chaotical-xe · 19 hours
First of all I am loving the comics especially the metarex saga ones and I can't wait for more but I have to ask. Does Cosmo lose her right eye? I ask because in part one when we can see her face her right eye is blacked out and in part 2 we can see her covering her right eye with blood on her hand
Hi r3d-d0t! I'm so happy you're enjoying my comics! It means a lot!
To answer your question, yes. She lost it when Narcissus struck her on page 7 in Burning Hatred. The eye being hidden in part 1 was a bit of foreshadowing to this, which I like to do a lot hehehee. I don't have the concept drawn yet as I've been busy focusing on finishing the Moonbeast Saga, but I was thinking she grows/gets this cool flowery eye patch that resembles the two large flowers on her head. I thought it'd be a fun way to mix up her design and make it more original!
Thanks for the question! I enjoyed getting to dive a little deeper into it! 🌾
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chaotical-xe · 1 day
(this chapter takes place immediately following "Breakfast")
click below to view the written chapter:
Tap. Tap. Tap.
She didn’t know where her feet were taking her, but Amy needed some time alone, away from the tense atmosphere at the breakfast table. She hoped the crisp, autumn air gracing the university’s many walkways would help clear her mind of its seemingly endless troubles. Yet every time she would breathe deeply and focus on her surroundings—the weather-worn and stained bricks singing each building’s rich and vast history; the morning dew adorning each blade of grass like a glittering tiara, reflecting sunlight like tiny decorative diamonds; the shadows cast by each leaf of each tree, dancing gently at the wind’s command—her mind would gradually slip back into the darkness, replaying the events of the past fortnite like an old videotape.
Except the images in her mind were as clear as her weak, trembling hands: just like the leaves about to fall from the trees above her. She ruminated over these events once more. It had all started just under two weeks ago on a day just like any other. She’d woken up and made breakfast for the two of them, since Eve wasn’t exactly what you’d call a chef. She smiled, thinking back on the day Sonic suggested Eve stay with her, similar to he and Tails. He really wasted no time making sure she felt at home on Mobius. Amy was glad she agreed to it because to her, Eve became a little sister just like Cream.
She reminisced over the rest of her day. The two of them had errands to run, so they parted ways, agreeing to meet up at Sonic’s place later that evening to check on the cold-stricken hedgehog and walk home together. She chuckled with the memory of their most-recent trip to the beach in which Knuckles had ‘convinced’ the blue blur to take a dip in the ocean, against his will of course, before he had to be unceremoniously dragged back to shore after sinking like a brick. She had made sure the echidna guardian would feel the impact of her hammer for days, Eve for weeks. Sonic, unfortunately, had to deal with the aftermath of being soaked as a gust of cool wind passed by, one that resulted in an entire week of house-rest—Tails’ orders. She’d gone into town and then to Vanilla’s house, where she helped Cream practice her newest recipes in her lineup of culinary masterpieces. The afternoon had passed by at almost ‘Sonic’-speed, with her nearly forgetting her aforementioned plans. She waved goodbye and was on her way as a crimson sun set below the horizon, millions of stars slowly dotting the blackening night sky.
What a perfect day.
Until she arrived at nightfall.
It was all a blur: the door nearly bursting off its hinges, the subsequent gale that nearly blew her away, the flash of golden light shooting off into the sky

There was
so much

Amy shook her head. She may have been alone in her walk through the university’s grounds, but if she lost her head now, when everyone else already seemed to be jumping out of their skin at the current situation

Her mind wandered yet again, but this time to when she’d met up with Sonic and Tails in the professor’s office twelve days ago. She could never forget it: the terrified look on Sonic’s face and his silent, yet panicked demeanor; how hard he was trembling, his heart and mind clearly shattering like the planet when Tails’ scan came back revealing the condition he was in; her attempts to ease that panic when night quickly and inevitably fell upon him, and of course

Him crying out in agony as she could only sit there and watch helplessly.
She felt, in a way, like she had failed him, despite knowing that to be the furthest thing from the truth. Still, she felt sick to her stomach watching him clearly growing more exhausted and distressed by the day. On top of that, he was racing around trying to put the world back together. Perhaps it was the hope that fixing the planet would end his curse that drove Sonic, no, everyone to search for these temples tirelessly.
