catskets · 9 days
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A reminder that I run the Sacred Veins Discord server/collective. It's a fine arts-themed space for adult game developers creating horror, romance, and everything in-between, with focuses on narrative games (interactive fiction, visual novels, etc). It's a place where developers can rubber duck, recruit each other for work, find game jams, talk about different design methods, etc!
Eventually hoping to do more events with this server, so come on in! You're allowed to join if you haven't made a game, or you're working on your 50th!
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catskets · 14 days
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BSH !Villain Ray AU
My AU: Ray used to be the top hero... but when MC progressed from his side kick into their own independent hero, they eventually didn't need Ray anymore.... of course, this did NOT sit well with Ray.
Desperate to be #1 in MC's heart once again, Ray took on the role of the biggest and baddest villain, one that MC would strive to chase and attempt to catch for the rest of their lives. Seeing MC chase desperately after Ray, it filled him with a twisted sense of joy and endearment for the MC, he waits day in and out for MC to show up and attempt to stop whatever plot he has going that day
. He enjoys taunting them just enough to see their hero demeanor crack a little bit in annoyance. And of course, if MC was actually in any danger, Ray would swoop in to protect them still (even by his own plots).
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catskets · 14 days
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a PSA. if you have mee6 or custom variants in your server, there is a new "/imagine" command that generates AI Images. disable the command or remove the bot from your server completely.
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catskets · 15 days
I love you Strawberry Shortcake I love you Polly Pocket I love you MyScene I love you Hello Kitty I love you Betty Spaghetty I love you Bratz I love you Winx Club I love you PowerPuff Girls I love you Tamagotchis I love you Littlest Pet Shop I love you I love you I love you
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catskets · 16 days
i'm taking down my statement, actually. just don't involve me in things i did not ask to be involved in. thank you.
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catskets · 16 days
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catskets · 2 months
i am reaching out to elsword tumblr, if you people are still alive. does anyone remember that promotional fake nendoroid that they gave out for stream giveaways of add? would've been 2015-2016-ish? does anyone remember. please.
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catskets · 2 months
*gives u a kith*
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omg kisses you back [platonic]
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catskets · 2 months
Advice for writing creepy/uneasy/ disturbing atmosphere?
oh fuck dude i dont know
i try to keep things pretty vague? give your reader something to work with, but what your viewers imagine will be scarier than anything you come up with.
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catskets · 2 months
CEO of Tumblr, Matt Mullenweg, has started openly harassing tumblr users on other platforms. This dude is actually incredibly scary and malicious and should not be involved with this website going forward. Theres just no excuse for this behavior.
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catskets · 3 months
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all time
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catskets · 3 months
A more in-depth guide for creating visual novels, especially in the horror, horror-romance, etc circles
Some of you have seen my previous, smaller post on crafting visual novels, especially in this little space of Tumblr that a lot of us have found themselves in. Since that post took off, I've wanted to create a longer guide to help touch on some points I've thought about for the past few months.
In case you've never heard of me, I'm Kat, also known as catsket. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Game Design. I've been making games for nearly 5 years, and I've been doing visual novels more "professionally" for 2. You may know me for Art Without Blood, 10:16, God is in the Radio, or Fatal Focus. I'm here to help you make your first visual novel.
Please note that my advice does not fit everyone, and you may disagree with what I say. That's okay! It doesn't work for all. That's why there's thousands of resources out there.
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So, you have an idea for a huge visual novel. Horror, a shady and obsessive love interest, a little bit of woo-hooing. 100k words. Maybe a million. What is this, the 07th Expansion?
I notice a lot of people getting into visual novels are artists first. That's okay! I wanted to do art for games before I realized how much I enjoyed writing. And even less of you have probably touched Visual Studio. Again, perfectly okay. We all start somewhere.
My number one piece of advice? Make shitty games.
What does that mean?! My recommendation to those who have never done games is to make a bunch of shitty ones. Think of a theme, or hell, even join a game jam, where you make a game that fits a theme in a short amount of time. Spend about a week on your game. Focus on making something polished. Polish your mechanics. Polish your output.
I recommend, if you can, to make at least 4-6, if not more, kind of shitty games before hopping into longer projects. Making a game is a skill, just like art, just like writing. And game development is combining ALL of these together into one big soup being stirred by a skeleton hand puppet. You'll get into the rhythm and see what works for you.
