Suspiciously autistic things about Alec Hardy
because i'm rewatching broadchurch for the first time in 8 years and having a Moment about why, exactly, this show made such an impression on me
Has literally no regard for his own boundaries. Like, none whatsoever. You could say he's just a self-loathing bastard, which I guess he is, but the extremes he's going to aren't very neurotypical if you ask me
We never see him talk to people outside work, or at least outside of an "I need you/you need me so that's why we're talking"-type of situation. This man has no way how to initiate social contact; I'm not even sure if he feels like he needs it at all.
Ellie's dinner! Literally everything about it, from the invitation to that whole evening, screams autism. Like the way he decided to bring her three presents because he didn't know what would be appropriate, the fact that he continues to call her Miller because apparently he sees no reason to change out of office formalities for a casual dinner.
I'm pretty sure this man doesn't know the definition of casual in general. Evidenced by the fact that he wears a suit (which I'm pretty sure is always the same suit?) literally anywhere he goes. On- or off-duty.
Oh and continuing on the dinner: the way he drinks the wine he didn't want, probably thinking "eh, won't kill me" only for it to almost kill him? Another example that he really doesn't know his own boundaries.
Very very good at his job, because he's analytical and methodical. Not that good with the actual people he has to deal with, because a methodical approach tends not to work with real human beings.
He's extremely good at looking at things from an impersonal angle, and seems to be unable to understand why other people (Ellie!) can't separate themselves from an investigation.
Just really stubborn in general. The way he does things is best, period. (Debatable, but absolutely not for him)
He's extremely blunt and either doesn't care much that people dislike him for this, or doesn't understand why they would
The scene in s2 where he finds Ellie crying in the restroom and awkwardly offers her a hug (because that's what people do in these situations, right?) which she declines because it's not like him? Yeah.
He has a very strong sense of justice. Which I guess most (good) detectives have, but the way he felt like he had to do penance for how the Sandbrook case ended and still kept working on it, really shows how he goes above and beyond for justice, compared to what others would probably do.
(to be continued probably, because I've only watched s1 and two episodes of s2 for now)
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chilling-in-the-vents · 4 months
Absolutely iconic reasons David Tennant has been cast in roles
Good Omens
cast because he was the only person who Neil could imagine doing this walk
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2. Hamlet
For picking up a real skull on a whim on a TV program
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3. Doctor Who
literally for playing Casanova and being a fanboy
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4. Ducktales
not really sure? Scottish?? pretty sure they said who's a well known Scottish actor who would be down for this and there was really only one answer (he had been the first choice so...)
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Dude landed 4 iconic roles by just being a bit weird
(these are just the ones I know feel free to add on)
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chilling-in-the-vents · 4 months
i don’t care. I don’t care. you are all SLEEPING on David tennant’s Shakespeare career. i don’t think you understand how passionate I am about this. not the “oh he quoted hamlet once haha” no I’m talking about THE YEARS AND YEARS HE SPENT DOING THEATRE, PERFORMING SHAKESPEARE, AND BEING ONE OF THE BEST THEATRICAL ACTORS EVER I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care DO YOU REALIZE HOW IMPORTANT SHAKESPEARE HAS BEEN FOR THE ARTS AND FOR THEATRE DO YOU REALIZE HOW ID DIE JUST TO WATCH HIM PERFORM IN AS YOU LIKE IT OR THE SCOTTISH PLAY ?? OR ANY SHAKESPEARE PIECE PERIOD HE COULD EVEN STAND ON STAGE AND READ HIS SONNETS AND ID BE HAPPY. don’t sleep on his Shakespeare career please I am begging you I have such a love for theatre
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chilling-in-the-vents · 6 months
"The Doctor is outwardly queer now" The Doctor has been queer since 1963. 🤦
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chilling-in-the-vents · 7 months
girl help the eldritch horrors are organising a pride and prejudice party and making us dance to mirror their forbidden and repressed love. yes there is a michael jackson thriller video reenactment outside trying to get in. no yeah i still want that rare doctor who annual
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You know that scene where Colonel Carrillo is leaning on a desk?
Oh, you mean this one?
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No, not that one.
Oh, this one?
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Nope. Not that one either.
So this one?
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No, that’s not the one.
Ok, here it is.
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That’s not it.
How about this one?
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I like it. But no.
Let me try again.
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Didn’t we see this one already?
My mistake. 
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That’s it! Oh no, it’s not.
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That’s a car, not a desk.
Fair point.
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Okay, maybe never mind.
Oh no, we got more baby!
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I don’t think you’ll find it. 
Not with that attitude. 
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Please stop. My dash can’t take anymore. 
Hey, you started it. 
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Okay, you’ve made your point.
Have I?
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Yes! You have. 
Maybe one more. 
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Okay, that’s all the shoulder/arm porn I’ve got. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk Pecha Kucha.
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Din, in front of the whole covert: I bathed in the Living Waters.
Bo-Katan: He definitely did. He drowned, actually
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bo katan hangs out with din djarin for like five minutes and already she’s seen the mythosaur and joined a cult this man just radiates chaos no one is safe 
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this week's episode destroyed me, as usual
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Something about hands... Something about how they're both holding so tightly to the thing they're trying to save...
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We don't talk enough about the way Tommy smiled at table seeing Joel reprimand Ellie about her manners.
He was acting such like a Dad without realizing it.
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Tommy was probably thinking about Sarah and how special her and Joel bond was.
Or how he never thought he ever gonna see Joel act that way ever again but—here this kid he knows nothing about—bringing life and light in Joel life all over again.
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23:59: "I'm not your father" 00:00:
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“Ellie, let’s mind our manners”
“Joel, say congrats”
Combined they almost make one shakily civilized human being.
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"Why did your grades drop so much this quarter?"
// Far away gaze, ptsd flashback//
"..pedro.. it's all pedro.."
In other words: exam season is coming up, meanwhile the next three weeks there'll be a tlou episode and a mando episode every week
I'm gonna fucking die
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There’s something telling about the way Joel said “We’ve been doing just fine.” in episode 6. It’s the way a dad puts up a front about circumstances so he doesn’t seem like he’s been failing as a parent by comparison to someone else who’s in a better place
You can see it in the way Ellie looks confused when he deflects to make it seem like they haven’t been struggling, because he doesn’t want others to think he’s incapable of caring for her “properly”. The whole introduction to Jackson, every bit of dialogue hinges on the idea that Joel doesn’t want people to think he’s incapable of caring for her in every way— Protecting her, providing for her, teaching and instructing her— even as he spends that same amount of time denying the fact he cares for her like a father
He needs to know he’s capable of doing right by her because it’s making him physically ill to think he might fail
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(hears a song lyric) this would make a great all-lower case fanfiction title
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my mum changes celebrity crushes even more often than me
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