chrispersonalcorner · 6 hours
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wow players having to stand in lines for a quest because a relevant npc can only talk to one player at a time. is the funniest image on the planet
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I have never read a more excellent article
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Just wanted to say that Protective!Peter is the best. Can you imagine him taking care of Tony during CW? And eventually, their feelings are growing since then? 😳
Protective Peter is so much more mature than anyone gives him credit for. And why wouldn’t he be? He’s been looking after May for almost a year (not that he’d tell anyone that, because if anyone knew he was taking care of her and not vice versa, child services would probably take him away from her) because she’s been so depressed over Ben. Protective Peter can cook, and clean, and he’s a fucking expert at recognising what days Tony’s mental health is taking a turn for the worst because he’s used to doing it for his aunt.
And you know, Tony doesn’t take Peter home the moment the airport fight was over in Civil War. There is the whole taking-Rhodey-to-the-hospital business, obviously, and after that? After that Tony slopes back to his hotel feeling awful, feeling so terribly sorry for himself.
Peter’s waiting in Tony’s room. Happy tried to stop him, but Peter’s sneaky like that - he probably scaled the outside of the hotel and intended on knocking by Tony’s not in and he’s halfway up a building now so he might as well just wait inside, right? So he’s waiting. Because he wants to know if Rhodey’s okay, because he needs to apologise to Tony, because he didn’t do better and Captain Rogers and his friend got away after all, and Peter feels like he should have done more. And more than anything, Peter needs to make sure Tony is okay. Needs to.
So when Tony comes in thinking he’s alone and letting himself break at last (because he’s lost Steve, his Steve, he knows that, and he almost actually lost Rhodey, and Nat’s betrayed him too, and even Clint and Wanda have turned against him) Peter’s right there for him from the first moment. Tony doesn’t even have the strength to question Peter’s presence in his room, let alone to stop the tears slipping quietly down his cheeks, and he’s just incredibly grateful to know that someone still has his back. Maybe it’s wrong to open his heart to this fifteen year old kid from Queens, maybe it’s wrong to unload on him, but Tony’s been holding so much in for so long. He doesn’t let Peter hug him (god knows they’re not there yet, god knows Tony has a penchant for taking physical contact further, too far, especially when he’s emotionally compromised, so he has to keep the kid at arms length no matter what) but he lets him listen a little until he’s gotten a grip on himself. Peter has some very insightful advice to give in return, and knows when not to push and when to just listen. And it helps.
It also scares Tony.
So he distances himself from Peter, for months and months, and listens to his updates, and watches his video files from the spidersuit, and feels guilty as hell about the way he treats him.
But that doesn’t stop Peter caring. And after the Vulture stuff, after Tony lets him back in a little, Peter takes every opportunity he can to protect and take care of Tony. Slowly slowly, little by little their friendship grows and he gets access to more and more of Tony’s life.
It seems to take forever but Peter is as patient as he is protective. He knows these things take time. So he waits. And tries. And backs off. And waits again. And tries again.
And then he’s staying over, and he’s making sure Tony eats and drinks water and tricks him into thinking their conversations are about how Peter is doing, not Tony, so he doesn’t scare him off (“I’ve had bad dreams, have you ever had anything like this Mr. Stark? How do you cope?” “Well doing this helps me, Mr. Stark”) and he’s making him leave the workshop at reasonable times or sitting with him until 3am when he can’t cope, distracting Tony with new ideas or homework help on bad days, keeping him occupied with movie nights and trips out places on okay days, and then they’re in a routine before they know it.
Tony doesn’t know how he’d get by without it, to be honest. But he also knows he’s falling for Peter hard and fast, and he doesn’t know how to cope with that.
Luckily (not that he knows of course) Peter’s already fallen for Tony, irrevocably, unconditionally. He cares about him so much. No longer just as his idol. No longer just as his celebrity crush. But as one of his best friends and his mentor and as someone who is like family to him, and (worst of all, Peter thinks) romantically too.
Anyone would call it a schoolboy crush, he’s sure. Peter’s 16, practically going on 60 with how mature he is compared to the other kids he knows. It’s not a crush.
Tony kisses Peter first. 
It happens when they were alone one night, at Peter’s place whilst May works (Tony makes excuses to come there and ‘look after’ Peter when he’s alone from time to time) and they are just too close on the couch watching a movie on Peter’s awful, not-even-smartTV with Peter curled into the crook of Tony’s arm. Tony is watching him watch TV (he does this a lot too) when Peter looks around at him and the lights are low and Peter’s big brown eyes are shining and it’s all too much. So he kisses him. He can’t not.
And then Tony flees, because he’s more of a child than Peter is sometimes.
God, he feels awful for it, and he locks himself away for a week and won’t speak to Peter because he’s so ashamed of himself. But try as he might to turn back to old habits, Peter’s constant care has ingrained itself in Tony and he at least drinks enough water and eats a bit and goes to bed before 2am.