Everyone, that is, except Eve, who has been completely left in the dark on Sonic’s curse. Amy didn’t feel right about that. From the first moment Sonic had asked her to keep it a secret she was against it. Tails, on the other hand, supported Sonic unwaveringly. Still, she couldn’t argue against the reason he gave her, even if she believed Sonic’s mind wasn’t in the best place right now. He was right: with the circumstances that led to that space station as well as his curse

The truth would break her.
Regardless of the differences in opinion on the matter, that was one thing everyone could agree on. Although, after seeing her this morning, Amy knew without a shred of doubt, even if Tails denied it

Eve had figured out their secret.
How she had figured it out, Amy had no idea. The real question was, who would talk first and what would be said? Amy wanted so badly to bridge that gap, yet she couldn’t bring herself to betray Sonic’s trust like that. And as for approaching Sonic, well, he didn’t need to be more stressed and panicked than he already was, even if he made poor attempts to hide it during the day with his signature smile and thumbs up. As for at night
who knows what he’d been up to. He kept disappearing anymore, for one to keep Eve at bay—unsuccessfully she might add—and also just as likely as a means of trying not to worry anyone else—again, unsuccessfully. As frustrating as it was, what else was he to do: sit idle and let his anxiety consume him day after day, night after night, as the clock ticked by, bringing on the inevitable?
“AAARRRRGH!!!!” Amy grabbed her head and yelled out in frustration. This was all too much. She felt powerless and she hated it.
Yet what else was there to do?
There was nothing she could do.
As her racing thoughts finally quieted and slowed, leaving her more exhausted than when she’d woken up this morning, Amy found herself standing in front of a small tea parlor in the middle of town. The sign was a light, pale green with dark green trim, beveled at the sides so as to stand out against the flat, golden, brick storefront. On it was a series of small, green and large, pink cursive letters that read, Descendez à La Sucre et Romarin. She stared ahead at the olive-green door with a bell at its top, ready to alert the cafe owner of any new customers.
Well, what else was there to do?
Ring! Ring!
A young woman’s voice called out from underneath the counter. “Ouch! Just a minute!” She quickly stood up and brushed off her arms, a noticeable red mark donning her forehead.
Amy stepped forward curiously, “Umm
Are you okay?”
The woman perked up, casually waving off the question, “Huh? Oh, me? Nah, I’m fine! I was just grabbing some spare change for the register and
you caught me just as I banged my head on the cabinet door.” She rubbed her head and laughed nervously.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you!”
“No! No! It’s fine! Really! I do this sort of thing all the time! Hehehe
It’s like I’m cursed or something
” The human woman noticed Amy’s downcast expression at that last comment. She paused for a moment, then smiled warmly, “
Why don’t I fix you up my special recipe. My treat. Then we can sit down and talk.”
Amy nodded despondently in response, still staring off into the tiled floor beneath her as the young woman walked over to the front door, flipping the sign to ‘closed’, then went into the back room to gather some ingredients. When she returned, she set everything down at the workstation and got to work, her hands dancing gracefully from one measuring cup to the next and finally to the ceramic cup ready to serve. The refreshing and semi-sweet aroma lulled Amy out of her trance, finding the woman already sitting at one of the tables, tapping on its surface as a motion for Amy to join her. She smiled weakly and nodded, joining the woman and taking a sip of the tea.
The taste gave Amy her escape she so desperately wanted at the moment. She could taste the forest with its fresh, clean air and pine trees. She could taste the summer sun and the winter moon above as well as thousands of twinkling stars in a clear, breezy evening. She could taste the roses in her flower garden back home

Amy returned to the present, her face now soaked in her tears. She couldn’t stop them. She tried. She really, really tried. But they wouldn’t stop.
“I’m-I’m sorry
” Amy sniffed and wiped away some tears, only for them to be immediately replaced by more, “I-I don’t know what came over me. I just-!” She buried her face in her hands.
The woman continued to smile and spoke softly, “Hey now, don’t apologize for crying. We all have these moments sometimes. It’s important to let it out like this so that we don’t let it fester and consume our thoughts. Just take your time. There’s no rush.”
“B-But there is! A-And I don’t know what to do! I just-!” Amy began to wail, letting out all of the pent up tension from the past couple weeks, roaming through those painful memories one final time before, eventually, coming back to the present and calming herself. The woman produced a handkerchief from her pocket and offered it to Amy.