It also helps you learn, perhaps, the second most important thing here: do you even like making games? There are cases out there where people have created video games (not saying visual novels) just for clout. That's no fun for you, that's no fun for your players. And you might go through this process and find that you don't like making games. That's completely okay! It's not for everyone.
Also, you can use these shittier games to gather an audience. I've built my audience because, for the past few years, I've been releasing games that slowly give me growing fields of eyes every day. A success story overnight is a rare one. It takes time. It's like building a brand, but you aren't a brand, you're an artist.
Ren'py is the number one engine you will be recommended. It is very beginner-friendly, with lots of tutorials, assets on itch.io to use and download, and support. The engine comes with a few tutorials in the form of games, whose code you can freely browse. This is the engine I use most often. Most visual novels you see are made in this engine.
Twine is a text-based engine that most people use for interactive fiction. You can add images and audio, though, if you don't mind messing with HTML. I use Twine for text games and for outlining for my larger games. Ever played Degrees of Lewdity? Yeah, I know you have. Don't ask why. That game was made in Twine.
RPG Maker has multiple versions and has been used for exclusively VNs if you don't mind fucking around with plugins. It can definitely give your game a super unique feel. I recommend RPG Maker MV, since it has the most resources. This line of engines usually costs money, but it often goes on sale for under $5-$15.
People will recommend TyranoBuilder, but as a user and player, the lack of options and the format the games often come in is just...not fun to navigate. It advertises itself as little to no code, but it's often evident in the final results. Some good games have been made in it, though, so if you want to use it for prototyping/practice, you can. I'm not a fan, but that doesn't mean that fans don't exist! This engine costs money.
Not an engine, but check out Ink! Super useful scripting language that's used for more professional projects.
You've got an idea for a long-term project, and now you want to show it to the world! But wait, wait, don't do that yet!
When should I start advertising my game? This is a personal opinion, but I say that you should not start advertising your game until 50-60% of your demo is complete. Why? As I've discussed with some fans of indie VNs, they can name quite a few projects that have been in the "working on the demo" age for 1-2+ years. I've been in the Kickstarter MMO circles. If you, making a single-player experience with little mechanics to balance and polish (aka a visual novel), are taking that long on a demo, I am going to assume the game is not coming out. There are some games I have seen out here that have been in "working on the demo" phase where I haven't seen a single ounce of what the project will look like.
What should I put in my demo? The purpose of a demo is to showcase the mechanics and the vibes and the mechanics of your game. It's a demonstration. In my last post, I pointed to the Dead Space 2 demo that was showcased at E3 (RIP), that takes place about 2 hours into the story and shows how enemies are defeated, some animations, bits of the story, etc. Usually, because it's less about mechanics and more about vibes, visual novel demos showcase a certain percentage of the full thing (5-10%.) Can you showcase the vibe of the game here and what players should expect? If not, show off another portion.
How long should I work on my demo? Before, I said 3-4 months. That can be true, that can also not be true. Think about how long the demo takes you in proportion to how long the actual game should take you. Don't put too much effort. The demo is to showcase the vibe. It's to see how much the public and fans may enjoy the game.
My game is 18+, what should I do? Make a splash screen when the game is downloaded to let players know your game is 18+. If it's going to contain sexual content, you can hide it with itch.io's adult content filter. Write it on the page itself that your game is for adults only. Don't put your demo behind a paywall. This is genuinely ridiculous. The purpose of a demo is to showcase what a game is like before a player purchases it. That defeats the point of a demo. I've seen this happen, and it discourages players from approaching, especially because most demos never make it past the demo phase. So...I'm paying you $10 for 2-3k words of a game that may never come out?
Should I make a social media for my game? YES! Go for it. These anchors are how people will find your game. Make a Tumblr and open that ask box. Make a Twitter. Go to BluSky. Advertising is not bad. Some YouTubers even take e-mail suggestions from developers. Feel free to shoot your shot. The worst they can do is not respond.
Getting your itch.io to a presentable state can be very challenging! There's many ways to do it. I highly recommend using this page image guide for learning how to size your images to make your page pop!
Itch.io themselves has suggested to not publish a page until the game or demo is released. You can make the page and keep it as a draft, but do not publish it until you're ready!
Your cover image is the image that will appear in the search of the website, on any front pages, in collections, and on your profile. What have I seen that works? Key art of one of the characters up close and the title of the game! If you can make it a .GIF, do it! Bitches love .GIFs!
Itch.io recommends 3-5 screenshots on your page. I recommend 1 of these 5 be a .GIF that shows how gameplay feels. This is effective, even for visual novels!
