago.
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chronic-clod · 4 years
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“Teaser,” done in SBP.
My good friend, @universallywriting, is actually responsible for the last bits of dialogue!
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chronic-clod · 4 years
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Cakes of Steven Universe
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chronic-clod · 4 years
(love you ‘till the) end of the earth.mp4 || Steven Universe AMV (3:41)
-> celebrating the main four couples of SU <3
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chronic-clod · 4 years
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Frozen Treats in Steven Universe
with bonus pink lemonade ice to represent delicious pink diamond shards
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chronic-clod · 4 years
I thought of this while taking a shower and immediately rushed to make it
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chronic-clod · 4 years
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But you, you’re supposed to change. You’re never the same even moment to moment – you’re allowed and expected to invent who you are. What an incredible power – the ability to “grow up.”
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chronic-clod · 4 years
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Steven Universe on VHS
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chronic-clod · 4 years
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chronic-clod · 4 years
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i love how the fandom just collectively calls corrupted steven the worm steven when he very clearly isn't
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chronic-clod · 4 years
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Well of course Onion is in SU endgame bingo
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