chip-ism · 19 hours
Y'all ever watch anime or something and get caught off guard by something vaguely vorish? Like this for example
Like??? A freak had to have animated this scene
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chip-ism · 6 days
I like pred consequences, but like. In little dumb ways that just make them angry, y'know?
Preds who get annoyed from digestion taking too long because they ate a particularly fatty prey or something
Preds staring at themselves in the mirror a day after their meals and realizing that all of the fat went to their hips/breasts/stomach or any place they didn't want it to go, and now they have to buy a COMPLETELY new wardrobe because SOMEONE had to DIGEST incorrectly (the prey quite literally couldn't help it. Bonus points if it's a sentient fat situation and the pred constantly bitches to the prey about their ruined figure)
Preds getting pissy because a prey was a little too big and tore open their favorite shirt/dress/suit
Preds berating prey for "tasting like sweat" (they ate the prey in the locker room after the prey finished working out
Preds who complain about the prey tasting too salty (they ate them at a beach)
Lightweight pred eating a heavyweight prey and getting drunk, forced to wake up with the worst hangover ever despite their pleased stomachs
Preds who ate a beloved prey and now have to deal with being a social outcast because everyone is sick of their shit
Preds who are too big to fit in their cars/on their bikes after a meal at the park. So they reluctantly relax on the park benches, accidentally fall asleep, and happen to wake up in the stomach of ANOTHER pred, who couldn't resist the plumped up sleepy meal sitting alone
Preds who eat their date before their date pays, and because the pred is broke, they have to either wait a few hours to cough up the partially digested wallet or wash dishes
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chip-ism · 15 days
What would you do if okay he said yea would go? (tattoo’d preds 🙏🙏🙏)
Probably. 👍
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chip-ism · 18 days
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Collection of bullshit
I don't have ideas so please don't be afraid to utilize the questions/requests button please
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chip-ism · 19 days
(Any vore tropes you dislike?)
Yeah actually, mostly when it comes to big betrayal vore and cruel preds who never get any consequences.
But also some other stuff (it gets a bit long so I'm putting it under a cut)
Like when someone eats their friend of a few years "just because they were hungry", I feel like it would be better if the rest of the friend group stopped associating with the pred after that, y'know? I mean, I understand if vore is normalized in that world, but realistically nobody would want to hangout with them anymore. Probably disgusted by their actions. Plus just kinda hate cruel preds getting away with literally murdering people for no reason.
Ough. I get the appeal of it I guess?? But I'd probably prefer if the pred ate the prey, and then a pred who was actually a friend of the prey gets pissed and digests the first pred in retaliation. It seems more interesting to me.
There's also a lot of vore I've seen on Instagram that seems vaguely sexist somehow? Like- a big trope of dudes digesting women and being super degrading about it? Also all those images of real people that people edit (without permission) and anything involving IRL celebrities
The last thing would be people who do weight gain wrong, and only add fat to the more "attractive" parts (like boobs and ass) and don't end off with any stomach pudge. Eating a person is fattening, dammit!
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chip-ism · 22 days
I always think about that, because realistically it wouldn't be that hard for prey to cause some damage, right? I mean. They're literally surrounded by the most vital and fragile parts of a human body. What's the pred gonna do when their prey kicks their spinal cord 😭
vore needs more submissive preds and dominant prey
the power doesn’t always gave to go to the pred. prey are literally sitting inside one of the most important organs in the body. they have the power to be delicate or rough with their pred in so many ways. maybe by tracing circles in more sensitive areas, or kicking in ways they know will have their pred moaning. prey can wriggle around and turn their pred into a flustered mess whenever they feel like it, forcing out loud, unruly gurgles and crass burps at inconvenient times. they know all the right buttons to push to mess with their pred~
just imagine your stereotypical strong, stoic pred, reduced to a writhing, begging mess by their meal…
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chip-ism · 22 days
I don't really mind fatal vore and stuff, but I always despise when people write actual characters OOC for the sake of cruel pred stuff, especially when they eat other characters from the same media in a cruel/taunting way, despite them being super in love/caring/affectionate in the actual source material.
Idk, most of that stuff is what I've seen on Instagram though
The dark side of fandom vore is when you find vore content of media that your friends like or that you’ve heard is really good and then your only introduction to the main character from that media is where they kill and eat people in awful ways and now you’re squicked out by the original source material because you can’t sympathize with this version of this guy and whenever you see him you just think about all the disturbing shit he did in that fanfic
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chip-ism · 23 days
when a lot of people think about nagas, they think about adding to their tail, which makes sense. But I really wanted to draw a chubby woman. So I did.
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She probably won't be an OC. I just wanted to draw a snake woman to practice with tail bulges an junk.
She thanks you for the meal (and for upgrading her cup size)
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chip-ism · 24 days
Average Vore Question Meme
Send an emoji to my inbox and I’ll answer the question associated with it.
🤔 - How did you find out about vore? 😋 - Favorite vore method? (Oral, absorption, etc.) 📷 - Do you prefer to be the predator, prey, or an observer? 📚 - What types of themes do you enjoy in vore? Are you interested in encounters related to fantasy, science fiction, modern times, or something else? 🖌 - How do you prefer to create vore media (if you do)? Do you like to roleplay, draw, write stories, mix vore-related sounds into audio scenarios, or other ways? 💻 - How do you consume (pun intended) vore media made by others? 😐 - Any vore tropes you dislike?
Do you prefer…
🍴 - Soft or hard vore? ⚠️ - Safe or unsafe vore? 🖍 - Realistic or unrealistic/cartoony vore? 😧 - Willing or unwilling prey? 😯 - Willing or unwilling preds? 🌃 - Same size or size difference? 🏃‍♂️ - Fast-paced scenes that cut straight to the chase or slow-paced scenes that observe details and/or have buildup?
Your opinion on…
❗️- Digestion 😇 - Reformation ☠️ - Fatal vore 👅 - Mawplay/mouthplay 🛌 - Endosoma 🌀 - Hypnosis in vore 🧪 - Transformation in vore 🥰 - Fluff in vore 🍜 - Foodplay in vore 😱 - Fearplay in vore 🤯 - Turning the tables in vore ✏️ - Original characters in vore 📺 - Canon characters in vore
Characters and Characteristics
📝 - Do you have any original characters specifically for vore? 😛 - Any fictional character(s) that you imagine as prey? Would you eat them? 😳 - Any fictional character(s) that you imagine as preds? Would you let them eat you? 🤤 - What are the characteristics (physical, personality, etc) you enjoy in preds? What do you dislike? 😙 - What are the characteristics (physical, personality, etc) you enjoy in prey? What do you dislike?
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chip-ism · 24 days
I like world building in vore, like actually.
Most people don't really explore a lot of relationships in vore, I see a lot of uncaring preds and how prey are just food, but like- realistically that wouldn't be the case.
Maybe at first- but preds are greedy, right? But as society progresses past whatever change in evolution made preds and preys, I seriously doubt there'd be an even pred to prey ratio. It gets more exciting when you imagine there's one prey to every thousand or so preds, because then a prey isn't just a simple meal, and there's definitely mass competition for them. Also, imagine preds turning on each other? It makes sense. There are only so many prey in the world, but preds are everywhere (since they live longer, mate, and make more preds faster than prey can repopulate).
I wonder if preds are more nutritious, from all the prey they've eaten.
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