Write a 3-5 sentence summary about your game for the description. What is your story about? What is the draw?
DO NOT BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO IS GOING TO SAY "This is not like other visual novels. It doesn't have that cheesy this or that or-" No one cares. Genuinely. You're putting down other games in your genre and elevating yourself to the pompous level.
TAG YOUR GAME! itch.io gives you a list of tags to choose from when you go to tag. DON'T USE THIS! Try to go for more specific tags. Arimia has a very good guide on how to use itch.io's tagging system to your advantage.
SCOPE KNIFE IS SUPER USEFUL! Everyone makes games that are way over their workload. It's okay to cut out features and add them later. Prioritize making a finished game before hitting those stretch goals.
PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! Writing outlines is super helpful. I use Twine for my outlines, because you can connect your passages together and make really well-thought webs.
IT'S OKAY TO ASK FOR HELP! Whether it's from friends, professionals, or anything in-between. They can help with assets, editing, etc.
HONE YOUR SKILLS OUTSIDE OF GAMES! Write some poetry. Do some sketches everyday. Improve on your craft to improve your games
MUSIC IS HARD. THERE ARE RESOURCES. Most of us aren't musicians. That's okay. Make sure the music you get for your game is allowed to be used. You can use anything non-commercial if your game will not cost money or donations. I try to do songs in the public domain or free to use overall with credit if I don't have a musician. Consult the Creative Commons website if you're unsure how you're supposed to use a certain piece of music. If you don't use the right stuff, not only can it put you in legal trouble, but it can put streamers in hot water if they play your game and they can't upload the video because music is copyrighted.
PLEASE, DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR UI. Wanna know an easy way to get your game to look more professional? Edit the damn UI for your game. Make a new textbox, even if it's just a black box. Change the font. Eventually, players recognize the defaults and patterns of games made in certain engines and may attribute a lack of UI changes to a developer being lazy. It doesn't take very long to change the colors around and move text! Please do it to add a little pop to your game.
DEADLINES ARE AWESOME. Not everyone works well under pressure, but if you give yourself an infinite amount of time to make something, it'll never get done. Set goals for yourself for how much you can work on something.
IF YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP, GIVE UP. Making things is hard, especially long-term. Emergencies happen, jobs happen, life happens. Let your fans know that a project isn't happening anymore. Don't leave them in the dark. You don't need to tell strangers your medical history or anything, but transparency + honesty are really hot traits. You should use those in your creative work. This is one reason why I advocate for not publishing or advertising things until you know it's stable.
People love to see WIPs for games! This is what the devlog is good for! A devlog is a post where a developer talks about and showcases some things happening in the game? What can you add to your dev log?
PERCENTAGES! How much of the artwork is done? How much of this character's route is done?
Anything else to showcase your game's content! Posting consistent updates retains and even gains a fan's attention for your work.
You've joined us, and you've made a Tumblr for your blog! Link it on the itch.io page, so people can come find you after playing your awesome demo!
Do I have to respond to every ask? No. It's your blog. Delete whatever asks you want.
I got a hate comment! What do I do? Delete it and move on. I have a more detailed section on hate below.
I want to interact with [blog]! How do I do that? Reach out to the devs for silly little collabs. If you come onto a developer slightly headstrong, they might feel you are being abrasive or using them for content.
If people make fan content, interact with it! Encourage it! Reblog it. Show your love.
PROFESSIONALISM IS KEY. These may be pet projects, but you want to appear some level of professional on your actual itch.io page.
Being dismissive of player and fan complaints or criticisms will make you appear childish.
If your game is broken, fix it. I have been told by some amateur developers to ignore game-breaking bugs. It does not make me, a player, want to engage with your content. It seems messy and unfinished.
With the above point, it's 100% okay to have bugs and errors upon release. Every developer and their brood mother has. To decrease these issues, get playtesters. Friends can play your games, spot any errors, and help you point out things that can be improved upon. I recommend having playtesters at every stage of development.
Make sure your game runs before you publish it. Please.
You can still be silly and giddy! There's no reason to not be, especially when you get positive comments! The point of this is to not be outright rude to potential players and fans.
IGNORE HATE COMMENTS. In this case, a hate comment is a statement that contains no constructive criticism and are only here to be insulting or malicious. People are going to leave you with actual piles of dog shit in your ask box. They are trying to provoke you. Giving hate comments any attention, even if you're there to "clap back" proves that they got to you, even if you don't take the hate to heart. They will continue to pester you. Delete any hate comments and ignore them completely. Laugh about them with friends in a private setting, sure.