Peter finally gets an audience with him a week and a half on, and he’s not pulling any punches. He pushes Tony gently into the wall and inspects him (Tony asks what he’s doing - Peter tells him outright that he’s making sure he’s taken care of himself) and when he’s comfortable Tony is fine he kisses him, arms tight around him, and doesn’t let go.
They talk for hours about it, Peter shutting down all of Tony’s worries before they can fully form, discussing what this is between them, and Tony realises then and there.
No one has ever cared about him quite like Peter Parker does.
And Tony’s never loved anyone quite like he loves Peter.
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The Fair Folk: “I can’t believe this. Twenty years I’ve cleaned your house and you DARE to try to REPAY me with GIFTS. This is such an insult. Fuck you, you insolent humans. I’m leaving here and never returning because you have insulted me so deeply.”
Also the Fair Folk: “Remember that one time you pulled a thorn out of a cat’s foot? That was me. To show my gratitude, here is a house made of solid gold, a life-debt, my daughter’s hand in marriage, and a promise that all your children will be gorgeous and successful at all that they do. I can also throw in a blow job if you want. I hope this is enough. I don’t want to seem ungrateful.”
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Meanwhile, on Twitter:
Brain farts, a thread
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Tony and Peter finding themselves lost and separated from each other after their plane crashed into a rather ominous swamp for no apparent reason.
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verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel (emergency, Rafah is being burned as we speak) (gfm)
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a few weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims to gaza
Crips for eSims for Gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
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Wei Wuxian, to the juniors: If I run and leap at Hanguang-jun, he will most certainly catch me in his arms. Watch.
Lan Wangji, carrying a tea tray:
Wei Wuxian, running and leaping at him: Lan Zhan, here I come!!!~~ ε===(っ≧ω≦)っ
Juniors: Uh-oh (;° ロ°) Hanguang-jun is going to drop the te-
Lan Wangji: *balances tray on one arm, catches Wei Wuxian with the other, effortlessly spins him around twice then hoists him up on his shoulder, not even displacing a single cup*
Wei Wuxian: Aiya~ Lan Er-gege, so strong, so steady, so graceful!!!
(~ ̄³ ̄)~
Wangxian: *shameless PDA ensues*
Juniors: (ノ-_-)ノ ミ ┻━┻
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Reverence – Religious AU
Peter is High Priest of the Temple of Iron, devout follower of the Stark god, a fair and just ruler of their land, blessing his mortal creations with plenty of food and resources to thrive. Peter is the keeper of their faith, the highest most holy human mortal to represent the infinite knowledge and love of their divine creator.
Decorated in the best garments, spun from the highest quality silks and gold threads, Peter spends hours and hours praying and speaking to his god, his Beloved, his Love every night; worshipping the great golden statue of his lord’s chiseled face.
Keep reading
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helen “trans people are perpetuating gender steriotypes” joyce is now upset that the scientific american is writing about how women were hunters too back in the day, not just mothers and caretakers. feminist win!
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the ultimate “dgm out of context” panel. tyki’s talking about poker. poker. no innuendos here
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what if every Tumblr user suddenly looses their mouse?
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chrispersonalcorner · 10 days
Starker Festivals MerMay 2024
Prompt: Non-Human Anatomy/Tails
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Peter doesn’t look human at all, but Tony loves him anyway
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chrispersonalcorner · 11 days
The best notes written in manuscripts by medieval monks
Colophon: a statement at the end of a book containing the scribe or owner’s name, date of completion, or bitching about how hard it is to write a book in the dark ages
Oh, my hand
The parchment is very hairy
Thank God it will soon be dark
St. Patrick of Armagh, deliver me from writing
Now I’ve written the whole thing; for Christ’s sake give me a drink
Oh d fuckin abbot
Massive hangover
Whoever translated these Gospels did a very poor job
Cursed be the pesty cat that urinated over this book during the night
If someone else would like such a handsome book, come and look me up in Paris, across from the Notre Dame cathedral
I shall remember, O Christ, that I am writing of Thee, because I am wrecked today
Do not reproach me concerning the letters, the ink is bad and the parchment scanty and the day is dark
11 golden letters, 8 shilling each; 700 letters with double shafts, 7 shilling for each hundred; and 35 quires of text, each 16 leaves, at 3 shilling each. For such an amount I won’t write again
Here ends the second part of the title work of Brother Thomas Aquinas of the Dominican Order; very long, very verbose; and very tedious for the scribe; thank God, thank God, and again thank God
If anyone take away this book, let him die the death, let him be fried in a pan; let the falling sickness and fever seize him; let him be broken on the wheel, and hanged. Amen
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chrispersonalcorner · 12 days
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by @van_ri1998
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chrispersonalcorner · 12 days
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Robert Downey Jr & Tom Holland being the best improv duo
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