cathygotlost · 3 years
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cathygotlost · 4 years
some of you really, genuinely, unironically think that "cancel culture" is the most toxic thing about the internet and that it actually ends careers.... not a single "victim" of cancel culture has ever faced serious consequences beyond being forced to issue a notes app apology by their pr team. the real problem is stan culture bc it has you same people acting like celebrities are gods that walk among us and can therefore do no wrong. stan culture is the whole reason why cancel culture exists in the first place. if you didn't put these people on pedestals then you wouldn't react so wildly to something bad they've done
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cathygotlost · 4 years
He did the naruro run too
So I'm watching Sonic X and I'm realizing that Sonic raided area 51 before anyone else did
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cathygotlost · 4 years
hey wanna hear a joke
well too bad someone on tumblr might take it seriously
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cathygotlost · 4 years
A bird explaining to a hedgehog crossing so it doesn’t die.
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cathygotlost · 4 years
One of the most popular Russian animated series made a metaphor for LGBT!
Kopatych (a bear) and Losyash (a deer) asked themselves why Karych (a raven) doesn't fly?
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cathygotlost · 4 years
i’d be lying if i said i was sorry
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cathygotlost · 4 years
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Aw, this one is really sweet.
- Mod Chica
Papa Bear (Freddy as a father figure to a night guard)
When Freddy first finds out what was happening back at the night guard’s home, he is horrified. Their parents fought constantly, threatening each other and sometimes getting physical. The guard was always terrified of getting caught in the chaos and got the job so they could eventually get enough money to move out.
Papa bear mode: activate.
He’ll let the guard vent to him about what’s been going on and try to comfort them as best he can. If the guard isn’t able to get food for whatever reason, he’ll sneak them some leftovers to take home, typically concealed inside of a trash bag or something else that wouldn’t arouse suspicion.
Every day he’ll ask them how the home search is going, and offer to help them despite not knowing much about how that stuff works. He wishes he could help them more directly, but can’t since he’s not allowed outside of the pizzeria.
If the guard ever came in with an injury, he’d immediately go into Concerned Dad mode, worried that one of the parents hurt them. Thankfully most of the time it’s just a slight stumble on the way to work. Freddy would help them patch up any cuts or scrapes and offer them an ice pack if they needed it.
He’s very pissed with the guard’s parents. Can’t they see their constant fighting is putting their child in danger and making them scared? If he was able to see the parents in person he’d give them a very stern talking-to, complete with plenty of death glares. His larger stature certainly helps in the intimidation department.
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cathygotlost · 4 years
Headcanon/Analysis: Wheatley is in constant pain
((Throughout Chapter 5, Wheatley’s eye aperture (iris) is always partially constricted. 
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When normally he has a relaxed gaze.
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As Karen Prell, Wheatley’s animator puts it: “Slow, smooth head moves, a steady gaze and a relaxed eye aperture indicate that Wheatley is calm. Short, sharp head turns, rapid blinks and glancing around indicate nervousness or deceit. Add a tightly constricted eye aperture and a little shiver to show fear.” However, Wheatley is not fearful or anxious during various parts of Chapter 5. Like at the turret control center, Wheatley is calm and has nothing to be nervous about. 
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And he’s so calm during the Bring Your Daughter to Work Day exhibit that he feels relaxed enough to start having a go at the children’s science projects. 
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So he’s clearly not feeling anxious, so what gives? It’s that he’s damaged and in constant pain and agony throughout.
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After GLaDOS crushed him, 
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And tossed him into some water and jagged rocks, 
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He’s been sparking constantly ever since.
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But has never said a single word about it. And it’s not that his eye aperture is just stuck like that after having been crushed. He’s capable of expanding his eye aperture during these moments.
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But more often than not it��s always just partially constricted.