THINK BEFORE YOU REFERENCE! I know one big thing in this community is adding references to other games in yours, such as plushies of other characters or putting them on posters. The best thing you can do it ask the developer before adding this. How would you feel if some random person you've never met put your character in a video game? Most of us would feel weird and potentially violated. Open communication with devs is awesome. I am usually okay with it as long as someone asks for permission.
As a complete aside, I prefer more tasteful references to other games as opposed to 523482346 plushies and posters. These have been slightly overdone. Why not theme a candy after another game's character? Maybe your characters know each other.
Devtalk is a server dedicated to independent visual novel creators. You can find jobs, resources, advice, talks, and, like, everything there! Devtalk is super useful. Everyone in there is so cool. They have a really great and comprehensive list of resources that I could not even begin to cover.
Visual Novel Design is a great YouTuber. No other words, check the guy out!
Ren'py and whatever other engine you're using has documentation that's super useful to follow.
Arimia not only has amazing VN resources, especially for marketing, but she also just has? Amazing games that you should check out?
And for a shameless self plug, I'm the lead of Sacred Veins, a collective of devs creating narrative games, whether it be horror, humor, romance, or everything in-between. Come hang out with us!
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catskets · 3 months
I need money!!
(More under the cut 💀🙏)
Hii I'm trying to move out of my family's house and not just move out but move STATES
I'm trying to move from Kentucky to Texas 🙏🙏
I have until May before my stepmom starts charging me rent which I can't afford because my shitass managers keep cutting my hours at work!!! I'm getting like 20 hours a week!!
And I hear you asking
"But Donut what types of fics do you write?"
*I won't actually do that I will not write pedophilia, zoophilia, underage ships etc etc
(Prices if you can't read cursive like me ✨🙏)
15 dollars per 1,000 words ✨✨ that's right for the low price of 30 dollars you could get a 2,000 word fanfic of you boinking your favorite characters or your favorite characters boinking each other!!*
*Small disclaimer I'm not experienced in writing smut so while I will do it it may not be as high quality of writing as my other writing 🔥🔥
What Will I Write
(More specifics so there's less confusion 💀🙏)
Call of Duty MW2 (Reboot)
Various Yandere VNs (I know of a few so just ask and see if I know it 🔥🔥)
The Arcana (Yep that's right that mobile game where everyone loves Julian which is understandable but MURIEL 🔛🔝/silly)
OC fics/self insert fics/x reader fics etc! My OCs, your OCs just keep in mind I may not write your OC as in character as you'd like since people interpret characters differently so be gentle ✨✨
Payment options 🗣️🗣️ (you can also just donate if you are so inclined but do not feel pressured to if you are unable to)
Cashapp- elaborateschemer
Venmo- elaboratedreamer
PayPal- elaborateschemer
If you have any questions or are interested DM me here or add me on Discord, Donut2295 <33 thank you!
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catskets · 3 months
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Something about professing your love to a dying star is incredibly romantic.
Dante is a werewolf who has tragically broken up with the Moon. In his sorrow, he wakes up in an Italian restaurant, back in his human form. Here, he falls in love with the radiant light of the Sun, whose smile shines bright on the restaurant's slideshow.
Made for the Global Game Jam 2024, with the theme of "Make Me Laugh."
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catskets · 3 months
Ahhh hi quick question!! I know some games don’t require an order to play in, but as the person who created the game, what order do you recommend someone who is new to your world/games to play it in? Also would you be comfortable with your games being streamed on twitch at all? (Staying on priv bc I don’t wanna self promo myself)
hi! i don't mind my games being played on twitch, but since they're mostly reading, i fear they aren't very interesting for twitch.
any order is genuinely fine. but here's a sort of random order for awb so far that might make things make more sense. when the full awb game comes out, it'll be different!
here's the awb collection on itchio!
summer of 1987
fatal focus
the awb demo
god is in the radio
my god is the sun
it was meant to end like this
we are passengers
indistinguishable from atrophy
may your knives be sharp and your bullets sharper
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catskets · 3 months
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You've been called in for a mandatory general examination. You don't know what to expect. 
For @catskets' Zack Jam
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catskets · 3 months
Hi hello 👋🏾
Are there any rules for joining the art w/o blood server?
Oh and this isn’t really a question but I loved 10:16 btw it was super cool! Especially the secret ending 🫶🏾
just be an adult!
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