cftherealms-blog · 6 years
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Hit that heart for a starter from Queen Regina.
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
&&. engagement/marriage starters.
“ will you marry me? “
“ yes, i’ll marry you! “ 
“ i don’t think we’re ready. “ 
“ you lost the ring?! “ 
“ i’m gonna propose tonight at dinner. “ 
“ i can’t let you marry her/him. “ 
“ i don’t care if your family hates me, i love you! “ 
“ i think this is the dress. “ 
“ what do you mean ‘you can’t do this’? you have to walk down the aisle in half an hour! “ 
“ let me see the ring! “ 
“ how did he/she ask?! “ 
“ so when’s the big day? “ 
“ i object! “ 
“ the dress won’t zip! “ 
“ so are you guys doing this because you’re pregnant or something? “ 
“ what type of flowers: roses or lilies? “ 
“ please don’t invite your uncle. he always gets embarrassingly drunk at things like these. “ 
“ i’ve been taking dancing lessons. i want our wedding to be perfect. “ 
“ with this ring, i thee wed. “ 
“ are rapid breathing, a fast heart rate, and internal panicking all signs of cold feet? because i’ve got them all. “ 
“ i don’t care if we get married in a shack or a ballroom. i just want to be your husband/wife. “ 
“ best thing about weddings: open bars. “ 
“ you said the wrong name at the altar?! “ 
“ nothing made me happier than seeing you walk down the aisle towards me. “ 
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you’re an indie Merlin RP account.
We are creating masterlist for every Merlin roleplayer.
The list is here. 
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
Morgana sighed and paused for a moment, Arthur was like a brother to her and Uther was the closest thing to a father she’d had in a long time. Looking back up at him, she couldn’t help but smile. “I better go get dressed then, I can hardly turn up looking like this.”
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Arthur felt a soft smile cross his features, and he nodded once “I’m glad to hear that, besides, at least then I’d have someone to talk to, because you know as well as I that these things can get rather boring.” He couldn’t help a light laugh escape his lips. “I shall see you at the hall at sunset?”
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{+ cftherealms}
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
“You didn’t answer my question” she stated, looking up from her wrists and making eye contact. “My point, your father’s return. As much as I admire Uther and yourself, I hardly see it my place to be attending.”
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Arthur playfully rolled his eyes, and moved a few steps towards her and then raised his hand to rest on her arm. “Morgana...” He started, eyes locking with her. “you are the closest thing he has to a daughter, and you are a lady of Camelot.” He smiled softly. “It would mean a lot to him if you attend, and it would mean a lot to me.”
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{+ cftherealms}
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
“I don’t see why I’m required to attend” Morgana commented as she fiddled with her bracelet, something she always did when she was nervous. 
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Arthur sighed heavily, raising his hand to gently rub his right temple stressfully. “It’s required that you must at least show your face, Morgana. Why do you not want to join? It is after all just a celebration of my father’s solar return, with some singing, dancing, laughter...”
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{+ cftherealms}
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
make my muse uncomfortable:
Send me a symbol, and my muse will answer with the name and URL of another muse here on Tumblr:
☆- Who would you most like to punch in the face? ☂- Who would you most like to get stuck in the rain with? ❖- Who would you most like to send to jail? ✌- Who would you most like to go to jail with? ☭- Who would you most like to be a permanent roommate of? ♘- Who’s children would you most like to have? ♠- Who would you most like to make out with? ♖- Who would you most like to make love to? ♛- Who would you most like to fuck? ⚉- Who would you most like to get married to? ♦- Who would you most like to go on a two month roadtrip with? ♗- Who’s the sexiest person you know? ♝- Who’s the most intelligent person you know? ♤- Who has the best butt out of everyone you know?
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
Send me 'I want the K' and I'll generate a number
1: Hot, Steamy kiss
2: Cheek Kiss
3: Nose Kiss
4: Forehead Kiss
5: Firm Kiss
6: Gentle Peck
7: Romantic Kiss
8: Eyelid Kiss
9: Jawline Kiss
10: Neck Kiss
11: Collarbone Kiss
12: Chest Kiss
13: Stomach Kiss
14: Kiss Along the Hips
15: Kiss in the Rain
16: Upside-Down Kiss
17: Goofy Kiss
18: Underwater Kiss
19: Forceful Kiss
20: Any of the Above
21: Then there’s tongue
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cftherealms-blog · 7 years
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              “I was born on the night of Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper-thin and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.”        Multi-Muse || OC Friendly || Semi Selective & Private || Mun is 21+ so NSFW present.
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