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And that’s because he’s in pain, but he’s trying to ignore it. He never mentions his sparking issue and he never brings up any kind of pain he might be feeling. Whether it be emotional or physical. He’s always just keeping it to himself through metaphorical gritted teeth and pretending that everything is okay, which is a reoccurring theme regarding Wheatley. He’s always trying to pretend that things are okay even when they’re not. > “Stay calm! ‘Prepare’ - that’s all they’re saying. 'Prepare.’ It’s all fine. Alright? Don’t move. I’m gonna get us out of here.” > “Okay! No, don’t worry! Don’t worry! I’ve got it I’ve got it I’ve got it! THIS should slow it down!” > “Okay don’t panic! Alright? Stop panicking! I can still stop this. Ahh. Oh there’s a password. It’s fine. I’ll just hack it. Not a problem… umm…” > “So… you’re gonna test. And I’m gonna watch. And everything is gonna be JUST… FINE.” > “It’s alright! Everything’s good. I just invented some more tests!” > “Was. Was self-destructing. Already fixed. Programmed in one last tremor, for old time’s sake. Two. One or two more tremors in there. Just for fun. I let him keep his job. I’m not a monster. Ignore what he’s saying, though. Keep testing.” — Wheatley is like this from the very beginning to the end. Always trying to ignore his problems because he’s afraid that thinking about it will stress him out and cause him to panic. And he’s already got pretty bad anxiety to begin with.  It’s just honestly quite impressive how nobody picked up on the warning signs sooner.  And this would also explain why the solution euphoria effected him so easily. It was probably like a painkiller to him. 
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His eye never constricts when you’re solving his tests. It’s always expanded.
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I genuinely think that the solution euphoria was numbing his pain. Both physical as well as the emotional. This would explain why Wheatley held onto it so strongly. He didn’t want to go back to feeling as bad as he did before. He didn’t want to quit this drug that was finally helping him cope with his pain and struggles. Wheatley is bad at communicating his issues, so he turns to substance abuse and this is why I always say that Wheatley’s character arc is a cautionary tale. And it WAS substance abuse. The developers themselves have said that the solution euphoria is an analogy to cocaine.
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So Wheatley is a very relatable character, but he also shows what happens when you fail to take care of yourself and your mental health properly and when you don’t have a proper support structure around you.))
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cathygotlost · 4 years
One thing I don’t think the Sonic movie gets enough credit for is completely sidestepping the tired “romantic subplot” garbage by having the main character and the female lead already happily married. There’s no forced romantic subplot, they don’t end up having some sort of big fight where they have to make up, none of that. The movie realizes you don’t care, you’re there for Sonic so that’s what it gives you. It’s refreshing.
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cathygotlost · 4 years
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cathygotlost · 4 years
There's a Russian meme where some kid plays Minecraft and basically yells "Minecraft is my fucking life bitch! MINECRAAAAAAFT" and I can see Toy Freddy doing this unironically.
@Scott where is my FNAF 2 remake that includes this line
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cathygotlost · 4 years
Yeah, I'm here just to unwind and have fun, not to get a reminder of how crappy the real world is
reminder: it’s okay to be here only for fandom things
you don’t have to reblog all the posts about politics, the election, the coronavirus outbreak, or really anything else. it’s okay to preserve your fandom spaces for fandom only things. you’re not apathetic or cruel to separate out your spaces. if you find yourself stressing out about what tumblr has to say about these things, get your news from news sources and stick to reblogging beautiful gifs and contributing to meta and recommending mutual pining / fake relationship fics here. it’s okay. it’s natural to need some space to just focus on happiness for a moment. it’s okay. take care of yourselves out there <3
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cathygotlost · 4 years
Some Things from the Official Sonic Movie Novelization
So, I got the novelization of the Sonic movie off Amazon and just wanted to share some things from it that I enjoyed or thought were interesting.
Spoilers below the cut!  If you’ve read the book too, feel free to add on!
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cathygotlost · 4 years
pinkie pills is an adult professional artist who was paid to make official content for a franchise. if it’s lackluster work, it’s lackluster work! it was paid for and published. people doing redraws for fun of her work isn’t gonna hurt her. KIDS doing redraws won’t hurt her. she already lined her pockets for the book, some 14 year old saying like ‘oh i want charlie to look like me :)’ won’t change that 
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cathygotlost · 4 years
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kinda dumb but heres my mlp headcanons!
you can read my garbled text below! sorry its so repetitive lol i kinda rushed it!
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cathygotlost · 4 years
You: Wait.. Why are you here?
Animatronic: Me?! Nothing! I was just- uhhh... Well, you know how I always say- umm... I just, uhh...
Animatronic: I like to watch you sleep sometimes... And by sometimes I mean often.
You: ಠ_ಠ
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