“There you go. Just let yourself cry, as much as you need to.” Amy blew her nose, “Are you feeling any better?”
Amy nodded in response.
The woman smiled brightly, “Good.” She stood up and went behind the counter to grab something, “It’s just like my Papa always says, ‘There is nothing that will quell your inner turmoil better than a spot of tea
’” She sat back down, placing down a place of food as she continued mimicking the quote’s owner, “‘Over a plate of delicious cucumber sandwiches, of course!’ Hehehe!”
Amy stared at the familiar sandwiches for a moment before looking up at the woman in shock, “WHAAAAATT!? Professor Pickle is-!?”
“Yep! He’s my grandfather! But once I called him Papa and it just stuck! Hehehe!”
“No way! He’s been helping us on our current journey to restore the planet!”
“I know. He’s told me all about you four! Plus, I have an inkling your blue friend is the legendary ‘Galactic Hero’ that saved us from the Metarex a couple of years back. Rumor has it, you come from another planet not too far from here.”
Amy stared in awe, then smiled a bit bashfully, “I guess we really left an impact, huh?”
“Oh, absolutely! In fact, your actions helped inspire me to open up this shop! I wanted to use my gifts to help people, even in the smallest of ways! Just like you right now. I want this to be a safe place for people to stumble across and find their way home
” The woman looked down thoughtfully, with a smile on her face, “Just like how the university was for me
Amy looked at her curiously, “Hm? What do you mean by that?”
“You see
The professor isn’t really my grandfather. In fact, I don’t have any family that I can remember. My earliest memory was that of playing in the forest. I wandered a bit too far chasing some fireflies and quickly found myself lost. The rest of it is fuzzy, like some distant dream. I believe it was snowing? Anyway, I ended up on the professor’s office doorstep hungry, afraid, and all alone as a young toddler. He took me inside and took good care of me, searching around for my parents in the process. Both of us were alone in life, and during that time, we bonded. After about a year of searching, he realized they were probably gone. So, he decided to adopt me. He gave me a home, a family, an education, and a life that I wake up to each day grateful to be given.”
Amy was tearing up again, “That is so sweet. I had no idea Professor Pickle had a granddaughter!”
“Well, I try to stay close by and see him regularly. That was why I set up my shop here, in the heart of town! Lately though, in the past couple of weeks, it’s been dangerous for me to go visit Papa after I close up, so I haven’t been around the university in a while. He warned me to stay inside my shop but never fully explained why. Finally, I grew tired of waiting and walked across town a few nights ago. Barely a few steps away from the shop and I was ambushed by these
glowing creatures! I thought it was all over
until another one, fur glowing white in the moonlight, jumped in and saved me. I was scared at first, but quickly realized he wasn’t going to hurt me. That was when Papa showed up. He held me tight and thanked my new friend profusely, who winked and gave a thumbs up in return
like this!” The woman mimicked the motion, “Then, he took off. My guess
was to continue protecting those of us in need

Like a true hero.”
Amy’s eyes were wide in awe. All of that anxiety, all of that panic from before, it was gone. In its place was unbridled admiration and joy that her friend was still in there, doing his best to shine through the ever-growing darkness in any way he possibly could.
She clutched a hand over her heart, letting a few tears roll as she smiled knowingly.
“Thank you
for sharing that story.”
The woman watched Amy happily, “Of course! Thank you for being such a good listener too!”
Amy beamed, “Hehe! Anytime! Umm
“Dawn! My name is Dawn!” She beamed back.
“I’m Amy! Amy Rose!”
“Rose, huh? That’s a beautiful last name! It reminds me of this shop! ‘Romarin’ is French for Rosemary! I love Roses!”
Amy giggled, “Is that what you put in this tea that made it so delicious?”
Dawn winked, “Nope! That would be the moonbells that grow on the cliffside not too far from here!” She leaned in, whispering with a comical expression despite them being the only ones in the shop, “But don’t tell anyone okay? That’s a Pickle trade secret!”
Amy leaned in to whisper back, “Don’t worry! Your secret’s safe with me!”
The two laughed and chatted some more over another cup of tea, then another, and then some more. Time seemed to move at ‘Sonic’-speed and soon it was almost evening, meaning it was time to head back. The bell rang twice once again as Amy exited the shop, waving to her new friend as she joyfully walked away, no longer consumed by the memories of the past fortnite. She was ready to move forward, to help each of her friends get through this turbulent and uncertain time. She believed in herself. She may not be able to end his curse or slow the ticking of the clock, but Amy Rose now knew that she was capable of doing great good with her unique gifts.
Even if it was in the smallest of ways.
Dawn waved back, “Goodbye, Amy Rose! I’m so happy I met you!” She turned to re-enter her shop before pausing and turning back around, “Oh! And tell Sonic I said “Thank you for saving me!!!’ I didn’t get the chance!!!!”
Amy turned again, “Will do!!! Byee!!!”
“YOU KNEW!?!?!?”
So much for keeping it a secret.
(cn: Dawn is a reborn version of Eve from a rp server I am no longer active in; she is, technically speaking, completely canon from start to finish (which we will get to later); this chapter acted as a proper conclusion for her character while also giving her a role once more in the main story; also as a fun side note, she was extremely close to an alternate Amy in that rp, hence the scene setup between them and the many references in tow; thought it would be fun context to share)
(chapters are not released in the order they were created)
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chaotical-xe · 5 days
(cn: thank you all so much for your patience in prepping this chapter, I hope you enjoy one of my favorite Sonic X episodes adapted for the plot in a new spin)
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OFF PANEL: fans be like...
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(chapters are not released in the order they were created)
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chaotical-xe · 6 days
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Some days, I wish I had the wings to fly beyond the moon and stars
In case anyone else needed to hear this, you already have the wings and the courage to take flight and make a positive change in your life. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. 💖
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chaotical-xe · 7 days
Hey everyone! Just a quick update:
I had a very stressful week this week and forgot to queue my next chapter (I have to use my pc because the app only allows 10 images). I have a few things to take care of irl but I'll be posting the chapter in a day or so as well as queueing the next few weeks in advance in case this kind of thing happens again.
That's all. I hope you all have an awesome weekend! 💖
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chaotical-xe · 11 days
Darkest Terror: Burning Hatred CONCEPT SHEET
(spoilers for the chapter below)
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chaotical-xe · 15 days
The Moonbeast Saga: Breakfast
(creator's note: page 1 was completed 3 months before the rest of this chapter due to jumping into Darkest Terror, hence the quality difference)
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Off Panel: her pun senses are tingling...
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(chapters are not released in the order they were created)
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chaotical-xe · 22 days
SHADOW SAGA: A Heart of Gold
(this is a written chapter; click below to view the entire piece)
Blades of grass danced gently in the hillside’s warm, late-spring breeze. The brilliant afternoon sun beamed down from above, inviting the scenery’s vibrant hue to awaken and share their artistry with the rest of the world. Flickies filled the air with their sweet, happy melody as peace continued to reign over Mobius, the incident with the Black Arms all but a distant and fading memory.
The grass stirred from the sudden gale, yet quietly returned to their gentle dance.
The flickies glanced at the streak of cyan now lining the hillside, yet they continued their peaceful tune without any worries or qualms.
He was known by many names: The Galactic Hero, The Hero of Mobius, The Fastest Being in the Universe, The Blue Blur

But his closest friends called him by only one.
“Watch where you’re going, Faker!”
The ‘Faker’ in question popped back onto his feet, rubbing the now sore spot on his head where he’d collided with the young, incredibly moody and admittedly just as fast, hedgehog, “Why don’t YOU watch where YOU’RE going!” He shook his head, “Grr! Look! I don’t have time for this Shadow! I’m gonna be late and I still haven’t found the perfect g-AH!”
His younger, arguably equally as powerful, counterpart had taken a swing at him. Sonic dogged, quickly shoving his arm to the other’s forehead, stopping the smaller hedgehog in his tracks while crossing his legs and comically looking down at his free hand as if to admire some nonexistent nail polish, “You done yet, kid? I don’t have all day.”
“Grrrr! Don’t call me ‘kid’!!! I’m 50 years older than you, you know!!”
“Taking a few long naps doesn’t count, kid. I still have five years of life experience over you.”
Shadow huffed in defeat and jumped back, relenting his futile position, “Where are you off to in such a hurry anyway?”
“I could ask you the same thing? You crashed into me too, you know?”
Shadow immediately jumped on the defensive, “I don’t have to answer that!”
Sonic held up his arms in surrender, “Okay. Okay. Sheesh!” He paused for a moment before continuing.
Sonic rubbed the back of his head nervously, “Well
today is Eve’s 16th birthday and
admittedly, I
haven’t found her the right gift yet
heh heh
” There was a moment of pause as his lack of a proper gift weighed on him, “She’s one of my best friends so
The younger hedgehog scoffed and flashed his older counterpart a cocky grin, “That’s pretty bad, Faker.”
A serious and stern expression crossed the Blue Blur’s face, “Not as bad as forgetting her birthday altogether. Am I right, Shadow?”
Shadow looked genuinely shocked, then jumped into a defensive stance once more, “I didn’t forget!! I
” He averted his gaze.
Sonic cocked his head in confusion for a moment before the realization of the kid’s situation hit him full force. A teasing and mischievous grin spread across his muzzle, threatening to consume his whole face if only he could let it.
“You can’t find her a gift either, can you?”
The hedgehog’s ebony hue turned almost as red as the stripes on his quills.
Sonic zipped in front of Shadow’s view, “Well then, why don’t we team up? We can find a couple of presents and head to the party together!”
Shadow turned away.
Sonic gently nudged Shadow with a comical and teasing gesture, “C’mooooon! I’ll be fuuuunnn
Shadow continued to look away before eventually offering a solution, “
Rouge has a lot of
’spare jewelry’
that we can look through
Sonic shot a suspicious glance at the mention of the supposedly ‘spare jewelry’. Knowing Rouge, they were most definitely priceless artifacts she’d snagged over the years. Also knowing Rouge, most of them had to have come from her hot-headed boyfriend up in the sky. Although Sonic couldn’t argue: the two of them did make for a surprisingly functional and cute couple.
“Follow me.”
With that, the two supersonic heroes raced through the hills, taking caution to not disrupt the flow of nature with any accidental speed boosts as they hurried to their—hopefully present-filled—destination. Though neither wanted to admit it to the other, neither would settle for some random, trivial gift. It had to be special. It had to have meaning. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a gift worth giving in the first place.
Within minutes, the two had arrived at a small, white, domed-shaped house close to the town Sonic and his closest friends frequented when searching for ingredients for Amy’s latest dish, selling parts and services to maintain his little brother’s workshop, or hosting a party like the one today for his dear friend who, at one point not all that long ago, had struggled to find her place as the only human among a world of Mobians
besides Eggman that is. Now, just over a year later, she was known and loved by many, always excited to visit town and see how everyone is doing; listening to their stories from over the years; entertaining the children with her music, games, and creativity; exploring and helping folks with the most menial tasks

She’d made a home for herself here and Sonic was happy for her.
“Faker! Quit daydreaming! We’re here.”
Shadow reached inside his one sock, producing a small key. He inserted it into the door’s lock and turned the knob with a sharp ‘click’. He gently pushed open the door, which creaked slightly on its hinges. Sonic noticed the Ultimate Life Form’s tense demeanor practically melt away as he slid off his shoes on the heart-shaped mat at his feet. The blue hero followed suit, not wanting to disrespect the kid’s home, which Sonic took in with awe. Gentle beams of sunlight illuminated each room through pink-tinted curtains. A large, black sofa sat center in the living room, which led off seamlessly into a neighboring kitchen. Sonic was surprised to see a small flight of stairs near the front door leading to an upper story, given the small outward appearance of the house. Everything from the art, to the wall color, to the carpet, to the flowers and the vases: they were all either white, pink, or black.
And honestly, the aesthetic worked surprisingly well, giving the entire house a quiet, cozy atmosphere.
Sonic whistled, “I knew Rouge took you in after the whole ‘Metal Overlord’ incident, but I never expected
this. I’ve gotta hand it to you: this is a pretty nice place you’ve got here, Shadz!”
Shadow stiffened, whipping his head around, “DON’T call me that!!” Then he added under his breath, “Faker
“What was that?” Sonic asked smugly, having heard that last comment clear as day.
“Nothing! Look, just
pick something you like and get out! I have to figure out my present and get going.” He stormed upstairs.
Sonic rolled his eyes. He spotted a nearby jewelry dish and began making his way over, hoping to find something of note, “Sheesh! Wouldn’t kill you to show some hospitality you grumpy little-“
He paused, something near the sofa catching a ray of sunlight and reflecting a glittering gold light into his eye. He flinched at the sudden reflection but slowly made his way over to the object, picking it up to get a better look.
In his hand was a small, golden locket in the shape of a heart.
Curiosity got the better of him and Sonic popped the locket open, only to find that it was empty. There were no pictures. Just a shining, golden backdrop ready to be filled with the precious memories of its next wearer.
Sonic beamed, “Oh! Wow! Hey, this’ll be perfect!” He called out, turning back towards the front door, “Alright, Shadow! I’m ready to g-!”
His eyes met flaming-red irises, staring intensely at the locket he held in his hand.
“Give me that locket.”
“Huh!? No way! You said ‘pick something you like and get out’, so I did and I am!” Sonic began to walk towards his shoes before being interrupted by a sudden swipe at his hand. He dodged it, pulling his hand back defensively, taking care not to bump into any furniture.
“I want to give it to her!”
Shadow swiped again. Sonic dodged.
Again, he swiped. Again, Sonic dodged.
Another swipe. Another dodge.
Sonic jumped up, gracefully landing on the backboard of the sofa where he now perched, clearly having the advantage, “Dude, what’s your deal!?”
Shadow rammed into the sofa with full force, “YOU WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND!!!”
Sonic jumped down and grabbed the sofa with his free hand, restoring it to its original position, “Then HELP me understand! WHY is this so important to you!?”
Both of them froze stiff, staring at the other hedgehog in shock. The two of them stayed like that for a moment, the tension in the air now gone, replaced with a quiet sadness. Sonic’s face grew concerned and sympathetic. He tried to find the words, but they caught in his throat, “I-I
” He didn’t know what to say.
Shadow sighed. He knew better from his recent adventures than to keep pushing everyone away with his anger. There was no way that blue idiot could have known unless he told him. He looked down and closed his eyes thoughtfully.
she loved to read books and gain all the knowledge of the planet below. Pa-Professor Gerald built her a library on the Ark filled to the brim with them. There was knowledge, love, and care practically spilling out of that room. It was Maria’s favorite place to be and then, after I was born and found my way into her life
as a genuine member of the Robotnik family
it became my favorite place too. We would spend hours in there, day after day, week after week, year after year, her reading me all of her favorite books and teaching me everything she knew from the flora and fauna to the humans’ customs and tall tales.” Shadow smiled, letting out a small chuckle, “She even taught me how to read, you know. Every time I pick up a book, it’s like she’s still here with me
hugging me tight and telling me that it’s all going to be okay
” He snapped out of his trance for a moment, noticing the blue blur and looking away quickly in embarrassment, “A-Anyway, one year we were looking through a book on earthly fashion and costumes and she spotted a picture of that very locket. When I saw her eyes light up, well
I asked the professor if he could procure it, given his ties to the planet below and
” Shadow had to pause for a moment, “He taught me what a ‘gift’ truly meant and I’ll never forget how happy Maria was when I handed it to her. She told me it was ‘the best gift she had ever received’. We never did get our picture taken. It wasn’t all that long
” He didn’t dare finish that statement and he didn’t have to.
Sonic knew what he meant.
“I found it
her locket
still on the Ark all these years later
I was going to hold onto it, to keep it for myself, but
Eve she’s
just like her
and I
I wanted to
” He turned away quickly. The last thing he wanted was for his #1 rival to see him cry. He hadn’t meant to pour out his heart like that, but once the memories started flowing, he just couldn’t stop himself. He liked remembering Maria. He wanted to remember Maria
especially the good times they shared together all those years ago.
” Without any hesitation, he held out his hand to the dark hedgehog, “Here. You give it to her. It belongs to you.”
Shadow turned around, a stunned expression lining his tearful eyes, “I
” He took the locket and smiled, “Thank you, Sonic.”
Sonic smiled back, placing his hands behind his head as if resting on them, “Heh heh! Don’t mention it!”
Another moment passed, then Shadow looked at Sonic with concern, “Wait
what about you?”
Sonic shrugged, heading towards the front door, “Eh
I’m pretty fast when it comes to thinking on my feet.” He slipped on his shoes and tapped a foot behind him before throwing a wink at Shadow, “See you at the party, Shadz!”
Meanwhile, in the heart of the nearby town, the party was well underway. The birthday girl was playing tea party with Cream, Cheese, Rouge, and a nervous Knucklehead who was toeing the line between pretending to sip tea and wondering if the others were simply pulling a prank on him to keep the tea for themselves. The Chaotix were providing a fun and jazzy ambience to the scene with Vector on the piano, Espio on the saxophone, and Charmy hitting a small triangle above their heads. Vanilla was running the cake and snacks, often catching little winks from the large crocodile on stage and responding in like.
Tails and Amy, on the other hand, were not having as much fun.
No sign of him yet
Amy was tapping her foot impatiently. How dare their—supposedly—quick friend ruin the party she’d planned to perfection. He was the fastest being in the known universe. How was he THIS late?
“Oh Sonic’s going to get an EARFUL from me for taking so long
” Her wrist cuffs began to glow, “AND a taste of my Piko Piko hamme-!!”
“That won’t be necessary. He is on his way now.”
Amy and Tails turned to acknowledge the sudden voice behind them.
Eve hopped up excitedly and ran over to greet her new guest, “Ahh! You actually came!” Despite any past misgivings, he was her friend now and she was excited to see him starting to let himself be included in events like this.
Shadow’s face turned red like the stripes on his quills as he mustered his courage, swiftly holding out his gift to her without so much as a returned greeting, “Here! I-I hope you like it!”
Eve giggled to herself at the hedgehog’s awkwardness but soon stared in awe at the golden locket dangling from his hands, “Oh, Shadow!” She gently took hold of it and placed it around her neck, “I love it so much! I’ll never take it off for as long as I live!” She beamed, holding the golden heart tightly in her hands.
Shadow stared for a moment, remembering Maria’s words to him those many, many years ago. He smiled brightly, “I’m happy!”
Rouge looked on from the distance with a knowing smile. That was all she ever wanted to hear from the young hedgehog.
“And here’s MY present!” The Blue Blur gave an exaggerated bow as he made his swift and dramatic entrance.
“Wha-! How long were you waiting to do that!?” Shadow stammered all flustered. How long had that blue idiot been watching him?
“Long enough. Heh heh!” Sonic whipped out a small camera he snagged from Tails’ workshop, “C’mon, everybody! No time to lose!” He motioned to everyone to join.
Shadow smiled.
“Everybody say, ‘CHAO’!!”
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(chapters are not posted in the order they were created)
(creator’s note: this art piece is brand new and was specially made to go with this tumblr post despite the chapter being written months ago, I just never got around to making it until now, thanks for the motivation and I hope you enjoyed!)
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chaotical-xe · 24 days
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I can’t believe it’s been over 6 months since I started ALTER CHAOS! Drawing nearly every day has definitely helped me improve and I wanted to celebrate with a redraw/write of one of my favorite pages in my current style! I hope you enjoy! 💖
(old version below)
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chaotical-xe · 29 days
Hi everyone!
First off, thank you for all the love and support for this series! I can't wait for you all to see what the future of ALTER CHAOS has in store, so buckle up! It's going to be a wild ride! 💖
I wanted to make this post to announce how I plan to move forward with this series on my tumblr. As stated in my bio, ALTER CHAOS has been going on for about 7 months now over on my Discord with many adventures yet to be seen. While I have quite a few chapters of backup, I wanted to come up with a proper schedule so that I don't run out of content to share here should I need a break or anything.
My plan is to release a new chapter every week with 2-parters being released on Tuesday and Friday. Any chapters following a 2-parter will just pick up a week after it's final chapter. So following Darkest Terror, expect the next chapter to release on Friday, April 5. Also, chapters that just leave off on a cliffhanger or flow from one to the next will not count as 2-parters. Sorry hehehe 😅
Any other art I make/post will not be on this schedule, so keep an eye out for random drops here and there. I still have a whole collection of art to post for this series and plan to help use it to fill the larger gaps in waiting for new chapters.
Alright! With all of that said, as always...
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chaotical-xe · 29 days
METAREX SAGA: Darkest Terror part 2: Burning Hatred
(CW: graphic violence, intense scenes, mild body horror)
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(chapters are not released in the order they were created)
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chaotical-xe · 1 month
Hi angelofdiamond!
I personally agree that Chris's arc in the show is good. Maybe I didn't phrase that the best lol. I like how he has to learn to stand on his own and becomes a solid addition to the cast by season 3.
I guess by "hatable" I just meant how most see him when watching. I think a fair criticism most have is how Chris has friends and hangs out with them frequently, yet claims to be entirely alone. I would have personally shifted more of his focus onto how he feels neglected specifically by his parents (and do in Alter Chaos), which is a completely fair claim. That in combination with Sonic becoming like family is totally understandable. I think the show presents a lot of nuance in this case, especially in the Japanese dub (which I have seen fully from start to finish and adore). The English dub really does suffer from the 4kids treatment and, unfortunately, is the most available version.
That being said, I still love the English dub. I grew up with it and the Jason cast. Heck, I think the season 1 comedy as well as SA2 were handled better in the English dub (Cruise Blues is a personal favorite apart from episode 67).
I could nerd out for hours on this show (and have before) so I'll stop here lol. My love for this series and all it's minor details REALLY fueled my storytelling and all it's possibilities!
Hi I saw your AU and I find the style really very cute (I love fluffy Sonic e.e) and I was wondering one thing, and I hope I'm not bothering you, but in your AU Sonic doesn't hate Chris does he đŸ„ș? Will there be any fluff and brotherly interactions between them as wellđŸ„č?
Hi angelofdiamond and thank you for saying you love my style! It's very manga inspired :3
You're not bothering me at all! I'm so happy to have received your question and would love to answer!
I am happy to report that Sonic does NOT hate Chris. In fact, I rewrote Chris's entire character arc to be centered around growing as a brother and as a person. I thought the parallel between him and Eve vs Sonic and Tails would offer many great interactions for Chris to still be inspired by Sonic like in the show, just in a somewhat different way.
Sonic doesn't hate Chris. Not even close. He just cares about both Thorndyke kids and wants to see them be able to have the same kind of relationship he and Tails do.
As we'll see in future chapters, it's a bumpy road. They sometimes get angry with each other and sometimes they make mistakes, but what matters is that they keep trying and keep growing little by little each and every day. They love and care for each other and don't give up and, eventually, we start to see that growth.
I hope this answers your question. I felt VERY strongly about not making Chris as hatable as he normally is because the potential is there. I want him to be someone you all root for!
And he definitely isn't the only one who makes mistakes or has flaws. We'll start getting to that pretty soon...*wink wink*
Thanks for the question angelofdiamond! I absolutely loved it! <3
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chaotical-xe · 1 month
Hi I saw your AU and I find the style really very cute (I love fluffy Sonic e.e) and I was wondering one thing, and I hope I'm not bothering you, but in your AU Sonic doesn't hate Chris does he đŸ„ș? Will there be any fluff and brotherly interactions between them as wellđŸ„č?
Hi angelofdiamond and thank you for saying you love my style! It's very manga inspired :3
You're not bothering me at all! I'm so happy to have received your question and would love to answer!
I am happy to report that Sonic does NOT hate Chris. In fact, I rewrote Chris's entire character arc to be centered around growing as a brother and as a person. I thought the parallel between him and Eve vs Sonic and Tails would offer many great interactions for Chris to still be inspired by Sonic like in the show, just in a somewhat different way.
Sonic doesn't hate Chris. Not even close. He just cares about both Thorndyke kids and wants to see them be able to have the same kind of relationship he and Tails do.
As we'll see in future chapters, it's a bumpy road. They sometimes get angry with each other and sometimes they make mistakes, but what matters is that they keep trying and keep growing little by little each and every day. They love and care for each other and don't give up and, eventually, we start to see that growth.
I hope this answers your question. I felt VERY strongly about not making Chris as hatable as he normally is because the potential is there. I want him to be someone you all root for!
And he definitely isn't the only one who makes mistakes or has flaws. We'll start getting to that pretty soon...*wink wink*
Thanks for the question angelofdiamond! I absolutely loved it! <3
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chaotical-xe · 1 month
METAREX SAGA: Darkest Terror part 1: The Message
(CW: Implied Violence and Disturbing Themes)
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OFF PANEL (based on Discord joke/suggestion):
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(chapters are not released in the order they were created)
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chaotical-xe · 1 month
(creator's note: this saga is already complete in my Discord server and will be uploaded in that order here; however, starting at this chapter, inbetween chapters may be added at a later date; notes will direct where in the story these take place; looking up #alter chaos seven rings saga to easily revisit old chapters is recommended as well to more easily connect plot points and craft theories; enjoy!)
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(chapters are not released in the order they were created)
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chaotical-xe · 1 month
Moonbeast Saga: COVER B
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chaotical-xe · 1 month
(creator's note: this is the direct followup to "The Perfect Day")
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(chapters are not released in the order they were created)
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